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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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@Temeter @Masoneus

I have done some more testing, and here is what I have figured out.

The hellfire launching and rising fast doesn't seem to actually occur (explained below). I believe you may be launching the missile while descending. When you are using forward decoupling, you need to be in fairly level flight when you launch.

You can, however, switch the missile to lateral decouple (use decouple speed of 5+) This will give you MUCH better results if you like/need to dive towards your ground target.

At 46 seconds in the KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Forward Decouple video, you will see the Hellfire drops slightly, then goes straight ahead when launched.

At 1:18 of the same video, I am diving, and when I launch the missile, it looks as if it rises very quickly, when in fact, it isn't... the plane is dropping... the missile is going straight ahead. This is caused by the guidance, and I can't change that.

In the second video, KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Lateral Decouple at 44 sec, I launch the missile laterally, and even though I am descending,  the missile is safely away from the plane.

I hope this helps, and if you disagree with my test, please let me know :)

WOW that cockpit is tough!!!  (watch the end of the Lateral Decouple video)

KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Forward Decouple

KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Lateral Decouple



Edited by TheKurgan
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  On 4/27/2018 at 9:15 PM, Mr.Equador said:

Guys do you know how to fix textures bug? I have got big black square on my radar and I don't see bullets. How can I fix that?


By downloading the appropriate version of BDAc for your KSP install

KSP v1.3.x use BDAc v1.1 .... for KSP v1.4.x use BDAc v1.2

Read the OP of the thread, it's in there

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Gotta say, the ground AI is pretty impressive; the AI can use basically all kinds of weaponry, even static or Hydra turrets.

I currently got two armored boxes, armed with some front mounted, static brownings, and they deliver a pretty hilarious (and somewhat pathetic) dogfight right now. Those 50 cals don't seem to get through the armor, but Box number two might be able to get into the others, unarmored backside...

Oh, now they actually started a dogfight. Move away from each other like in a duel, then turn around and close in while shooting themselves, then turn around, and rinse and repeat. Like two incompetent boxes trying to play aircraft. 50 cals are really extremly weak.

  On 4/27/2018 at 9:03 PM, TheKurgan said:

@Temeter @Masoneus

I have done some more testing, and here is what I have figured out.

The hellfire launching and rising fast doesn't seem to actually occur (explained below). I believe you may be launching the missile while descending. When you are using forward decoupling, you need to be in fairly level flight when you launch.

You can, however, switch the missile to lateral decouple (use decouple speed of 5+) This will give you MUCH better results if you like/need to dive towards your ground target.

At 46 seconds in the KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Forward Decouple video, you will see the Hellfire drops slightly, then goes straight ahead when launched.

At 1:18 of the same video, I am diving, and when I launch the missile, it looks as if it rises very quickly, when in fact, it isn't... the plane is dropping... the missile is going straight ahead. This is caused by the guidance, and I can't change that.

In the second video, KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Lateral Decouple at 44 sec, I launch the missile laterally, and even though I am descending,  the missile is safely away from the plane.

I hope this helps, and if you disagree with my test, please let me know :)

WOW that cockpit is tough!!!  (watch the end of the Lateral Decouple video)

KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Forward Decouple

KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Lateral Decouple



I think you might be right. All testing I did pointed into a similar direction,

Also yeah, Cockpits in KSP are insanely tough^^

Edited by Temeter
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  On 4/28/2018 at 1:12 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

Nope ... AI can't land planes


Hi there, I got a problem here when I'm making my own HE-KV1 style missile.

That is I did have the five rcs objects in my .mu file and using the same cfg HE-KV1 were using, but the new missile cant be launched at all.

So I wonder how can I get it to work properly with RCS homingtype?

Thanks very much.

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  On 4/28/2018 at 3:22 AM, Johnny005611 said:

Hi there, I got a problem here when I'm making my own HE-KV1 style missile.

That is I did have the five rcs objects in my .mu file and using the same cfg HE-KV1 were using, but the new missile cant be launched at all.

So I wonder how can I get it to work properly with RCS homingtype?

Thanks very much.



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  On 4/28/2018 at 3:39 AM, Johnny005611 said:

Well I didnt see anything comes as RCS homingtype or should I change it to AAM?


Did you look at the cfg for the HE-KV-1 in the new release?


nm... I see you did

I don't know what to tell you, I'm not an expert in the model, but the cfg I edited for the HE-KV-1 works.


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  On 4/28/2018 at 3:52 AM, TheKurgan said:

Did you look at the cfg for the HE-KV-1 in the new release?


nm... I see you did

I don't know what to tell you, I'm not an expert in the model, but the cfg I edited for the HE-KV-1 works.



