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[1.9-1.10] Global Construction


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1 hour ago, Tonka Crash said:


I've had less than stellar results. Simple items like a stack of batteries worked, but anything like an actual ship has failed miserably for me. I have a ship in construction that when it hits 100% KSP completely locks up. No crash, CPU stays active, but KSP is off in never-never land. I've also had other problems I described a few posts above back in 1.5.1. The mod creator has basically been MIA since October, so I'd look at this one as dead at this time. I'm switching to EPL, at least it's currently active.

what is EPL?

Edited by traisjames
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On 2/4/2019 at 10:08 PM, goldenpsp said:

I'm not the expert, but according to @allista most recent post the last release of the mod is for 1.4.5.  Not sure if there was any issues with the jump from that to 1.6


I am running this version of Global Construction with 1.6.1 and I have not seen any issues.

I made a testbed install to test various MKS/USI mods and construction techniques - here is a list of what I am using:

KSP: 1.6.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.6.2
ClickThroughBlocker -
Toolbar -
USI Tools - 1.1
ToolbarControl -
Action Group Manager - 2.2.4
Bon Voyage - 0.14.3
Community Category Kit - 4.1
Community Resource Pack - 1.1
Crew Light - 1.19
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.10.6933.41006
EditorExtensionsRedux -
Firespitter - 7.12
FuseBoxContinued -
GroundConstruction - 2.2
KAS - 1.1.6876.38030
Kerbal Engineer Redux -
HyperEdit - 1.5.8
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.18.6971.42939
KSP-AVC Plugin -
MechJebForAll -
PartCommanderContinued -
SCANsat -
Surface Mounted Lights - 1.11.6951.3656
ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5.3
Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9.3
USI Core - 1.1
USI Exploration Pack - 1.1
Freight Transport Tech - 1.1
Karbonite - 1.1
Konstruction - 1.1
USI-LS - 1.1
Malemute Rover - 1.1
MKS - 1.1
NuclearRockets - 1.1
Sounding Rockets - 1.1
Waypoint Manager - 2.7.5
OSE Workshop -

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Hey! i have an issu with the ground assembly line in 1.6.1, i can't close it. so i can't build any kit container or else my vessel explode inside. 

i'm using  the lattest version of : 

- mks
- Usi life support
- kos
- mechjeb
- Scan sat 

Edited by kirksland
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8 hours ago, kirksland said:

Hey! i have an issu with the ground assembly line in 1.6.1, i can't close it. so i can't build any kit container or else my vessel explode inside. 

i'm using  the lattest version of : 

- mks
- Usi life support
- kos
- mechjeb
- Scan sat 

Welcome to the forums.

Read this post about submitting problems/issues/bugs.  If you follow this guidance, it'll help those trying to assist you.  I'm not saying you're wrong, but you'd be surprised by the number of times people have said that they have the latest mod versions when they didn't.

Could you describe the process you're trying to follow when you get your problem?  A picture might be a good idea, too.

How did you install the mods, manually or by CKAN?

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Trigonaut said:

All my assembly parts start opened by default, with no way to close them, meaning I can't actually build anything in them. How do I fix that?

Check the presence of "Plugins\001_AnisotropicPartResizer.dll" and "Plugins\PluginData\001_AnisotropicPartResizer\001_AnisotropicPartResizer.glob" in "000_AT_Utils"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/12/2019 at 9:28 PM, kirksland said:

Hey! i have an issu with the ground assembly line in 1.6.1, i can't close it. so i can't build any kit container or else my vessel explode inside. 

i'm using  the lattest version of : 

- mks
- Usi life support
- kos
- mechjeb
- Scan sat 

Have a same problem on ksp 1.5.1.

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5 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

Have a same problem on ksp 1.5.1.

Same answer as several posts above yours (How To Get Support).  The mod author, or wiser users than me, will probably need more information than "it doesn't work".  Do yourself a favour, and help the people trying to help you by providing information related to the problem.

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On 12/29/2016 at 1:32 PM, allista said:

Any stock part, non-stock part, any part that have space for a crew already have the GroundWorkshop module. By default. But some of these parts are simply too small to be effective, so the module switches itself off. Look at the part's tooltip in Editor before considering using it as a workshop.

Is this still the case? I can't see workshop info in tooltips on any part that isn't explicitly a workshop.

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Following up with all the complaints about assembly space not closing and being unable to work with. Installed via CKAN, tried manually. Latest version running 1.6.1. Scoured my KSP.log and there's no exceptions or errors at all. Don't have any other logs other than Kopernicus logs and MM logs which aren't useful, no output log that the How To Get Support thread talks about. The orbital assembly space just doesn't work at all and other people have mentioned the assembly line not working so I think it's safe to say something's busted.

EDIT: Tried a fresh install with only dependencies, Ground Construction and MKS and still not working. Real shame too since author seems gone since October 2018. Guess we'll have to move over to EPL until author returns or someone makes GroundConstruction Continued


Edited by Raccoon
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There are a number of recent posts regarding ground construction difficulty, notably the non-closing door symptom. I too have had this problem, and have found a bandaid approach that has worked, so hope this might be able to help others.



