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Mission Idea: Emulating Real Life in Kerbal Space Program [WIP] [Submit a Payload] [Become a Launch Provider] Craft Submission Thread!

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On 4/9/2017 at 7:54 PM, Skylon said:

Damn I'm being beaten here noooo! :confused: Time to up my rating.

Also did you make any changes to increase payload and decrease price?

I am currently re-testing the Arthur 1 with around 3.375t. DeltaV is tight but... we'll see.

Also do the delta-v maps take into account atmospheric efficiency? This thing has 3,500m/s vacuum. Well, that's not taking into account the extra dV from fairing deployment :rolleyes:

I didn't make any changes to the rocket itself, I just changed the ascent profile. :wink: 

On 4/9/2017 at 8:08 PM, Skylon said:

I was 60m/s short of orbit, so I'm rating it for 3t now. Costs now at 6666:funds:/ ton. And for some reason I thought my rockets were costing over 15,000 to launch, but they are just over 11,000. So I can lower the price :) .

@TheEpicSquared I've updated the craft files now. Please re-download them (especially the Skysats)


On 4/9/2017 at 8:19 PM, Skylon said:

Also @TheEpicSquared to make my Arthur Series reusable I would make these changes:

  1. Add parachutes and maybe two lithobraking parts to the upper stage
  2. For the upper stage I would add the smallest fuel tank, decoupler, parachutes and move the RCS onto the fuel tank

How much development time and cost would this take?

See the KCT construction time for the first version, and subtract it from the construction time of the second (the reusable) version. Multiply this time by 10 (subject to change) and that's your development time.

On 4/9/2017 at 10:30 PM, StupidAndy said:

3 new classes of satellites I need launched

Garrob GCC (Global Communication Constellation)

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Garrob GCC

Made By Me

Global Communications Satellite

I need 8 of them (2 at 0*, 2 at 45*, 2 at 90*, 2 at 135*)

5730 Funds Each

0.617 Tons, 2 by 1.1 by 1.2

150 kms (2 at 0*, 2 at 45*, 2 at 90*, 2 at 135*)

a small communications satellite meant to strengthen low Kerbin orbit communications

need a LP for launch

you can choose how many per launch, but don't edit the shape of the satellite

Craft File https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/Garrob-GCC

Zevober GRM

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Zevober GRM (Global Radar Mapper)

Made by Me

Radar Mapper

11220 Funds

0.39 Tons (according to KerbalX)

3.16 x 0.88 x 0.88 (radar dish retracted) 3.16 x 2.65 x 0.88 (radar dish extended)

70km 90* orbit

a radar mapper to learn more about Kerbin from the skies, I only need one

need a LP


Quaento GWS

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Quaento GWS (Global Weather Satellite)

Made by Me

Weather Satellite

37,868 funds

70Km 90* orbit

a VERY expensive weather satellite that we would not be very happy if you broke, so don't. (we already have a decoupler, just add your fairing underneath the structural trusses)

need LP


I only need 1 of the Zevober and Quaento, but whoever gets my Garrob contract will have the wonderous prize of having more then one launches!

I was going to say that I could take them, but then I saw your lengthy negotiations with @Brent Kerman and @Skylon. :D 

On 4/9/2017 at 10:37 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Signing up as a PP and a LP.

Here's ComSat A, with two low gain and two high gain, it matches @TheEpicSquared's requirements for a comsat that is useful to the "government."




Cost: 6118
Mass: 483kg
Part count: 12
Dimensions: 1.9m high, 1.7m wide, 1m long
Intended orbit: 200x200km.
Comes with decoupler!


And here's Astral, my first launch vehicle:



Cost calculation:

Base VAB price (fueled) is 3725. Launch cost is 3725*1.1 = 4097.5. Most of the first stage is recovered (the fins break) the unfueled cost of that is 1064.9. 4097.5 - 1064.9 = 3032.6. Adding recovery ops cost back in: 1064.9*0.2 = 212.98, 212.98 + 3032.6 = 3245.58.

That counts the launch clamp as expendable, is that right?

A profit margin of ~23% brings everything to a nice, round 4000 funds.

It can carry 1t to LKO, and .45t to TMI, bringing it to 4 funds/kilogram to LKO, slightly undercutting @TheEpicSquared Iridum I's 4.2 funds/kg.

I don't know how to calculate success %s, especially as we are using two part failure mods (kerbalism + dangit) it'd be great if someone could could how to do that.

