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[1.12.x] Tarsier Space Technology with Galaxies (V7.13) 12th Sep 2021


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Tarsier Space Technology


Tarsier Space Technology is a set of parts with enhanced science capability. 

This is a replacement thread as the original I created in 2015 was accidentally deleted.

Please take Note of the Changelog. 
The original author of this mod @tobyb121 has given me full permission (back-dated to Jan 2015) to take over and continue to develop and maintain this mod given he simply no longer has the time to do so himself.
He has also given me complete permission to change the license agreement. Anyone wishing to see this permission can get in contact with me via Personal Message here on the forums.

The original content and Credit for this mod goes to tobyb121.

TST Menu:

Has it's own Menu support to manage all your TST parts per vessel and stored science in TST parts.
Allows you to more easily select target Celestial Bodies or Galaxies from Menu lists.
The GUI/Menu and the Toolbar/Stock AppLauncher icons will only appear when you have TST parts on your active vessel.
Also now has Settings Menu available at the SpaceCenter (see Changelog V5.9 for more info).


  • ChemCam - Analyse the surface composition of planets by shooting them with lasers.
  • Space Telescopes x 2 - Peer deep into the solar system and  to distant galaxies.
  • Science Hard Drive - Store science in hard drives to maximize your science point


A video by TinyPirate:



  • Analyse the surfaces of planets using a high powered laser.
  • Uses biomes where available.
  • Save your images to share on the forums!! (now saves in two sizes, camera size and Full Screen).
  • Fully integrated into the tech tree.
  • Will Generate contracts for collection of data from different biomes in Career games.

Space Telescopes

  • Look deep into the Kerbal system (you can see to Eeloo and beyond from the comfort of your home planet's orbit)!!
  • Science experiments depend on what you're actually looking at!! (I welcome suggestions on experiment results).
  • Target cross-hairs to help find distant planets and galaxies.
  • Save your images to share on the forums!! (now saves in two sizes, camera size and Full Screen).
  • Servos for fine control (use I,J,K,L to look around).
  • Extra info displayed on what telescope is looking at.
  • Can collect science from EVA and transfer to command pods and transfer to the SSD's.
  • Two telescopes with different zoom capability integrated into the science tree.
  • Look at distant galaxies and take photos of them for science.
  • Will Generate contracts for collection of pictures from each body in the Kerbol system and beyond in Career games.
  • When you also install the ResearchBodies mod can be used as a Body Scanner (function of ResearchBodies) and taking pictures of bodies will add discovery points in the ResearchBodies Mod.

Science Storage Drives

  • Store science data on hard drives to maximize science value.
  • Don't need to save up electricity to transmit data home.
  • 2 great sizes: 120 Mits and 480 Mits.
  • Can now collect and STORE data in EVA.
  • The small drive supports KIS (Must have Module Manager installed for this).

ResearchBodies Integration

If ResearchBodies mod is installed then:-   

  • Telescope and ChemCam contracts will NOT generate for bodies that have yet to be discovered.   
  • If you take a picture with a Telescope of a body that is yet to be discovered AND transmit/recovery it, it will become discovered.    
  • Pictures taken of un-discovered bodies will display as "Unknown Body" in the science experiement review window.
  • Subsequent pictures taken and transmitted/recovered of a already discovered body will add 20 research to that body.   
  • The TST Telescopes act the same as the ResearchBodies telescope,  IE:they have the Research button in their right click menu and will discover bodies they are pointed at in the same way as the ResearchBodies telescope does.   
  • The TST GUI camera-window "Show Bodies" list will NOT show un-discovered bodies or galaxies.

This mod supports KSP-AVC for a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin


  • Please ensure you delete your GameData\TarsierSpaceTech\ folder if installing over an older version.
  • Just unzip into your KSP directory
  • Requires Module Manager if you want KAS/KIS/ResearchBodies support (optional).
  • KIS if you want to use it (optional).
  • Toolbar if you want to use it (optional, also requires Config file change, see the changelog).
  • ResearchBodies if you want to use it (optional).

