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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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13 hours ago, Maelstrom Vortex said:


Broken solar panel breaks.. but doesn't.. collider remains and can even move or cause impacts with other craft. Major correction needed:

Model is OKEB 78, have not checked other sails yet to see how they perform when broken. Also, cannot be repaired. Not sure if the repair part is WAD.


Major correction required! End of the world guys. 

Deal with it, I'm burned out and need to take a break from KSP. Just stop breaking the panel :wink:

22 hours ago, Andriy said:

I realized what the problem is :-))) I'm using the russian version of the game. Switch to english, everything works correctly. Thank you

Huh. That really shouldn't be happening though...

Edited by Nertea
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5 hours ago, Nertea said:

I'm burned out and need to take a break from KSP.

I hear ya. I just came off a 3.5 month break from KSP.  Definitely feel the creative thoughts flowing again though.  Sometimes you just have to put the mouse down.

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9 hours ago, Nertea said:

Major correction required! End of the world guys. 

Deal with it, I'm burned out and need to take a break from KSP. Just stop breaking the panel :wink:

Huh. That really shouldn't be happening though...

Sorry to hear you are burned out. Fortunately, I do have a means of repair for my stations using KAS that's relatively simple, Just ditch the broken part, scrap it and attach a new one, will have to work around those sail models for my drones though, but they certainly are beautiful.

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4 hours ago, dshriver said:

Does anyone have a MM patch to add the NFT fuels to MFT tanks?

All the resources that Near Future uses are from the Community Resource Pack. I would imagine that if such a patch exists, it would be a more general CRP resources patch.

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On 7/14/2017 at 4:31 PM, Kobymaru said:

Sorry about that, I was hoping you knew whats up looking at the exception. Happens sometimes. :wink:

But alas, more details are coming tomorrow.

Did you get a chance to detail this? I'm planning on a new DBS release within the week and I do want to make sure this isn't an issue.

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On 7/17/2017 at 10:56 AM, Space Kadet said:


i have had this issue too caused a probe that couldent be undocked, as for repairing them you cant repair solar panels.

but heres a random ship!



What mod is the command pod from?  I have been attempting to build an ITS-Alike ship and that command pod looks like it would fit right in with a good ITS-alike craft, sort of like what it looks like you were going for.

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On 7/6/2017 at 9:39 PM, Nertea said:

I've just finished off a new mod. It's called Near Future Launch Vehicles and is now ready to be released into the wild. Fly little birdie, fly!

  • 3.75m parts - yes the lineup is sparse, not really interested in backfilling though.

I haven't been around much lately so I just saw this, and I'm so excited! I've been wishing you'd do some regular LFO launch parts since SSPX came out, but never believed it would happen since stock already kinda had it covered.  Ive been using reconfiged Cryoengines and scaled tanks since KW dev stopped cause the stock ones were so ugly. Even made my own set, but they didn't measure up...

I know you don't want to backfill, but would you ever consider doing a 2.5m set?  We have the released porkjet files for 1.25, and now this mod will eventually cover 3.75m and up, leaving only a single size uncovered. And it's the one that needs a redesign most badly, what with the oil drums and all...

If that's outside scope, which would be understandable, can you share the logic you used to decide on fuel/mass ratios? Cfg. rescaled 5m tanks would still be way ahead of what we've got now.

Edit: just remembered that MkIV has 2.5m tanks now. While I'd love some rocket-style ones, you probably have better uses for your time than duplicating existing functionality.  Still would be interested in balancing info though, to config other stuff to match.

Edited by Starbuckminsterfullerton
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5 hours ago, NuclearNut said:

What mod is the command pod from?  I have been attempting to build an ITS-Alike ship and that command pod looks like it would fit right in with a good ITS-alike craft, sort of like what it looks like you were going for.

its from near future spacecraft, you just right click its menu to get a cowling at the bottom, as for looks, well no idea is created in a vacuum:P

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Hello a part seems to be missing. It said "adapter-375-25 is missing so a craft can't be loaded. I can't find it in near future construction parts pack. I tried to change the file name from "adapter-375-25-1" to "adapter-375-25" but still no working. Is there anything I can do?


Edited by Carrot
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14 hours ago, Nertea said:

Did you get a chance to detail this? I'm planning on a new DBS release within the week and I do want to make sure this isn't an issue.

I am running a rebuilt version because I wanted to get debugging symbols, but then the NullRef disappeared. I'll try again with the original build but it might have just needed a restart.

About the overheating USI reactor I was just too lazy and disabled the NFE -> USI patch. I'll try to reproduce soon.

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3 hours ago, Carrot said:

Hello a part seems to be missing. It said "adapter-375-25 is missing so a craft can't be loaded. I can't find it in near future construction parts pack. I tried to change the file name from "adapter-375-25-1" to "adapter-375-25" but still no working. Is there anything I can do?


The file name is not what determines the internal identifier of a part. That is set inside the config file itself. Right at the top, one of the first entries below the PART { } node should be saying name = something. This is the field you need to change to rename the part. The filename of the config file can be literally anything, it doesn't matter.

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16 hours ago, Nertea said:

Did you get a chance to detail this? I'm planning on a new DBS release within the week and I do want to make sure this isn't an issue.

I checked it out again and can't reproduce anything anymore :( No idea what was up. Sorry about that. On the upside, less bugfixing for you :wink:

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On 7/20/2017 at 5:09 PM, KERBAL WARS said:

Can you possibly make a pack containing all parts from this mod? 

If you're asking for a Near Future all-in-one thing, that will never happen.

Nertea has explicitly said he does not want the added hassle of maintaining his mods both separate and as a bundle.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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On 17/07/2017 at 5:30 AM, Nertea said:

I tried a bunch of repros using many NFLV and stock tanks as both the host and the child and could no repro this on the launchpad or in flight. Can you  get me repro steps without Ven's tanks?

I just worked out what was causing the explosions, in a stock + NFLV install. Turn "Rigid attachment" mode on for the part which is attached to the decoupler, and on decoupling there's a structural failure leading to a collision between the detached part of the decoupler and the decoupled part.

build a core stage, then add a TTR-6R, then place a large-ish part onto the decoupler (a wet "half orange" tank will do it, but a dry one is light enough for nothing to break. A orange tank will cause the failure wet or dry). launch and fire the decoupler, and if there's no explosion, the F3 flight results window should say there was a structural failure between the decoupler and the child part. You may see the ejected half of the decoupler fly off not connected to the child part too. The explosions I've had seem to be the ejected half of the decoupler colliding into the part it used to be attached to.

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2 minutes ago, dave1904 said:

im getting back to ksp after a bit of a break and I love you mods btw. Is NFLV only 1.3.0 or is there any 1.2.2 version? Sorry for the stupid question but im not sure when patch hit and mod was released.  

It's 1.3.

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