It has no mechjeb module, and so it needs to be flown manually, here's instructions on how to do that:

Do not launch with RCS on. Wait until you reach 100 m/s, then begin a gravity turn. There's not very much control authority on it, so after a while you'll just be holding d. Stage when the SRB runs empty, don't worry about the parachutes, they're supposed to stage with the SRB. You might need a small boost from the 2nd stage engine at this point. Get rid of the fairing when safe, but before you start the circularization burn. Start the circularization early, a good way to judge how early is to use a maneuver node. Don't use RCS unless it is absolutely necessary i.e. when orienting for a burn, not while burning. It should just take 1t into a 75kmx75km orbit. Use FMRS to switch back to the SRB, it will descend under parachutes to the water with no control.

You'll be added to the manifest. For success %s, just see how many of your launches succeeded, and convert it into a percentage. For example, if an LV was successfull 7 times out of 10, it has a 70% success rate. 

Of course, you haven't launched yet, so you don't know your success %s yet. :wink: 

On 4/9/2017 at 11:43 PM, icantmakemodels said:

@TheEpicSquared @Oliverm001xQuestion: What do I need to get a rocket Kerbal-rated?



ALSO: I've updated Helium+Xsat1 because I realized it didn't count as "useful"

It has good life support, has been tested unmanned in space, has undergone both a pad abort and an in-flight abort, and has been personally approved by either me or @Oliverm001x.

On 4/9/2017 at 11:58 PM, StupidAndy said:

I have made a heliology probe! (and apparently the forum software says it isn't a word)

Corrmes CMES

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Corrmes Coronal Mass Ejection Studier

Made by me


21,000 Funds

0.838 Tons

1.9 x 1.2 x 1.2

I don't know the exact orbit but have the apoapsis above the magnetosphere and circularize so the probe spends as little time as possible in the magnetosphere, 0*

a heliology probe made to study the effects of CMEs on probe equipment, do not spill grape juice on the probe again fil...

have it up by year 2 at the most, earlier is better, so we can have longer understanding of the CMEs for future probes


this is the greatest thing I have posted so far in this, argh! no noun! it has the most meaning, wait, THE ONLY ONE WITH MEANING!

I can take this. :wink: 

Oh, wait, I already said that in the other thread...

On 4/10/2017 at 2:23 AM, qzgy said:

As a payload provider, I plan to send a absurdly massive comsat into keostationary orbit.

Name - Super Array (insert greek letter from alphabet here, starting with Alpha)

Provider - Me? Do I insert a company name?

Basically a comsat used by kerbals to get TV anywhere

Intended for keostationary orbit, inclination ideally zero. Includes small orbital adjustment engine, to make it easier on LP. Other required stuff in image.

As of yet, no launch provider seems to be able to carry it into orbit, so I'll let the first person who can carry it do that.

Kebal X and pic (cause the forums really don't like me) https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Super-Array-Alpha

Provider is your forum name, as forum rule 2.2j forbids roleplay (of which company names are a part of, apparently).

Also, I'll be able to get that into KEO with my next launcher, in case you're interested. :wink: 

On 4/10/2017 at 9:34 AM, FireKerb said:

Here is my payload:

MunNet 1

Type: Communication satellites

Price: 10,501 :funds:

Payload Statistics: 1t, 3.3m High, 1.4m Wide, 4.1m long, 24 parts

Intended Orbit: Equatorial orbit, spaced apart, 600*600

Description: Network for incoming Munar Probes

Launch Provider: Skylon

Rocket: Arthur 1

Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/Firestorm/MunNet-1


You'll be added to the PP list.

On 4/10/2017 at 0:19 PM, Abastro said:

Here goes my first generation reusable lifter:

Retrance ll2

Stock craft with only modded parts being MechJeb2 module.

Payload capacity:

 - 2t to Equatorial LKO.(90~120km)

 - 1.1t to Geostationary transfer orbit.


Selling on 4000:funds:, launch your payload before my budget runs out!


Total Weight: 16.720t

Dimensions: 18.6m X 1.8m X 1.8m

Capable of lifting 2t in fairing.

(Replace the ore tank with the payload)


Flight instructions:

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RCS should be enabled to control the ship attitude.

Stage manually, MechJeb can't do this properly.

Edit ascent path: Set turn start on reaching 75~80m/s. Turn shape 50~60%.
Force Roll climb to 0deg turn/0deg, limit AoA to 5 deg.

Recover the first stage with splashdown, and reenter the second stage with Pe on 35km over KSC. (Use FMRS here)

Deploy fairing before deploying parachute!

