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Have we landed on the moon?


Home many of you believe we have landed on the moon?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. With people, we have landed on the moon.

    • You agree with this.
    • You disagree with this.
    • You are in between on the matter.

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On 25/01/2017 at 0:23 AM, StupidAndy said:

what's strange is that most moon landing conspiracy theorists are AMERICAN, so who landed on the moon first? AMERICA. so all they are doing is destroying their own country's reputation, its stupid and unnecessary, but what's worse, is that people are dumb enough to not only listen, but to BELIVE what they are saying

To be fair, if not destroying ones reputation were the only goal to achieve, some pretty dodgy behaviour would result.


On 25/01/2017 at 0:50 PM, munlander1 said:

 I don't understand what you mean by "level.."

It is quite possible the concept is completely alien to you.

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12 minutes ago, PayadorPerseguido said:

This question is has caused me so much damned problems!

My girlfriend totally doesn't believe we landed on the moon.... 6 times!!!! We always fight and argue over this, its tearing apart my relationship! 

Damn you, NASA!

If your girlfriend doesn't think we've landed on the Moon, there may be more problems than just her thinking we didn't land on the Moon. You may be better off finding someone whose thoughts and opinions more closely match your own.

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1 hour ago, PayadorPerseguido said:

My girlfriend totally doesn't believe we landed on the moon.... 6 times!!!! We always fight and argue over this, its tearing apart my relationship! 

I think the best course of action would to avoid the topic completely. It sounds like you guys are both pretty set on your opinions on the matter. 

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5 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

If your girlfriend doesn't think we've landed on the Moon, there may be more problems than just her thinking we didn't land on the Moon.


This. It'd be a deal breaker for me.

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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Next she will doubt in Newtonian mechanics...  :confused:

This could be a strategy to deal with conspiracy nuts (of most kinds). You can drive their conspiracy stuff until they make the logical conclusion that "everything" is part of it. It either makes them realising that they did something wrong or they reject basic rationality, at which point you can safely delete them from your life without bad conscience.

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1 hour ago, Elthy said:

This could be a strategy to deal with conspiracy nuts (of most kinds). You can drive their conspiracy stuff until they make the logical conclusion that "everything" is part of it. It either makes them realising that they did something wrong or they reject basic rationality, at which point you can safely delete them from your life without bad conscience.

Yes, or they conclude we live in the matrix and that is the conspiracy.

And the tactic is ancient battlefield tactic, you pretend you run away have enemy run after you and overextend themselves, now you hit them from the sides.  

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I read in another thread that some of the flat earth crowd believe ksp is "a brainwashing tool made by the evil overlords nasa to make people believe in space and the spherical earth lie"

Is the op maybe collecting data to support that belief?



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4 hours ago, SinBad said:

I read in another thread that some of the flat earth crowd believe ksp is "a brainwashing tool made by the evil overlords nasa to make people believe in space and the spherical earth lie"

It's worse than I thought! Jeb, rally the troops! 

*trumpet plays* 



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9 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Or an optiistic view: even after fifty years together they still will have what to discuss.

That's the spirit, bro!

It gets on meh nerves when i hear she saying the moon landings were too hollywoodian. But hey, it was the first time men ever stepped on a piece of dirt that wasn't our own - it was suppost to be glorious!

But hey, she's a mate, my darling mate, what can you do?


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10 minutes ago, PayadorPerseguido said:

But hey, she's a mate, my darling mate, what can you do?

If you want to spend a lot of time (and she is willing to participate) you could derivate all the necessary physics. Stuff like the rocket equation isnt to complicated if you have basic knowledge of math, supporting it all with experiments will be more complicated, especialy when you include error calculation...

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