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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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Great mod!  Quick question:  is there any way to get MKS and Station Science (Found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154629-122-station-science-continued-v212/) to play a bit more nicely together?  The problem is that only actual "scientist" kerbals can perform research in lab parts from Station Science (the Zoology Bay and the Science Lab) while other sciency kerbals (like biologists and geologist) do nothing.  It seems to me that a biologist should be able to work in an orbital Zoology lab... Thanks in advance.


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3 hours ago, voicey99 said:

Also been looking through some more parts, and I noticed the ME-100 doesn't have a configuration for ore (but its automated counterpart does). Unless this is intentional, I'll add it to the list in PR #1176.

It's probably intentional, since you have the stock drills for ore, but they require an engineer just like the MEU-100 and the MEU-500. For the automated version there's no stock equivalent though.

However the ISM could use an ore separator, although I can't imagine when you'd ever need that much ore...

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20 minutes ago, Udeis said:

Great mod!  Quick question:  is there any way to get MKS and Station Science (Found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154629-122-station-science-continued-v212/) to play a bit more nicely together?  The problem is that only actual "scientist" kerbals can perform research in lab parts from Station Science (the Zoology Bay and the Science Lab) while other sciency kerbals (like biologists and geologist) do nothing.  It seems to me that a biologist should be able to work in an orbital Zoology lab... Thanks in advance.

MKS intentionally doesn't make biologists and such "full" scientists that can crew a lab. On the one hand they're too cheap, and on the other too specialized I guess.

However you could probably make an MM patch to apply when both mods are active, which changes the "requiredTrait = Scientist" for the labs to "Biologist". But then regular scientists wouldn't be able to work in it anymore.

The better solution would be to get tomf to change the mod so that it can accept multiple professions or traits. Also it would ideally go by experience traits (skills, i.e. BotanySkill for MKS biologists and ScienceSkill for stock scientists), and not professions directly. This only really made a difference since MKS invented the new professions, so the distinction isn't very widely appreciated yet.

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41 minutes ago, jd284 said:

It's probably intentional, since you have the stock drills for ore, but they require an engineer just like the MEU-100 and the MEU-500. For the automated version there's no stock equivalent though.

However the ISM could use an ore separator, although I can't imagine when you'd ever need that much ore...

Having an ore separator on the MKS drills would be very helpful since it would mean you don't have to bring along one drill for ore and one for everything else, and can switch from ore to something else on the fly. Maybe give them an ore separator, but nerf the production on it to balance it vs the dedicated ore drills. For example, if the MEU-500 had an ore separator with a base efficiency of 30%, having all 3 bays set to Ore would produce a grand total of 1.8 ore/sec (assuming 100% conc) as compared to the DOM's 2.25/sec-i.e. it can do the job, but lower efficiency, higher heat production, higher weight and significantly higher energy consumption are a price to pay for its versatility. RD created the vanilla drills, so I guess it's up to him as to whether he considers that balanced or not.

And @jd284 Could you not just add this to Biologist's section of Kolonists.cfg (unless SS specifically demands a scientist)?


        name = ScienceSkill

        name = SpecialExperimentSkill


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7 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

Could someone tell me what I can have an engineer change on a Tunda Agri Mod that is currently doing Culivate (S) so that I can start recycling / converting mulch to supplies?

KSPedia has it, albeit it takes some reading.  Another way is to just hop in the VAB and look at the labels on the part for each converter type.

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17 minutes ago, Terwin said:

Agriponics is mulch+fertilizer-> supplies.

See https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/wiki/Parts:-Converters#agroponics

I suppose I am just dumb, but that doesn't help when I look at the Tunda, Agi Mod and I have Cultivate , Cultivate [D], Agriculture , Agriculture [D], Agroponics.

So, since I don't wanna use either Dirt or Substrate, I would pick just simply change to Agroponics?

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1 hour ago, gamerscircle said:

Could someone tell me what I can have an engineer change on a Tunda Agri Mod that is currently doing Culivate (S) so that I can start recycling / converting mulch to supplies?

Try this post over in USI-LS


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16 minutes ago, WuphonsReach said:

Try this post over in USI-LS


Perhaps I worded the question incorrectly and the forums BB coding messed up my original post.

Tunda Agri Mod that is currently doing Culivate 

So it is making supplies from Substrate, Water and Fertilizer.  Yes?  I also understand that I can do the [D] swapping out Dirt instead of Substrate. [ aka Culivate [D] ]

By using an 'engineer' to change the bay to just Agroponics would be Mulch and Fertilizer?  Is that correct?

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Check the table below the "The following table shows how they compare. Numbers are in units per hour." line here.
I think it's "Agroponics" what you want/need. Cause the output is 15, while in the cultivator mode its only 1 or 2. See the info in that linked table. 

EDIT: Trying to paste it here:

Agriculture Module	Converter		Supplies Out	EC	Machinery	Water	Fertilizer	Mulch	Dirt	Substrate
Tundra(3.75m)		Agroponics		14.85		29,700	0.0283		0.00	1.350		13.50	0.00	0.00
Tundra(3.75m)		Cultivator(D)		1.13		57,960	0.0283		28.35	0.113		0.00	28.35	0.00
Tundra(3.75m)		Cultivator(S)		2.66		33,120	0.0283		26.64	0.267		0.00	0.00	26.64


Edited by Jebs_SY
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@gamerscircle - once you figure out which converter you want, take an engineer on EVA to the module.  There will be options to cycle through next/previous converters.  As you do that you will see the swap option change (that's the one that says something like 'Agroponics=>Cultivator(D)'.