Download the latest release from SpaceDockCurseForge or Github
SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it. 8VWCQzN.png

Source code here. (original MIT license included in distributions)
If you like my mods and you want to show your support, then you can support me on Patreon:  ZnlLmEw.png


Known Issues:

  • Game engine Floating point arithmetic errors.

Tips for taking pictures:

  • Here is the approach I use which seems to work fairly well.
  • Target the object you want to photograph using the map view or using the bodies/galaxy lists from the Camera window.
  • Switch on autopilot 'SAS' and set it to 'Target' mode. this will roughly align you with the target.
  • Switch on the highlight target option in the window will help you to find the object. Wait until the SAS has settled down.
  • Once its roughly aligned change the autopilot to 'Hold' mode. This reduces wobble a LOT.
  • Now fine tune your zoom and using the fine tuning servos attached to the telescope using the translate keys, I,J,K,L.
  • Take your picture.
  • If you still have wobble issues doing this method, you can try also using timewarp quickly forward one step and back to normal time. This will stop the jitter briefly (as timewarp disables physics). Or, you can try adjusting the Fine Tuning of the Gyro wheels and SAS PID controllers (as per V5.4.1 update).
  • The issue also varies depending on your vessel location, the location of the object you are looking at, how far it is away from you, the relative speed of the target object and your telescope.
  • Hope this helps. I will continue to investigate other ways to help reduce this game limitation.
  • For a good read on WHY this happens you can start here.
  • You can also try something resembling a molniya orbit, which is an extremely elliptical type of orbit. Try an orbit with periapsis around 80 Km and apoapsis near the edge of Kerbin's SOI. On such an orbit, the orbital speed near the Ap is extremely low and this reduces the wobble very significantly. And choosing a polar orbit has another advantage - other celestial bodies don't get obscured by Kerbin, when you're at the apoapsis.

Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.
For support please ensure you are following these instructions.
From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps.

When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG:

KSP versions 1.8.0 and above:

  1. Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  2. - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information).
  3. Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
  4. Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains.


  Reveal hidden contents

Original versions up to v4.5c by: @tobyb121
All versions v4.5d and beyond: @JPLRepo


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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/23/2017 at 11:41 AM, JPLRepo said:

Nope all good. I just haven't released an update for a while as nothing is broken and I've been holding off until I finish updating ResearchBodies as I needs some changes for that.


Cool ,   good to know.  Im running reaserch bodies and tarsier in my current play thru.    Im running roughly 140 mods and its been pretty stabile, is there any bugs you need to test on a career play thru? On any of ur mods? Because ive probably got them installed besides interstellar 

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I've started work on a new telescope mod, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157044-wip-iras/ and it would be great to see if I can use some of these plugins to speedup my development. The license seems very permissive on this topic, am I correct? 

TSTSpaceTelescope appears to be core module, but what do the parameters refer to:

    baseTransformName = Telescope    
    cameraTransformName = CameraTransform    
    lookTransformName = LookTransform

    baseTransformName = Telescope    
    cameraTransformName = CameraTransform    
    lookTransformName = LookTransform




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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/20/2017 at 2:25 AM, fwdixon said:

The Take Picture button isn't doing anything. Do I need a hard drive installed on the satellite to use the camera?



Works for me.. two things:
Have you selected the "Save to File" button to the left of the Take Picture button?
Pictures are saved in \GameData\TarsierSpaceTech\Plugins\PluginData\TarsierSpaceTech

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  On 3/24/2017 at 10:42 AM, JPLRepo said:

Works for me.. two things:
Have you selected the "Save to File" button to the left of the Take Picture button?
Pictures are saved in \GameData\TarsierSpaceTech\Plugins\PluginData\TarsierSpaceTech


Doesn't show it checked, but the pictures are being saved to files. Cycled the button and now it's not saving to a file anymore, but can't view the results to transmit the picture.

