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[1.3.0] [Kopernicus] Interstellar Adventure Revived v1.2.9 - A Taste of the Upcoming Grand Update! [18August17]


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  On 11/7/2017 at 5:21 PM, UranianBlue said:

@ProtoJeb21, how many of the planets in the pack were made with SpaceEngine? Tell the truth.


Every single gas giant (with the exception of Brigid), and about half the rocky objects. All of the rocky objects, except for a few, are made from custom Space Engine height maps and HeightColorMap, with a few other PQSMods thrown in for some extra detail. Others are pure Kittopia worlds, while an even smaller amount are pure Space Engine worlds (and are going to be retextured, especially Selphar). 

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Dres is getting a COMPLETE makeover for IAR 1.3. It will now be a Terra-class planet closer to Kerbol with a golden ring system, sea-green oceans, a thick atmosphere, and two or three moons. Currently Eeloo and Gilly have been moved into Dresian orbit, and I may put Minmus there as well. Here's a picture of Dres when its new texture was ACTUALLY WORKING:


For some reason, Dres' original PQSMods and Height Map still show up in Kittopia and make it impossible for the planet to turn out right on the surface. The oceans are too low (a first for this mod), and the terrain is the wrong color. This issue has not appeared on any other stock object I've retextured and is currently trying to be solved over on the Kopernicus Discord server.

In the meantime, Eeloo's new texture is coming out better. It's not so different from the original - same height/normal maps and color scheme, but with more brown-orange and some lower terrain in certain areas. Screenshots coming soon, after I add in some more craters.

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Presenting the new Pluto analogue, Pulo! I had to move it 100 times closer to the Sun in order to get a good screenshot. In its normal orbit, Pulo is an average of 400 MILLION kilometers from Kerbol - so far away that you can't tell the difference between its day and night sides. Pulo is very cold at just 55oK and has a very thin atmosphere with 0.3% the pressure of Kerbin's at sea level. It will get three moons in the future: Keron, a Charon analogue; Syp, a tiny Styx analogue; and Nik, a very oblate Nix analogue.


Selphar will also be part of the Kerbol system in version 1.3.0. It will be much more distant that Pulo, with an orbit taking 4.38 million Kerbin days (10,281.7 kerbal years, or 2,570 Earth years) at a distance of 6.7 BILLION kilometers (equivalent to 4,481.4 AU when scaled up 10x to real-life scale). As expected, Selphar's equilibrium temperature is incredibly low, at just 12oK, or -438oF. However, it will have a very thick atmosphere - 33 times the pressure of Kerbin's - and as a result has a tremendous greenhouse effect, allowing temperatures to rise as high as 290oK (62oF). It will have four moons, including a re-done Yarku and three other icy worlds.

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Pulo is 99.9% done. I've finished its textures, fixed its ring, added a nice little haze of an atmosphere, and gave it custom ground scatter. And yet, it's actually solid GS. I also worked on its main moon, Keron. Its one of my favorite Kopernicus objects I've ever made, due to its incredibly diverse landscape and working terrain scatter. Keron is over half the size of Pulo and the two of them are tidally locked to each other, like Pluto and Charon.






Meanwhile, @The Cuttlefish Empire has made Scatterer configs for Eotia, Agnostos, Neverita, and Atmisgi. They're all coming out great!


Also, a new study was published on arXiv the other day detailing how surface activity on red dwarf stars can seriously change radius estimates on transiting exoplanets. The study team found out that the TRAPPIST-1 planets are about 8% smaller than originally calculated and are slightly denser. Looks like I have a lot more work to do with that system now.

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  On 11/18/2017 at 5:58 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Pulo is 99.9% done. I've finished its textures, fixed its ring, added a nice little haze of an atmosphere, and gave it custom ground scatter. And yet, it's actually solid GS. I also worked on its main moon, Keron. Its one of my favorite Kopernicus objects I've ever made, due to its incredibly diverse landscape and working terrain scatter. Keron is over half the size of Pulo and the two of them are tidally locked to each other, like Pluto and Charon.