Ground Construction installed as bundled with MKS

Manual install of mods (copying files to GameData) 

KSP version


Ground construction's ground assembly line door is initially open, not closing, and the assembly plant is unable to produce kits.

The proposed fix

Backup your savefiles.

Download GroundConstruction 2.2 from SpaceDock then unzip.

Manually install the relevant folders to the GameData folder, first removing the namesake folders and files that came bundled with MKS

Load up KSP and try your ground assembly line for operation. (I am using a ground assembly line that was launched before the proposed fix was implemented, and it behaves as expected post implementing, despite having existed in the save file before the change).

Limits and tests to date

I have only found this solution recently (last 24hrs) and whilst I have had success in correcting the ground construction problem, I have not yet discovered negative side effects that this solution may bring.

I have managed to get the ground assembly line working, and have successfully gone through the whole (1) build a kit to (2) deploy a kit to (3) launch the constructed kit path. Hence testing is not "robust", but I am posting this now, as I hope that my bandaid fix might help others.

Background to the proposed fix:

Having recently upgraded  to MKS from MKS,  my career save file has finally reached maturity to have a ground assembly line installed at my Munbase. I was having the problem of the ground assembly line door being open initially, and not able to close, nor build kits.

Precedent activity for using non-MKS bundled Ground Construction

When I initially started exploring MKS (circa 0.5 or 0.55) and Ground Construction (initially the MKS bundled version) last year, the loading kit in the SPH/VAB window had a glitch of not being able to select a craft. Whilst trying to problem solve that issue, I found a post (going from memory) from Allista responding to someone with a similar problem which led me to not use the MKS bundled Ground Construction. Upon installing ground construction separately, the problem was resolved.

Homage to RoverDude et.al.

Please read NO disrespect to RoverDude regarding my comments on the bundling of GC in MKS. On the contrary; RoverDude is and his friends are held in high esteem by me. I am a novice offering this "fix" as a workaround I have had success with should people be encountering similar problems. 

To the present issue:

After encountering the ground assembly line not working problem, and previously having success with ground construction from GC2.2, then Seeing RoverDude's comment above,

On 2/5/2019 at 12:17 PM, RoverDude said:

Odd, given the lack of API changes.  

I saw little reason as to why Ground Construction should not work, as my old mod install had been working as KSP versions incremented from 1.4 to the present 1.6. So I took a punt on seeing whether the bundling might be causing grief again. After having installed the folders and files of ground construction 2.2 in the relevant areas of the GameData folder, I have had success in ground assembly line operation.

Thoughts for expanding the bandaid fix to a systemic fix...

Though I do not understand the criteria used in paring down a mod on bundling (I am aware of the integrated space crane being omitted in the MKS bundle), I can only speculate that something else may have been excluded critical to the ground assembly line. I am only a novice, so this line of thought may be completely rubbish too! Again RoverDude et. al. are held in high esteem, and I only provide the above thoughts in case this helps to iron out a wrinkle for future releases of MKS.



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12 hours ago, PotatoAndBeanHarvester said:


Ground construction's ground assembly line door is initially open, not closing, and the assembly plant is unable to produce kits.

This happens because the copy of GC bundled in the latest MKS is missing one file: 000_AT_Utils/Plugins/001_AnisotropicPartResizer.dll.  If you copy that file from the full GC release, it should work.

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1 hour ago, Wyzard said:

This happens because the copy of GC bundled in the latest MKS is missing one file: 000_AT_Utils/Plugins/001_AnisotropicPartResizer.dll.  If you copy that file from the full GC release, it should work.

Thank you very much for your insight Wyzard, that is one of the files that was "extra" in the  GC2.2 (not with MKS) package. Your comment narrows down the field, and sounds like a clue that may also help others with this matter. 

I have (as Username Chempipeline) listed this as an issue at MKS on GitHub, as it appears to be an MKS issue more so than a GC issue.

As people may be coming to GC as that's where the symptom seems to lie, I have put the URL below for following the trail across.


Thanks again!

Edited by PotatoAndBeanHarvester
forgot to confirm the indicated file was an inclusion in the broad fix approach originally indicated
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3 hours ago, Wyzard said:

This happens because the copy of GC bundled in the latest MKS is missing one file: 000_AT_Utils/Plugins/001_AnisotropicPartResizer.dll.  If you copy that file from the full GC release, it should work.

Odd, since I have MKS and GC Core 2.2 installed via CKAN and the above file appears where it's supposed to be.  Is GC Core not the same as GC bundled with MKS?

Edited by Brigadier
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12 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Odd, since I have MKS and GC Core 2.2 installed via CKAN and the above file appears where it's supposed to be.  Is GC Core not the same as GC bundled with MKS? 

CKAN is a different story and I have no idea how things are packaged there.  I'm just talking about the MKS_1.1.0.0.zip file from the MKS GitHub releases page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't get the ground assembly line working, I'm using the latest version of MKS, and it keeps telling me to close the assembly space first. I tried to hit the close button, but it doesn't work. Any clue I what I should do?


Edit: I just saw some other post about this, I'll try that.

Edited by CdRKerbal
Didn't see the other post
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