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CKI (Cross-Kerbin Invitational) Endurance Race

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Cross-Kerbin Invitational

Are you in love with rovers? Do you like to test them on the most challenging terrain available? Are you prepared for holding down the W key for hours on end? Are you on Amazon buying a paperweight so you can eat a sandwich during the most boring parts of the event? WELL THIS IS THE EVENT FOR YOU!!! Going from the KSC to the KSC2 and holding over 20 stages, the KKI is the premier racing event for all forum members who think they've got what it takes.

Based highly off of @Triop's Dakar 2017 challenge (I may or may not have used some of the flags), this challenge is split up into stages.


• Each stage has 3 parts; The Start flag (Which is also the finishing flag of the previous stage), the Halfway flag (Which you don't have to stop at; it's mainly for guidance), and the Finish flag (Also the start flag for the next stage). You MUST takes screenshots of you passing each flag. You can pass the Halfway point flag at speed (No need to stop (I literally named every halfway flag with "DON'T STOP HERE!!!!!")), but you MUST take the screenshot when you are at 0.00 m/s. The flag must be in view when you take the screenshot, otherwise it is invalidated. Please try to start your run at a certain minute marker like 00:01:00; I don't want to do maths over summer break. 

• Now you may be wondering: "Dark, how are we going to get across the little ocean thing? That's like 20 kilometers!" Well I've planned for that! You must create a boat that can carry your vehicle across the sliver of land.

• Like the Dakar (As well as all forms of racing really), teams want to run tests to see how their cars can perform on the terrain. You may do that. Up to a point. You can only test stages as far as stage 5, where, at the end, you'll have to use your boat. This means that you'll be going into over 75% of the event blind. Now I planned for this. You are allowed a maximum of 3 vehicles that will be used in the race, not including pit-stop booths. 1. The rover you'll race with. 2. A scout plane. 3. A rescue plane/chopper/rover that will be used to retrieve the drivers should you crash. Yes, I did say scout plane. You'll be able to go as far as you want with this scout plane. It will map the terrain for you, so that you can get an ariel overview of the remaining 75-ish% of the course. You are allowed to test your boats. However, no part of the racing rover in question may touch the other piece of land until the start date of June 1st.

• MODS ARE ALLOWED!!! That's what makes the game fun after all.

• You can use quick saves, but only at the start/finish flags. And I'm putting a quick save limit on! You can only use 5 quick saves throughout the entirety of the event (Testing not included).

• In the save file, I'll include a KKI Safety test. Your vehicle must be able to get a score of at least 27.5 to be ready for the test. You get 5 points for passing (A pass is considered the kerbal surviving), except for the max G-force test (Which is optional), where you'll be given points on maximum G's your car is able to withstand.

• The test order is this: Ramming the vehicle from the left and right sides (Not at the same time). Ramming the car from the rear. Dropping the car from a stand onto it's roof. Dropping a car from a stand onto it's wheels. Ramming it from the front. And using the ALT + F12 menu to turn up the G's as far as your car can take.

• You may repair the car in between tests.

• You are allowed to have engines. But only 4 Junos. This is to keep you from going a bajillion m/s and finishing in 5 seconds.

• On the topic of propulsion, I know some of you will use Boost Flaps on the Junos to rapidly shut them off. This is legal. Any form of aerodynamics are allowed, as long as they don't create POSITIVE lift. This means if you do have aerodynamic surfaces, they must create downforce and not lift. This is to prevent any planes or flying cars.

• Your vehicle MUST have at least 2 lights; one at the front for a headlight, and one at the rear to act as a brake light. 

• Your vehicle must be crewed. You can have a drone however, in the case of command seats.

• During a stage, you have a maximum time limit of 3 hours. This means that if your stage time is over 3 hours, you must either re-do the stage or retire.

• After a stage, you have as much time as you want before going onto the next stage.

• You can repair your car using KIS or KAS or whatever. But you can only do this after the stage is over. (Flat tires not included)

• If your vehicle is considered un-driveable and is incapable of continuing on, you may re-try if you're out of Quick-saves. This means going AAAALLLL the way back to the KSC and going at it again. So if you're out of quick saves at say... Stage 19, you might wanna be careful.

• You may complete the challenge as many times as you want, but only your fastest time will count. This includes going into different classes.

• Finally, for now (I think), have fun! This is a cool event and my first challenge that's drawn some form of hype.


Solar: You may only have solar panels on your car. No other way to gain electricity. Make sure those batteries are filled to the brim! Oh, and no engines.

