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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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Hi, I was looking for MKS-lite, since I'd like some of the parts but not the gameplay mechanics of this mod, but it's discountinued and the thread said this

The functionality of MKS-Lite will be rolled into the main MKS mod as a config option once some of the collective dust settles.


Has that been done already? Or can I just download this mod, remove everything that isn't a part and that should do it (or would it simply make a mess)?

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2 hours ago, FirroSeranel said:

Okay, it did it again, this time with a normal Decouple. This is the exact same craft design as the other arms I've already docked, just with the workshop flipped, and the types of containers switched around... so I'm very confused. Any ideas?

Turns out it's measuring from the construction port at the other end of the craft... :( Why would it be doing that? Nothing I can do seems to change its mind.

Can I re-root the craft by hand in the save?

Or... if I take it apart piece by piece and install it on the base by hand... will the meshes correct themselves on a scene change?

Did you try pulling off the other construction port? Dock and weld it while it only has one port, then put the other back on?

Another option is cheating your KIS config to let kerbals lift umpteen tons and KIS-attaching it.

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3 hours ago, Tomycj said:

Hello, I need some help with the kolonization of Mun, I have an almost self sustaining base and I'm trying to get the 500% kolonization bonus (infinite home time). Ok, here I go (bad english alert):

Does PL currently work between crafts in orbit and landed ones? Do both craft count for increasing the kolonization %?

Do only pilots counts for increasing that % or are some others that help? Does the % Increase only over time or it will instantly increase if I carry there a lot of crew? Does it increase faster the more crew I have on the planet? Do I need a specific module to make the crew count towards this %? . How much crew would I need aprox. to colonize Mun in like a year or so? Do other planets have different % increase rates?

Also, wich modules are recommended for a big supply production plant? Wich ones for holding large ammounts of crew? The inflatabe agroponics seems to have the fastest production rate, and the stock utility hitchhiker seems to be more efficient than even the hab. ring...

I've been looking for info in the wiki and other tutorials, but I'm not sure if the info is updated or I couldn't find very much of it. Thanks a lot beforehands for your help!

the Wiki is very extensive, it will answer most of your questions:


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I'm trying to find information on resource lodes (what are they and how to use them), but the only thing I was able to find on the wiki is " Resource Lodes (coming in the next update) are the exception, in that they represent almost pure deposits (i.e. you are actively seeking and retrieving these vastly superior chunks vs. passively pulling stuff out of rocks) ".

Are they implemented already? what am I supposed to do with them ? 

Thank you.

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28 minutes ago, Noobton said:

Are they implemented already? what am I supposed to do with them ? 

Thank you.

Yes they are.

You have some Options to find them. Some central colonisation hoobs like Logistik have this Option "Search for ressource Lodes", mostly the hoobs with the KerbNet Acess, or the big Ressource Scanner get a use after the orbital Ressource Scan (he must go in lower orbit for it and you get the Info how deep after try to scan). And here Starts the fun. Like in the prophet and mountain Story. Your Sifters (Look wiki and the Part Data at VAB/SPH) are able to absorb the mass. Your chalenge is to decide. Bring i the Lode in the base or i send a spezialised Vehikel and prozess the stone at place.

Edited by Urses
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4 minutes ago, Urses said:

Yes they are.

You have some Options to find them. Some central colonisation hoobs like Logistik have this Option "Search for ressource Lodes", mostly the hoobs with the KerbNet Acess, or the big Ressource Scanner get a use after the orbital Ressource Scan (he must go in lower orbit for it and you get the Info how deep after try to scan). And here Starts the fun. Like in the prophet and mountain Story. Your Sifters (Look wiki and the Part Data at VAB/SPH) are able to absorb the mass. Your chalenge is to decide. Bring i the Lode in the base or i send a spezialised Vehikel and prozess the stone at place.

sounds like fun, thanks!

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54 minutes ago, Noobton said:

I'm trying to find information on resource lodes (what are they and how to use them)

Urses answered most of your question, but left out an important part: you have to grab the resource lode (it's a big rock) with a klaw, so it becomes "part of" the vessel that has the sifter.  (A KAS harpoon or grappling hook might also work, but I'm not sure.)

