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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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  On 7/12/2018 at 8:33 AM, Xd the great said:

Does anyone know why mechjeb does not deploy parachutes? I use real chutes mod. Chute set to open at 10000m, way lower than needed. Staging set to 0, checkbox for using parachutes checked.


Because MJ was never 'trained' to recognize Real Chute parts as parachutes. It looks for a specifically named module (really a class) called ModuleParachute and Real Chutes implements its own classes that MJ doesn't recognize and likely would require reflection to trigger. It's not impossible to code for (not even hard really unless you're like me and just absolutely hate having to use reflection because you hardly ever use it and so don't remember how because it's been months since the last time you used it...) it's just that nobody has ever gotten around to writing the code required to make it happen.

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Hi Linuxgurugamer. First of all thanks for your effort to maintain such a bunch of mods for all of us!

I have an idea for MJ2 which would help myself a lot and it might also be interesting for others as well.

The "advanced transfer to another planet" is great ... would it be possible to add an option somewhere to layout multi-pass ejection burns out of the SOI for low TWR crafts?
I could help with programming the feature but I suck at mathematics ... ;-)

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  On 7/15/2018 at 2:22 PM, grimlock14 said:

Does the CH-J3 Avionics  Hub grant anything that an AR202 doesn't?



No i guess. 

The hub is a SAS probe core.

AR202 is the entire mechjeb with autopilot abilities.

And also, in stock gravity turn, I have noticed that the craft points like 20 degrees of prograde. Is this normal? will the devs fix it to have a better in atmo trajectory?

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Hey @sarbian, I was wondering if I could make a feature request.  I use the SURF function of the SmartASS a lot, I do all my ascent piloting (for both rockets and SSTOs) with it as it allows for very precise control, infact I rarely adjust a craft's heading/pitch/roll manually except during landings or when just derping around in aircraft,  otherwise I do it all via the SmartASS-SURF.  So to change pitch I either enter the new value and hit execute or (say during ascent) I just click the +/- buttons to make small incremental changes. What I would really like is; when the mouse is over the SmartASS window (and it's in SURF mode), for the WASDQE keys to have the same effect as clicking the +/- buttons. So rather than having to keep looking at the SURF window, I'd just keep the mouse over it and tap w/s to adjust the pitch value, a/d to adjust the heading and q/e for roll.  With that it would be like the standard KSP controls, but with much greater precision; ie, I'd know that tapping w 3 times would have decreased the pitch 3 degrees and the heading and roll would still be set as they were.

If it would be possible to add that I would be extremely happy! 

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UI scaling is working okay, but not great on a 4k display.  Anything above a value of 1.2 causes some values to wrap in the various orbit/surface/vessel windows.  There's a few handful of values that have issues at 1.3 scale (e.g. the LAN) and a lot that have issues at 1.4x (Vessel wet/dry mass, angle to prograde, G force, inclination) and above.


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Is there any way to have mechjeb maintain a roll attitude while thrusting at a maneuver node? 


For example here it keeps turning ever so slowly and thus the solar panels lose power and it loses thrust.

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So, those of you who have read my previous posts know I've been wrestling with customizing the LandingSites.cfg file for a while now. I finaly figured out how to get the additional runways to show up on the Aircraft Approach & Autoland. It was as simple as removing the quotation marks from around the body name (i.e. Kerbin)

I also managed to successfully add two sites on Minmus to the Landing Guidance for rockets. Again, it was necessary to have the body name without quotation marks. And this is puzzling because all the stock entries in the stock file have quotation marks around "Kerbin" and they obviously work.

So, without further ado, this is what my LandingSites.cfg file (in E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2) currently looks like - more notes at the bottom

			name = KSC Pad
			latitude = -0.09694444
			longitude = -74.5575
			// body = "Kerbin" // if not set defaults to the starting world (Kerbin, Earth for RSS)
			name = VAB
			latitude = -0.09694444
			longitude = -74.617
			name = Desert
			latitude = -6.515573
			longitude = -144.039421
			name = Woomerang
			latitude = 45.289698
			longitude = 136.109897
			name = Greater Flats
			latitude =  -4.794139
			longitude = -11.575088
			body = Minmus
			name = Negan's Place
			latitude = -19.669238
			longitude = 77.936054
			body = Minmus
			name = KSC Runway 09
			body = "Kerbin"
			touchdown = 100.0
				latitude = -0.0485981
				longitude = -74.726413
				altitude = 67
				latitude = -0.050185
				longitude = -74.490867
				altitude = 67
			name = KSC Runway 27
			body = "Kerbin" // if not set defaults to the starting world (Kerbin, Earth for RSS)
			touchdown = 100.0 // distance in meters from start point
				latitude = -0.050185
				longitude = -74.490867
				altitude = 67
				latitude = -0.0485981
				longitude = -74.726413
				altitude = 67
			name = Island Runway 09
			body = "Kerbin"
			touchdown = 25.0;
				latitude = -1.517306
				longitude = -71.965488
				altitude = 132
				latitude = -1.515980
				longitude = -71.852408
				altitude = 132
			name = Island Runway 27
			body = "Kerbin"
			touchdown = 25.0;
				latitude = -1.515980
				longitude = -71.852408
				altitude = 132
				latitude = -1.517306
				longitude = -71.965488
				altitude = 132
			name = Desert Runway 18
			body = Kerbin
			touchdown = 50.0;
				latitude = -6.448288
				longitude = -144.038171
				altitude = 822.05
				latitude = -6.599329
				longitude = -144.040598
				altitude = 821.93
			name = Desert Runway 36
			body = Kerbin
			touchdown = 150.0;
				latitude = -6.599329
				longitude = -144.040598
				altitude = 821.93
				latitude = -6.448288
				longitude = -144.038171
				altitude = 822.05			


