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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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3 minutes ago, Gilph said:

I think the implementation of Local Logistics will affect this a lot. There are a lot fewer scenarios on landed bases that need tubes.  The Flex tubes are also quite large compared to the regular KAS ones, and, in this particular case, size doesn't really matter. When the mechanics around transferring Machinery, EU and DF get sorted, pipes can pretty much disappear.

You obviously don't play with CLS, if you think the size doesn't matter.  :wink:

I won't say they're needed all the time - but for a few specific things, they are the right solution.

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2 hours ago, Kobymaru said:

What I do know is that they NullRef all over the place when attaching, linking, delinking, and even quicksaving. They're not my favorite parts anymore - I have since switched to bolted-together Mini-Truss-based Vessels.

Hmmm...did not know that.  It explains a lot.

I knew perform maintenance updated Machinery, but forgot that they also updated EU.  I had landed an EU tank on a rover, attached KAS ports to the Duna PDUs to do a transfer, but it didn't work. I disconnected the tube, uninstalled the port, and the nullrefs started to happen. I should check an older save to see if my PDU issues happen there also.


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5 hours ago, Gilph said:

I think the implementation of Local Logistics will affect this a lot. There are a lot fewer scenarios on landed bases that need tubes.  The Flex tubes are also quite large compared to the regular KAS ones, and, in this particular case, size doesn't really matter. When the mechanics around transferring Machinery, EU and DF get sorted, pipes can pretty much disappear.

There's still a strong incentive to connect bases: otherwise you need an engineer and/or scientist (or the equivalent kolonists) on every disconnected base piece for the profession bonuses.

This is really the major obstacle to making my Moon base disconnected, I just don't have enough highly trained people yet.

Flex-O-Tubes to the rescue, except for the drilling rigs that need to be on a separate biome with their own engineer too. For those I usually "fix" it by spamming drills.

Another mitigation could be the old mechanics of more people increasing efficiency as a stop-gap until you can train enough crew highly enough, but I don't think that's coming back. So it'd be nice if we could get profession bonuses on disconnected bases as well instead.

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20 hours ago, kochie_07_88 said:

Hello everyone I know El is not supported any more but its the only mod i like for building ships. So just wondering if there is a way to remove the materail kits and SP and have just rocket parts?


Also I cant seem to change the Habitat or any other modules in the VAB or in orbit, any help would greatly be appreciated. THANKS

I renamed the "USI_EL.cfg to "USI_EL.cfg_old", alternatively remove it. that might trigger the RocketParts instead MKT/SPT.

if that has beeing answered already I'm sorry (just got up here :D)

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I think, I found a possible bug in regards to Machinery?

It is being made and is filling up the local areas of the other MKS structures, but it is not being pushed into the Planet Warehouse.

I to have an ISM and the warehouse is on.

What I can I supply to help further?

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@Kobymaru @Terwin @DStaal @Gilph @jd284 Thanks all for the insight. Even with the ability to do disconnected bases (which truly is a godsend, and the most awesome thing about MKS for sure), I sometimes still want a few modules connected this way for reasons of aesthetics and immersion alone.

Pretty sure at least their cfg's will need a rework for KAS 1.0, but the effort should be comparatively minor and IMO worth it.

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37 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

I think, I found a possible bug in regards to Machinery?

It is being made and is filling up the local areas of the other MKS structures, but it is not being pushed into the Planet Warehouse.

I to have an ISM and the warehouse is on.

What I can I supply to help further?

Working as intended.  If Machinery auto-pushed, bad things would happen as converters/etc. suddenly wouldn't work correctly.

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2 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Working as intended.  If Machinery auto-pushed, bad things would happen as converters/etc. suddenly wouldn't work correctly.

I manage to push it to PL (and that's great because you can build a reserve), but it has to be put in warehouse containers for that.

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Is there a specific reason that the angle snap slider on the konstruction docking port only is in range of 0-180=

Could we make that 0-360 maybe? I had the case, that my desired angle was 225°, which is not possible.

It was a 2-symmetry part, so only +-180 would match. Additionally I wanted the konstruction docking port handrails aligned. The hand rails were "inverse" at 45°. So my desired locking angle would have been 225°, but that can not be set up.

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1 hour ago, gamerscircle said:


@DStaal , can I then have local container take on excess then?

