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19 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

I should have never taken a three week vacation (four week, if you include the four unavoidable hurricane days tacked on the end). I just don’t want to do anything work related. And the severe lack of non-flat terrain is getting to me (again).

Vacations are bad for you.

I understand this totally. Believe me, I feel your pain. Personally, I cannot handle more than two days off my normal routine before I begin to go crazy.

My rant is about people who have become so accustomed to simply parroting what they hear without doing any of their own research. They get drawn in to some conspiracy theory or some far off explanation of historical events and then retell those events convinced of their own intellect.


Today, I was "informed" by a student that the Soviet blockade of Berlin was actually something that NEVER happened. It was British and American anti-Soviet propaganda. He then went on to say that the Cuban missile crisis was also faked by the United States, just as the current threats from "Rocket Man" are being made up.

To make matters worse, this young man actually told me he thought that Americans who had been in the military should be RFID-implanted because they simply cannot be trusted. :huh: Yeah, was one of them there days...

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One of my favorites:

[random person reads article about new discovery in advanced field like black holes or quantum weirdness]

"There's no way this is true, scientists are just guessing. This is how I reckon it works....[completely arbitrary hypothesis]"




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I'd like to complain that they changed the friggin' Klingons... AGAIN!!! Why would you even DO that! :huh:
Like, seriously! Why did they change the Klingons for the new Star Trek: Discovery series!?!? WHY!?

We had PERFECTLY GOOD Klingons before! They were good Klingons! They looked cool! They died with honor, and had a good day looking badass when they were dying! :cool:
What happened! :0.0: What nut decreed this alteration! :confused:

Worse, the cast behind the new Star Trek series are incredibly vocal with their politics, and have been letting it bleed into the show... Even going so far as to make public claims to news and social media about "how they modeled the Klingons" that more or less is poised to alienate half the people of the United States... Purely out of political animosity! They literally modeled the antagonists of the new Star Trek on fallacious stereotypes the cast stubbornly hold against literally half a nation... Stereotypes that are cherry picked from the bottom of the lowest rungs of society... and painted across half a nation... and now turned into this absurdly modeled in-human caricature. This is political-social de-humanizing in a quite literal form. It's offensive behavior, on the part of the cast, and it genuinely detracts from the show, especially if you've had the misfortune of reading their public statements.

The first rule of entertaining is: You don't mix real life politics and tragedy into your entertainment! people are tired of seeking that junk on TV...
They seek out entertainment to get away from that mess! To escape it! Star Trek: Discovery breaks that cardinal rule. It's part of what killed Star Trek: Enterprise... A shaky first season, combined with that horribly annoying Xindi terrorism arc... When Enterprise was on the air, terrorism was all they talked about on the news... It was tiring... That killed Enterprise, even though their third season finally found it's stride... Too much damage had been done, and it killed the show! They just don't learn!

Combining politics into entertainment, AND hiding it behind a paywall... :mad:

Star Trek: Discovery is a dead show playing.
It'll literally be finished before it ever even had a chance to begin.
Disco is Dead

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1 hour ago, Ten Key said:

The first rule of entertaining is: You don't mix real life politics and tragedy into your entertainment!

Aww, he just copied that from somewhere else! :P

It's not the same thing. That's an ideal. A way of living. While politics was involved in it's creation, it's more than "just politics". And you know what I mean... I know you must... When people apply the things in current events, current news, current politics, and stuff it into entertainment, it can drastically backfire. I'm not saying you can't ever. Classic Trek was masterful at those charged issues. Thing is, They were subtle about it, or put an episode to a subject and then moved on... If you're gonna do that, that's how. If you make it a core of your show, and try hammering it in every episode, eventually people tune out. It gets old.

Star Trek: Enterprise made the mistake of dedicating nearly an entire season to the terrorism theme, in around... I think it would have been 2003-2004 for that season... A two parter episode, or a s season premier and a finale dealing with it, but not outright making the whole season into a focus... That would have worked, but dragging it on as a subtext or main plot for the entire season killed all enjoyment... Star Trek: Discovery is starting on this mistake, and that's bad... They basically established the prime antagonists of the series as being modeled on their stereotyped views of a particular political party's supporters... The worst that can be offered. They are in no subtle way, making an entire non-human race into caricatures of this stereotype, and have openly stated as such publicly. That's just bad form. It's insulting to millions of people who are nothing like what the cast and crew think they are like, it tarnishes the very premise of the show, and it has already forced politics into any criticism of the show, which is already being used as a tool to overhype the ratings... aka, all the bad reviews are from bad people who you shouldn't trust cause they're haters... I've already seen the comments "Oh, so you didn't like the new Star Trek? Is that cause you can't tolerate it's diversity?" I'm seriously not joking... I've seen THAT COMMENT out there in the wild online wasteland, and it's just pathetic. To be honest, I didn't like the new Star Trek, cause it doesn't "feel" like Star Trek... The acting is cardboard... All the Klingon speech sounded like it was being read from a single line teleprompter... The gaps between words made it painfully slow... They changed klingon tradition in regards to how they regard the corpses of the dead...


