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[KSP 1.3.1] Stock Size Real Solar System []


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35 minutes ago, djb742 said:

the ssrss says to download ssrss and rss but ksp says rss is out of date and the mod won't do anything i put rss textures in game data sigma in gamedata kopernicus and ssrss

any help is appreciated 

Do what the instructions say.  Install,

  • Kopernicus (including ModularFlightIntegrator and ModuleManager)
  • RSS (RealSolarSystem folder only)
  • RSS Textures
  • Sigma Dimensions
  • Kronometer

Although RSS by itself is not up to date for KSP 1.3.1, SSRSS uses its configuration files.  You must install the RealSolarSystem folder from the RSS download.

Edited by OhioBob
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Hello there !

I and many other players, are struggling against a weird problem. Did anything change in the past days ? It used to work following your procedure that we detailed and traduce in French here :


Many users told me they were getting a very dark ground even in daylight, I tried by myseld on an all-clean install and i'm getting the same issue, here are some Screenshot of KSC at various hours, morning, night and noon :

Album https://imgur.com/a/YSrYS will appear when post is submitted

Any idea ? Everything else is working fine, orbital view from Tracking Station is okay, just like orbital View from a vessel, but this vessel is not being in the light, as you can see in previous pics.

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1 hour ago, Dakitess said:

Hello there !

I and many other players, are struggling against a weird problem. Did anything change in the past days ? It used to work following your procedure that we detailed and traduce in French here :


Many users told me they were getting a very dark ground even in daylight, I tried by myseld on an all-clean install and i'm getting the same issue, here are some Screenshot of KSC at various hours, morning, night and noon :

Album https://imgur.com/a/YSrYS will appear when post is submitted

Any idea ? Everything else is working fine, orbital view from Tracking Station is okay, just like orbital View from a vessel, but this vessel is not being in the light, as you can see in previous pics.

I presume you've upgraded to Kopernicus 1.3.1-3?  Kopernicus made some changes in the way that sunlight varies with distance.  This can cause problems if the mods you are using it with are not up to date with the changes.  Change back the Kopernicus 1.3.1-2 and that should fix the problem.  In the meantime, SSRSS may have to release an update if it's not currently compatible with the latest Kopernicus.

@Galileo, I'm not sure what the status of SSRSS is in regard to its light intensity curves.  I can help write some new curves if you need to release an update.  Just let me know if there is anything I need to do.

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Just now, OhioBob said:

I presume you've upgraded to Kopernicus 1.3.1-3?  Kopernicus made some changes in the way that sunlight varies with distance.  This can cause problems if the mods you are using it with are not up to date with the changes.  Change back the Kopernicus 1.3.1-2 and that should fix the problem.  In the meantime, SSRSS may have to release an update if it's not currently compatible with the latest Kopernicus.

@Galileo, I'm not sure what the status of SSRSS is in regard to its light intensity curves.  I can help write some new curves if you need to release an update.  Just let me know if there is anything I need to do.

No there is no need to rewrite them. I am just going to let the stock values take over. 

I just need to delete the sun curve cfg in the dL. I have been out of state for the last week so I haven’t had a way to update anything

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On 12/16/2017 at 10:28 AM, Galileo said:

No there is no need to rewrite them. I am just going to let the stock values take over. 

I just need to delete the sun curve cfg in the dL. I have been out of state for the last week so I haven’t had a way to update anything

Fantastic, I was just coming here to see if there was a fix for this problem!

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Amazing mod!

I tried using the stocklike inclinations cfg but Earth (Kerbin) is still at 28*. I also manually changed the RSSKopernicus Earth.cfg and it still nothing.

Any help to change Earth's inclination to 0* would be much appreciated! 



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Venus...108 atmospheres AGL = ~10800 kpa of pressure.

None of the stock parts can survive that. Any advice on building a successful lander? I'm happy to use modded parts, just not sure if I need to create a whole set of extra tough, heavy, pressure resistant parts or if someone has already done that.

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On 10.10.2017 at 3:37 PM, Galileo said:

Also, for those interested, THIS is a patch to raise the max pressure parts can withstand to make a trip to Venus popssible. I will include it in the actual dl once I get feedback on if it works. Just drop it anywhere in your GameData folder. DL will be in the OP for future reference.


@Tyko this should help, right??


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I sent a ship to Phobos, but when i got within a few clicks of it the moon started disappearing from view - the effect was the same as when you zoom your camera inside a ship part. I completed rendezvous, and the map mode says I'm there within a few hundred meter in map mode. When I switch to ship view though it looks like I'm floating in deep space with nothing near me. Further more, none of my science instruments registered that I'd entered Phobos local space. Eventually I pointed towards target and accelerated a bit. At about 1200m my ship collided with the invisible moon and exploded. I never did see the biome switch to Phobos.

Log file can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnvoaf0yaljg5uh/KSP.log?dl=0

I have rescaled the system to 2.5x, so it's possible i'm dealing with some issue related to how the moon got scaled? Any help would be appreciated.