TauPhraim mentioned that it can be stored in local Kontainers and sent to PL from there - but it has to actually be Kontainers, not some part that has a use for Machinery.  I haven't tested that, but I believe I remember RoverDude saying he wanted to do something like that.

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1 minute ago, DStaal said:

TauPhraim mentioned that it can be stored in local Kontainers and sent to PL from there - but it has to actually be Kontainers, not some part that has a use for Machinery.  I haven't tested that, but I believe I remember RoverDude saying he wanted to do something like that.

I am sure my question sounded redundant, but I am so out of my element..

I am also noticing that I my PL is showing zero on some resources, then when I visit the drill site , the numbers get refreshed..

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1 hour ago, gamerscircle said:

I am sure my question sounded redundant, but I am so out of my element..

I am also noticing that I my PL is showing zero on some resources, then when I visit the drill site , the numbers get refreshed..

Standard catch-up mechanics.  KSP doesn't actually run the drill (or anything else) in the background - it just pretends it does.  It does it in quick batches once you focus on the vessel.  PL only gets pushed to when the vessels currently in physics range have excess material.

Basically, you need to visit all your bases every once in a while.

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Just getting started trying to prototype stuff near the space center on Kerbin. As I understand it, the ranger regolith sifter should collect dirt by itself and extract things that have concentrations above 1%. However, when I deploy the shovel and start the sifter, the sifter says 'missing Dirt'. I have storage for dirt on the craft. I have EC and the module graphics look to be moving. What am i missing?

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So.. I'd like you guys to help me out by reviewing a colony design ... I think I understand it, but.... ok, so I found a garden world orbiting a nearby star (Interstellar Adventures mod) and I want to colonize it.

Base module has pioneer, kerbitat, agroponics modules with containers for fertilizer, substrate, hydrates, mulch, and supplies.  Plan is to build this on-site using EPL, and then have some disconnected base modules elsewhere on the planet to provide things.

1. drilling rigs to dig up silicates, hydrates, substrate
2. hab modules near the drilling rigs for the miners
3. hab and drill rigs have pioneer modules to enable them to act as planetary logistics providers/consumers

am I forgetting something?

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32 minutes ago, ss8913 said:

So.. I'd like you guys to help me out by reviewing a colony design ... I think I understand it, but.... ok, so I found a garden world orbiting a nearby star (Interstellar Adventures mod) and I want to colonize it.

Base module has pioneer, kerbitat, agroponics modules with containers for fertilizer, substrate, hydrates, mulch, and supplies.  Plan is to build this on-site using EPL, and then have some disconnected base modules elsewhere on the planet to provide things.

1. drilling rigs to dig up silicates, hydrates, substrate
2. hab modules near the drilling rigs for the miners
3. hab and drill rigs have pioneer modules to enable them to act as planetary logistics providers/consumers

am I forgetting something?

I did not knew that stars are kolonizable (thaught suns are very very hot tho :P)

.. fun aside for me the tundra logistics center always worked perfectly for PL instead of pioneer which did not push or pull (just a fair warning and this might be already fixed tho .. or i made a mistake but cant reproduce now anymore cuz iI started over)

but that list looks good, maybe wanna play with designs on Kerbin aswell

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2 hours ago, adgriff2 said:

Just getting started trying to prototype stuff near the space center on Kerbin. As I understand it, the ranger regolith sifter should collect dirt by itself and extract things that have concentrations above 1%. However, when I deploy the shovel and start the sifter, the sifter says 'missing Dirt'. I have storage for dirt on the craft. I have EC and the module graphics look to be moving. What am i missing?

No, you still need a drill to dig up the dirt. The shovel is there for shoveling it into the sifter once it's extracted.

6 minutes ago, LatiMacciato said:

.. fun aside for me the tundra logistics center always worked perfectly for PL instead of pioneer which did not push or pull (just a fair warning and this might be already fixed tho .. or i made a mistake but cant reproduce now anymore cuz iI started over)

The Duna pioneer module is not a logistics module. You need a logistics module for PL.

This can be the Duna logistics module, or the combined Tundra pioneer + logistics module.

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1 minute ago, jd284 said:

No, you still need a drill to dig up the dirt. The shovel is there for shoveling it into the sifter once it's extracted.

