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[1.12.X] Feline Utility Rovers v1.3.4 (28. April 2022)


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I'm trying to translate "Feline Utility Rovers", now is translated about 80%.but can you tell me what does zhe“cck“ mean?("cck-Rover",“cck-lifesupport”)

and zhe“kanister” is “canister” with ”K"?:confused:

and,for my guess,zhe words after ”xxxxxx.tags=“  is ”key words“ for search(filter) parts in VAB & SPH

Edited by Levin845
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2 hours ago, Levin845 said:


I'm trying to translate "Feline Utility Rovers", now is translated about 80%.but can you tell me what does zhe“cck“ mean?("cck-Rover",“cck-lifesupport”)

and zhe“kanister” is “canister” with ”K"?:confused:

and,for my guess,zhe words after ”xxxxxx.tags=“  is ”key words“ for search(filter) parts in VAB & SPH

cck means tags for Community Category Kit, it shouldn't be changed. Yes, kanister is canister with k.

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@Levin845 Thanks a lot for the translation!
You guessed right about the canister and the tags. The ckk-*** is specific for the CCK mod and should be left unchanged.

I am kind of in an awkward situation right now because @ssd21345 and @vosskftw also said to translate FUR into Chinese and @ssd21345 already posted translations for the Kerbetrotter and the KSPedia texts. Also both are started work on the translation for the parts.

I truly don't know what i should do here at the moment. It would be really unfair to pass over the translation of anyone of you because you already put a lot of time into it. I also can't decide at all which translations is better or more accurate. Just mixing all would also not work here because there might be some things that just might not fit together.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to handle this and at best find a solution that is kinda satisfiable for everyone? I'm happy about every idea.

PS: I'M sorry that i did not remove the request for help for the Chinese translation earlier to prevent this problem. I'm currently on a business trip and did not have time to do it earlier.

Edited by Nils277
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30 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

@Levin845 Thanks a lot for the translation!
You guessed right about the canister and the tags. The ckk-*** is specific for the CCK mod and should be left unchanged.

I am kind of in an awkward situation right now because @ssd21345 and @vosskftw also said to translate FUR into Chinese and @ssd21345 already posted translations for the Kerbetrotter and the KSPedia texts. Also both are started work on the translation for the parts.

I truly don't know what i should do here at the moment. It would be really unfair to pass over the translation of anyone of you because you already put a lot of time into it. I also can't decide at all which translations is better or more accurate. Just mixing all would also not work here because there might be some things that just might not fit together.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to handle this and at best find a solution that is kinda satisfiable for everyone? I'm happy about every idea.

PS: I'M sorry that i did not remove the request for help for the Chinese translation earlier to prevent this problem. I'm currently on a business trip and did not have time to do it earlier.

First of all, I should be sorry for not contacting you in advance. For the sake of work, I haven't been sure when I can complete the translation.

I don't have a very good idea of how to deal with the present situation.

But I think no matter which translation will be adopted,it will enable Chinese players to use the Chinese version of MOD.:sticktongue:


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1 hour ago, Antik said:

@Nils277 Will docking bay be available only in side-to-side version or frontal/rear versions are planned too?

The docking bay actually consists of two parts, the part in the middel to allow the dockin ports to be attached to the sides and the docking ports with bellow that can be extended. You can also attach the extendable part to the rear or  top or anywhere else you like

To make this a bit clearer:


Here, the extendible part of the docking port is on the rear. There are also some new thrusters attached :wink: 

Edited by Nils277
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4 hours ago, Nils277 said:

The docking bay actually consists of two parts, the part in the middel to allow the dockin ports to be attached to the sides and the docking ports with bellow that can be extended. You can also attach the extendable part to the rear or  top or anywhere else you like

To make this a bit clearer:


Here, the extendible part of the docking port is on the rear. There are also some new thrusters attached :wink: 

You know what would be cool? Is if those thrusters had animation swivels..

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On 6.7.2017 at 7:21 PM, Starwaster said:

You know what would be cool? Is if those thrusters had animation swivels..

I don't really know what you mean with animation swivels. Can you explain it?
The thrusters can be retracted to be directly at the rovers body...do you mean this?

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3 hours ago, Nils277 said:

I don't really know what you mean with animation swivels. Can you explain it?
The thrusters can be retracted to be directly at the rovers body...do you mean this?

No, I meant swivelled to be pointing backwards.

Although... maybe being gimballed would be good enough. They don't have to be fully backwards, even partially would allow enough tilt for forwards/backwards thrust and gimbals do that and are responsive to controls...

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5 hours ago, ssd21345 said:

@StarwasterDid you mean adding animation for engine gimbaling or the engine allowed to gimbal fully 90 degrees(straight down,or even straight up)?


I meant an animation that that would would animate part of the engine to change from pointing down to pointing back, or maybe somewhere in between. If set up properly, the thrust transforms would swivel with it. 

