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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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40 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I'd like to think this is a thing. Lol

Check for a MkIV update. There may be a release where these parts are properly deleted. I don't expect MM to be a valid approach to this as the identical parts are caused by two configs with the same PART {name = x} value. It would be much easier or more worthwhile to sift and delete files (if the presumed MkIV release does not exist).

Reading through the MkIV thread I see Nerta has told us there will be a new MkIV that has the stuff we are talking about removed. There is no notice from Nerta that such an update has been released yet. There is a nice list provided by Nerta that details what will be pulled from the MkIV:

These are:

  • All intakes
  • All nacelle parts (including precoolers and engine pods)
  • All engines (multimode, jet, propeller, lift fan, the works)
  • The basic RCS blister (but not the Mk4 side profile one)
  • The 4 2.5m fuel tanks

Everything else should be untouched. 

There are two RCS blisters, the ARV-100-8 and the ARV-50-2. There is going to be a guess as to which one Nerta means to remove, but I will go for removing ARV-50-2 for the moment.

I am removing the parts by merely appending .pending_update to the end of the file name, as you can bet I have used those parts somewhere and as we know, if the part is not available the craft will not load. But at least I will get told which craft have the soon to be removed parts.

When I say removed, I mean deleted from MkIV because their equivalent is now in this mod. A little pesky, but most likely worth the effort to change parts on any craft using the 'old' parts.

Oh and a final note about part names, I believe this mod creates part names in the format NFA-name, thus there is no duplication of part names with MkIV. I am removing the MkIV parts so that I do not get confused in game which part is going to be removed.

Edited by Apaseall
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8 hours ago, Streetwind said:

This definitely did not happen when I played on 1.3.1. Please try to confirm this in a fresh KSP install with nothing but Near Future Propulsion and its dependencies installed. If you can, please submit a logfile.

It's a modded install I've been playing on for a few months now, but I only recently noticed the issue as I hadn't used any of the ion thrusters until a the past week. When I had nearly the same mod setup in my last 1.2.2 career I didn't experience the issue. I tried reinstalling NFP in case it was an install specific error, but no luck there. I have logging disabled currently but I'll enable it the next time I play!

Current modlist-


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Some good news, yes there are a number of craft that have parts that are due to be removed from MkIV because they are now present in this mod. Why good news? Well when I compared mk4LiftFan-10-1 from MkIV with nfa-liftfan-10-1 from this mod, there are no 'significant' differences. What I mean by that is I am confident that a search and replace in a craft file for this part, will appear as though the part had never changed. Yes there are some little tweaks but those are to things like adding slopes to curves for say atmCurve. I am therefore going to trust that the models will be similar enough also. Fingers crossed, editing time.

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9 minutes ago, infantjones said:

It's a modded install I've been playing on for a few months now, but I only recently noticed the issue as I hadn't used any of the ion thrusters until a the past week. When I had nearly the same mod setup in my last 1.2.2 career I didn't experience the issue. I tried reinstalling NFP in case it was an install specific error, but no luck there. I have logging disabled currently but I'll enable it the next time I play!

In asking you to use a fresh install with only NFP, I'm not trying to get you to give up your current install. I'm looking for a conlusive answer to the question of whether something is wrong with NFP itself, or whether some negative cross-mod interaction is happening. By limiting your test to a scenario that has no other mods, it becomes much easier to diagnose the problem.

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1 minute ago, Streetwind said:

In asking you to use a fresh install with only NFP, I'm not trying to get you to give up your current install. I'm looking for a conlusive answer to the question of whether something is wrong with NFP itself, or whether some negative cross-mod interaction is happening. By limiting your test to a scenario that has no other mods, it becomes much easier to diagnose the problem.

This is a normal request when trying to find the root of an issue. The usual practice is to temporarily make another installation of KSP and add into that only the mod under scrutiny. This means for a limited time you will have two installs of KSP, you current game and one for testing. Hope this helps.

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Not sure where this lies on the priority list, but on the NF Spacecraft FAQ I see that RPM integration was removed for rework. I'd trimmed NF:S from my mod list specifically because, as great as they are, didn't have RPM integration and went back to using stock pods. I didn't know they used to have it at one point.

If you're wondering if it's a desired feature, FWIW I'd be using the heck out of NF Spacecraft if that was returned.

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33 minutes ago, Tybot said:

Not sure where this lies on the priority list, but on the NF Spacecraft FAQ I see that RPM integration was removed for rework. I'd trimmed NF:S from my mod list specifically because, as great as they are, didn't have RPM integration and went back to using stock pods. I didn't know they used to have it at one point.

 If you're wondering if it's a desired feature, FWIW I'd be using the heck out of NF Spacecraft if that was returned.

Actually RPM support came back in version 0.7.5, should probably update the OP

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So, I desperately want to install a couple of the near future techs. Downloaded them and the game crashed. Then I realised I was being an idiot - they are built for 1.4x, I need a 1.31 version. But, there is only a super old release on github and all other links are to the newest version. Can you tell me where I can download the last 1.31 compatible version?? Thanks!

EDIT- never mind. It still crashed after I removed the mods, so I removed the removed the packaged module manager, put the mods back and it started fine...

Edited by Antstar
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3 hours ago, Antstar said:

So, I desperately want to install a couple of the near future techs. Downloaded them and the game crashed. Then I realised I was being an idiot - they are built for 1.4x, I need a 1.31 version. But, there is only a super old release on github and all other links are to the newest version. Can you tell me where I can download the last 1.31 compatible version?? Thanks!

EDIT- never mind. It still crashed after I removed the mods, so I removed the removed the packaged module manager, put the mods back and it started fine...

You can find old versions on spacedock under the changelog

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57 minutes ago, 1straycat said:

Are there 1.3.1 compatible versions of NF Aeronautics anywhere? I only see 1.4.5 versions on spacedock under changelog.

Engines from NF Aeronautics were part of MkIV Spaceplane System in the older versions.


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1 hour ago, 1straycat said:

Are there 1.3.1 compatible versions of NF Aeronautics anywhere? I only see 1.4.5 versions on spacedock under changelog.

NF Aeronautics is a new pack, it did not exist prior to 1.4.5 in this form. That's why you can't find any older versions. But yes, you can follow the link that @maja posted.

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Two possibilities: either it is a well known bug, in this case, just quick save and quick load and EC will magically reappear.

Or your craft just doesn't have enough electric charge to begin with.

Just click on the right of the EC bar on the truss and disable the use of it. Reactivate it once in orbit for your space station to be operational. And put more EC, aka batteries in the launching system maybe? Heavy craft eat more energy to rotate themselves with reaction wheels.

Another solution would to operate rortation maneuvers with RCS thrusters to save power.

Edited by Quoniam Kerman
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@Quoniam Kerman - If it was a problem of having consumed the EC, the empty resource bar would still show up. In this screenshot, there is no bar at all. That's clearly not working as intended.

@eberkain - Please check if save+reload fixes the problem. If not, please check if the issue is reproducible (i.e. launching another one also results in a part with no EC).

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3 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

What's the deal with IntakeAtm vs. IntakeAir? I gather that it has something to do with the Community Resource Pack, but aren't they representing the same thing?

Technically, IntakeAir would be a subset of IntakeAtm (being "atmosphere with Oxygen").

I guess, IntakeAtm was introduced to make engines that use atmosphere as a propellant and don't rely on fuel combustion (propellers, nuclear jets) work properly in places like Duna or Eve.

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