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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Mark One Laboratory Extensions (M.O.L.E.)

Angelo Kerman

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  On 4/14/2017 at 7:20 PM, Angel-125 said:

Don't worry about KEI, it will be blacklisting the station experiments.


Yes I know, thank you (and linuxgurugamer). 


I'll try to clarify what I said earlier. The science system uses experiment slots that can load a variety of different experiments. These experiments can be used in a wide variety of situations. In order to cover those situations, I set up the situationMask and biomeMask to cover all possible situations.

Experiment "slots" are defined by WBIModuleScienceExperiment, and when you load an experiment into the module, it uses its own method to determine valid situations for the experiment to run. Unless you can show me that I'm able to set the biomeMask and situationMask at runtime, they have to stay as they are


Thanks for the clarification. I had been doing all of my testing with the LDEF experiment-specific parts, not with the MOLE general open slots for experiments. So while changing the biomeMask and situationMask settings myself didn't seem to break anything on the LDEF modules, perhaps it does break things if the experiments are placed into a MOLE experiment slot. 

I still have a pretty specific way that I would prefer the experiments to work just for my own career playthrough, and so I will probably maintain a local version of the .cfg once the dust settles on our discussion (which I think it basically has).

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So for testing purposes, I set all of the situationMasks to values as proposed in my previous post, and set all biomeMasks to 0. I sent a MOLE into orbit with no experiments, then sent up a Korona Supply Capsule with 2 experiments in it. The experiments were transferred to the MOLE Lab, were able to be completed successfully, and [x] Science worked properly in tracking them. 

So basically, for my needs, it seems the experiments work in the most common usage scenarios, [x]-Science is able to track them, and KEI will soon be fixed to ignore them.

FWIW, my playstyle is basically to cross off every experiment on the [x] Science checklist. So I want the WBI experiments to be included, but I want them to fit in the ecosystem in a way that basically requires an orbital station and a ground based capable of producing lab time on every body. Sufficiently challenging, but not requiring i.e. flying low in [x] science for every experiment.

I will find a different thread to ask someone for module manager advice so that in future updates I don't have to manually change all the .cfg files. 

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FWIW, here's the MM patch template for what I want to do, for experiment with id=expid :


    %biomeMask = new_biomeMask
    %situationMask = new_situationMask


I won't post the full patch I'm going to use, as I can't guarantee it won't break something in someone's game, and I don't want to add more work onto Angel debugging my hack.

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Sorry to derail, but re- your question on page 10 about 2.5m tanks, @Angel-125, I forgot you were hoping to drop support for them soon and incorporated a few into a space station for their re-configurable storage, so when you're getting close to taking them out, a heads-up would be great so I can plan the missions to evacuate the crew.

The Bison station is planned to have another nacelle-style back outrigger on the other side, but then I remembered that this station will get deleted, so I'ma replan and send a new one without them.


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  On 4/15/2017 at 5:29 AM, Krakatoa said:

Sorry to derail, but re- your question on page 10 about 2.5m tanks, @Angel-125, I forgot you were hoping to drop support for them soon and incorporated a few into a space station for their re-configurable storage, so when you're getting close to taking them out, a heads-up would be great so I can plan the missions to evacuate the crew.

The Bison station is planned to have another nacelle-style back outrigger on the other side, but then I remembered that this station will get deleted, so I'ma replan and send a new one without them.


Next update they'll be deprecated. In KSP 1.3 they'll be gone. If I'm lucky, you'll see the next update either Sunday or Monday.

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Hahah, eep!  Okay, I installed 3 escape pods on the station, so that's 3 of the 5 crew, and I imagine I can get a craft up to grab the others.  Then maybe use the AI to attempt an "only most of the stuff destroyed" style reentry.  Going to be exploring using the Bison as a station core more.  It makes for a grand, almost nautical style station.

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  On 4/15/2017 at 5:43 AM, Krakatoa said:

Hahah, eep!  Okay, I installed 3 escape pods on the station, so that's 3 of the 5 crew, and I imagine I can get a craft up to grab the others.  Then maybe use the AI to attempt an "only most of the stuff destroyed" style reentry.  Going to be exploring using the Bison as a station core more.  It makes for a grand, almost nautical style station.


Yeah, sorry about the shuffling but I need to cut duplication in my mods and reduce workload.

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Almost got it back on the ground in an assortment of pieces, down to 160 m/s before impact, but it was on water, so lithobraking never set in and every single part was destroyed.  Managed to balance the thrust of the one nacelle for the whole trip down, just couldn't wipe out that last chunk of speed.  All crew were successfully recovered through escape pods and one visit by an extraction vehicle.

