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[KSP 1.10.1] Destruction Effects v1.12.0 (09/23/20)


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This mod adds flames and smoke to certain parts' joint break event.

At the moment, these parts include:

-anything with "wing" in the name

-anything with "fuselage" in the name

-anything with fuel or oxidizer as resources.


Download from GitHub


License: CC0

Author: @BahamutoD

Contributors: @jrodriguez @SpannerMonkey(smce)

Video by Space Scumbag:

Edited by jrodriguez
version update 1.12
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19 minutes ago, Benji13 said:

Does this add effects to mod parts as well?

Hi the mod adds FX to any part stock or mod that is not on the hard coded exceptions list,  FX is added on any joint break  ,so yes mod parts explode and burn

Some examples below









Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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Would it be possible to make the effect duration adjustable? I would prefer it to be much shorter, as I have a lot of other effects going as well, and it gets a little nuts sometimes. I saw in the change log that the duration was doubled a few versions ago...

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18 hours ago, SpaceBadger007 said:

Does this also add sparks when colliding into the ground?

No, that is Collision FX. Check the thread for downloads, there are lots of steps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks.

I got into retexturing @SpannerMonkey(smce)'s flame effect by using his textures from SM Marine (With his premission, I guess I could send it to the devs.) The smoke is now more visible, making the effect look nicer. There is no lag at all.However, the smoke looks a bit square-ish because of how @SpannerMonkey(smce) modeled the effect.

Overall, it's pretty good I guess. The model could use some work though,

I'll upload a pic soon.

Edited by Murican_Jeb
Fixed and added some stuff to make the post more understandable.
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10 minutes ago, Murican_Jeb said:

smoke looks a bit square-ish because of

The way the texture and the settings for the particle emitter have to adjusted together, every smoke texture or flame texture is slightly different in the alpha, some textures are a lot more transparent than others,  but even a little bit will make a difference, the particle animation color transparency is the hardest thing to get just right  and takes dozens of tries usually. The chances of you hitting the right alpha so that you don't see the particle edges without using unity are about the same a me winning the lottery . 

Though with this sudden flurry of releases, there's still more yet, but I'll have time to have another go at this but using the U5 particles instead which although behave differently are slightly more consistent

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9 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

The way the texture and the settings for the particle emitter have to adjusted together, every smoke texture or flame texture is slightly different in the alpha, some textures are a lot more transparent than others,  but even a little bit will make a difference, the particle animation color transparency is the hardest thing to get just right  and takes dozens of tries usually. The chances of you hitting the right alpha so that you don't see the particle edges without using unity are about the same a me winning the lottery . 

Yeah, texturing is probaly the most hardest thing in modding, esspecialy if you are new to modding like me.


Also, I noticed that not many people know about this anymore. There isn't much activity and stuff. Is that a problem?

Also, I'm gonna try to make my own FX without using your textures. (Because just using someone elses textures doesn't show any skill at all.)

Edited by Murican_Jeb
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Just now, Murican_Jeb said:

There isn't much activity and stuff. Is that a problem?

YES...... Way back when i started modding here in 2013 there seemed to be a lot more interaction

That said it's always been a case of work it out for yourself, especially when it comes to the more unusual areas, like this one and wheels.

A lot of what you read elsewhere doesn't really apply well to KSP either  and following a tutorial for making flames for unity will give you something in KSP that looks like it was created by a 3 year old with a box of crayons and a flip pad. Well maybe not that bad but you'll be a good way from getting it right in game.  These feeble attempts of mine are probably the results of well over 100 exports and tests, and probably a week of messing around backwards and forwards between the game and unity. And yet the latest FX  I've done for the guns have come out better than ever, so in time these'll likely be better too.

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8 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

A lot of what you read elsewhere doesn't really apply well to KSP either  and following a tutorial for making flames for unity will give you something in KSP that looks like it was created by a 3 year old with a box of crayons and a flip pad. Well maybe not that bad but you'll be a good way from getting it right in game.


Yeah, modding is really hard, even if you gave me a 48 hour tutorial that explain EVERYTHING, I'm gonna be like:


Btw, flame effect is coming along nicley, I just need to texture the smoke and then I'll test.

Edited by Murican_Jeb
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Well my flame effect didn't turn out great looks like  3 year old crayon drawing, maybe worse. BUT I found out more on how exactly it works.

I'm gonna try your original effects for DFX and tinker with them.

Please stand by.


And encase you are wondering what "it" looked like:

25AC3154624562FB75AD73E197B82A3027860C50 (1280×1024)

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14 hours ago, Errol said:

Does anyone have any ideas about decreasing effect duration?

Ping: @jrodriguez, @SpannerMonkey(smce)

Hi its not something that can be done in a cfg or a patch, the values for emission and duration are hard coded , the DE is not a full part module and in some respects this limits it's versatility

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