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4 hours ago, zabieru said:

Did you try pulling off the other construction port? Dock and weld it while it only has one port, then put the other back on?

Another option is cheating your KIS config to let kerbals lift umpteen tons and KIS-attaching it.


Those are both good ideas. Heh, I actually thought of trying pulling off the other port when I woke up. I was just so tired I couldn't think. :/

And actually... I think it's only about 7 tons, so I could get a bunch of kerbals together for a group project to attach it  manually if it came to it. XD

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14 hours ago, FirroSeranel said:

In the in-game settings, set it to 0.03, and that's the best you can do. However, I have the best results by changing it to 0.01, which is two notches below the left end of the slider. That means you have to go into settings.cfg in your main game directory and edit it manually. Otherwise, set it all the way to the left. I can't see any reason ever to not set it all the way to the left, honestly, on any system.

Because, if I understand it correctly, while that will give the best framerate it will also result in KSP time passing at the slowest rate. That might not be desirable either because one feels that the effectively superhuman reflexes this grants are cheating in some circumstances (docking, roving [1], etc) or because whatever you're doing is going to take a lot of KSP time (surface circumnavigations come to mind) and it's undesirable for it to take even more real time.

When I was circumnavigating Kerbin I set it all the way to the right; the framerate was low but adequate, but I had to use less physwarp to drive in real time.

[1] ... this is about all the rather tenuous USI mod relevance, I fear.

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4 minutes ago, damerell said:

Because, if I understand it correctly, while that will give the best framerate it will also result in KSP time passing at the slowest rate. That might not be desirable either because one feels that the effectively superhuman reflexes this grants are cheating in some circumstances (docking, roving [1], etc) or because whatever you're doing is going to take a lot of KSP time (surface circumnavigations come to mind) and it's undesirable for it to take even more real time.

When I was circumnavigating Kerbin I set it all the way to the right; the framerate was low but adequate, but I had to use less physwarp to drive in real time.

[1] ... this is about all the rather tenuous USI mod relevance, I fear.


Well... docking happens as slowly as you want it to, regardless, if you have properly balanced RCS systems on your craft, so I don't see it for that.

For rovers... maybe. But I actually find that if I set a rover up absolutely perfectly, tweak all the wheel settings meticulously, -and- run at 50% physics rate... they still handle like two double-decker buses welded on top of each other. The driving physics in this game are -so- absolutely terrible, that "cheating" can only get you up to "barely controllable", so I don't see that as a problem either.

As for real time to KSP time rate... that much is true. But it isn't actually as big a difference as you might think. The frame rate is hit about 5 to 10 times as hard as the physics rate is improved, and vice versa. For example, in assembling my current base, at 0.03 I was running at 56% physics rate, and about 6 FPS. At 0.01, that went to 48% physics and 30 FPS. An 8% shift in slow-motion ratio is... barely even noticeable. Trivial, really. That framerate difference on the other hand, is the difference between utterly unplayable slideshow, and manageable.

Plus this is mostly relevant for extremely large vessels, or extremely complicated scenes with many vessels. If you're operating a single vessel in the 40-60 part range (which you probably were when circumnavigating Kerbin), the difference is 100% physics rate and 60 FPS, vs. 100% physics rate, and 60 FPS. It only matters when the physics engine chugs anyway. The question is, do you want to sacrifice vast amounts of FPS for a tiny improvement in physics rate?

And it's relevant because USI prompts some of the most complex, highest-part-count scenes most people ever undertake in KSP, and this setting is the one that can make this mod's primary goal, of establishing self-sufficient colonies, actually enjoyable.

6 hours ago, zabieru said:

Did you try pulling off the other construction port? Dock and weld it while it only has one port, then put the other back on?

Another option is cheating your KIS config to let kerbals lift umpteen tons and KIS-attaching it.


Well... pulling off the other port didn't help. It shifted the distance by about 1 meter, to the part the dockign port had been attached to.

And I can't attach the entire thing, because the docking port I want isn't the root part.

