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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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Looks like all NFeX antennas lost their feed feature due to config change in NFExplorationAntennaFeedsNFeX.cfg

// Patches applying feed properties to nfex antennas

    @name = ModuleDataTransmitterFeedeable

  !MODULE[ModuleAntennaFeed] {}

The !MODULE[ModuleAntennaFeed] {} line can be blamed?

Is it intended to work like this or just a mistake?

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2 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Sorry to be such a pain, but I've found a problem in NFSolar. The NIV-30 and NIV-45 static curved panels are behaving very badly when I try to move them, they will repeatedly snap to the completely wrong position when I so much as touch one of the movement arrows and if I move them along one axis then try to move them in another they move back to where they were before. Very annoying as I can't re-position them once placed, I've tried with the snap to position thing on and off and the same thing happens.

KSP 1.8.1, NFSolar 1.2.0 and no other panels seem to be affected, just the curved ones. I might try and replicate in a clean install later with no other mods.

It's something I intended to fix when I broke everything in 1.0.. Guess I'll have to break things again

7 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

On a patch-related note: I just downloaded the latest NF Solar and found the different cell types, which is an interesting new feature I'll have to investigate. Is there any chance that a patch could be added that adds that cell switching to non-NFSolar panels e.g. stock, or from other mods? Kerbal Atomics has a patch that switches non-KA nuclear engines to run on liquid hydrogen so there is some precedent.

No I don't have such plans, requires art changes that I would not want to expend the effort doing to other mods. If you want to do it to other mods, you should be able to see how to do it from the configs.  


NF Exploration 1.0.6

  • Fixed backwards RT patch removing feed features when RT NOT installed vs installed

NF Solar 1.2.1

  • Changed the attach node on the curved panels to behave better with surface attachemnt (sorry, this will affect craft)


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16 hours ago, Nertea said:


It's something I intended to fix when I broke everything in 1.0.. Guess I'll have to break things again

No I don't have such plans, requires art changes that I would not want to expend the effort doing to other mods. If you want to do it to other mods, you should be able to see how to do it from the configs.  


NF Exploration 1.0.6

  • Fixed backwards RT patch removing feed features when RT NOT installed vs installed

NF Solar 1.2.1

  • Changed the attach node on the curved panels to behave better with surface attachemnt (sorry, this will affect craft)


Re. the curved solar panels thing, I've just found a nearly identical problem with the NFLV 5m cargo bays even though they're attached in a stack. I only used them for the first time yesterday so never found it before.


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Hey Nertea, just wanted to say that the NFT collection looks amazing. I usually have kept my KSP install quite vanilla with very few parts mods, but with 1.9 and a fresh save I'm thinking about adding some of these to my mod collection. I was wondering if you had plans to update Near Future Aeronautics to 1.9 in the coming few months; I have been looking at Mk IV Spaceplane Systems but to get the full experience I would really love the engines/nacelles/etc. from NFA. I know that you're really busy and that you maintain quite a few mods so I don't mean to sound rude or demanding but I was just curious if this is likely going to be updated or not. Keep up the good work!

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5 hours ago, pt1243 said:

I was wondering if you had plans to update Near Future Aeronautics to 1.9 in the coming few months

There is a FAQ entry for this question in the opening post, which explains the reason for there being no updates.

Should Nertea get bitten by motivation one day, we'll likely learn about it by having a screenshot gallery dropped on us out of the blue, as he is wont to do with new projects. Until then, however, consider the mod indefinitely on hold, and the answer to be always "no such plans".

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8 hours ago, Streetwind said:

There is a FAQ entry for this question in the opening post, which explains the reason for there being no updates.

Should Nertea get bitten by motivation one day, we'll likely learn about it by having a screenshot gallery dropped on us out of the blue, as he is wont to do with new projects. Until then, however, consider the mod indefinitely on hold, and the answer to be always "no such plans".

Yes, I was aware of the FAQ and I simply wanted to know if Nertea had any plans to continue it. Thanks for the info though.

8 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

He also said this:

I'll give this a try and see if it works in 1.9.

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I installed NF eletrical, exploration, solar, propultion, cryogenic engines, and kerbal atomics for 1.9 into 1.8.1, but only the nf parts showed up, is that a version problem or I installed incorrectly?

Link to a copy of my game data folder:



Edited by Space Nerd
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6 minutes ago, Space Nerd said:

I installed NF eletrical, exploration, solar, propultion, cryogenic engines, and kerbal atomics for 1.9 into 1.8.1, but only the nf parts showed up, is that a version problem or I installed incorrectly?

