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[1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x] Kurrikane - A science Probe and parts v1.1


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A revival and major enhancement to the old Kurrikane mod by @Beluwel, original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114118-10x-kurrikane-a-science-probe-parts-v10/

Overview :

The main idea came when I started a new science game in KSP. I was looking for a way to get surface sample and reports from kerbin faster. The answer was in aircraft but I had to land, reports,take off, land etc... so I thought about a probe which is loaded on an aircraft (1-6 probes) and that would be dropped around kerbin biomes and then to takes the data and be recovered in the space center.

What it does ?

It is basically a probe that can collect surface sample and do EVA reports without a kerbal. It's only purpose is on Kerbin usage.

When using it from orbit, note that the probe does NOT have reaction wheels, you will need to either add one (from either Sounding Rockets, or BOMPs) or make sure it is aligned.  Otherwise you will see some oscillations during reentry, and, depending on which planet, it may overheat.


New parts added to the original mod are:

  • KurrikaneChute
    • A parachute sized properly for the Kurrikane
  • KurrikaneDecoupler
    • A decoupler sized properly for the Kurrikane
  • KurrikaneEngine
    • A small rocket engine, to be used on airless worlds
  • KurrikaneFin
    • Stabilizing fins for the Kurrikane.  When doing reentries, be sure to use the advanced fins
  • KurrikaneFuelTank
    • Small fuel tank
  • KurrikaneHeatShield
    • Two heat shields, one slightly larger than the other
  • KurrikaneScience parts
    • 4 new science experiments, based on existing science technology

Thanks to the following:

  • Squad for a wonderful game.  Many of the new parts are essentially resized and reskinned parts
  • @RoverDude for graciously allowing me to use one of his models for the new science parts
  • @toric5 for helping with the remapping of the fins
  • Someone who I can't remember for helping fix a problem with the model of the Kurrikane


Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1338/The Kurrikane Probe

Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kurrikane


Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



Images :




  1. Extract "Kurricane" into your "Kerbal Space Program\GameData" file
  2. Install ModuleManager
  3. Enjoy




Strongly recommended is the FMRS mod, which will make it easier to use, available here: 

If you don't use FMRS, then if you drop from an airplane, you will need to stay within range until the probe touches down.  If from a spacecraft, you will need to follow it down all the way until landing

  1. Add 1 or more probe on your ship/aircraft with decoupler
  2. Add 1 core probe or parachute from the game (to get FMRS usable)
  3. Add mk1 parachute on each probe you have
  4. Properly arrange your stage so you can activate the chute and eject at the same time
  5. Launch your mission, eject the probe when you want
  6. When ejected get back to the probe with FMRS, land it, do the science and get back to the main ship.
  7. Do the same for each probe you have.
Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 5 weeks later...

do you have the rights to the 3d assets on this mod?  I would like to see some fixes to the models and textures if you do.  I know you do not do 3d-modeling or texturing, but I will add it to my list of things to do when I get the time to figure out how to import the models and textures into unity.  ill just add it to my project for the handrails.  


I assume some day I will get around to actually figuring out how to import the models and textures...

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4 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

do you have the rights to the 3d assets on this mod?  I would like to see some fixes to the models and textures if you do.  I know you do not do 3d-modeling or texturing, but I will add it to my list of things to do when I get the time to figure out how to import the models and textures into unity.  ill just add it to my project for the handrails.  


I assume some day I will get around to actually figuring out how to import the models and textures...

No, I only have what is on Github.

I can import the assets into Blender, if that would help you

FYI, the science parts are from Roverdude, the fins & engines are from KSP.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I was looking at this mod back in 1.0 or what ever and it looka like a good idea.. I just do this sort of thing with the sounding rockets mod as of now, but I am always happy to load a new parts mod.  the only issue is this probe core has some beckward textures and the mounting geometry is off.  so If I ever get around to figuring out how all the importing works I may take a crack at some 3D work on this mod as well.


how do you import a .mu file intro blender?  I guess that is something else I should look into if I plan to ever figure out the KSP modding thing.

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the mount of the probe to the decoupler.  it is rotated by about 20 or 30 degrees.  thus making the entire probe sit twisted on the decoupler.  basically the surface attach point of the probe needs to be moved to the black /yellow striped area so that it is 90 degrees out of phase with the mount points for the science bits.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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  • 2 months later...

This mod needs a desperate change: The probe needs to be available at a MUCH earlier point in the game. By the time it becomes available, its usefulness on Kerbin is almost nil, and the spaceplanes that I build can do most of the stuff that it can do on other planets and moons. I actually edited the .cfg for it to be available at basic science. 

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  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Why is this one burried so deep in the forum? That's an awesome probe mod :)

Just want to mention that the Sonde part misses an entry "hideFxModuleUI" in the "ModuleScienceExperiment" node, which results in an error ( if you remove the "FxModules" entry, it's no longer necessary but I'm not quiet sure if removing this one will break something):

[ModuleScienceExperiment]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule

It doesn't seem to harm anything but I solved this little issue by accident while trying to find a solution for a different issue and I though it would be nice to share it ;)

edit: Almost forgot it: the texture on the sonde is mirrored:


Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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On 2/9/2019 at 7:36 AM, 4x4cheesecake said:

edit: Almost forgot it: the texture on the sonde is mirrored

Interesting, I'll fix that also. Going to leave the original there as a "Reversed" image in case anyone wants it

New release,

  • Added missing entry in MOduleScienceExperiment in the Sonde part
  • Fixed mirrored texture of the Sonde warning label
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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