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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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  On 10/19/2019 at 6:29 PM, sarbian said:

For the sake of my sanity and the hope that I won't reach the point where I need to take am involuntary  break away from the forum:

KSP 1.8 include an upgrade of Unity and a change of the .NET framework. This is a really large change for any mods that includes a DLL. Using a mod that was not compiled explicitly for KSP 1.8 will create unexpected results. So any report about a MJ bugs on an install that includes an mod that was not built for 1.8 will will be ignored (as will reports without logs).


So I've unloaded everything except MJ, and it is now running. I started loading my other mods back one at a time, and it appears that including Firespitter was where the problem started again. The player.log file from the console ~Library/is below.

I was able to load the game with every single mod I've ever downloaded, minus MJ, so it would seem that the issue is between MJ and Firespitter, which stinks, because that means no USI until it gets fixed.


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The separator lines for the custom window editor don't appear in the created window for some reason. 

Can't post logs, paste bin says it exceeds limit, and I'm not buying these services for this one post. Sorry bud.

Edited by KSPReid
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  On 10/19/2019 at 6:03 PM, Brigadier said:

Consider posting a link to your player.log file.  See the link in my sig block for help but be aware that the name of the log file has changed in KSP 1.8.


Perhaps I was misunderstood.
My post was not "Please fix it" or "Help me deal with the problem"
I just found a bug and reported it. Finding the source of the problem took time and maybe this information will help someone avoid wasting time.
Both mods work fine on 1.7.3 and I'm not going to switch to 1.8 within 1-2 months ...

Edited by Cochies
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  On 10/20/2019 at 9:42 AM, Cochies said:

Perhaps I was misunderstood.
My post was not "Please fix it" or "Help me deal with the problem"
I just found a bug and reported it. Finding the source of the problem took time and maybe this information will help someone avoid wasting time.


You've got the right idea but you've made my point :DEspecially when you are reporting a 'bug', post your log file.  The mod author needs information to confirm, diagnose and fix problems and the more you can provided at the time you report it, the better armed they will when they get around to dealing with it.  This includes screen shots, log files, versions, what you were doing it at the time, etc.

Mod authors have lives outside of modding KSP and may not be able to address your report right away.  It can be difficult to reproduce your reported problem days, weeks or months later - log files will have been overwritten, mods updated, KSP updated, and you might not remember.  You can help make their job a little easier at the beginning.  If they aren't required, no loss.  If you don't provide them and it would be helpful, the mod author has to ask, further delaying resolution.  In some cases, Sarbian among them, mod authors will ignore bug reports that don't come with log files; it's just not worth their time.

So, do yourself a favour and make it habit.

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  On 10/20/2019 at 6:32 PM, Elro2k said:

Does the 1.8 update still have the "Mechjeb for all" functionality? When I load up a game in 1.8 I cant seem to get Mechjeb on a craft without adding that additional Mechjeb part.


If you have ModuleManager installed it should work without anything more. 

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  On 10/21/2019 at 8:41 AM, traisjames said:

What is the difference in the accent autopilot between ° climb and ° turn?

I am having trouble launching a Space Shuttle.  The accent autopilot keeps rolling my ship and its driving me nuts.



The first step in solving this problem is to toggle the "Force Roll" setting. If it's on, turn it off. If it's off, turn it on. There's no guarantee this will work, but it's the simplest possible fix, and sometimes it works, If not, post again, and we will walk you through the possible fixes.

One other thing you can do is delete your current /Mechjeb directory and install fresh, rather than overwriting the previous version. In past this has helped me.

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Okay, I just installed the version which is supposed to work with the 1.8 version of kerbal.

I get stuck at the loading screen. There are no other mods installed and it works fine without Mechjeb2 in there.

Was there something else I was supposed to install? We still just put the Mechjeb2 folder in the gamedata folder, correct?

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  On 10/21/2019 at 4:03 PM, El Sancho said:


The first step in solving this problem is to toggle the "Force Roll" setting. If it's on, turn it off. If it's off, turn it on. There's no guarantee this will work, but it's the simplest possible fix, and sometimes it works, If not, post again, and we will walk you through the possible fixes.

One other thing you can do is delete your current /Mechjeb directory and install fresh, rather than overwriting the previous version. In past this has helped me.


I already tried changing weither its on or not but that doesnt answer my question of the difference between climb and turn.

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  On 10/21/2019 at 10:18 PM, Banner said:

The output_log.txt isn't updating.


That's because its location was changed in a KSP release.  If you're on Windows, it's located at:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt

EDIT:  That's for KSP 1.7.3 and before.  As discussed below, for KSP 1.8+, it's now:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log


Edited by Jacke
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  On 10/21/2019 at 10:49 PM, Banner said:

That's the one that's not updating.


@Jackealmost had the correct answer.  If you're using KSP 1.8 or greater, the log has been renamed under Windows to:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log

KSP also copies it to Player-prev.log so as to preserve the last game's log.

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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:08 PM, Brigadier said:

@Jackealmost had the correct answer.  If you're using KSP 1.8 or greater, the log has been renamed under Windows to:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log

KSP also copies it to Player-prev.log so as to preserve the last game's log.


Now if only I could figure out what I'm screwing up that putting Mechjeb in breaks it. I doubt it's mechjeb, I suspect it's something on my system, somewhere. I just don't want to have to delete and reinstall. Don't want to lose my 1.7.3 saved games (or will they be toast under 1.8 anyways?).

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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:11 PM, Banner said:

Don't want to lose my 1.7.3 saved games (or will they be toast under 1.8 anyways?).


Then back the save game files up before you try anything.  Or run them in a KSP 1.7.3 install instead.

  On 10/21/2019 at 11:08 PM, Brigadier said:

If you're using KSP 1.8 or greater, the log has been renamed under Windows to:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log

KSP also copies it to Player-prev.log so as to preserve the last game's log.


Just did a test.  That appears to now be the only log file, finally moved out of the executable directory tree.

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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:11 PM, Banner said:

Now if only I could figure out what I'm screwing up that putting Mechjeb in breaks it. I doubt it's mechjeb, I suspect it's something on my system, somewhere. I just don't want to have to delete and reinstall.


For MJ diagnostics, I'd recommend starting with a new, clean 1.8 install.  Run the game once, then exit.  Then install MJ and test.  If you're still running into problems, post a link your player.log and a screen shot of your GameData folder.

  On 10/21/2019 at 11:11 PM, Banner said:

 Don't want to lose my 1.7.3 saved games (or will they be toast under 1.8 anyways?).


It will depend on what other mods you're using as some might not make the transition for any number of reasons.  It's generally true for minor releases not to be save-breaking but YMMV.  I know that .craft files have gone through a non-backwards compatible format change in 1.8.

Never, ever experiment on your main save.  It's a recipe for disaster.

You can copy your entire KSP directory as often as you like.  In fact, a good policy is to keep your original download/install completely clean and copy it to another directory which you then mod.  Each time you would like to experiment with a mod, update KSP, try a different mod collection or planet pack, etc., do so only on a copy of the original.

If you're downloading from Steam, there are a few additional gotchas but nothing too difficult.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming...

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