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[1.12.x] State Funding Continued - MM added as dependency


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A continuation of the old State Funding mod by @iamchairs, original thread here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/118313-105-statefunding-034/

The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies

New Dependencies

CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed.

Note:  The mod now REQUIRES ModuleManager as a dependency


StateFunding is a Mod that tries to reward you for doing things you want to do. You can choose between several governments that have different play styles. Each quarter (106 Days) you will receive a review for that quarter and be paid out (or fined) depending on your performance.

For those contracts which either don't require a probe to be returned, or requires it to be destroyed, there is a new option in the PAW menu (Part ActionWindow) in the Editor.  This is only available on parts which have command modules or SAS, and is called Disposable.  When a part is marked as disposable, it won't be counted as destroyed when keeping track of destroyed vessels.

State Confidence (SC) / Public Opinion (PO)

Your space program is tracked by both State Confidence (SC) and Public Opinion (PO). A combination of State Confidence and Public Opinion determines your funding for each quarter. Unlike Contracts, you can increase your SC and PO with permanent modifiers- or at least permanent while a condition is met. While SC and PO are equal when it comes to deciding your funding, depending on the government you choose, you will either receive more PO or SC for meeting a PO or SC condition.

Public Opinion Modifiers

  • Having Kerbals on Flights.
  • Having Kerbals on a Space Station or Base.
  • Having more Vessels docked with a Space Station or Base
  • Having a Base with a Science Lab and/or Drill
  • Having a Space Station with a Science Lab
  • Having a Space Station landed on an astroid- additionally having a drill on that space station
  • Having Rovers on other bodies

Public Opinion Penalties

  • Kerbals Die
  • Kerbals are Stranded.  Note that a Kerbal on a rover which runs out of power is not considered to be stranded, since the Kerbal can still walk
  • Kerbals are Left for Dead

State Confidence Modifiers

  • Having more Satellite coverage of a body
  • Having Science Labs in orbit of bodies other than the Sun or landed on bodies other than the Home Planet
  • Having Drills in orbit of bodies (landed on an astroid) or landed on bodies other than the Home Planet
  • Having more Fuel on a Space Station / Base
  • Having more Ore on a Space Station / Base
  • Having higher Crew Capacity on a Space Station / Base
  • Having more Docking Ports on a Space Station / Base
  • Having a Science Lab on a Space Station / Base
  • Having a Drill on a Base
  • Having a Drill on a Space Station that is landed on an astroid

State Confidence Penalties

  • Destroying Vessels

Customization / Mod Support

To add/modify governments, update the contents of `GameData/StateFunding/data/governments.settings`. The following are the different fields needed:

        name = Short name of government/agency
        longName = Long name
        poModifier = Public Opinion Reward
        poPenaltyModifier =  Public Opinion Penalty
        scModifier = State Confidence Reward
        scPenaltyModifier = State Confidence Penalty
        startingPO = Starting Public Opinion
        startingSC = Starting State Confidence
        budget = Yearly budget
        gdp = GDP 
        budgetPeriodsPerYear = 4
        description = long description of the goverment, it's aims, etc.

Many checks involve checking if a vessel has a module. For example, to see if a vessel has autonomous command, it checks for a ModuleSAS module on the Vessel. Since Mods have their own module names for similar types (i.e. RT's "ModuleSPU"), there is an aliases file mapping an alias to a set of similar Modules. You can update the aliases by changing the `GameData/StateFunding/data/modulealiases.settings` file.


Downloadhttps://spacedock.info/mod/1231/State Funding Continued

License: MIT




Thanks to @PhilM for the following explanation:

The naming for bases and stations vs science stations is a little confusing. Basically, if your vessel is set to the type Base or Station, you're immediately excluded from being a science station. I think the category is geared more towards roving science ships or ground science stations that aren't actually marked as bases/stations. In addition to the vessel type, the only significant difference between requirements for the base vs the landed science station is that the science station is actually harder to accomplish as it has to have a crewed science lab. The good news is that you get significant credit for your science lab in your base scoring.

Score for science lab on a base or station = 10 * State Confidence Modifier + 10 * Public Opinion Modifier
Score for an orbital science vessel = 2 * State Confidence Modifier
Score for a landed science vessel = 5 * State Confidence Modifier

So while a bit odd, it's actually better for your overall score to be counted as a base/station with a science lab vs an actual science station. And if you're playing with a government that's heavy on public opinion instead of state confidence, roving science vessels are even less valuable. Maybe a better name would help differentiate the category or perhaps a blurb in the description that specifies the difference?