Link to a copy of my game data folder:



Your CryoEngines is installed incorrectly.

Right now you have a folder called GameData/CryogenicEngines

Inside that you have CryoEngines, CryoTanks etc

Everything inside that needs to be in GameData instead.

Same for Kerbal Atomics

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@Nertea I've tried putting together a patch that adds the solar panel cell types to the stock solar panels when ReStock is also installed (because the artwork is very similar). So far I've managed to make it nearly work for the basic OX-STAT static panels- the part switching worked but not the texture switching- by sticking the relevant code into a new patch file (and after repeated failed attempts, including ALL the curly brackets in said file) but it generates module manager warnings about the textures not being found and Solar_Static_Quad not existing (I copied the code directly from the KX-STAT panels). I think the texture .dds files I made aren't right and/or I need something like :AFTER[NearFutureSolar] at the start of the config file, do you have any advice?

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43 minutes ago, IronPanda said:
I see a question in another thread and I'm questionning myself with your mods too.
So, are your mods best use with 2.5x or 2.7x (JNSQ) rescale like some other part mods (BDB,Tanteras,ReDirect)?
Thanks in advance for your answer ;)

All my balance targets are stock. I don't make any statements one way or another, but a group of KSP players believe that the stock game's parts are well balanced for a rescale of that size. If I balance for stock then, all should be fine. 

1 hour ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

@Nertea I've tried putting together a patch that adds the solar panel cell types to the stock solar panels when ReStock is also installed (because the artwork is very similar). So far I've managed to make it nearly work for the basic OX-STAT static panels- the part switching worked but not the texture switching- by sticking the relevant code into a new patch file (and after repeated failed attempts, including ALL the curly brackets in said file) but it generates module manager warnings about the textures not being found and Solar_Static_Quad not existing (I copied the code directly from the KX-STAT panels). I think the texture .dds files I made aren't right and/or I need something like :AFTER[NearFutureSolar] at the start of the config file, do you have any advice?

First off, make sure your texture file paths in the config are actually correct and loading. The transform =  Solar_Static_Quad line tells the game to apply the texture to that particular game object which part of the model. If you remove that line the texture will be applied to all the objects. Alternately, use a tool like DebugStuff to look at the panel you're trying to change ingame to find the right gameobject to put in that slot.

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Whatever I'm doing to the texture files is corrupting them in some way- they jump in size by about 3x and KSP can't find them, I tried just opening one of the existing textures and saving it again unedited and it immediately started producing module manager errors. Interestingly it also doesn't show an image preview for all the edited files when looking at the folder even though they're all shown as .dds files. I have literally no idea why this is happening, is there some kind of file compression in the existing texture files that I'm accidentally destroying?

Bodging a patch that just adds the variants without the textures will be vastly simpler (and I now know that it's working!:D), but won't look as nice. That might be the compromise I have to make if I can't get this texture thing sorted. 

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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I have a problem with these antenna:


Apparently they do not have any action or module to them that can be seen with right click from catalogue. They also doesn't show any line showing them being able to be used with reflectors.

Is this because of new update? I just unlocked these recently and didn't play with them before. Or is it due to remote tech?

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5 minutes ago, RainDreamer said:

I have a problem with these antenna:


Apparently they do not have any action or module to them that can be seen with right click from catalogue. They also doesn't show any line showing them being able to be used with reflectors.

Is this because of new update? I just unlocked these recently and didn't play with them before. Or is it due to remote tech?

Which version of NF Exploration and KSP are you using, and what other mods do you have installed? Please note the following from the FAQs on page 1 of this thread:

Q: I'm using Remote Tech and something doesn't work!
A: This mod is not compatible with RemoteTech. Some aspects may work but the reflector/feeder system would need to be reimplemented by the RT devs. 

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Just now, jimmymcgoochie said:

Which version of NF Exploration and KSP are you using, and what other mods do you have installed? Please note the following from the FAQs on page 1 of this thread:

Q: I'm using Remote Tech and something doesn't work!
A: This mod is not compatible with RemoteTech. Some aspects may work but the reflector/feeder system would need to be reimplemented by the RT devs. 

Somehow missed that part, thanks! I was using Remote Tech, gonna check that.

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Just now, RainDreamer said:

Somehow missed that part, thanks! I was using Remote Tech, gonna check that.

Always check the original post, it usually has important information on it like dependencies, incompatible and supported mods etc. If you're using CKAN for mods then it will often flag things up, but not all the time.

I once spent most of an evening trying to figure out why a mod wasn't working- turned out I had missed one of the dependencies that was right there on the first page, installed that and suddenly everything worked fine :rolleyes:

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