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Deinstall Stylish-Addon


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After the upgrade of the forum software some people (including me) used the stylish addon to improve the forums visuals. Apparently the addon-developer (not the style creator) started selling "anonymos" usage data, after recent scandals we know for sure those data is about as anonymos as you name, adress and phone number combined.

So i strongly recommend to uninstall the addon on the spot fi you dont want your private personal habits being combined with your facebook profile...

Im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but in "Kerbal Network" few would have seen it besides the mods.

Source (in german): https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Browser-Add-On-Stylish-laesst-Nutzerdaten-sammeln-3585601.html

I would write a more detailed post, but its 02:30 here and i should sleep...

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A more in-depth article in English:


Seems so far, ONLY Chrome has gotten an update that includes the new data collection...Firefox, Safari, Opera have not yet...

Privacy Policy seems pretty standard, and not much different than the thousands of other websites/companies out there doing data collection...
And there IS an opt-out...


Edited by Stone Blue
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1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...And there IS an opt-out...

@op the soll opt out to internet is fallout or mad max imho ^^ they sell user data and then what ? you're not immun to that yet ? anithing you do you feel hiding to others, you feel some shame about something ? if you have nothing to hide, what's the matter sharing data ? also people having a lot of data, doesn't mean at all they will get the result they expect with them ^^

& anyway aside "god" the dog wich is always in you mind who can access everithing without any single hack ?

story telling lvl very low low low

(forgive the irony and nothing personnal) 

also this data selling system exageration the last 20years, tend to fall and collapse on itself all by itself, this is also another layers where it's even more ironic
; and what are data provider, basically, lotery ticket provider ^^

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
balablabla no politics .... #yawn
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6 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

A more in-depth article in English:


Seems so far, ONLY Chrome has gotten an update that includes the new data collection...Firefox, Safari, Opera have not yet...

Privacy Policy seems pretty standard, and not much different than the thousands of other websites/companies out there doing data collection...
And there IS an opt-out...


It collects visited webpages, which is more or less the worst that can happen. Compared to normal websites the tracking doesnt stop at closing of the tabs (at least when blocking cookies etc.) but follows you even to private mode.

No idea if that made news in other countrys, but a few months ago there was a scandal due to another plugin collecting visited websites:

Journalists posed as data traders and tried to get "anonymous" data from one of all the commerical sources. Someone even gave them a free "sample", including millions of visited websites. From those websites it was extremly easy to deanonymise the users, e.g. through which twitter account people logged into or due to more complicated means. It enabled those jornalists to link e.g. a judge to his very private interests or a police officer to his investigations, you dont need much fantasy to imagine the possible damage due to blackmail...

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@Elthy I'm not disagreeing with you... just promoting discussion & research, before having knee-jerk reactions....

Reading thru the Stylish forums, specifically the Announcement & Update threads, there's been very little mention anywhere of exactly how far the data collection goes...

Again, one thing seems sure, its ONLY the Chrome version so far that includes the data collection... I guess its the only version thats been updated since the "new" owner took over, and got in bed with SimilarWeb...

Other browser users should be able to go to the Extension settings, and turn off auto update for the extension, to keep using the older version... (I know you can in FF)

Also, I came across this possible alternative (at least for FF users):


And if Stylish does continue persuing nefarious data-collection practices, I'm sure there will soon be other forks popping up without all the analytics...

Not to mention, I'm sure (at least Mozilla), will remove it from their approved list/site of addons...

So I just disabled Stylish, till further clarity comes to this privacy issue, and I transferred all my styles over to StyleRRR

Seems to work just as well as Stylish... at least as far as basic functionality, without any Stylish-specific bells & whistles.

Its pretty simple to install the same styles Stylish uses, right from the userstyles.org site :D


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it's about age tech transition rate // socio-psycho habits, get used to it or go fallout imho, i m not convinced all the wars/conflicts that happened between -50 000 years ago, and tommorow will have/had happened if google traduction was there worldwide since -50 000 for every biped.

now yup due to legacy over ages with have ugly habits deeply socio-psycho binded ... but thing chnage, sometime faster sometime slowly
(see also knowledge over generation and neuronal scheme for each individual from elder to younger)

just my 2cp about it, and i won't argue much more around the said topics. this is a very lite version of what i have in mind, not to get in ruled waring/ban thingies "again", you can watch the world/unvierse between your life span limitation, or watch it between larger time interval regardless of your ownself

moslty the difference between "hhahahaha i can rule everithing whatever" and "hum whatever i m part of something bigger, i should stay humble about it"

(when you can stand this topics, it's basically because you abuse it, don't whine about it assume it for what it is it's more and more trnasparent for everyone each days lately + it escalte so often to bloodbath at large scale that's it's moderated on many internet place https://playoverwatch.com/ as a word association pun)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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