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Ultimate Steve

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37 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

So, you should better cut out it from a paper and compare its weight with the weight of a paper square.

Here's what I did:

At each iteration, I turn 1 piece into 4 identical pieces, each one is 1/3 of the length of the previous. The number of sides after n iterations is thus 4n.
Also, at each iteration I add triangles to all 4n sides. Each one is 1/9 of the previous triangles in terms of area. The total area is thus 1 + 4/9 + (4/9)2 + (4/9)3+ ... + (4/9)n

So after infinitely many terms it should be equal to 1/(1-4/9) = 1/(5/9) = 9/5.

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I bought a book about C a few weeks ago. Now I finally got around to read the first few (4) chapters of it. 3 chapters per day seems like a good pace to me.

Some things are a bit unclear to me, though, but I hope that will be cleared up once I'm further into the book. But I think I understand the majority of the chapters.

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Those hand warmer packets are UNLIMITED POWEEERRRRR! I was outside stargazing for like an hour in about 4 degrees Fahrenheit and my hands were sustainably warm. The stars were very clear, and I had an exceptional, almost dreamlike view of the Orion Nebula in my telescope.

I got ahold of a sort of galaxy in a ball - a glass sphere with a map of the Milky Way laser-etched into it. I found our approximate location on the map, and from this could also visualize other parts of the galaxy in the sky.

I also saw First Man, and really enjoyed it. For a space movie, they did an extremely good job with scientific accuracy - the errors are all very nitpicky to recount. Even the landscape the LM flew over during the final descent was akin to the real one.

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

got ahold of a sort of galaxy in a ball - a glass sphere with a map of the Milky Way laser-etched into it. I found our approximate location on the map, and from this could also visualize other parts of the galaxy in the sky.

Now you need a celestially named cat to carry it around on its collar... and whatever you do, stay away from any place that sells peroshki. :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Now you need a celestially named cat to carry it around on its collar... and whatever you do, stay away from any place that sells peroshki. :ph34r:

and then arbitrarily call said collar a belt? o_O

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13 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Now you need a celestially named cat to carry it around on its collar... and whatever you do, stay away from any place that sells peroshki. :ph34r:

Not getting a tiger that can carry a ~4 inch glass sphere around like that, sorry. I'm probably more likely to get a scorpion than a housecat, although I do like cats a fair bit.

For me to get any pet now I must consider a certain two year long trip I want to take sometime in the next 10-20 years...an arachnid is happy if it gets its cricket every week, a cat not so much...

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56 minutes ago, cubinator said:

Not getting a tiger that can carry a ~4 inch glass sphere around like that, sorry. I'm probably more likely to get a scorpion than a housecat, although I do like cats a fair bit.

For me to get any pet now I must consider a certain two year long trip I want to take sometime in the next 10-20 years...an arachnid is happy if it gets its cricket every week, a cat not so much...

How about a pet rock?

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I'm not sure why, but I think the dutch have the most diverse taste for music. Been listening to their radio and it's not just the "top of the charts" all day.

On 1/2/2019 at 9:58 AM, cubinator said:

galaxy in a ball


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10 hours ago, qzgy said:

How about a pet rock?

I remember when they first came out.  People laughed.  Even though it was a short-lived 'hit', the guy who dreamed it up laughed all the way to the bank (millionaire).  Talk about timing.


Gary Dahl. RIP

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I had an incident that made me think yet again that I'm in some kind of Truman show.

Brief backstory:

  • In April of 2017 I purchased my 4th 3D printer.  This was a version 2 of my first one, which was acquired about a year prior.
  • As was common on these printers, the bed thermistor died just a few prints in.  Since I'm not going to RMA a brand new printer and be without it for two weeks just to possibly receive a refurb in its place all over 2 minutes of soldering and a $0.40 part, I grabbed a 10 pack of thermistors on eBay for practically nothing and replaced it myself.  Still going strong.  However, I somehow lost 8 of the remaining 9.

Fast forward to a few days ago, after a few days of heavy printing on my first machine, I had to re-flatten the bed.  Pretty common, have done it dozens of times.  Well, in that process I managed to finally kill the thermistor on that machine.  I replaced it with the one remaining one I had, and since I was now out with no clue where those 8 were, I ordered another 10 pack.

Yesterday I grabbed some plastic bags out of my stash to deal with the litter boxes.  Just a stash of constantly replenished walmart bags.  However this time I noticed something was in one of them.

I pulled out a small ziplock bag.

Of 8 thermistors.


I haven't seen these stupid things for over a year and a half, considered them lost a long time ago, and they magically show up in the weirdest place possible just days after I finally replaced them.

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18 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

haven't seen these stupid things for over a year and a half, considered them lost a long time ago, and they magically show up in the weirdest place possible just days after I finally replaced them.

They’ve been conspiring with the dryer socks. :ph34r: Hide your skivvies, beware of gnomes...

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Went for a drive in my friend's Model 3.


The BMW is sport mode is incredibly sluggish by comparison. The Model 3 made me feel like I might have heart problems in acceleration it was that fast (I don't ;) ).

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2 minutes ago, tater said:

Went for a drive in my firend's Model 3.


The BMW is sport mode is incredibly sluggish by comparison. The Model 3 made me feel like I might have heart problems in acceleration it was that fast (I don't ;) ).

[jealousy intensifies]

Was this the two-motor performance model or the “base” version?

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Had the family over for dinner. Usually we go to my in-laws, but there was originally gonna be a bachelor (me, son, father in law) dinner as wife, daughter and grandmother were to go somewhere with another set of same (friend/daughter/her mother).

Anyway, ended up being 8 of us here. Did a homage to Tony Bourdain from his Les Halles cookbook. Steak au poivre, mushroom soup, my son made frittes, I threw in some roasted Brussels sprouts for something green, my wife made a bourdain chocolate mousse, washed it down with a "who's your daddy?" cab after we toasted Mr. Bourdain.

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Turns out buying a house is totally different from buying anything else in your life.

FunFact - newly built developments in London rarely come with parking. Not surprising, its London, space is a premium. But if you are in a new-build you are also ineligible to apply for a council parking permit (available to anyone else in any other kind of property, or any renter) which just seems deliberately cruel.

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5 hours ago, p1t1o said:

Turns out buying a house is totally different from buying anything else in your life.

Oh yes, it is. I did this relatively early in life and it was the step towards independence. Much more like the first refridgerator, the first car, partner, ...

Since then, each time when i moved, i made a little plus when i sold the old house and bought a new one in the place where i moved to. Fridges, cars, girls came and went, but now i always have that space where i can retreat and do what i want without bothering anyone or being bothered by the ones over my head. Very satisfying :-)

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