General Rover: Any means of gaining electricity goes. Just no engines. 

Engines: You can use engines. Again, all forms of electricity are allowed. Just be careful on the Hills of Stage 1/2 and the desert.


I'll get a map and persist out soon! I'm still working on getting the flags set up as of typing.


ENJOY CKI2017!!!


Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jv1waqbla0fmw7l/persistent.sfs?dl=0



Stage Name Stage #


Edited by DarkOwl57
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3 minutes ago, KenjiKrafts said:

Sound's good tbh, count me in @DarkOwl57! :cool: 

Also I am doing circumnavigation by boat so I am not sure when I will release the rover :D 

Alrighty! Start date is June 1st. I've got the flags done, just gotta get the ram testers down and we'll be ready for downloading!!!

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11 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

• MODS ARE ALLOWED!!! That's what makes the game fun after all.

That's debatable, but this challenge looks like a nice change of pace from my usual playstyle. Are can cars be assisted by jets? And can they have jump jets to boost themselves and avoid rolling? (I don't mean flying half the route, I just mean hopping over some individual obstacles. If so, I will probably try this.

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10 hours ago, Thor Wotansen said:

What's the rules on refueling?  Are you adding pit-stop booths or is that up to us?

Yes, you can refuel. However, you'll have to add the booths yourself, as my PC has too much lag to support over 40 flags and a 150 part pit stop thingy

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6 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

this challenge looks like a nice change of pace from my usual playstyle.



6 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

Are can cars be assisted by jets? And can they have jump jets to boost themselves and avoid rolling? (I don't mean flying half the route, I just mean hopping over some individual obstacles. If so, I will probably try this.

Jets: Yes. Jump Jets: Probably not; you could use the landing gear to keep you from rolling. 

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Hmm a Baja 1000 challenge, I might have to bust out my off road racing skills for this. 

Is it legal for your scout plane to be your "pit stop" #flying parts store

count me in as long as I don't get to busy with work and sending kolony's to deep space :P

my 1.2 career is the most modded my KSP has ever been....save that one time I tried RO.....I like the plight of little green men better then NASA sim

Edited by Tidus Klein
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4 hours ago, Tidus Klein said:

Hmm a Baja 1000 challenge, I might have to bust out my off road racing skills for this. 

Is it legal for your scout plane to be your "pit stop" #flying parts store

count me in as long as I don't get to busy with work and sending kolony's to deep space :P

my 1.2 career is the most modded my KSP has ever been....save that one time I tried RO.....I like the plight of little green men better then NASA sim

Yeah, but the plane won't be part of a race. I'm engineering my plane to have as much fuel as possible while still looking cool. So far, no avail :/

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I think it would be useful to discuss terrain detail. I think a certain setting should be mandatory and I suggest setting it to max. Terrain setting at low is no challenge at all, at medium it's very hard due to very sharp edges. Terrain at max doesn't tax a system much more than medium and is the most realistic.

Besides that, I think there should be different classes for mods or stock, Juno powered and electric. And some people like to use landing gear ... since they're almost invincible compared with rover wheels, I would ban them.

And ehm ... only 2 Juno's? I don't intend to drive all the way like my grandmother.

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37 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

Yeah, but the plane won't be part of a race. I'm engineering my plane to have as much fuel as possible while still looking cool. So far, no avail :/

XD was not planning on using my plane in the race, the plan is to scout with it and have it landed then if my rover happens to break something have the plane be a support craft for the rover, it flys out drops off some spare parts and then waits for the next mishap

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18 minutes ago, Tidus Klein said:

XD was not planning on using my plane in the race, the plan is to scout with it and have it landed then if my rover happens to break something have the plane be a support craft for the rover, it flys out drops off some spare parts and then waits for the next mishap

aaahhh well in that case, go for it! I'm using a chopper for the emergency pickup (Should the need arise) and a teeny tiny plane for the scout. I'm gonna send a truck if the going gets bad and we lose a wheel or part of the rollcage (Those stage 15/16 mountains are crazy from what I've seen in the air)

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2 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

aaahhh well in that case, go for it! I'm using a chopper for the emergency pickup (Should the need arise) and a teeny tiny plane for the scout. I'm gonna send a truck if the going gets bad and we lose a wheel or part of the rollcage (Those stage 15/16 mountains are crazy from what I've seen in the air)

Sounds good, I'm making my racer out of the truck parts from SXT so it looks like a beefed up version of the loaders drifting around in the VAB and SPH. :P even have a bit of a back story on it.

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