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[1.12] KSP-RO - Realism Overhaul [16 May 2022]


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10 hours ago, AVaughan said:

@CocaoGames  Which version of KSP?  What versions of ksp (if any) did you tell ckan to consider compatible?

See https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.6.1   



my guess is the ignoring of the RO release version and trying to install it on 1.7.x or something similar. Although RO does work on 1.7.x but you need to force ckan to install the 1.6.x versions of the dependencies that haven't been updated yet.

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3 minutes ago, raidernick said:

my guess is the ignoring of the RO release version and trying to install it on 1.7.x or something similar. Although RO does work on 1.7.x but you need to force ckan to install the 1.6.x versions of the dependencies that haven't been updated yet.

Curiously, i tried to make ro work on 1.7.3 and if I recall correctly it seemed that advanced jet engines was not quite compatible. I got lots of errors.

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1 hour ago, raidernick said:

my test install for RO is on 1.7.x and I have no issues

I'll try a clean ckan install soon then, i did a manual install because ckan would not install ro due to kerbal joint reinforcement. Thank you for the confirmation though :)

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Vinci config seems to need some fixing, as the engine has the wrong stats and spams the log with the following error:


[ERR 18:52:07.258] *RFMEC* ERROR could not find configuration of name RL60 and could find no fallback config.
For part SSTU-SC-ENG-Vinci, Current nodes:
	name = Vinci-180
	massMult = 1.100
	maxThrust = 180
	minThrust = 180
	heatProduction = 100
	ullage = True
	ignitions = 5
	powerEffectName = Hydrolox-Upper
		name = LqdHydrogen
		ratio = 0.733
		DrawGauge = true
		name = LqdOxygen
		ratio = 0.267
		key = 0 465
		key = 1 230
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 0.500


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I have an issue with KSP 1.6.1 with RO v 12.7.2.  The Stack nodes of the MK1-3 Pod (4m) & MK1 Pod (2m) (the green balls when we want to stack parts) are offset inside the Pods.  For example, on the following image, the escape rocket is overlapping inside the pod a lot, and the heat shield at the bottom is also offset a little inside.


Here is some configuration data from the "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" file :

    parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg
        name = mk1-3pod
        module = Part
        author = RoverDude
        scale = 1.0
        node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.50015, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
        node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.2732, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
        rescaleFactor = 1.0

            model = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/Mk1-3
            scale = 1.6355, 1.6355, 1.6355

I have a fresh install of KSP.

Looking at stock configuration, i learned that the "node_stack_bottom" and "node_stack_top" initial "Y" values are -0.47924 (bottom) and 1.19319 (top).  Theorically, by looking in the RO source code, there should be a 1.6 upscale applied.  The wiki for config files states that scaling can be done by adjusting "rescaleFactor" (which should scale the 3D texture and the nodes placement at the same time), but rescaleFactor is still 1.0 in the configCache.  Another way to scale the part is by adjusting the "scale" vector in the "MODEL" section (here, "1.6355, 1.6355, 1.6355", which will scale only the 3D model) and adjusting the "node_stack_bottom" and "node_stack_top" values to 1.6 * [original values], which will then adjust the stack nodes placement.  Here we have -0.50015 and 1.2732 "Y" nodes values.  These are not 1.6 * [original values], these are only ±1.05 * [Original values].  Why ?


I don't understand the 1.6355 model scale value, it should be 1.6.

I found a workaround by using the configCache values from "KSP 1.2.2 with RO"; i set bottom and top nodes "Y" values to -0.760 (bottom) and 1.986 (top). But everytime i add or remove a mod, the cache rebuilds and i have to correct the nodes again.

Anyone observed this issue ?

Edited by JeanRenaud
Image added.
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I am having trouble where as I spend more time in the VAB with a rocket, my game gets slower and slower. I traced the problem to the procedural SRB spamming the logs with:

ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX.LateUpdate ()
[EXC T:I:M.E] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

It isn't just a ProcParts problem, because it only happens when I have the RO suite installed. It may be due to RealFuels or SmokeScreen or RealPlume, but RO is the only consistent thing I've found. any advice?

Before you ask, I installed via CKAN.

(Logs incoming, be prepared).

