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[1.12] Astrogator v1.0.1


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3 hours ago, DiscoveryPlanet said:

where should i place this mod?

Unzip it to Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Astrogator . Or use CKAN to have it managed automatically.

3 hours ago, DiscoveryPlanet said:

inside JSI ?

No, don't put it inside JSI, that's the wrong folder.

Some parts of Astrogator will still work if you install it in the wrong place, but other parts will break, such as the toolbar icon.

And yes, Astrogator has support for RasterPropMonitor. The two mods talk to one another, but neither is part of the other.

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  • 2 months later...

I love this mod. I mean, I know how to do everything manual. But, nowadays my work consumes most of my daytime. And this mod brings the agility I need to play in my short period of free time.

Thank you so much.

Edited by LFPS
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4 hours ago, LFPS said:

I love this mod. I mean, I know how to do everything manual. But, nowadays my work consumes most of my daytime. And this mod brings the agility I need to play in my short period of free time.

Thank you so much.

Glad you like it, and you're welcome!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Announcement regarding KSP 1.4.0 release:

I have just tested Astrogator in KSP 1.4.0. Refreshingly, the mod loads and runs without exceptions (thanks, SQUAD!!). However, I noticed at least two issues:

  • The "Close X" button is now a solid black square. Something changed with the image formats, possibly with Unity 2017. The button still seems to work if you click it, though.
  • The maneuvers are messed up. It still does OK with Mun and Minmus, but for interplanetary transfers I was getting inward burns for outer planets, etc. I suspect some stock value in degrees changed to radians or vice versa.

For these reasons, the current release of Astrogator is not compatible with KSP 1.4.0, and it will remain marked that way in CKAN.

I will have a look at the code and put out a new release for 1.4.0 compatibility. No timeline yet, because I don't know how long it will take me to figure out the problem with the maneuvers.

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4 hours ago, HebaruSan said:
  • The "Close X" button is now a solid black square. Something changed with the image formats, possibly with Unity 2017. The button still seems to work if you click it, though.
  • The maneuvers are messed up. It still does OK with Mun and Minmus, but for interplanetary transfers I was getting inward burns for outer planets, etc. I suspect some stock value in degrees changed to radians or vice versa.

Weird. That was in Windows; I've rebooted into Linux, and now Astrogator v0.7.8 is working fine on KSP 1.4! The Close X is displayed correctly, and the maneuvers give me encounters or close approaches consistently.

I'm going to try to figure out what's going on in Windows, but in the meantime, I'm seeking feedback:

If you try Astrogator v0.7.8 on KSP 1.4, does it work correctly for you, including visually and maneuver generation? And of course please share your OS either way.

(Don't miss this rare opportunity to tell a modder "It's broken for me" without being jumped on for nagging! :))

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Not the most thorough testing, but I gave it a shot in 1.4, Win10 x64, no -force-anything on the shortcut command, and graphically it looked fine. The maneuvers it gave me did indeed send me pretty close to Moho, so there's that.

I will say, however, that I *think* there is some kind of interaction going on with AstroGator and other mods that mess with nodes, e.g. Maneuve Nodes Evolved (maybe) or MechJeb (maybe). This is a kind of useless report, so sorry for that, but I remember there being issues in my 1.3.1 save in that respect, but never really being able to pin it down. Removing AstroGator seemed to help. Anecdotes!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

just a data point, as per your post from  7th March

ksp x64 / make history 1.3.0

mod list from ckan -

- **Astrogator** `Astrogator v0.7.8`
- **BetterBurnTime** `BetterBurnTime 1.6.1`
- **ClickThrough Blocker** `ClickThroughBlocker`
- **Easy Vessel Switch (EVS)** `EasyVesselSwitch 1.8`
- **Editor Extensions Redux** `EditorExtensionsRedux`
- **FullAutoStrut** `FullAutoStrut v2.1.0.1`
- **GravityTurn Continued** `GravityTurnContinued 2:1.7.7`
- **Kerbal Alarm Clock** `KerbalAlarmClock v3.9.1.0`
- **Kramax Autopilot Continued** `KramaxAutopilotContinued 0.3.5`
- **Maneuver Queue** `ManeuverQueue 0.4.6`
- **MechJeb 2** `MechJeb2`
- **MechJeb and Engineer for all!** `MechJebForAll`
- **Module Manager** `ModuleManager 3.0.7`
- **Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2** `NavballDockAlignIndCE`
- **Precise Maneuver** `PreciseManeuver 2:2.4.1`
- **RasterPropMonitor** `RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.30.5`
- **RasterPropMonitor Core** `RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.30.5`
- **ScienceAlert ReAlerted** `ScienceAlert 1.9.4`
- **Show FPS** `ShowFPS 1:`
- **Surface Mounted Lights** `surfacelights 1.8`
- **TakeCommandContinued** `TakeCommandContinued`
- **The Janitor's Closet** `JanitorsCloset`
- **Through The Eyes** `ThroughTheEyesOfaKerbal`
- **Toolbar Controller** `ToolbarController 1:`
- **Trajectories** `Trajectories vKSP1.4.2-v2.2.0`
- **TriggerAu Flags** `TriggerAu-Flags v2.9.3.0`