Note that the 10xSC+10xPO only counts once per base/station. You can't spam science labs for points. If you want to build with score in mind, you can add more crew/capacity or docking ports/docked vessels. Or if you're with a government focused on state confidence, then storing ore and fuel are decent options because you get points per 200 resources (only ore and liquid fuel count currently).




























Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Hello. First off I love the idea of this mod, but it does not seem to be working. The toolbar icon loads and the government selection screen shows up upon starting a career, but it will not allow me to actually confirm my selection. Additionally, all the tabs for the toolbar app work, but appear blank. I currently have more than 50 mods in my install so that might be the case but I do not see any incompatibilities listed on this thread. 

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1 hour ago, Rock3tman_ said:

Hello. First off I love the idea of this mod, but it does not seem to be working. The toolbar icon loads and the government selection screen shows up upon starting a career, but it will not allow me to actually confirm my selection. Additionally, all the tabs for the toolbar app work, but appear blank. I currently have more than 50 mods in my install so that might be the case but I do not see any incompatibilities listed on this thread. 

Log file, please

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Your log shows an error which I'm not getting.

Was this on a new game, an existing game with the mod added, or an existing game with the last version of the mod (before mine)?

also, you are running an outdated version of Firespitter, there are a lot of errors there, and I verified thathtere is a later vrsion, you are running one with an internal version number of 7.1.5950.29855, the latest is 7.3.6212.36331

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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7 hours ago, Rock3tman_ said:


Ok.  I can't find anything which is related to your error which makes sense.

I've added some checks for  nulls along with some additional reporting to the log in this test build:


Please try this, and, even if it works, send me the log.  Be sure to update Firespitter if you can first.

also, before you do, I'd like to see the following:

  • The save directory of the game
  • The installed-default.ckan file (located in CKAN/installed-default.ckan




Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Thank you for continuing this! I've always liked this mod :) One minor issue I've noticed. For a Satellite to be counted for coverage it has to be set to Probe. I found out after having several in orbit in a couple places that met all the requirements but the report said no coverage. On a hunch I changed them under rename from Relay to Probe class and suddenly they were recognized for coverage.Any chance of a future update recognizing both Probe and Relay classes for Satellite Coverage?

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10 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

Thank you for continuing this! I've always liked this mod :) One minor issue I've noticed. For a Satellite to be counted for coverage it has to be set to Probe. I found out after having several in orbit in a couple places that met all the requirements but the report said no coverage. On a hunch I changed them under rename from Relay to Probe class and suddenly they were recognized for coverage.Any chance of a future update recognizing both Probe and Relay classes for Satellite Coverage?

I would call that a bug, so yes, look for it in a day or so

On 2/26/2017 at 11:25 AM, Rock3tman_ said:

Hello. First off I love the idea of this mod, but it does not seem to be working. The toolbar icon loads and the government selection screen shows up upon starting a career, but it will not allow me to actually confirm my selection. Additionally, all the tabs for the toolbar app work, but appear blank. I currently have more than 50 mods in my install so that might be the case but I do not see any incompatibilities listed on this thread. 

I see you are running Kopernicus, which pack are you running?

I got another report about a similar problem, the user is using the Galileo's Planet Pack, so now I'm wondering if it is a problem with Kopernicus

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12 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

Yeah thanks for keeping this alive.....noticed someone shared a goverment in the original thread  dont know if it works with current version but heres the link

Already have that one, thanks.  Looking for others

1 hour ago, nascarlaser1 said:

what is the difference between "Kerbals are stranded" and "kerbals are left for dead"?

 A qualified Stranded Kerbal is one that is in a vessel without fuel/energy, a science lab, or a mining rig. They are floating without reason to be there. A kerbal will not be considered stranded unless it's been on the current mission for at least 2 years.

4 hours ago, Rock3tman_ said:

Yep. Also using GPP on a 3.2x rescale. I'd say that's a reasonable explanation.

I just recreated the bug with an install of Galilio's Planet Pack, will work on it

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37 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

 A qualified Stranded Kerbal is one that is in a vessel without fuel/energy, a science lab, or a mining rig. They are floating without reason to be there. A kerbal will not be considered stranded unless it's been on the current mission for at least 2 years.

What is considered a left for dead kerbal? one that's on an impact course with the sun :sticktongue:?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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