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KSC Air And Car Show. [9-17 UPDATE]

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I will also have a boat coming, give it a week at most. Also, on kerbalX, there's a car I'd like to submit - BAC Mono (labeled the BAC Mono kinda 5)

Reference image.


I swear it's a car.....

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6 hours ago, qzgy said:

I will also have a boat coming, give it a week at most. Also, on kerbalX, there's a car I'd like to submit - BAC Mono (labeled the BAC Mono kinda 5)

Reference image.



Gosh darn spoiler tab... 

I swear it's a car.....

Nice work! You have a link?

6 hours ago, drtricky said:

We know you're hiding hover car tech from us. :mad:

Well... You never know.... O_o

10 hours ago, Skylon said:

Watch out, I've got a boat about. (Coming soon)

Well, I can't wait. :D

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1 minute ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

Nice work! You have a link?

Yeah. Just check my kerbalX page (shameless plug), look for BAC mono kinda 5.

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TvtawUY.pngHere is the link to the AVRO Kraken Mk1 (disarmed) for the light aircraft submission.

No AI, no weapons manager, no bullets. Kept the 4 .50 cal Brownings for looks. Kept the mods down to a minimum. Still flies like a bat out of hell, but very easy to fly. For a light fighter/interceptor it makes a great plane to practice on.

To this date the AVRO Kraken has been undefeated against other propeller fighters and subsonic fighter jets.


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Oooh I didn't notice that you can use props, I think that one's a Kitty.  Then I guess I'll use one of my planes I already have.  Will update this post.


Here's my submission.  I think it would go in Heavy Aircraft


Link is below, it is the KTR-10NP (No Procedural, I had procedural wings so had to replace them; ended up having the same wing area anyway.)


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20 hours ago, Draconiator said:

AND AS A BONUS, when the save is available, The Green Dragons will perform on it.  I intend to make a video of it.


Awesomesauce. I can't wait for that. 

20 hours ago, Joseph Kerman said:

How about my Kerthenian KWWII jet?


Yup. You will be entered... Later. Sorry guys. Had a busy day. I'll put them all in tonight or tommorow.


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The Batwing SSTO, as inspired by the Arkham City fast-travel jet. As it is much larger than the master she's modeled after, this spaceplane would almost certainly qualify as "heavy aircraft." She's armed with SCIENCE, ladies. Don't expect any pew-pew boom unless you can't fly like the Batman himself. :P


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22 hours ago, dundun92 said:

The KC-1 heavy cargo/airlifter



That is way cool. 

22 hours ago, Munbro Kerman said:

I've got a stock 1:1 replica of the F-16 Falcon, and I'm interested in contributing. I'll try to post tomorrow. 

I'll be glad to enter you after it's finished. :D

22 hours ago, dundun92 said:

Oh, and my F-10 Striker supermanuverable fighter.



Sweet! I'll add it. 

On 6/25/2017 at 1:23 PM, GDJ said:

To this date the AVRO Kraken has been undefeated against other propeller fighters and subsonic fighter jets.

Really? Undefeated? Challenge accepted, my dear sir. :cool:





ONE MORE Heavy aircraft slot open! Next person who enters a heavy aircraft will close the Heavy Aircraft registration! 

(Unless the next one is freaking amazing. Then I might add an exception. :wink:)

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1 hour ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

Really? Undefeated? Challenge accepted, my dear sir. :cool:

As long as your challenger is of WWII design, you may challenge me all you want.
I honestly hope that you do. 

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2 minutes ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

*Ready the sidewinders!*

Missiles are for wimp sissies that can't build planes that can dogfight.


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4 minutes ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

Says who? The Air Force uses 'em!

.....they rely on them too much.
Battles and war should be more personal. You have to get in close, see your enemy. It should be hard, VERY hard to do this and look your target in the eyes. Maybe there would be less wars and conflict in the end.

But this is getting more philosophical in nature and beyond the scope of this forum.

Lets just say guns only, no GAU-8's, 2500 m range.


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2 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Battles and war should be more personal. You have to get in close, see your enemy. 

And see that he didn't shave his beard that morning. Yeah. That works. 




However, the fact that a GAU-8 is bigger than a VW bug is slightly disturbing. 


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3 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Anyhow, you decide on the plane. Make a video. I wish you luck.

Going to bed. 'Night.

Same here. See ya. :D


Notification over load for tommorow!



(I'm sorry in advance. I couldn't resist.)

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