However... it -does- fix the meshes on scene change. So I'm just taking it apart piece by piece and installing the whole thing by hand. I'll just pretend the docking port was damaged in transit or something. I actually really enjoy "problem solving", where if something doesn't work, I find a way to make it work, and complete the mission, with what I have on hand. Some of the best times I've had in KSP were like that. XD

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45 minutes ago, FirroSeranel said:

For rovers... maybe. But I actually find that if I set a rover up absolutely perfectly, tweak all the wheel settings meticulously, -and- run at 50% physics rate... they still handle like two double-decker buses welded on top of each other. The driving physics in this game are -so- absolutely terrible, that "cheating" can only get you up to "barely controllable", so I don't see that as a problem either.

Shadowmage's KSPWheel has been working fine for some time now - and terrible physics or no, I still don't want to drive around Kerbin slower than realtime.

It's certainly not my experience that "The frame rate is hit about 5 to 10 times as hard as the physics rate is improved" - were that so, with it all the way to the right, I'd have practically have been going for a cup of tea between frames. I imagine that depends significantly on one's computer and ingame situation.

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2 minutes ago, damerell said:

Shadowmage's KSPWheel has been working fine for some time now - and terrible physics or no, I still don't want to drive around Kerbin slower than realtime.

It's certainly not my experience that "The frame rate is hit about 5 to 10 times as hard as the physics rate is improved" - were that so, with it all the way to the right, I'd have practically have been going for a cup of tea between frames. I imagine that depends significantly on one's computer and ingame situation.


Yeah, I've used that, and KerbalFoundries on and off... lately though I've found that they're much too fragile for what I want to use them for... and as I was trying to trim down on parts mods, I got rid of it. Plus I usually use rovers that are explicitly designed as one piece, like the Karibou, Packrat, and Lynx.

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18 minutes ago, FirroSeranel said:

Yeah, I've used that, and KerbalFoundries on and off... lately though I've found that they're much too fragile for what I want to use them for... and as I was trying to trim down on parts mods, I got rid of it. Plus I usually use rovers that are explicitly designed as one piece, like the Karibou, Packrat, and Lynx.

KSPWheel can be used with non-KF wheels [1] - and it's probably a good idea, since as you say the stock driving physics are so dubious. Regardless, whichever wheel module and wheel I'm using, I don't want driving long distances to take extra real time, and this is a reason not to put the physics delta slider hard left; whichever wheel module _you_ use, I use one that works, so I do regard effectively superhuman reflexes as cheating, so this is a second reason not to do that.

[1] and the fragility on KF wheels can be turned off.

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Is there already a doc somewhere saying what materials Ground Construction will use with MKS ? All I see in the VAB is things like "res: 123u" which I guess is generic for "resource".

Googling a bit I found GC uses Metal by default, but found mentions of MaterialKits somewhere, and also some of MaterialKits+SpecializedParts.

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4 hours ago, damerell said:

KSPWheel can be used with non-KF wheels [1] - and it's probably a good idea, since as you say the stock driving physics are so dubious. Regardless, whichever wheel module and wheel I'm using, I don't want driving long distances to take extra real time, and this is a reason not to put the physics delta slider hard left; whichever wheel module _you_ use, I use one that works, so I do regard effectively superhuman reflexes as cheating, so this is a second reason not to do that.

[1] and the fragility on KF wheels can be turned off.


Check out BonVoyage. It automates long rover journeys, with realistic pathfinding and travel time, while the rover is unfocused.

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14 hours ago, juanml82 said:

Hi, I was looking for MKS-lite, since I'd like some of the parts but not the gameplay mechanics of this mod, but it's discountinued and the thread said this

The functionality of MKS-Lite will be rolled into the main MKS mod as a config option once some of the collective dust settles.

I too am missing the old MKS-lite. Simpler resource production chains, simpler everything really.

So I've been working on simplifying it for myself, and if good enough share it. However, it is a lot of work.

For that I have a question. I have tried to remove the many, many, many new types of kerbal added into the game by this mod, but have just ended up removing them all, somehow. Can anybody point me in the direct of how to remove the new types and add the new abilities to the old 3 ones. (I really like my game simple and entertaining, rather that real like).

