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The Number Game Continued


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Just the game here made available again.

Let's start: 1 (+).

Please use the rules below, not the original rules.

Round 1 goes to the negatives, and @DarkOwl57 is the winning person.

Round 2 goes to the negatives, and @TheEpicSquared is the winning person.

Round 3 is a cheat win for the positives. (@munlander1 did have the last post, however)

Round 4 goes to the zero team, and @Brent Kerman is the "winning" person.

Round 5 goes to the negatives again, and @Brent Kerman was the winning person again.

Round 6 has just started, and I hope to win.



1. You must add or subtract 1 (+1 or -1) for each post.


2. You cannot perform any operation** again until another person has successfully* perform an operation to change the current number. (Technically you can just get 2 people on the same team spam posts real fast without breaking this rule. But that is exploiting the rule and being cheap.:mad: I will record your win snidely, and that pair will get a medal of dishonour.) 

*successful here means it has to be "correct" (see below) which means if someone made a mistake right after you, you can point it out, but you cannot perform an operation.

** You can make multiple posts in a row, so long as only one of them is an actual operation.

3. You can switch sides between positive and negative at any time you want, simply adding/subtracting in your next post if you are negative/positive. However, you cannot retroactively change your previous posts to reflect your allegiance changes, and they remain valid.


4. You can express the addition or subtraction process in anyway you like. You can express the current number however you like. Be it in words, numbers, mathematical expressions, a story, whatever*. However, your expression in your post, must clearly, correctly, and explicitly state the operation you have done (adding or subtracting) and the current number.

+ "Clearly" here means it must be clear to any reader, without context, to understand reasonably what operation you are doing to the number and what the current number is. If a message can be interpreted in multiple ways and is not clarified by the poster, it is nulled to avoid confusion. There must only be one interpretation possible.

+ "Correctly" here means your expression must truthfully represent the operation you did to the number and what the current number is. You cannot misinform other people of the current number and the operation you did to the number.

Note: Typos or mistakes are okay, but make sure that what you actually meant to say is clear. You can do this through editing or any other method, so long as the next person knows what you mean.

* Please avoid the following according to the forum game guideline:


  • Binary, leet speak, encrypted messages, or games where you speak in other languages.


5. In cases where a message cannot be reasonably interpreted any other way from the context and information available, it cannot be considered to have multiple interpretations. The game will continue assuming the available obvious interpretation of the post despite what the original poster meant it to be.

Special case: If a user clearly and explicitly express intention to null their own post (before another user make a post), that post is nulled, as per obvious interpretation.


6. In the case of the current number being incorrect due to intentional or unintentional misinformation/misinterpretation, a player must notify others of the error, and will have to find the last correct number and quote that post (for easier accuracy checking) and the game continues as normal from the last correct number. The responsibility of finding errors falls on to players. If no one report the error following the procedure above, before the number reach 100 or -100, the win will still be awarded, the positive team if 100, negative team if -100 (unless declared invalid by a GM). Common sense apply here though. If someone intentionally jack up a ton of numbers at once and reach a winning number in just a few posts, that is way too obvious and won't count as a win. This rules apply for more subtle errors.

* Please follow to the reverting procedure below to ensure your revert is valid:

  1. Quote the last correct post and the one before it.
  2. Quote the offending post(s) (not too many :) )
  3. Quote the post after the offending post
  4. State which post is the last valid post, the action done on it, and the player who made it.
  5. State why the offending post is in violation of the rules.
  6. If you did not make the last valid post, feel free make the next valid post. If you made the last valid post, wait for the next person to post a number.

7. In the case of two or more posts from two or more different people being posted at the same time(give or take a minute) trying to subtract/add to the same number simultaneously , the post that appears last on the thread counts toward the change in the current number (this does not allow override over winning posts). This is to avoid needless confusion and people can simply read the last post to continue the game. You also cannot spam posts in an attempt to override another person's change during the 1 minute window, only your earliest post will count in that situation. So don't spam.

Special clause for rule 7: Rule 7 cannot be invoked if in doing so it violates rule 2. So one person cannot override another person's post if they are holding the currently contested number.