All of this seems to work, though I admit that landing at Desert Runway 36 is problematic. There is a high ridge just a few klicks south of the runway, and this always seems to result in RUD. Best to use runway 180 if landing at the desert site.


Edited by El Sancho
la pesada herencia del Kirchnerismo
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  On 7/25/2018 at 4:56 AM, TeslaPenguin1 said:

It is on Ckan but I can’t download it

theres an “AD” where the checkbox should be


The AD means Auto Detect.  You have apparently installed MJ manually at some point and CKAN is letting you know.  If you want CKAN to handle it, backup your save, manually delete MJ from the GameData directory, and then re-install via CKAN.

Edited by Brigadier
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  On 7/26/2018 at 3:42 PM, Neospiker said:

I just downloaded MJ through CKan but I get no icon in game to bring up to menu's. Any help?


You haven't given people much to work on.  First, for future reference, read this thread.

Which version of KSP and the mod are you using?

You do have to research the technology in a Science or Career game.  You might even have to upgrade the Tracking Station (I might have this wrong).  If you start a Sandbox game, do you see any MJ icons?

Do you use Blizzy's Toolbar and the Toolbar Controller mods?  A screen shot of your GameData folder might help.


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I've jsut upgraded from 1.43 to 1.45 on the KSP program and I installed both Module Manager (3.0.7) and the latest Mech JebDev ( and apparently it seems that the tabs at the top of the screen do not appear.. 


If you'd like I can show you what I got  in the game folder (a snap shot of that) as well as the  actual error.. perhaps it can be reproduced



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  On 7/31/2018 at 4:20 AM, Space_Coyote said:

I've jsut upgraded from 1.43 to 1.45 on the KSP program and I installed both Module Manager (3.0.7) and the latest Mech JebDev ( and apparently it seems that the tabs at the top of the screen do not appear.. 

If you'd like I can show you what I got  in the game folder (a snap shot of that) as well as the  actual error.. perhaps it can be reproduced



Well, Space Coyote, that's interesting. It looked like mine had disappeared, until I went into the VAB and loaded a rocket with MJ attached; there was a looong delay and then the MJ menus all popped up. Very strange.


That said, it all seems to be working, and I'm not having the problems with Ascent Guidance which Clinton reported in the post just above this one. For the record, I am still using MJ 800, not 801.

Edited by El Sancho
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  On 7/31/2018 at 10:27 AM, Clinton said:

Ascent Guidance didn't work for me with 1.4.5 (in particular, whilst staging would work there was no yawing/pitching etc) so I downgraded back to 1.4.4 and it worked fine again.

Just a warning to others. 


Ascent Guidance (and other things) were broken for me as well, until I upgraded FAR to the latest unofficial release. The new version of MFI seems to have done the trick.

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Regarding to translation and saying THANKS!



Hello, there!
As I haven´t found any appliance for translating MJeb2 to portuguese.... and as a new user I am not allowed -yet-to send you (Sarbian) a private message, I´d like to say I´m interested in translating it to that language (brazilian PT).

If you will, please let me know.
THANK YOU! for MechJeb! I wouldn´t keep going on Kerbal if it wasn´t thru it.



P.S.: I´m new (three weeks by now) to KSP, but MechJeb has worked very well so far in latest 1.4.5. version.

Edited by Cataclism
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When using the docking autopilot, one of the things I wish I had was a button that paused the docking and left the docking ship at zero relative motion to the target ship. I've had cases where I need to have engineers EVA and do some things before docking, and cases where I just wanted to park a ship near the station for a while (like a case where I built half of a mission vehicle in orbit and lifted the lighter half, and docked them once the orbital building was done). A nice zero relative motion button would be something I think many people would find useful.

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