YES I am looking at the newest version of HE-KV1 cfg.

And I'm using it for my missile that only changed the name.

But it doesnt work so I wonder how can I do to make it work.

This is mt cfg part:


name = MissileLauncher
    shortName = SM_KV11

    thrust = 60
    cruiseThrust = 0
    dropTime = 0.5
    boostTime = 800
    cruiseTime = 0

    maxTurnRateDPS = 25 //degrees per second

    decoupleSpeed = 20
    decoupleForward = true

    hasRCS = true
    rcsThrust = 20

    audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/jet
    guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
    homingType = RCS
    targetingType = radar
    missileType = missile
    DetonationDistance = 0

    activeRadarRange = 100000
    maxOffBoresight = 360
    lockedSensorFOV = 360

    radarLOAL = true

    vacuumSteerable = true
            key = 1000    0    
    minStaticLaunchRange = 0
    maxStaticLaunchRange = 1000000

Edited by Johnny005611
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  On 4/28/2018 at 3:22 AM, Johnny005611 said:

but the new missile cant be launched at all. 


Hi that is likely nothing to do with homing at all, but a deeper problem either with the cfg in general or the actual missiles setup. Even with no working guidance you should be able to force launch it from the right click menu .
To be of any further assistance I'd need to see the cfg and a clear shot of the missiles hierarchy in unity and the position and rotation of all important transforms . Especially the RCS,  everything is important , names cases etc etc,  many of the elements involved are hard coded and not open to artistic license. 

Do note that if you used the transform rotations as presented by a blender export , then they are all incorrect.

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  On 4/28/2018 at 4:05 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi that is likely nothing to do with homing at all, but a deeper problem either with the cfg in general or the actual missiles setup. Even with no working guidance you should be able to force launch it from the right click menu .
To be of any further assistance I'd need to see the cfg and a clear shot of the missiles hierarchy in unity and the position and rotation of all important transforms . Especially the RCS,  everything is important , names cases etc etc,  many of the elements involved are hard coded and not open to artistic license. 



Here's my unity setup 

Is that all correct I surppose?

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  On 4/28/2018 at 4:05 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi that is likely nothing to do with homing at all, but a deeper problem either with the cfg in general or the actual missiles setup. Even with no working guidance you should be able to force launch it from the right click menu .
To be of any further assistance I'd need to see the cfg and a clear shot of the missiles hierarchy in unity and the position and rotation of all important transforms . Especially the RCS,  everything is important , names cases etc etc,  many of the elements involved are hard coded and not open to artistic license. 

Do note that if you used the transform rotations as presented by a blender export , then they are all incorrect.


I think the problem is with this cfg part:

hasRCS = true
rcsThrust = 20

Once I delete them it seems the missile can be launched but without RCS control 

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Question about the BulletConfig apBulletMod value - looking though the thread and wiki, it seems like it hasn't been implemented yet, but some BDbullet configs use it; status?
If is has been implemented, in what manner -  damage multiplier, distance in mm bullets ignore armor, etc?

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  On 4/28/2018 at 6:43 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

it hasn't been implemented yet,


Hi as you surmised, i recall that it was a refinement that lead in turn to a whole huge can of worms, regarding bullet behavior ,  that was too time consuming  to sort out in the time available, while still being able to bring things  like the surface AI  to  usable state. SO   those bullet cfgs with it being used were the test elements , the controlling code has been disabled/removed (not sure on exactly which) so that he value is ignored .
However in lieu  of that  missing part  a per turret bullet damage modifier can be used to tune an individual turrets behaviour, without requiring yet another bullet cfg , inserted in the weapon module it's form is as follows

	ammoName = 7.7x56Ammo
	bulletType = 7.7x56mmBullet
	bulletDmgMult = 0.75 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< adjust to suit 


  On 4/28/2018 at 6:13 AM, Johnny005611 said:

I think the problem is with this cfg part:

hasRCS = true
rcsThrust = 20

Once I delete them it seems the missile can be launched but without RCS control 


I cant see anything obvious in the screenshots but there's not much i can see, 
Have you made sure that it's not a collision issue , go to BDA setting in flight scene and toggle off clearance check and retest.
You must have RCS in order for the missile to work in space, normal type missiles will not work. SO removing the RCS true will be counterproductive , and leads me to believe the problem lies there. Either in the base model or the RCS transforms.

Note, just noticed your RCS transforms are incorrectly placed in the hierarchy, the transforms should be a child of the model , rather than the parent GameObject

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