Map view showing me at PhobosWoBrfdR.png

Ship view zoomed in closefkPlNY0.png

Ship view zoomed out until the ship is not even visible, but Phobos starts to appear. if I keep zooming out eventually all of Phobos appears.A33y5AX.png

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8 hours ago, eddiew said:

How big is Phobos' SoI in your rescale @Tyko? Just wondering if it might now be smaller than the moon... in which case we've resolved a long-standing question! :) 

I don't have specific changes for each planet, I'm using a fairly straightforward rescale config as shown in the Spoiler below. SSRSS has the following info for Phobos:

            %displayName = Phobos^N
            %sphereOfInfluence = 9059

I'm assuming that SOI number would scale along with the everything else, but perhaps not.

My full rescale config:


// Modified SSRSS config for 2.5x scale and stardardize on a 24-hour clock. 

    // Base Settings

    @Resize = 0.23544184586407 // Increase scale to 2.5x - tweaked to set Earth to 1500km radius
    @Rescale = 0.23544184586407 // Increase scale to 2.5x - tweaked to set Earth to 1500km radius
    @Atmosphere = 0.88312 // increased from 0.8 - Earth atmosphere ends at 85000m
    @dayLengthMultiplier = 1.0000 // Sets rotational period of earth to 1 day based on a 86400 second day

    // Advanced Settings

    @landscape = 2
    @geeASLmultiplier = 1

    @resizeScatter = 1
    @resizeBuildings = 1

    @CustomSoISize = 0
    @CustomRingSize = 0

    @atmoASL = 1
    @tempASL = 1
    @atmoTopLayer = 0.75
    @atmoVisualEffect = 1

    @scanAltitude = 10.618333333333336685187222222223 


            @landscape = 1.0
            @atmoTopLayer = 0.6875


    %useHomeDay = false
    %useHomeYear = false
    %useLeapYears = false

        %Year // year length in seconds
            %value = 15778476 // half of the 31556952 seconds in a real Earth year
        %Day // day length in seconds
            %value = 86143.872446965 // 24 hour day


        @altitude *= 3.5 // Need to confirm this

EDIT! Yes, the SOI is reading as 2km in the Tracking Station - same as the Eq Radius - there's my problem. This doesn't even match the SOI listed in SSRSS which is set at 9059. So, something's messed up here.

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9 hours ago, Tyko said:

Ship view zoomed out until the ship is not even visible, but Phobos starts to appear. if I keep zooming out eventually all of Phobos appears.A33y5AX.png

My God... it's full of... Mars!

I'll see myself out.  Sorry it must be the silly season.



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1 hour ago, Tyko said:

EDIT! Yes, the SOI is reading as 2km in the Tracking Station - same as the Eq Radius - there's my problem. This doesn't even match the SOI listed in SSRSS which is set at 9059. So, something's messed up here.

That's odd, I don't know why that would be.  Unless a custom SOI radius is specified in the config, SOI are calculated by KSP.  In the original RSS Phobos.cfg no SOI radius is given, however, SSRSS gives it a radius of 9059 meters.  Sigma Dimensions factors the SOI radius only when SOI is user defined, else KSP computes it.  Sigma multiplies it by the parameter CustomeSoISize if defined, else it multiplies it the Rescale factor.  The global setting in SSRSS is to use the Rescale factor, except bodies with a Bop template (Phobos and Deimos) have CustomeSoISize = 2.  Therefore Deimos' SOI should be 9059 * 2 = 18,118 meters.  If you're getting 2 km, then there is definitely some unintended screwiness going on.


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Update: I've tested all of the planets and moons for SOI issues - I used alt-F12 and set the orbit of a small probe to the lowest allowed by the game. Using this I jumped through every stellar body in the system. Only the 2 moons of Mars are an issue.

Deimos almost works. it's more round and it's possible to F12 into orbit. The orbit is only 632m though and there are a number of mountains higher than that, so it's not a safe orbit, but at least the game dropped me into the SOI properly. Unfortunately the SOI is 2K, which isn't even enough to clear the mountains, so it too has issues..

Deimos and Phobos... Evil Martian potatos of doom!!

EDIT: I can tweak the SOI settings for Phobos and add an SOI line for Deimos and increase the SOIs. I changed the SSRSS_Kopernicus.cfg with some test SOI sizes. They'd need to be altered to be accurate. I just made some changes to make sure there wasn't another config somewhere that was overwriting the SSRSS config. Here are the changes I made - Changes are Bolded within the rest of that section for context


            %displayName = Phobos^N
            %sphereOfInfluence = 22647

            %displayName = Deimos^N
            %sphereOfInfluence = 12000
                    %noiseType = RidgedMultifractal
                    %deformity = 40
                    %frequency = 5
                    %octaves = 12


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Some contract packs ask for orbits outside the SOI Earth's moon, so I've been using this to increase the SOI of everything. This may be a workaroud you could try. (I put this in a file I created 'GameData/MyCustoms/SSRSS.cfg')


    CustomSoISize = 1.5



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