8. Posts that are edited before the next post will be nulled if the edit is for anything other than mistake correction. Posts that are edited after the next post will be made non-revertable (not valid, simply that it can't be used as revert point or as a cause for revert, the last valid post will be the one before it).  This is no longer applicable. Instead, a post edited after the next post(s) will be nulled, along with any newer posts. At this point, it is best to clarify what number we were at before the confusion.

9. The winning person is whoever says 100 or -100. The winning team is whichever team corresponds to the sign of the number.

10. If the nobody wins for a thousand posts, the team closer to winning and the person that makes the last post for that team get a round win, and we start over.

Note: If we decide to continue, it extends to 1111 posts. If still nobody wins, then it is stalemate.

11. If we stay between 1 and -1 for 10 or more posts, it is counted as a win for the zero team.

12. Please do not argue. The old thread was closed due to arguments.

If you have questions regarding the rules, you can PM a GM for more information. The current GM is me.

Example of gameplay and rules (error reporting procedure in rule 6 is ignored here to save word count):

Starting from zero.

Player 1 post: "+ one". This is acceptable, because it both states the current number, and the operation the player did (plus one).

Player 2 post: "another one". This is nulled, because while it can be read as an addition of one unit to the current number, it does not state the current number correctly(or at all), because other players may mistaken the current number as "one" or 0.

Player 3 post: "+1 from 1" This is acceptable, because it tells the others what the last number was, and the operation the player did (plus one) and from there they can understand that the current number is 2. Again, rule 5 says that you can express the current number anyway you like, along with what you did to it. It just have to be correct.

Player 4 post: "3 (+)" This is also acceptable. Because it is implicitly suggesting an addition to the previous number (which everyone can see above) and it shows the current number mathematically correct. The game can continue.

Player 5 post: "The number of rockets I launched to space". This is not acceptable - no one knows how many the rocket this poster has launched to space yet aside from the poster and perhaps some friends. It does not clearly state the current number or the operation that has been done to it.

Player 6 post: "0 4" This is either "0 and 4", or "4". It is nulled. The poster should not have used the space in middle of the number to avoid misinterpretation.

Player 7 post: "The atomic number of Beryllium (+)" This is accepted. While it may be obscured for some, it is common knowledge and researchable (google it!). It is 4, btw.

Player 8 post: "5" This is no longer acceptable, as the rule now require players to also explicitly declare the operation they did to the number. Even though it can be deducted from previous post, the post deviate from the requirement and can be used as ground for reversal

Player 9 post: "The square root of 10 plus 15 (+)" Acceptable, as it can be easily calculated.

Player 10 post: "3 times the fifty-third root of 9,007,199,254,740,992 (+)" This is not accepted, as it is too complicated.

Player 11 post: "7 (+)" Not allowed, as it adds on top of an invalid post.

Player 12 post: "50 (+)" Also not allowed, as it adds more than one. See rule 1.

Now, it is best to stop posting, and ask for clarification.

Player 13 post: "Wait, what number were we on? (=)" Acceptable, and gameplay can continue. The "(=)" is just to clarify that this post doesn't change the number at all.

Player 14 post: "We were at five before all the mistakes. My move: 6 (+)" Acceptable. See player 3's post.





Total score below.

Wins for Negative: 2

Round Wins for Negative: 0

Cheat Wins for Negative: 0

Stalemates and Wins for Zero: 1

Cheat Wins for Positive: 1

Round Wins for Positive: 0

Wins for Positive: 0


Edited by Sirius628
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Oh no.............


As a former GM for the previous iteration of this game, there are a few comments I want to make.

First: One of the many reasons that the game was closed was because people were taking the game waaaay too seriously. Really. It's just a game, and it's not worth starting another forum fight over it.

Second: If you are going to run this game again, I will have no part in it. At all. I enjoyed it originally, but at the end it felt like herding cats. Angry, vicious cats.

Third: You'll want to make absolutely certain that you can manage it. Make sure you have the rules on the OP, so you can update them as you wish.

Fourth: Have fun. Please.

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