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Ultimate Steve

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  On 1/21/2018 at 3:33 AM, Just Jim said:

Rats, I can't find the link now... but this might interest my friend @ZooNamedGames as well, because it's closer to him than me...

Anyway, I read this afternoon some A-10 Warthogs are going to be our area (McDill AFB) for the next few weeks doing refueling maneuvers!!!  Man, I used to watch those all the time when I was in Germany.... There is no more BadS plane than a warthog!!!  I really hope they fly us over at least once!!!



I'll have to keep a look out then! Ought to be interesting.

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  On 1/22/2018 at 9:26 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

I'll have to keep a look out then! Ought to be interesting.


It was on one of the local news websites... I'm not sure which off hand... But you're closer than me, so hopefully you'll get lucky.

One thing, you'll hear them long before you see them, they have a really unique scream, especially when they pass overhead and do the Doppler thing... You'll know it the instant you hear it, and never, ever forget after.

I used to get to watch them at a training ground named Grafenwoehr, in Germany, when I was in the Army. If you were on one of the good firing ranges, with a decent hill or slope behind it, you could look out over the impact area and see them in action just a couple miles away... It was insane!!!

Here's a great video, especially the sound.

I hope you get to see them... and a few wander up this way!!!  

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  On 1/23/2018 at 1:59 PM, Just Jim said:

It was on one of the local news websites... I'm not sure which off hand... But you're closer than me, so hopefully you'll get lucky.

One thing, you'll hear them long before you see them, they have a really unique scream, especially when they pass overhead and do the Doppler thing... You'll know it the instant you hear it, and never, ever forget after.

I used to get to watch them at a training ground named Grafenwoehr, in Germany, when I was in the Army. If you were on one of the good firing ranges, with a decent hill or slope behind it, you could look out over the impact area and see them in action just a couple miles away... It was insane!!!

Here's a great video, especially the sound.

I hope you get to see them... and a few wander up this way!!!  


I'll definitely have to keep an ear out! About a week ago another aircraft came blasting overhead (least based on sound). Being nearby a developing airport, I hear light cessnas jets and Pipers and Cessna 172s all the time; whatever flew over a little over a week ago, was none of the above. It was loud and it was low (not mach though). I don't know if it was a Warthog, but it won't stop me from paying more attention!

That said, my dad told me about how when he was in his 20s and he would be driving up to Yeehaw Junction and it was near McDill (I believe), and according to him, the airspace about that road is (or was) restricted airspace as there was a bombing range just beyond the road. So F-16s would scream overhead just above the telephone poles and cross the horizon from one to the other in a matter of seconds. Least according to him.

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We have a test-only week. This means shool starts late and ends early, this also means i have no school tomorrow.

All the test i have are listen/watch/read kinda tests so i don't have to learn much. Im going to make spicy Dolan Dark styled memes tomorrow.

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I found out today that the transfer station (read: dump) near my work takes electronic waste for free. This is the first time that I've had a facility near me that offers such an opportunity. They should stand by, since I am pretty sure that I can fill the bed of my pickup truck with the electronic waste that has been accumulating in my house over the last fifteen years or so.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:43 PM, TheSaint said:

I found out today that the transfer station (read: dump) near my work takes electronic waste for free. This is the first time that I've had a facility near me that offers such an opportunity. They should stand by, since I am pretty sure that I can fill the bed of my pickup truck with the electronic waste that has been accumulating in my house over the last fifteen years or so.


I actually sold a paper case box of good power converters on Ebay. You know, those converters that come with electronic gizmos which always last longer than what they provide power for? Anyway, sold 27 pounds of them for $60.00. There is a market for some of that old junk.


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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:47 PM, adsii1970 said:

I actually sold a paper case box of good power converters on Ebay. You know, those converters that come with electronic gizmos which always last longer than what they provide power for? Anyway, sold 27 pounds of them for $60.00. There is a market for some of that old junk.