They now have a sarcophagus ship, where they collect those fallen in battle to line it's hull in ornate coffins

... I mean... In the other Trek series, they viewed the corpses of their dead as "empty husks, to be treated as such". The main actor "pretends" to be vulcan, but is human, and really fails hard at the "I got this" bit, to the point of her coming off as... borderline stupid. All the characters felt "wooden"... I's like they were not sure of their performance, and just said, roll with what we got, the effects will make up for it. Above all... It feels more like a Star Wars style Sci-Fi action thing than a Star Trek style show. The two were always separate fandoms for a reason. The new Trek movies and this new series both feel less like genuine Trek, and more like generic Sci-Fi with he Trek insignias and sound effects... And the wrong Klingons... :/

Honestly... I feel "The Orville", in it's satire of Star Trek, actually "feels" more like a legit Star Trek than the actual new Star Trek series! I am 100% serious with that statement. Orville>Discovery! :0.0:

Anyway, I'm drifting... I had genuine technical complaints about this version of Star Trek... Honest complaints about the visuals, the acting, the costumes, and the overall feel. The issue, is that by injecting the vitriolic nature of current politics into the show as part of the fundamental antagonist of the series, from episode 1, has already injected political defensiveness and political attacks, even in commentary on the series... My complaints above, are rendered invalid, cause some SJW on the war path will accuse me of being a dirty racist or not standing for equality, just for the abominable sin of not absolutely adoring the new Star Trek... The SJW disease... it's bad... It's fitting the abbreviation of this new series is STD... I'd rather not catch it.

Edited by richfiles
It REALLY is a good speech though
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4 minutes ago, munlander1 said:

I'm sick 

The human spawn have begun their educational migration, and are bringing back virulent strains of infectious agents...
I have no human spawn, but people around me do... It's only a matter of time...

Get well soon.

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Why so much drama over *slightly* changed klingons?

Did you want a TV series clone of something you've seen before?

All art forms of any worth, evolve over time.

Good bands dont make the same album over and over again and series reboots dont have to make carbon-copies.


Reminder: Star Trek is not, and never has been "hard" sci-fi. It is a "space opera". We do not need a genetic history of the changes to the Klingon race, communication probes do not have to be where they should be, lasers can be visible in space and asteroid belts can be as dense as you like.

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When a massive portion of an entire fandom is "slighted" by a change... I hardly think "slight" even qualifies as a descriptor for said change. If you call the changes they made to the Klingons slight, then I think you need new glasses... Or vision in the first place! They are not "slightly" changed... The Klingons were drastically altered, primarily visually. Even their behavior and culture was changed to a degree! Come on... Don't make me laugh... :rolleyes:

If I want a series to feature humans, I damn well want the people to look human. Is that so much to ask? Why then is an iconic species of the Star Trek series automatically supposed to be so fluid? Like I said, people made such a huge fuss over it when the movie first came out in 1979... At least they eventually managed to come up with an excuse for it the first time... This though... This is just absurd! Basically, YES... I want a dang Klingon to look like a dang Klingon! the fans didn't even WANT a reboot. They wanted a prequel. What they got was... Not Star Trek... It's just a generic Sci-Fi using Trek species, settings, and sound effects... But it doesn't fit. So yeah, in this thread to complain about things... I'm really ticked off at how the new Trek was handled. It. Was. not. Good.