ran "spiders from Duna" mission, and got sent wrong way ...

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Astrogator v0.8.0 is released!

  • French translation by @valens -- thank you!
  • Preserve window position on scene change
  • Built with newer Mono and KSP 1.4 (fixed the Windows problems in my testing)
  • Some other build changes not interesting enough to explain, but the download is now 30% smaller


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(trying to get to Duna again)

warp 2 years till window opens

engine "burps" for fraction of a second, manover node disappears

Astogator says "try again in another 2 years"


instantaneous launch windows to other planets should not be a thing.

I have a "fleet" of 6 launches to send on different missions to Duna in near future - will go back to MJ for them.

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Yeah, fleets require some preparation. I generally set up a maneuver node for each ship after I finish launching it to orbit, then use Maneuver Queue to execute them in order.

8 hours ago, catonthekbd said:

engine "burps" for fraction of a second, manover node disappears

What's this about? Astrogator doesn't affect your engines or remove your maneuver nodes.

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6 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Greatly appreciate this mod!


6 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Would it be possible to follow the "Display Earth Time (24h days, 365d years)" setting in the main settings menu, when turned on?

Astrogator v0.8.1 is released!

  • Support stock "Display Earth Time (24h days, 365d years)" setting

I didn't have anything else planned for the near future, so there was no point in waiting to accumulate other changes. Enjoy!


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I have been wondering why Astrogator sometimes nails the SOI of the target, but usually misses by a little, and sometimes (rarely) by a lot. Note I'm talking about vehicles all launched from LKOish (no higher than 200k) orbits that have been circularized by MJ- I always make sure the starting conditions are optimal for the calc. For example I just launched a five-ship fleet to Duna, one was SOI on first maneuver set, three were close enough that some mid-course burn fiddling got them to SOI without difficulty, but one was just wrong, falling visibly short of Duna's orbit and killing the node and resetting it made no difference, he required some significant node surgery.

So I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing or something I can do to make the accuracy more consistently, well, accurate. At the moment I can't see the difference in the starting conditions that would lead to the variability, but maybe this is also just as accurate as it gets within this game engine and there's nothing else I can do.

Even with that niggle though, Astrogator is extremely useful and I wouldn't enter a KSP game without it. 

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9 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

I have been wondering why Astrogator sometimes nails the SOI of the target, but usually misses by a little, and sometimes (rarely) by a lot. Note I'm talking about vehicles all launched from LKOish (no higher than 200k) orbits that have been circularized by MJ- I always make sure the starting conditions are optimal for the calc. For example I just launched a five-ship fleet to Duna, one was SOI on first maneuver set, three were close enough that some mid-course burn fiddling got them to SOI without difficulty, but one was just wrong, falling visibly short of Duna's orbit and killing the node and resetting it made no difference, he required some significant node surgery.

So I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing or something I can do to make the accuracy more consistently, well, accurate. At the moment I can't see the difference in the starting conditions that would lead to the variability, but maybe this is also just as accurate as it gets within this game engine and there's nothing else I can do.

Hmm, I can't give you a definite answer. If you're willing to share a save file the next time you notice this, I'd be interested to take a look at it to see whether there's a bug that needs to be fixed.

One possibility is interference by the Mun. Astrogator doesn't try to account for accidental flybys (no transfer calculator does, to my knowledge), so if a moon gets in your way, then your orbit won't go where Astrogator expects it to, which would throw off the final path. But I don't know whether that's what's happening in your case.

9 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Even with that niggle though, Astrogator is extremely useful and I wouldn't enter a KSP game without it. 

Thanks, glad it works for you!

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2 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Hmm, I can't give you a definite answer. If you're willing to share a save file the next time you notice this, I'd be interested to take a look at it to see whether there's a bug that needs to be fixed.