This is what my last (failed) try looked like (MM):


//Extend skills of base characters of the game - avoid having 13 types
        name = FundsBoost
        name = ScienceBoost
        name = RepBoost
        name = LogisticsSkill
        name = ExplorerSkill

        name = DrillSkill
        name = FundsBoost
        name = ExConstructionSkill
        name = ConverterSkill
        name = ConstructionSkill
        name = RepairSkill

        name = BotanySkill
        name = ScienceBoost
        name = GeologySkill
        name = FundsBoost
        name = AgronomySkill
        name = RepBoost
        name = MedicalSkill

//Remove MKS added Kerbal Types

Even through I did not try to delete the Pilot/Engineer/Scientist they still got removed from the game.....

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Sorry if this is a repost - I've searched and can't find the answer.  Does anyone know how to enable those beautiful, transparent windows on the Karibou cab as shown in image in the top post?  I've installed the JSI transparency mod as noted in some other threads, but it doesn't seem to do anything with the USI parts.  Is there a manual config or something I need to implement?  Thanks for any leads!

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7 hours ago, FirroSeranel said:

Check out BonVoyage. It automates long rover journeys, with realistic pathfinding and travel time, while the rover is unfocused.

I'm aware of it, but it would kind of defeat the point of doing surface circumnavigations if I was allowed to unfocus the rover and just come back later to be told it's done. Also, if I feel superhuman reflexes are cheating, just possibly I also feel a tool that never makes any driving errors no matter what the terrain (yes, I know it goes around mountains) or absurd the vehicle would also be cheating.

You're kind of stretching here; you said "I can't see any reason ever to not set it all the way to the left, honestly, on any system", and I've explained my reason. That I might not have that reason if I used a different mod set on a different computer to run different missions with a different (broken) wheel module doesn't mean I don't have it now.

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21 hours ago, Tomycj said:

Hello, I need some help with the kolonization of Mun, I have an almost self sustaining base and I'm trying to get the 500% kolonization bonus (infinite home time). Ok, here I go (bad english alert):

Does PL currently work between crafts in orbit and landed ones? Do both craft count for increasing the kolonization %?

Do only pilots counts for increasing that % or are some others that help? Does the % Increase only over time or it will instantly increase if I carry there a lot of crew? Does it increase faster the more crew I have on the planet? Do I need a specific module to make the crew count towards this %? . How much crew would I need aprox. to colonize Mun in like a year or so? Do other planets have different % increase rates?

Also, wich modules are recommended for a big supply production plant? Wich ones for holding large ammounts of crew? The inflatabe agroponics seems to have the fastest production rate, and the stock utility hitchhiker seems to be more efficient than even the hab. ring...

I've been looking for info in the wiki and other tutorials, but I'm not sure if the info is updated or I couldn't find very much of it. Thanks a lot beforehands for your help!


PL currently only works for landed vessels.

There has been talk about re-adding orbital logistics but I do not think it is certain at this point.

For kerbals impact on colonization bonuses, see the Wiki:


Kolonization % are increased based on the amount of time kerbals spend on the ground in a vessel with at least on MKS part on them.

More kerbals mean faster % growth and Kolonists increase all 3 at the same time(but do not do a lot else).


My munar way-station has lots of hab-modules and lander cans for ~ 20 kolonists. (plus Ranger agroponics and a logistics module so I can keep them supplied)

Later I added Kolonization modules and an assembly plant to make Colony supplies.


For manufacturing I generally go with drills, logistics, Tundra refinery(Chem, Metals, Chemicals; Second with Chem, Rare, silicon needed for advanced stuff like machnery), Tundra Assembly(MK, Spec Parts, Machinery), and then whatever habitation/life support is needed.  I generally go with one or more 2.5m nuclear plant to supplement the solar panels.  I find I generally need a second mining location on any given body to handle the non-local resources(often water and one or more rare resource).  

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1 minute ago, Terwin said:

Kolonization % are increased based on the amount of time kerbals spend on the ground in a vessel with at least on MKS part on them.

I believe in-orbit actually counts as well - but at a lower rate.

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I've been wondering... if a base stretches across two (or more) biomes, can its drills access both biomes (assuming the drills themselves are located properly in each biome of course)? Or does the game assume that wherever the root part is, is where the entire base is?

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4 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

@RoverDude so I've loaded my Gilly base and noticed that it is spamming the procedural drag stuff for PALcradle250, whatever it is. Is this normal?

I have the same thing on all vessels using the 2.5m cradle. It's only once a second though so it's not that bad and doesn't seem to cause any lag.

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