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[1.5.1] Kerbal Star Systems [v0.8.2] August 18, 2018


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After a mishap with overaggressive rendevus and a rescue from the nuclear tug, the Heavy Lifter arrives.


Intended to handle anywhere from Stock tylo landing to Kerbin Ascent, the heavy lifter has 5000 vac DV and 4500 sea level Kerbin DV, with ISRU equipment to top off after landing and parachutes to keep it pointed the right way during atmospheric decent.

Also visible is the scaffolding and the modular subsystems it brought up- The nuclear tug, Asteroid claw/miner, docking arm (doubling as extra fuel for the nuclear tug), 1 docking port adapter, 1 Mk1 command pod (that also doubles as a docking port adapter), Two Ant class microtugs and 2 OscarChair-class Kerbal Reentry Vehicals. (Also an expirimental Rotor design, but it's causing some problems with reaction wheel wobble, so I may end up tossing it.)

Edit: Consuting with the astrocartographers, the Heavy Lifter is rated for the following worlds on Nova Kerbana:

Vael: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?)

Silne: Yes

Ilve: No

Cal: Yes

Sern: No

Mirn: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?)

Hesmin: yes

Sulph: yes

Taythe: yes

Vesp: yes

Irnil: yes

Keles: Insufficent DV/TWR (gas giant?)

Orph: yes

Kelin: Insufficent TWR.

Esle: Unclear/draining tanks for sufficent TWR may not leave enough DV for orbit

Alva: Probably yes

Mork: Yes

Blalo: Unclear/draining tanks for sufficent TWR may not leave enough DV for orbit

Leyn: yes

Rav: yes

Alar: yes

Elno: yes

Phain: yes

Kernim: No

Dalne: Probably yes

Erel: Maybe. Requires heavily drained tanks for sufficent TWR

Iain: Require a 10 KM or taller  mountian. (can hopper around with drained tanks above 4 km, barely)

Narath: yes

Dunem: Yes

Um: Refueler's Choice (very yes)

Edited by Rakaydos
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So my first leg is a short jump to Duna to refuel on Gilly. I've got a lot more hardware than my initial tests called for for lunar refueling, so I'm going for an easier target. That means jumping warping to Duna.

Warp navigation 101: when attempting to match velocities with an object in a different SoI... DONT TRUST THE NAV BALL's RELATIVE VELOCITY.

If Kerbin and Duna are at the closest point, their velocities should be lined up, and there should be little more velocity to counter than Kerbinspeed-Dunaspeed. Duna is in a higher orbit than kerbin, so it is moving slower, Which means you should warp away from kerbin at the point where your orbital vector is retrograde.

So at local noon, when Kerbin and Duna are aligned, warp directly AWAY from duna.

Once you are out of Kerbin SoI, you should get a real relative velocity from the navball, and it should be the low thousands. Warp to duna, making sure to go around Kerbin's SoI.

Then it's just a matter of warping into an orbit of Duna and doing normal orbit changes to land on gilly.


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My warpcraft was lost with all hands on gilly while mission control was on a snack break. At last report they were mining gilly while bouncing slowly down a hill at sub 1m speeds. The F3 black box gives no reason for the loss- the kraken is being blamed.

And quicksave is reverting to AFTER whatever the incident was.JLusN70.png

Edited by Rakaydos
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7 minutes ago, arrow01 said:

Is There a map of the delta v formula the kss?

It is possible to make one for the systems, but not for interstellar transfers. I mean, you could but no one would use it.

Currently there are none


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2 hours ago, Wilhelm Kerman said:

It is possible to make one for the systems, but not for interstellar transfers. I mean, you could but no one would use it.

Currently there are none


I have both the app on my phone and on my desktop.  For some reason both links show up as expired for me too.  Love to join even without the "special title"

Edited by Kontrole
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1 hour ago, Rover6428 said:

Please make this mod compatible with “AFTER KEEBIN” by Gameslinx! It would be awesome!!! :rolleyes::)


1 hour ago, Rover6428 said:

Please make this mod compatible with “After Kerbin” by Gameslinx. That would be amazing!!!

You do not need to say it twice.

First, the sun *technically* becomes another body, and is replaced by a sun near-clone called Kerbol.

A compatablility patch would have to put those bodies around an aged Kerbol. Archangel’s flares too. Several bodies would have to be different, as Eve in KSS is more Venus like.

Another note, Kerbalkind would likely be based on Blalo after Kerbin died. Kelin is an excellent star for that, because of its long lifespan.

Edited by Wilhelm Kerman
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