Meanwhile, @The Cuttlefish Empire has made Scatterer configs for Eotia, Agnostos, Neverita, and Atmisgi. They're all coming out great!


Also, a new study was published on arXiv the other day detailing how surface activity on red dwarf stars can seriously change radius estimates on transiting exoplanets. The study team found out that the TRAPPIST-1 planets are about 8% smaller than originally calculated and are slightly denser. Looks like I have a lot more work to do with that system now.


this is why monitoring UV Ceti stars and discovering them is important!!

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  On 11/18/2017 at 5:58 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Meanwhile, @The Cuttlefish Empire has made Scatterer configs for Eotia, Agnostos, Neverita, and Atmisgi. They're all coming out great!




More are on the way, but those are all that're there for now :D

Edited by The Cuttlefish Empire
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any chance you could break up IAR into separate system packs?  Those of us with *only* 16gb of ram and heavily modded installs are hitting almost full memory usage *by the time we get to the loading screen* with the full IAR pack installed :)  I've toyed with the idea of deleting everything but the TRAPPIST-1 star and Thallo, to save ram, but it'd be nice if the whole pack could be modularized.  Esp. if we don't want save-breaking mods to the Kerbol system, but just want exoplanets to explore with KSPIE/etc. :)

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So is this compatible with sigma dimensions or no?  It's a deal breaker for me if it isn't, but I reallllly hope it is.  as it is i've only been able to get one extra star into my game.

@freethinker You mentioned this code would make it work?  

			@Rescale *= X

Is that something I'd just put in a .cfg in my gamedata folder or would I just set the sigma dimension rescale value in sigma's .cfg as I currently do for OPM and Extrasolar?

It's just confusing for me since Sigma Dimensions worked to expand planets, atmospheres and orbits for OPM and Extrasolar planet mod with no problem.  I don't get why it only works with some of these packs and not all.  Like GN for example, wouldn't work and neither will KSS.


And @ss8913 I'm not currently using it now because it isn't compatible with Sigma Dimensions, but KSS does its exoplanets in a modular fashion and lets you choose which ones you want to install, that might work better for you.

Edited by Fergrim
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  On 11/27/2017 at 1:46 AM, Fergrim said:

It's just confusing for me since Sigma Dimensions worked to expand planets, atmospheres and orbits for OPM and Extrasolar planet mod with no problem.  I don't get why it only works with some of these packs and not all.  Like GN for example, wouldn't work


GN is fully compatible with SD

in fact, SD is required if you want to play with RSS in the GN


if you are having any trouble you can always ask for help in the GN thread or in the SD thread, I've never refused support for any of my mods



generally speaking, SD will work with any planet pack which is written properly.

as long as the things you ask SD to do make sense

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Thanks a lot SIgma, I'm still a bit new to the system and trying to learn it all as fast as I can.


For example, I wasn't sure what takes precedent, the settings.cfg in the SD folder or a .cfg the individual mod comes with.


And also, while almostrealsolarsystem loads at any scale without a problem, when I tried to do the same in GN and KSS they both came up with Kopernicus errors telling me it failed to create planetary bodies and I shouldn't load my saves.  So I'm still experimenting :)

  On 11/27/2017 at 4:55 PM, Sigma88 said:

GN is fully compatible with SD

in fact, SD is required if you want to play with RSS in the GN


if you are having any trouble you can always ask for help in the GN thread or in the SD thread, I've never refused support for any of my mods



generally speaking, SD will work with any planet pack which is written properly.

as long as the things you ask SD to do make sense


Thanks sigma, I'm just kind of learning by the seat of my pants here.  I was repeatedly getting Kopernicus failure messages when I tried to run GN with SD settings at 2.5x in the first four variables.

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@Fergrim the only valid SigmaDimensions node is the one provided inside the Settings.cfg

And it loads first

Then all patches (cfgs with @SigmaDimensions) are applied to it by MM and will likely change the settings.

Once MM is done, SD will rescale the system using whatever parameters ended up in the settings node


Regarding GN it should work with SD. I'll double check when I have some time

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@Sigma88Thanks sigma, I had the same exact problem trying to run SD with KSS if you have time to check either one.  Should I expect it to work with that one?  If so, I'll get back to trying.  I appreciate the explanation.