I am currently working on finding a way to upload the logs, but my player.log is literally 5mb of

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)


Edited by IMLL1
logs issues
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NASA reusing the proven Skylab design atop this Orion, with integrated Apollo Command Module (which fits *perfectly* atop the Gemini retro module)



You really come to realize that chemical rocketry is like playing with foam kid's toys after riding 6000 tons to space with atomic bombs. 16 Raptors are used to bring it down.


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On 9/7/2019 at 12:32 AM, IMLL1 said:

I am having trouble where as I spend more time in the VAB with a rocket, my game gets slower and slower. I traced the problem to the procedural SRB spamming the logs with:

ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX.LateUpdate ()
[EXC T:I:M.E] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

It isn't just a ProcParts problem, because it only happens when I have the RO suite installed. It may be due to RealFuels or SmokeScreen or RealPlume, but RO is the only consistent thing I've found. any advice?

Before you ask, I installed via CKAN.

(Logs incoming, be prepared).

I am currently working on finding a way to upload the logs, but my player.log is literally 5mb of

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)


I started a new career with RO on 1.6.1 plus the test version of RP-1 and I was just about to report the same issue. It's caused by the smokescreen plugin 2.8.2 installed via ckan. I replaced it with the 2.8.0 version and the log spamming is gone. Thou I still have to test the gameplay. I will update soon.

Edit: Yup I confirm that smokescreen 2.8.0 seems to work just fine. 

Edited by Epox75
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10 hours ago, Epox75 said:

I started a new career with RO on 1.6.1 plus the test version of RP-1 and I was just about to report the same issue. It's caused by the smokescreen plugin 2.8.2 installed via ckan. I replaced it with the 2.8.0 version and the log spamming is gone. Thou I still have to test the gameplay. I will update soon.

Thanks. Someone else said that Real Fuels is also at fault, so update them both I guess.

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Hey there,

Is there any way to make clouds work with 1.7.3 and RO/RSS?

I tried RSSVE but the latest release seems to not work.
Tbh i'm a bit confused and frustrated because all the suggested solutions i found so far are either outdated or not working.
I assume i am doing something wrong or missing something important, but due to i am no EN native speaker, it's really hard for me to go through 50ish page forum threads understanding what to do :/

So therefore the general question if this is possibly with 1.7.3. at all.

Thanks in advance any help is appreciated


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On 9/8/2019 at 9:49 AM, Crio said:

Hey there,

Is there any way to make clouds work with 1.7.3 and RO/RSS?

I tried RSSVE but the latest release seems to not work.
Tbh i'm a bit confused and frustrated because all the suggested solutions i found so far are either outdated or not working.
I assume i am doing something wrong or missing something important, but due to i am no EN native speaker, it's really hard for me to go through 50ish page forum threads understanding what to do :/

So therefore the general question if this is possibly with 1.7.3. at all.

Thanks in advance any help is appreciated


It works fine I use it all the time


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Hello rocketers :wink:


Someone can me explain how to Drogue chutes works please (with Real Chute mod)?


I want launch sounding rocket in suborbital flight but without desintegration in the reentry. I want break the velocity in the upper atmosphere. After multi testing, the chutes break or overheat even in kevlar :huh: I used deployment with atmospheric pressure (0.01), altitude (70km) but these solutions not works.

Thanks you very much for your help!


(Sorry for my bad english)


Edit: I use FAR and DeadlyReentry.

Edited by Misucat
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@Misucat without parachutes, do your sounding rockets burn up on entry?

I always had the parachute deploy in the lower atmosphere and that worked for me. Any parachute deployed to high up will burn or get destroyed by aero forces. The atmosphere is too thin for the parachute to slow down enough before being destroyed.

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I am having a bit of a discussion on the Tweakscale thread because for the second time (once 4 months ago on 1.3.1 and now on 1.6.1) tweakscale (I think) broke my gameplay. I always used TS before 1.3.1 on stock and RSS/RO and never had issues. In RO i never scale engines or RCS only science parts, solar panels, antennae mostly to have an easier life balancing the weight on my spacecraft. Today I was 10 years into my career I scaled an antenna and after that I found all the RCS parts with negative weight. Reloading the game didn't help, that savegame was broken. 