Straight back would allow the Lynx to transition to flying but if it were to point 45 degrees pointing down and back then its thrust would be split 50/50 down and back. A player could accomplish that by using the animation limiter, assuming that the animation were set up to swivel a full 90 degrees. Skillful application of the throttle or use of certain mods would allow the Lynx to hover in either mode, except that angled backwards would also propel it forwards. Think about the Harrier jet and how its engine nozzles can swivel.

@Sebra says to just rotate the entire craft and that's a viable option. That's how the lunar landers would have had to change their landing sites mid descent, but it's also an easy way to lose control and wreck your Lynx. What I'm suggesting would allow it to remain level while moving about.

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Rotating not the whole craft but just engines would allow you to keep it levelled. But this is not easier unless you are Creative Cyber Commander, able to use whole keyboard plus mouse and joystick simultaneously. :wink: Would you describe us which controls would you use? 

Quite better would be to use additional RCS thrusters to control horizontal speed.

Do not get me wrong. I'm not against gimbals. Just explain how you think to control it.

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25 minutes ago, Sebra said:

Rotating not the whole craft but just engines would allow you to keep it levelled. But this is not easier unless you are Creative Cyber Commander, able to use whole keyboard plus mouse and joystick simultaneously. :wink: Would you describe us which controls would you use? 

Quite better would be to use additional RCS thrusters to control horizontal speed.

Do not get me wrong. I'm not against gimbals. Just explain how you think to control it.

You don't need three controls, mainly it's just going to be SAS for attitude control and throttle to maintain altitude.

Or, autopilot. There's a number of options there. MJ2 of course, which can throttle individual engines and I use that regularly with my landing system that I use for both Lynx and KPBS to manage CoM shifts. In the case of the animated swivel that I propose (not the same as gimbals), differential throttle combined with MJ2's 'translatron' would easily allow for both attitude and altitude control. For those not wanting to use MJ, there's another mod that does the same thing which name escapes me. (some avionics throttle plugin)


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6 minutes ago, Sebra said:

If you use MJ, why you afraid to tilt whole craft?

using or not using MJ has nothing to do with tilting the entire craft is good or bad. If you're very close to the ground (as in landing????) then why would you want to be rotating your entire craft willy nilly?

If you're landing a plane, or operating a VTOL close to the ground do you rotate the entire thing? I bet you don't. You want it straight and level.

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1 minute ago, Starwaster said:

using or not using MJ has nothing to do with tilting the entire craft is good or bad.

Then the question remains: How you want to control "if those thrusters had animation swivels" ? (without MJ or other levelling mod)

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7 minutes ago, Sebra said:

Then the question remains: How you want to control "if those thrusters had animation swivels" ? (without MJ or other levelling mod)

First you're binding that animation to an action group. You'd use the animation limiter when building it in the VAB/SPH to limit its range to a desired preset.

In flight you would toggle that animation if you want to move it forward and control the throttle as necessary to hover it or slow its descent as needed.

Don't forget too that you can trim the controls, which I think a lot of players forget they can do.

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2 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

First you're binding that animation to an action group. You'd use the animation limiter when building it in the VAB/SPH to limit its range to a desired preset.

So you want preset angles, controlled by action groups. You would need at least three: Vertical, Forward and Backward.

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7 hours ago, Sebra said:

So you want preset angles, controlled by action groups. You would need at least three: Vertical, Forward and Backward.

No, that's more complicated than it needs to be, why do you think you would have to have preset angles? It's an animation, animations have animation limiters that control how far they can go. That's handled by the player in the context menu in the editor. All that's really needed is the animation itself. It's no wonder you have reservations about what I'm suggesting but it's really not that complicated at all. :)

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10 hours ago, Starwaster said:

No, that's more complicated than it needs to be, why do you think you would have to have preset angles? It's an animation, animations have animation limiters that control how far they can go. That's handled by the player in the context menu in the editor. All that's really needed is the animation itself. It's no wonder you have reservations about what I'm suggesting but it's really not that complicated at all. :)

Then you have to match all the animations to the same setting, and get the setting you want...  preset angles is often easier in practice.


On the other hand, this is a *rover* by design.  If you want to move horizontally it's far easier and more fuel-efficient to just land and drive.  I'd see rockets like this mostly useful for two situations: Initial delivery of the rover to a new planetiod, and occasional 'jumps' over otherwise-untransversable terrain.  For neither of these do I see any pressing need to swivel the rockets horizontally - If you're close to the ground, you want to be both level and going slowly so you can land (or are just taking off from a likely slow/stationary start), and if you're not close to the ground then you can alter the angle of the temporary spaceship safely.  In-game, in real life, and in model it's all easier and more sturdy to not try to swivel in such a manner.

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@Nils277, can I request for 2 additional modules?

1. Inline drill module. Similar to KPBS inline drill, but for Feline Rover shape.

2. Electric generator unit (smth. more like a mobile reactor). Yes, I know that you have a fuel cell, but would be nice to have something more powerful. Same request for KPBS :)

Thanks a lot for all your work :)

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