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@Krakatoa Sad to see such a nice station go. :( Hopefully you'll be able to build one anew. You are correct, the 2.5m tanks will be in DSEV. After Buffalo Wings, I plan on revamping DSEV's 2.5m tanks with new models and textures. The part names (the ones KSP uses to identify a part, not the ones the player sees) and dimensions will remain as they are now, so you're safe to use the existing tanks in DSEV. I plan on making both orange and white textures for the revised tanks, so you can do this: 

I don't plan on having more than two texture options since they are difficult and time consuming to make. So if you can live with the existing tanks for a bit you'll be good to go on a new station. :)

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Great!  DSEV is the one parts pack of yours I don't have yet, so I'll pick it up shortly. I'll probably end up posting a picture of my new station in probably Heisenberg's thread if you care to have pics of ships made with your parts in the threads.

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  On 4/15/2017 at 3:45 PM, Krakatoa said:

Great!  DSEV is the one parts pack of yours I don't have yet, so I'll pick it up shortly. I'll probably end up posting a picture of my new station in probably Heisenberg's thread if you care to have pics of ships made with your parts in the threads.


Absolutely! I always appreciate seeing the creations that people make using my mods. :)

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  On 4/16/2017 at 3:50 PM, manghoti said:

I'm also seeing issues with the science in this mod.

Here's an album of the issue I'm seeing:

This is a science mode game. and I cheated in enough science to get to MOLE's experiments.

here's my KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fupync4d5xl4eqy/KSP.log.zip?dl=1



That looks like an incompatibility between MOLE and X science. Unless there's a way to blacklist experiments in x-science, there's not much I can do.

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Ah sorry. I mean the ability to perform a space adaption study mid flight out of a coach module and get science out of it.


That doesn't seem intentional.

edit: ah, you asked what nodes I have unlocked. everything up to including the 3rd tier, plus space exploration.

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  On 4/16/2017 at 4:11 PM, manghoti said:

OK I have removed [x] science.

I'm still seeing all the other stuff.


You don't need to remove [x] Science. Just add this to the CelestialBodyFilters section in science.cfg config in [x] Science folder. This will filter out M.O.L.E. experiments.

// WBI
		WBISurfaceConstructionStudy =	AvoidAll
		WBIKNUTS =						AvoidAll
		WBIBRE =						AvoidAll
		WBISAME =						AvoidAll
		WBIOrbitalRecon =				AvoidAll
		WBICryogenicRadiationStudy =	AvoidAll
		WBICryogenicResourceStudy =		AvoidAll
		WBICryogenicStudy =				AvoidAll
		WBICrystalGrowth =				AvoidAll
		WBIGooStudy	=					AvoidAll
		WBIIceCreamResearch =			AvoidAll
		WBILongTermCryogenicMiniStudy =	AvoidAll
		WBILongTermCryogenicStudy =		AvoidAll
		WBIMESS =						AvoidAll
		WBIConstructionTechniques =		AvoidAll
		WBIPowerToolsEvaluation =		AvoidAll
		WBISpaceAdaptionStudy =			AvoidAll
		WBITemperatureStudy =			AvoidAll
		WBIThermalStudy =				AvoidAll



Edited by maja
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  On 4/16/2017 at 7:36 PM, maja said:

You don't need to remove [x] Science. Just add this to the CelestialBodyFilters section in science.cfg config in [x] Science folder. This will filter out M.O.L.E. experiments.


nice! Thanks for the tip. Would @Z-Key Aerospace be willing to just add that to [x] science you think? Or would that be a module manager patch?


  On 4/16/2017 at 8:06 PM, Bombaatu said:

I just noticed something: both the Coach Logistics Module & the CLM 500 can only store 4 experiments when configured for Science. Since the CLM 500 is twice the size of the CML, shouldn't it be able to hold 8?


I noticed this as well. I also expected the buckboard containers to be able to store experiments in different amounts. You'd think something like 1 2 3 and 6 respectively, right?

Personally I think it would be better to use the LDEF facilities rather than the cargo modules. but I guess that's more part count.

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  On 4/16/2017 at 8:21 PM, manghoti said:

nice! Thanks for the tip. Would @Z-Key Aerospace be willing to just add that to [x] science you think? Or would that be a module manager patch?


It's configuration for the [x] Science not MM config, so you need to edit it.

I think it's better to ask him in his own thread.

You can filter whatever you want yourself if you know an experiment id. They are in the config files of science experiment parts. 

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  On 4/16/2017 at 9:52 PM, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Small question, could you add the ability for the wet workshops to hold liquid hydrogen for cryogenic engines as well as normal liquid fuel? Your regular fuel tanks can be reconfigured to LH/O, but the wet workshops will only hold LF/O.


Actually they do, there is a template called Cryo. Just needs a small adjustment in the MOLE modules to use that.

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