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Just cross-checked the german translations. There seem to be some issues with translation:

Some already have a pull request for german but are not merged yet

Edited by Nils277
seperated mods with pull request
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19 minutes ago, DMagic said:

I think most of them have pull requests for German translations waiting. So you could theoretically just grab the file from there, or ask if there is a reason why they haven't been merged.

Sorry, just saw that after posting. Updated the post accordingly :wink: 

Dr. Jet's ChopShop has a german translation now too (should be in the next update, fixed the language tag just now)

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I'm about a year late, but I'm finally jumping on that localisation bandwagon.  Starting small with Kerbal Sports.  There's 16 smaller items to translate (a word or short sentence), and one bigger one (3 paragraph tutorial text).

The relevant files in GitHub are here:

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One very interesting thing i found from SQUAD:


In this GitHub repository squad has listed the localization files for all languages. This might be a good place to look up how Squad translated certain things when one wants to stay true to the stock translations. E.g. how they translated "Vessel" is into another language when this language might have more than one word that would fit. 

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Deep Freeze (continued) is now translated into [German]. Pull request is made.

Dr Jet's Chop Shop is also available in [German]. A pull request with a fix for the tag should make it available from the next update onwards

Airlock Plus does have a [German] translation now too.

All mods with invalid language tags which were mentioned some post above have all received a pull request with a fix.

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23 hours ago, nightingale said:

I'm about a year late, but I'm finally jumping on that localisation bandwagon.  Starting small with Kerbal Sports.  There's 16 smaller items to translate (a word or short sentence), and one bigger one (3 paragraph tutorial text).

The relevant files in GitHub are here:

Hi !!

Finalized translation for Spanish.
I have left a PR in your Github.

I will add it to the Spanish subforum.

Best regards

Edited by fitiales
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On 19/3/2018 at 5:18 PM, Nils277 said:

Kerbal Planetary Base System is now also translated into german:

Kerbal Planetary Base System now needs translations into Italian 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f, French 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f, Brazilian Portuguese THVD1ot.jpg and Japanese M93S44Z.png

Feline Utility Rovers now needs translations into Italian 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f, French 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f and Japanese M93S44Z.png


I also translated KPBS in [Italian]
Here the file: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Apx9C9K7sjyIg0oRUwmzyml86h42

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54 minutes ago, cakepie said:

AirlockPlus now has German, French, Portuguese. Requires Italian proofreader.

There are a couple of little mistakes to correct then it's perfect
Line 06 You have to correct it i
n this way:


#autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP001 = [Shift+<<1>>] Per salire a bordo di qualsiasi parte disponibile\n[Ctrl+<<1>>] Seleziona la parte su cui salire a bordo

Line 8  there is a typo an "i" instead of an "e" and missing an "o"



#autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP002c = Impossibile salire a bordo di uno spazio abitabile pieno.

Line 9 in this way:




#autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP003 = <color=<<1>>>Seleziona una parte su cui salire a bordo\n[Esc]: Annulla</color>


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On 21.03.2018 at 3:15 PM, Nils277 said:

i created small flags to show the supported languages.

American English pCUz5E2.png
Russian mFRcn0a.png
Spanish cXO4NUi.png
Chinese JyqfJ1P.png
Japanese M93S44Z.png
German SuHOnKm.png
French r27hbde.png
Italian qg9rZcs.png
Brazilian Portuguese         bYvpByj.png


there is a thing ... 


On 22.03.2018 at 4:26 PM, Nils277 said:

Sounds good. [Italian] It would however seperate italian from all other languages which are single colored :wink: 

I like that. Although color choosing are flag-based and I am not fan of flags, but it looks fresh and a little crazy. All other can be multicolorized too  :confused:

[English]  [Russian]  [Spanish]  [Chinese]  [Japanese]  [German]  [French]  [Italian]  [Portuguese]     


[English]  [Русский]  [Español]  [中文]  [日本語]   [Deutsch]  [Français]  [Italiano]  [Português]          

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I've finally done a mod that is ready for localization.  Unfortunately, I speak fluent English, Australian, Scottish English, and have a passing familiarity with American.

If anyone can help, it's not a lot of things, https://github.com/TiktaalikDreaming/KOOSE/blob/master/Localization/dictionary.cfg

Except the linguistic pun stuff may need to pass away or be replaced with some higher form of humour (aka any).

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On 10/23/2018 at 7:19 AM, micha said:

Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science has had localisation for quite a while now too; english, german, and spanish translations are currently included (although not for the KSPedia).

More localisations and bugfixes to the existing ones welcome.


It is, also, technically possible to add translations for KSPedia pages without having to completely redo them for each translation. It requires a little work, and code, to set it up properly, and there are potentially problems with fitting all of the different translated text into the same size text boxes, but it does work.

Universal Storage 2 has working translations for a few languages in its KSPedia entry. 

The KSPedia tutorial has a brief mention of adding this kind of functionality to KSPedia pages, though it doesn't go over translation specifically. I can add a more complete explanation of what is needed at some point.


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