Whenever Mechjeb freaks out, please fly manually. (Especially with small correction burns)

+ Please don't engage time acceleration before first stage separation.


EDIT: Done the test, with a few fixes.

You'll be added to the manifest.

On 4/10/2017 at 6:09 PM, Skylon said:

Keep discussion to the other thread now I guess.

Yes please. :) 

On 4/10/2017 at 6:46 PM, Draconiator said:

Firebreather I has entered the beta phase of development.  Initial simulations indicate it will likely be used for small satellites.  Beta phase will include further fine-tuning, and if it needs it, further additions of small tanks.

Awesome! You'll be added to the LP list when you provide a .craft file link. :) 

On 4/10/2017 at 6:49 PM, KenjiKrafts said:

Does this mean I can be re-added as a LP???? :D 


Yes, I'll do that.

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1 hour ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Also, I'll be able to get that into KEO with my next launcher, in case you're interested. :wink:

That would be good, considering you seem the only one able to put it in KEO. How much?

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Just now, TheEpicSquared said:

Not sure, but Id say a bit under 30,000. Maybe 27-28,000. 

Those are complete guesses, though. :) 

How about a price of 27,500 (It's not like it would really affect PP, right?)

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6 minutes ago, kerbinorbiter said:

:funds: 20,000

@TheEpicSquared go back to my JebX 2 rocket and re-download it as ive deemed that rocket a total falure

Will do tomorrow.

1 minute ago, qzgy said:

Can it lift a 3 ton craft to keo?


Just now, kerbinorbiter said:

I dont think it can, sorry :( i havent tested KEO yet 

Well, I guess that settles it.

:wink:  I've (potentially) got another customer! :D 

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3 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

:wink:  I've (potentially) got another customer! :D 

It's not a potentially any more!

Shall we say :funds:29,000? (the bosses really want their satellite TV)

If possible, can you position it over these coordinates? 20° 40′ 15″ N 146° 29′ 48″ W It's not a must, but it would be nice


Edited by qzgy
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The flagship lifter the Signus XVIII is under beta testing, it is showing positive results, estimated to be a medium to heavy lifter in its class.


Day One - Signus is launched for the first time, SRB Stage failure, RUD of Clamps due to weight. 

Day Two - Signus is launched again without a hitch until 30,000M RCS is unable to hold aditquite control and lifter undergoes RUD due to Aero-forces. 

Day Three - Signus is launched again with more RCS and fins, SRB stage retrieved, Stage Two is in LKO for 90 hours before re-entry, Stage destroyed.

Day Four - All is well as all is complete, Engine tweaks are required however Signus looks to arrive on the expected date. 

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Hello, CEO of CMAU Incorporated here. We came to this thread looking for a launcher, and were disappointed that there was no list of availiable lifters in the OP. @TheEpicSquared Could you please add such a list, similar to in the OP of the other thread, but perhaps organized by payload tonnage instead of launch provider? That would save a ton of time for both payload providers and launch pproviders, as both could see what launchers were needed and what were not, as well as what options are on the market at the moment. Thank you for your time, and we would definitely be interested in participating in the future, both as launchers and as payload providers. But we would prefer to know what all the options are first. Thank you for your time!


CEO of CMAU Incorporated

Edited by Mycroft
Its called LAUNCH not LUNCH, Jeb!
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On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 7:06 PM, Mycroft said:

Hello, CEO of CMAU Incorporated here. We came to this thread looking for a luncher, and were disappointed that there was no list of availiable lifters in the OP. @TheEpicSquared Could you please add such a list, similar to in the OP of the other thread, but perhaps organized by payload tonnage instead of launch provider? That would save a ton of time for both payload providers and launch pproviders, as both could see what launchers were needed and what were not, as well as what options are on the market at the moment. Thank you for your time, and we would definitely be interested in participating in the future, both as launchers and as payload providers. But we would prefer to know what all the options are first. Thank you for your time!


CEO of CMAU Incorporated

what I do is have two windows open, one with the submission thread, and the other in the LP. also you can't be a company due to rule 2.2J, but it would be helpful to some (not me necesarraly) people.

Edited by StupidAndy
one letter DOES make a difference!
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Just now, StupidAndy said:

what I do is have two windows open, one with the submission thread, and the other in the LP. also you can be a company due to rule 2.2J, but it would be helpful to some (not me necesarraly) people.

Yes, we thought it would be helpful since the current organization (according to provider) is not user friendly if you are looking to launch a given payload and dont necessarily care who designed it, but that order has value if you only trust a few launch providers or distrust some others. So my request was that we have both, one on this thread, and keep the other thread the way it is, so people can use both.