One possibility is interference by the Mun. Astrogator doesn't try to account for accidental flybys (no transfer calculator does, to my knowledge), so if a moon gets in your way, then your orbit won't go where Astrogator expects it to, which would throw off the final path. But I don't know whether that's what's happening in your case.

Thanks, glad it works for you!

I still can't explain the difference between the dead on and the missed by a little results, but I went back and looked at the one that missed by quite a bit, and found the answer. It was a two-part ship, a booster built in space docked to a forward section lifted from the ground, the reason being that my station frequently krakens when releasing large, long ships. The booster sections are designed to handle all Dv requirements of getting the forward section into the target orbit.

The downside is the game thinks the docked ships are a ship and a random mass attached, it doesn't see the engines and fuel on the forward section. And in the case of the one that missed, I miscalculated the Dv requirements so using all of its Dv it was falling somewhat short of Duna. So that's a game issue, not an Astrogator issue. When I activate the decoupler that drops the booster section along with both halves of the docking couplers that held them together, the forward section will know nothing about maneuver nodes set for the booster section.

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23 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

I still can't explain the difference between the dead on and the missed by a little results

Oh, the "missed by a little" ones are just because orbits are hard. :)  It isn't checking whether you have an encounter or how good your close approach is and adjusting the maneuver the way a human player would, it's trying to calculate transfers directly from the data in one step. The methods for doing that involve approximations at various points (e.g., orbits are circular, relative inclination is zero, etc.), each of which create deviations from the ideal. I've compensated for those deviations where I could, but I don't anticipate being able to achieve 100% perfect transfers.

23 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

So that's a game issue, not an Astrogator issue.

Music to my ears! :)  Glad you got it working.

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On 9/2/2018 at 5:20 PM, HebaruSan said:

Yeah, fleets require some preparation. I generally set up a maneuver node for each ship after I finish launching it to orbit, then use Maneuver Queue to execute them in order.

What's this about? Astrogator doesn't affect your engines or remove your maneuver nodes.

(sorry for late reply - crappy week at work and home)


No idea on why, but problem now academic - KSP wiped out all my active contracts after I hit the revert to launchpad button :( , and then hid all spacestations in map views.

I feel a re-install coming on in the future ...

Thanks for the Manevuer queue tip

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, teensarlacc said:

does this mod show est. burn time?

No, because that would require it to simulate the craft's engines and staging. I didn't want to commit to maintaining my own vessel simulator or borrowing one from KER or MechJeb.

You can get that information by clicking the maneuver node icon to create the node and then checking the stock maneuver display as normal.


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  • 2 months later...
On 2/19/2017 at 8:56 AM, HebaruSan said:

And nothing resembling "half my remaining delta V" is going to happen until SQUAD adds a delta V indicator to stock, because I am not even slightly prepared to take on maintenance of my own fully functional vessel delta V calculator.

On 10/14/2018 at 8:18 PM, HebaruSan said:

No, because that would require it to simulate the craft's engines and staging. I didn't want to commit to maintaining my own vessel simulator or borrowing one from KER or MechJeb.

Tentative announcement regarding Astrogator on KSP 1.6:

As far as I have been able to determine, the current release of Astrogator works fine on KSP 1.6. However, I am planning to leave its version metadata as up to 1.5 only, and only officially support 1.6 as of the next release.

The original vision for Astrogator included a burn length column to facilitate maneuverless astrogation, but this was cut because it depends on each vessel's thrust, mass, and staging, so there was no way to calculate it well without borrowing KER's vessel simulator, which seemed like overkill to me. Now that stock has a built-in vessel delta V calculator (!!), this should be much more feasible, so I am hoping to add:

  • Burn time column when focusing a vessel
  • Highlighting of transfers for which your vessel doesn't have enough delta V
  • Burn time awareness for the warp buttons (i.e., warp to half burn time + 1 minute before maneuver like stock does)

Naturally, such a release would not be backwards compatible with earlier KSP versions that lack the stock delta V calculator. I haven't started looking at the code for this yet, so I don't know how long it will take or even whether it's definitely possible. But this is what I am planning to work on. As always, any feedback is welcome.

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Astrogator v0.9.0 is released!

  • New Duration column using stock delta V calculator
  • Warp icon warps to fraction of duration based on stock burn percentage setting
  • Hide maneuver icons for uncontrolled craft


Since the stock delta V calculator is required, this version is only compatible with KSP 1.6 and later!


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