Please do not consider this post, it just makes no sense as it is right now. 

Edited by Epox75
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2 hours ago, Epox75 said:

I am having a bit of a discussion on the Tweakscale thread because for the second time (once 4 months ago on 1.3.1 and now on 1.6.1) tweakscale (I think) broke my gameplay. I always used TS before 1.3.1 on stock and RSS/RO and never had issues. In RO i never scale engines or RCS only science parts, solar panels, antennae mostly to have an easier life balancing the weight on my spacecraft. Today I was 10 years into my career I scaled an antenna and after that I found all the RCS parts with negative weight. Reloading the game didn't help, that savegame was broken. 


Did you know that most probe cores have CoM offset sliders inside that PAW that hopefully makes the balancing a lot easier?

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I straight-up will not use TAC life support.


I told CKAN not to install it, but apparently it comes natively bundled with the mod somehow. How do I purge this unwanted mod?

If it's an all or nothing deal, I'm gonna have to go with nothing and uninstall everything.


Edited by Sipiri
a word
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12 hours ago, Sipiri said:

I straight-up will not use TAC life support.


I told CKAN not to install it, but apparently it comes natively bundled with the mod somehow. How do I purge this unwanted mod?

If it's an all or nothing deal, I'm gonna have to go with nothing and uninstall everything.


You can safely remove the TAC life support from your gamedata folder. CKAN usually must be launched twice before it detects the removal and updates the mod list accordingly. 

For future issues you may have: I usually create a folder called Backup in the main KSP folder (not the gamedata folder) and when I want to remove a mod but I am not sure if it will break the game, I just cut and copy the mod's folder inside the backup folder and start the game to see if there is any problem. If there is I just copy back the folder into Gamedata.

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I am having a problem with negative mass that seems unrelated to Real Fuels or Tweakscale (which is in earlier parts of this thread). This is particularly frustrating because I just achieved the crewed pods and the Mercury ones are the problem!  

I am running RO with RP-1 on 1.6.1.  I have a number of other mods (many) but I have been able to isolate the problem to some degree. I use FASA, the ROEngines/ROCapsules/ROTanks collection, Ven Stock revamp and other items defined by the install instructions.  I do not use or have installed Tweakscale.

Basically, if I use the Mercury pod from either ROCapsules or FASA when I add the mercury parachute the mass goes down as it reports a -40 mass.  Same when I add the decoupler (-95).  The retro solid engine also has a negative mass and it also says in MechJeb that it will run for 38 minutes (probably related to the bad mass) and it is fully fueled.  As a possible relevant factor, the RealChute radial has a negative mass but the cone appears to work fine ?!?

I updated all the mods to their 1.6.1 max and also have downloaded the masters of RO, RP-0 (1) and the collection of Tanks, Capsules, Engines from Git just to make sure this isn't a bug already repaired.  The problem persisted so I started removing likely mods 1 by 1.  No effect unless I remove Realism Overhaul itself.  Then they start working again (although the values are not realistic anymore).  So I have to assess that is the likely culprit.

Advice would be appreciated.  I am happy to file a bug if that is the better way to go or provide additional information that would be useful.  Thanks!

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@billgarlic How did you check for negative mass? If it's KER then you can't trust it's numbers unless you remove all crewmembers from your capsule. The stock engingeer's report and MJ should still report correct numbers even with assigned crewmembers. This is basically the same old bug where each assigned kerbal changes the mass of all parts on the vessel by 100kg. Whereas in 1.3 and before, the total mass was increased, it now decreases instead and can even go negative. This only affects the VAB though and in-flight the mass figures will be correct.

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@siimav Bingo!  I vaguely remembered this "feature" so thank you for your response to remind me of it.

FYI, MJ and stock report is reporting the correct mass in the Vessel window as you said.  I guess that I forgot that the center click is KER (I have got very used to it).  

One oddity still is the 38 minute burn based on a TWR of 0.01 in both MJ and KER.  That TWR value also shows in the stock dV but it does report the correct burn period of 23s.  I ran the vessel in KRASH from orbit and sure enough it burns in 23s, the MJ timer just counts down super fast!

Thanks again!

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