CBS is making a mistake... They are being openly antagonistic with public relations between them and the die-hard, classic fanbase... CBS wants to attract the young millennial crowd... Get some new blood in. The problem, is in creating a quick and instantly satisfying show to appeal to a new crowd, a crowd with a historical tendency to move on to the next fad when they bore of things... Is asking for Trek to get popular with a select new crowd quick... and then be dumped. And by CBS and the cast dumping the old fandom... Actively... Well, they end up just shooting themselves in the foot. Like I said... Star Trek is more or less dead. I'll be surprised to see another series even be attempted for at least another decade or more after this one inevitably fails. (behind it's paywalled garden)

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9 hours ago, richfiles said:

The Klingons were drastically altered, primarily visually. Even their behavior and culture was changed to a degree! Come on... Don't make me laugh... :rolleyes:

"Drastically"? Did I watch the right show? I just dont see it. Some minor visual changes - they are still various shades. Still have the forehead scab. Still have some slightly alien facial features. Yeah they made the teeth bigger, but thats about it.

Culturally they are still the same - warrior race, troubled by infighting, no respect for the weak, love knife-fighting with ridiculously complicated blade weapons. No surprise that they are a little more tribal, a little more primal, since this is before much of their contact with the federation.

If you dont like them, or the show in general, you dont like them, or the show, thats fair.

But being *offended*? Thats baffling.




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My problem with Star Trek wasn't just the ever-changing Klingons... it was how the entire Milky Way galaxy turned more and more Humanoid from show to show. Voyager was the tipping point for me. I loved the ship itself... and the casting wasn't half bad... but the writing... that just killed it for me.

Here you have a little, lost starship on the other side of the galaxy... and what to they find? Humanoids... Nothing weird... Just more and more humanoids... really human humanoids.... blehhhh...  :P

Now I know they came up with a half-S theory why everything is a humanoid in TNG... but that made it even worse!

The original Trek had aliens... Some pretty bizarre... but by the time Voyager rolls around, it's like the entire galaxy is populated by nothing but Humanoid bi-peds...

I couldn't take it... and stopped watching not long into Voyager Season-1.

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The other problem I have with the new series is continuity. I am a stickler for detail, as anyone who reads my fan-fic knows. The delta symbol on the uniforms was not standard "Starfleet" until the END of the original five year mission with Kirk's crew. At that point, being the ONLY vessel at that point to survive the five year mission, the delta was adopted as official "Starfleet" insignia. Before that, each vessel had it's own distinctive insignia officers wore. That minor detail blew it for me...

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And on the topic of how dumb I am...

This semester, I am teaching locally at a community college and on-line for the same college while teaching two on-line classes for another university. And stupid me scheduled four of the classes to have their mid-term exam all due THE SAME WEEK (three of them were due on the same day!). Last night, when I went to bed, I only had ten exams left in my email's inbox to grade. But now... thanks to my stupidity, I have 142 exams to grade. :huh:

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26 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

My problem with Star Trek wasn't just the ever-changing Klingons... it was how the entire Milky Way galaxy turned more and more Humanoid from show to show. Voyager was the tipping point for me. I loved the ship itself... and the casting wasn't half bad... but the writing... that just killed it for me.

Here you have a little, lost starship on the other side of the galaxy... and what to they find? Humanoids... Nothing weird... Just more and more humanoids... really human humanoids.... blehhhh...  :P

Now I know they came up with a half-S theory why everything is a humanoid in TNG... but that made it even worse!

The original Trek had aliens... Some pretty bizarre... but by the time Voyager rolls around, it's like the entire galaxy is populated by nothing but Humanoid bi-peds...

I couldn't take it... and stopped watching not long into Voyager Season-1.

Thats true, but I can forgive that on budgetary grounds, that and its star trek and its always been a little "just stick a funny nose on it and call it an alien". ST:OS had some weird ones but the main races were still human, vulcan, klingon and romulan.

There was at least a cool spidery creature in the desert.

And Voyager had species 8472 who were quite prominent.

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44 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

The original Trek had aliens... Some pretty bizarre...

This ^

And actual hard sci-fi concepts, as well as a lack of shameless attempts to inject real-world politics and gratuitous fighting.
ST is space opera, sure... but I do like some sci--fi in my sci-fi.

STD is everything I expected, and nothing I wanted. Wake me up when it grows a beard.

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7 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

OK... let's complain about something else...

The stupid Mosquitoes are back!!!

Grrrrrrrrr..............  :mad:

Do they ever leave Florida?

They kinda remind me of the ones we had in Louisiana...


But what was really difficult about Louisiana was peek mosquito season, which begins January 1st and ends on December 31st. During that time, our local parish highway department would make sure the appropriate warning signs were posted within the state's many state parks and campgrounds...



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