@Maelstrom Vortex , out of curiosity why are you running 1.3 instead of 1.3.1, is there some benefit to it I'm not aware of?

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@Fergrim as long as the cfgs are written properly it should work, but KSS has already caused problems in the past for having errors in its cfgs so I can't vouch for that.


GN on the other hand should work properly, if it doesn't click the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions

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If this is compatible with 1.3.1, then why do I get this in the logs and a never ending load screen?


[EXC 01:57:43.812] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.819] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.853] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.887] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.921] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  On 11/29/2017 at 5:33 AM, Fergrim said:

@Sigma88Thanks sigma, I had the same exact problem trying to run SD with KSS if you have time to check either one.  Should I expect it to work with that one?  If so, I'll get back to trying.  I appreciate the explanation.

@Maelstrom Vortex , out of curiosity why are you running 1.3 instead of 1.3.1, is there some benefit to it I'm not aware of?


I'm not, you must have mis-read. I am running 1.3.1

Even after Koppernicus updated, this still is occurring. The same loop. This mod is definitely NOT 1.3.1 compatible on the current version of Koppernicus.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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  On 11/29/2017 at 7:02 AM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

If this is compatible with 1.3.1, then why do I get this in the logs and a never ending load screen?


[EXC 01:57:43.812] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.819] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.853] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.887] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 01:57:43.921] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I'm not, you must have mis-read. I am running 1.3.1

Even after Koppernicus updated, this still is occurring. The same loop. This mod is definitely NOT 1.3.1 compatible on the current version of Koppernicus.


Have you considered the fact that maybe if you have an extensive modlist, then maybe this mod might be incompatible with one or more of your other mods?

And that if you don't that maybe you installed it incorrectly?

Don't just jump to conclusions with Kopernicus mods, or even mods in general.

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  On 11/29/2017 at 3:21 PM, electricpants said:

Have you considered the fact that maybe if you have an extensive modlist, then maybe this mod might be incompatible with one or more of your other mods?

And that if you don't that maybe you installed it incorrectly?

Don't just jump to conclusions with Kopernicus mods, or even mods in general.



Koppernicus is operational because the Outer Planets mods works fine. Is there any known incompatibility between Outer Planets and IAR?  There are no other mods which modify any other planets or systems. I followed the installation instructions on the installation page to the letter. When the failed and I checked the log I saw this error. I updated to the most recent version of Koppernicus and I repeated the load attempt with the same exact results with the most recent updated version of Koppernicus having over-written the old Koppernicus content in the folder.. (which I think it was already up to date but I had to be sure.)

Is there anyone here that has this operational on 1.3.1 that can indicate that it is functional? Has anyone ran into this error before? Do you have any information that may actually.. I dunno.. help me resolve this problem because to me it looks like this is incompatible with the current version of Koppernicus based on the error message. I typically rely on the information from the log file to help me indicate where the problem is and since Koppernicus works fine, sans IAR, it was logical to believe that IAR was conflicting with Kopppernicus. Removed IAR, and the build works fine with OPM and boots normally.

There are the additional details that lead me to the conclusion that IAR is not working with this most recent version of Koppernicus and thusly, 1.3.1. I mean, call me crazy, but that looks like a procedure call to Koppernicus isn't finding something the procedure it needs regarding a star or stars and that is something that may have plausibly changed with the 1.3.1 update. The content from the Koppernicus folder from the zip file is definitely in the folder and I checked the planet names to be certain it migrated.The zip file gave no indication any of the content failed to migrate. I have no reason to believe that there was any failure in the extraction or allocation process.

To summarize, I did a lot of troubleshooting before coming here with 0 luck and most of it seemed to indicate something isn't talking to Koppernicus regarding IAR and since OPM works with Koppernicus and there are no other star or planet position mods that strongly indicates the culprit is the game's source code. I hope I'm wrong because if I am it means someone can tell me how to fix it. If I'm not, it means this mod needs updated and I have to wait even longer to get the beautiful stars back.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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