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21 hours ago, qzgy said:

It's not a potentially any more!

Shall we say :funds:29,000? (the bosses really want their satellite TV)

If possible, can you position it over these coordinates? 20° 40′ 15″ N 146° 29′ 48″ W It's not a must, but it would be nice


29,000 seems like a good guesstimate. :) 

14 hours ago, Mycroft said:

Hello, CEO of CMAU Incorporated here. We came to this thread looking for a launcher, and were disappointed that there was no list of availiable lifters in the OP. @TheEpicSquared Could you please add such a list, similar to in the OP of the other thread, but perhaps organized by payload tonnage instead of launch provider? That would save a ton of time for both payload providers and launch pproviders, as both could see what launchers were needed and what were not, as well as what options are on the market at the moment. Thank you for your time, and we would definitely be interested in participating in the future, both as launchers and as payload providers. But we would prefer to know what all the options are first. Thank you for your time!


CEO of CMAU Incorporated

You'll have to ask @Oliverm001x, he created this thread, not me. :) 

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Hello! I'm enrolling for this awesome program as a payload provider. I will mainly supply robotic crafts such as sats, landers or cargo.

My first offer is a small constellation of 6 comsats in Kerbin geostationary orbit, to provide probe control in Kerbin sphere of influence.



   a) Payload name? AMPCS Ia, AMPCS Ib, AMPCS Ic, AMPCS Id, AMPCS Ie and AMPCS If
    b) Payload provider? @Andiron
    c) Type of payload? 6x Comsats
    d) Payload price? 8530 kb
    e) Payload mass, part count and dimensions? 1.12t / 20 parts / 2.2x1.1x1.1
    f) Intended orbit (apoapsis, periapsis, inclination, any other orbital info)? Kerbin geostationary orbit
    g) Short description of the payload? Comsat with one mid-range relay dish (2G), three short-range relay dishes and three direct antennas


These satellites, if the project is approved by the government, must be delivered by the rocket to a geostationary transfer orbit (like 75km x 2863.33km) which represents an extra 700m/s deltav from low orbit. The sat propulsion system will take care of the circularization. A bonus is available for a dual-payload launch, if possible. The payload cost for the constellation is 51180 kerbucks.

The file is available here : https://kerbalx.com/Andiron/AMPCS-I

Edited by Andiron
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6 minutes ago, Andiron said:

Hello! I'm enrolling for this awesome program as a payload provider. I will mainly supply robotic crafts such as sats, landers or cargo.

My first offer is a small constellation of 6 comsats in Kerbin geostationary orbit, to provide probe control in Kerbin sphere of influence.

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   a) Payload name? AMPCS Ia, AMPCS Ib, AMPCS Ic, AMPCS Id, AMPCS Ie and AMPCS If
    b) Payload provider? @Andiron
    c) Type of payload? 6x Comsats
    d) Payload price? 8530 kb
    e) Payload mass, part count and dimensions? 1.12t / 20 parts / 2.2x1.1x1.1
    f) Intended orbit (apoapsis, periapsis, inclination, any other orbital info)? Kerbin geostationary orbit
    g) Short description of the payload? Comsat with one mid-range relay dish (2G), three short-range relay dishes and three direct antennas


These satellites, if the project is approved by the government, must be delivered to a geostationary transfer orbit (like 75km x 2863.33km) which represents an extra 700m/s deltav from low orbit. A bonus is available for a dual-payload launch, if possible. The payload cost for the constellation is 51180 kerbucks.

The file is available here : https://kerbalx.com/Andiron/AMPCS-I

I'm going to jump on this offer before @Skylon can get to it... :sticktongue: 

Do you need the sats in specific orbital locations? If so, I can take 2-3 at a time. 

If you don't need them in specific locations, I might be able to take all of them at once. 

Price would be 19,500, a discount because of many satellites in a single launch. :wink: 

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29 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Do you need the sats in specific orbital locations? If so, I can take 2-3 at a time.

I would like to put the constellation on a 0° geostationary orbit at 2863.33km, which each sat separated by a 60° angle. The rocket need to carry the payload to a transfer orbit and the sat has some deltav to complete the orbit.

Can your rocket carry two of them under a fairing ?

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1 minute ago, Andiron said:

I would like to put the constellation on a 0° geostationary orbit at 2863.33km, which each sat separated by a 60° angle. The rocket need to carry the payload to a transfer orbit and the sat has some deltav to complete the orbit.

Can your rocket carry two of them under a fairing ?


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