Edited by fwdixon
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  • 1 month later...

hello @JPLRepo, first of all i want to thank you for this excelente mod (its a must have for me), and i want to make a question:
Is this mod 
compatible with planet packs? I saw  a config file in PluginData folder that led me to believe that this mod is compatible with some of them, but the one that i was interested is Galileo's Planet Pack. I think that it's not compatible but my question is:
is it something that I can modify or is it possible that you in a next update make it compatible?
many thanks in advance for your hard work :wink:
chears :)


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  On 5/2/2017 at 6:07 PM, PmThay said:

hello @JPLRepo, first of all i want to thank you for this excelente mod (its a must have for me), and i want to make a question:
Is this mod 
compatible with planet packs? I saw  a config file in PluginData folder that led me to believe that this mod is compatible with some of them, but the one that i was interested is Galileo's Planet Pack. I think that it's not compatible but my question is:
is it something that I can modify or is it possible that you in a next update make it compatible?
many thanks in advance for your hard work :wink:
chears :)



It can detect the planets and create contracts in GPP. I'm having an issue with actually taking images, but that may be a problem with my install of GPP.

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  On 5/7/2017 at 6:35 PM, fwdixon said:

It can detect the planets and create contracts in GPP. I'm having an issue with actually taking images, but that may be a problem with my install of GPP.


Ok, Thanks for the feedback. :wink:
I'll give it a go and see what happens. :D 

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  On 3/2/2017 at 9:41 PM, MacLuky said:


I've started work on a new telescope mod, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157044-wip-iras/ and it would be great to see if I can use some of these plugins to speedup my development. The license seems very permissive on this topic, am I correct? 

TSTSpaceTelescope appears to be core module, but what do the parameters refer to:

    baseTransformName = Telescope    
    cameraTransformName = CameraTransform    
    lookTransformName = LookTransform

    baseTransformName = Telescope    
    cameraTransformName = CameraTransform    
    lookTransformName = LookTransform





Sorry I missed your questions and been tardy of late (busy with stock things)
You can by all means. But I would prefer you do not re-distribute my code. Rather you could release your mod but with a dependency on this mod.

The base transform is the base transform name of your model.
The camera transform is,- well the transform that the camera is attached to.
The look transform is the "Control From Here" transform name when you select that option in the PAW and is what maneuvering works from.

  On 5/7/2017 at 7:01 PM, PmThay said:

Ok, Thanks for the feedback. :wink:
I'll give it a go and see what happens. :D 


Should work fine. Report back if it doesn't.

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Hey, I know this question has been asked and answered, but when I start the game (v 1.2.2) it says "only compatible with v 1.2.1." Is this now accurate, or is that error message benign? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This mod I had totally forgotten about. Great to see that it's beeing maintained. Will add it to my new 1.3 install. By the way, the CurseForge link in the OP seems to be pointing to the wrong url (http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/230087-tarsier-space-technology-caretaker-release instead of http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/tarsier-space-technology-continued).

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  On 6/6/2017 at 11:17 AM, SBKerman said:

This mod I had totally forgotten about. Great to see that it's beeing maintained. Will add it to my new 1.3 install. By the way, the CurseForge link in the OP seems to be pointing to the wrong url (http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/230087-tarsier-space-technology-caretaker-release instead of http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/tarsier-space-technology-continued).


It's more than maintained. :P

thanks. I'll update the link. It's because this is a new thread I did after my old one got deleted. So about two years of thread history got lost a couple of months ago.

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Having an issue with the ChemCam. Works fine around the buildings of KSC but once out onto Shores and Grasslands returns a "no terrain in range" message.

Is also happening with DMagic's XRD.

Edit. Tried on Mun and Duna with same error message.

Edited by dangerhamster
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  • 2 weeks later...

Could someone tell me the requirements needed to get contracts offered? I've launched the first telescope, gathered and transmitted the Mun science but haven't seen a contract offer yet (on versions 1.2.2win64 / 6.6.1).


Edit: Aha, worked out that this "AverageAvailableContracts = 10" was too low for all the Contract Configurator packs I had installed. Increased that to 30 and now I am offered Station Science and Tarsier Photography and all the stock contracts as well.

A Module Manager patch for anyone else that might want it.


	@AverageAvailableContracts = 30


Edited by muppet9876
Solved it
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