Most of this stuff wouldn't be worth anyone's time. At least four ancient computers with dead power supplies, ancient and/or dead motherboards and components, four (4) ancient DirecTV Tivos (EBay purchase for hare-brained idea that never came to fruition, don't ask), two dead laptops, a couple of dead routers, etc. No monitors, actually. The last time I got rid of a monitor it was so long ago it was a CRT. :D I think I wound up donating that to a school around 2003 or so.

We're fixers and keepers, we don't throw anything away unless it is truly useless.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 8:03 PM, TheSaint said:

We're fixers and keepers, we don't throw anything away unless it is truly useless.


Same here - there are things we have that would probably pass as "antique." I still have a portable 3.5 floppy drive (and discs for it) and even a ZipDrive (I still have SPSS data files from graduate school on one of the discs). I also recently threw away a shoebox full of 5.25 floppy discs, some were still in their plastic wrap...

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  On 1/23/2018 at 7:47 PM, adsii1970 said:

I actually sold a paper case box of good power converters on Ebay. You know, those converters that come with electronic gizmos which always last longer than what they provide power for? Anyway, sold 27 pounds of them for $60.00. There is a market for some of that old junk.



Shoulda taken them over to Toshi station, those moisture farm boys love them power converters. :wink:

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I discovered https://letsrobot.tv/.  Its a site that lets you control robots around the world for free.  I got stuck on a chair and asked for help.  The chat said someone was coming to get me.  I waited for a human to pick me up so I could continue driving.  Then my robot was dislodged, I spun around, and- it wasn't a human who saved me, but another internet controlled robot!  

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I just thought up a music video concept for Pink Floyd's Echoes... It'd be about an ocean under the surface of Europa. There's a lot of ocean themes in the song... I know this doesn't sound that cool, but I would enjoy it a whole lot. It'd be 24 minutes long, though. Check out the lyrics: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/pinkfloyd/echoes.html

So, what if there's an opening that's similar to the "Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite" sequence, although only really the Jupiter part, with a spacecraft called the "Albatross" in orbit of Europa...

Or we could relate the oceans of Earth to the possible ocean of Europa. The opening would be Earth's oceans and then, through a space scene, we get to  Europa's oceans, or something like that. Artistic license will be needed, though.

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Got this thing for $50. Apparently, my friend was cleaning out some guys garage and found it lying around. After basketball practice, I got in his truck, saw the paper, bartered for a bit, and boom, July 21st, 1969 edition paper!



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  On 1/30/2018 at 12:47 AM, DarkOwl57 said:

Got this thing for $50. Apparently, my friend was cleaning out some guys garage and found it lying around. After basketball practice, I got in his truck, saw the paper, bartered for a bit, and boom, July 21st, 1969 edition paper!




That is a really good find, nice work!

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I haven't been able to sleep good the last three days... blehhh.... :P

And I finally think I know why. My next door neighbors got a new AC/heating unit! Seriously. Their old unit has been messed up for as long as I can remember, and finally... finally... after years of breaking down, and neighbor after neighbor having it fixed, 3 days ago they ripped the whole thing out and installed a new, beautiful one.

And I think the reason I can't sleep is it's just too quiet!!!  I'm used to the old clunker outside my bedroom window... but now, nothing.

I'm not complaining... I'm super glad they have one that finally works, especially during the cold snap.

But it's one of those weird things I have to re-adjust to... :confused:

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So this week our school is having something called a Projectweek

We are having people come over and tell us as a class about things that have to do with "safety"

Most at the time its just people talking about all sorts of death, and how to avoid it. Yeah, its not that much fun.

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  On 1/30/2018 at 5:32 PM, NSEP said:

Most at the time its just people talking about all sorts of death, and how to avoid it


"Now, boys and girls, remember, when you see the Red Light, that means No Crossing, okay? Green Light is good, but Red Light? That means you staaaaaay."

"Um, excuse me but please don't talk to us as if we were in kinder - "

"'Now lets talk about the dangers of blowing balloons! Did you know that you can choke on the - "

I actually had one of these talks in grade 7. Mostly centered around 'street safety.' :P

I mean, I get that safety is important and everything, but did a class of 12 year old kids really need to be lectured on how to cross a street? :D

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