The Duna pioneer module is not a logistics module. You need a logistics module for PL.

This can be the Duna logistics module, or the combined Tundra pioneer + logistics module.

ahhh right that makes sense now .. I possibly was confused by the module "Resource Distributor" (thaught it distributes resources :P)

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1 hour ago, ss8913 said:

So.. I'd like you guys to help me out by reviewing a colony design ... I think I understand it, but.... ok, so I found a garden world orbiting a nearby star (Interstellar Adventures mod) and I want to colonize it.

Base module has pioneer, kerbitat, agroponics modules with containers for fertilizer, substrate, hydrates, mulch, and supplies.  Plan is to build this on-site using EPL, and then have some disconnected base modules elsewhere on the planet to provide things.

1. drilling rigs to dig up silicates, hydrates, substrate
2. hab modules near the drilling rigs for the miners
3. hab and drill rigs have pioneer modules to enable them to act as planetary logistics providers/consumers

am I forgetting something?

Might want to bring along a big kontainer of spare machinery as well, unless you plan on producing it onsite. I'm also assuming you have some manufacturing modules to make use of the resources (what's the silicon for?).

Edited by voicey99
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8 hours ago, DStaal said:

TauPhraim mentioned that it can be stored in local Kontainers and sent to PL from there - but it has to actually be Kontainers, not some part that has a use for Machinery.  I haven't tested that, but I believe I remember RoverDude saying he wanted to do something like that.

This is correct.  I do this in my base. The best way to make sure this works is to ignore the local storage on the part completely and pretend it's not there (from a design perspective...you need and should fill them up).  Attach directly onto the vessel all of the warehouse enabled containers you need to either push or pull resources from.  My vessels have a lot of minipaks attached for that purpose.

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9 hours ago, jd284 said:

No, you still need a drill to dig up the dirt. The shovel is there for shoveling it into the sifter once it's extracted.

I assume the 1% concentration requirement for the sifter is based on where the sifter is running and not where the dirt was dug from, correct? Seems it would be very difficult to have dirt dug from many locations all going into the same kontainer and then the sifter knowing which dirt came from where.

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2 hours ago, adgriff2 said:

I assume the 1% concentration requirement for the sifter is based on where the sifter is running and not where the dirt was dug from, correct?

Dirt always has the same planetwide average concentrations. So the Ranger sifter can extract all resources with a planetwide average over 1%. The location of the sifter is as irrelevant as is where the dirt came from. The industrial sifter has no  such limitation in comparison.

(Also note that it's prohibited to transport dirt off planet, the Dirt Police will confiscate it when you try to reach orbit. Something about spreading space germs.)

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41 minutes ago, jd284 said:

Dirt always has the same planetwide average concentrations. So the Ranger sifter can extract all resources with a planetwide average over 1%. The location of the sifter is as irrelevant as is where the dirt came from. The industrial sifter has no  such limitation in comparison.

(Also note that it's prohibited to transport dirt off planet, the Dirt Police will confiscate it when you try to reach orbit. Something about spreading space germs.)

Oh wow, that hadn't crossed my mind at all. I thought I read all you could read about the sifter, but looking up dirt does make the comment about planetary averages after all.

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Got a bit of an odd problem in that I have a base which has landed nearby (<150m) two vessels with the 4500 unit cylindrical containers filled with machinery.  The base itself has 2000 machinery in one of the modules. Having my single engineer go outside and perform maintenance on a module causes the 2000 machinery belonging to the base to shuffle to the appropriate module, but it takes it from other base modules rather than the landed containers nearby. I've had a few searches to see if their is some common error I am missing. I could directly attach the landers using KAS, but I'd prefer not to have to.

Here's a picture, if that helps elucidate my description:


The machinery is in the two identical landers with solar panels. The large structure in the foreground is where I want it to go. One's in front of the vessel with ISMs in the top right, so it's hard to see. Apologies if I'm being dense.

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On 2/9/2017 at 3:07 PM, LatiMacciato said:

I renamed the "USI_EL.cfg to "USI_EL.cfg_old", alternatively remove it. that might trigger the RocketParts instead MKT/SPT.

if that has beeing answered already I'm sorry (just got up here :D)

Thanks for the post i will try that!!

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