When you click on that button, it charges you a quantity of specialized parts, material kits, and EC to handle the conversion.  So make sure you only use that button once it is dialed into the new converter that you want (i.e. don't use that to cycle through options!)

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38 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

@gamerscircle - once you figure out which converter you want, take an engineer on EVA to the module.  There will be options to cycle through next/previous converters.  As you do that you will see the swap option change (that's the one that says something like 'Agroponics=>Cultivator(D)'.

When you click on that button, it charges you a quantity of specialized parts, material kits, and EC to handle the conversion.  So make sure you only use that button once it is dialed into the new converter that you want (i.e. don't use that to cycle through options!)

I think I was on the correct path, I guess I just couldn't explain it correctly:  


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@RoverDude I think that perhaps the KA-400LA and KA-800LA Low Altitude Scoops from Karbonite have not had the IntakeAtm updated for the current KSP atmosphere model. Could that be right? It seems that the Karbonite jet engines become starved for air intake at altitudes/pressures too low for Duna flight. Perhaps this was intended? I once (KSP v0.9?) enjoyed flying Duna on Karbonite. (Sorry if you have started a new Karbonite thread somewhere)

Edited by Kaa253
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On 27/2/2017 at 7:29 PM, Shawarmakriger said:

So the Karbonite/K+ thread died in the purge, yes?

I'm having an issue with mining Karborundum on Eve, since the abundance is so low, my drills are running into the problem of it being too low to mine - even when I manually edit the abundance in the CRP files.

Is there a way of editing the minimum amount for the drills to mine? I imagine I won't find an abundance much higher than this anywhere else on Eve.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask for help, maybe there will be a new Karbonite/K+ thread up soon.

My miner:

  Reveal hidden contents





Sorry to "necro", I just don't really feel like I got a solution to my problem. I've mined karborundum on Eve before with no problems (although slowly of course), but this time around (in 1.2.2) I get the "nothing to harvest" message.

If this is an issue that's being looked into, I'll wait of course, but if my miner won't be able to mine karborundum anywhere on Eve, I'll have to find another way to get it.

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5 minutes ago, Shawarmakriger said:

Sorry to "necro", I just don't really feel like I got a solution to my problem. I've mined karborundum on Eve before with no problems (although slowly of course), but this time around (in 1.2.2) I get the "nothing to harvest" message.

If this is an issue that's being looked into, I'll wait of course, but if my miner won't be able to mine karborundum anywhere on Eve, I'll have to find another way to get it.

If you insist on getting it looked at, then log an issue on the Karbonite git. Is it the same all over the biome, or does Karborundum concentration drop to zero in just that one spot (as it will vary over the biome)?

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Just now, voicey99 said:

If you insist on getting it looked at, then log an issue on the Karbonite git. Is it the same all over the biome, or does Karborundum concentration drop to zero in just that one spot (as it will vary over the biome)?

It's not dropping to zero, it's just very low, exactly as it has always been, at least for me. You can see it in the screenshot, 0.0040% concentration. I have previously mined karborundum with a similarly low concentration, I was just wondering why it wasn't working for me now.

Anyways, I'll log a github issue, hopefully that'll help :)

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1 minute ago, Shawarmakriger said:

It's not dropping to zero, it's just very low, exactly as it has always been, at least for me. You can see it in the screenshot, 0.0040% concentration.

The scanner says 0.0040% avg. That *might* be the average for the biome, not accounting for local variations.

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Yay! Kerbal babies! Wait... Kerbabies!

Just don't IVA when kerbals are making Kerbabies :o

And no, I'm not so stupid as to think it was added to the IVAs. Mind you, Kerbal reproduction probably involves the kerbals poking some scientific gene cloning and mixing machine and the baby probably comes out of the scientific 3D printer with its clothes on. But... But don't risk it  :wink:

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7 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

Woohoo, I'm self-sufficient!! Pics in a day or two.

Now I have a question though: is it possible yet to create DYI-Kits in the field, or do I have to ship them for now?

As of now you have to import them from Kerbin but DIYK production is coming relatively soon-ish(honest guv!).


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16 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

Woohoo, I'm self-sufficient!! Pics in a day or two.

Now I have a question though: is it possible yet to create DYI-Kits in the field, or do I have to ship them for now?

Currently EL is the only way to make DIY kits in the field, but a USI/GC method is on the road-map.

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On 1/24/2017 at 1:30 AM, baldamundo said:

For some reason I can't change the contents of modules in the VAB. I click the "next config" button and nothing happens but I get log spam of

[EXC 09:23:24.488] StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.PrevSetup ()

with the last line repeated almost a thousand times.

Will try reinstalling. Installed it via CKAN the first time if that matters. Am running a whole bunch of mods so could be some sort of conflict?

Did you ever find a fix for this? I'm running into the same problem right now.

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Hello, I am currently have issues with food production on my base, I have and engineer and scientist on the base but with Cultivate S on both the duna model and the pop up green house but I only get 5% efficiency. Does it only work well when I have a botinist or farmer or is there more to it? both modules have full machinery and resources available to produce stuff.

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