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[KSP 1.12.3] Astronomer's Visual Pack - Beyond (v4.13 - July 17th, 2022)


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Okay buddy. Ummm, go to github and get the newest one. Which is V.3.83 Download it and unzip it. Then Go to the textures and download them. (1.9) Those are the version numbers you want to see one 1.8. If it fails send me more screen shots of where you're downloading it from. 

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So I just clicked AVP in CKAN, let it install and it seems to have worked. City lights, clouds in the sky, aurorae... it's all there. However, looking at the sky, I have a "oh my gosh, it's full of stars" moment:


Seriously, is it supposed to look like this? I'm looking into other skyboxes, but am slightly worried, as none of the screenshots in this thread look as starry as my sky.

And another first world problem: against the new backdrop, my ships now look clunky. Is there a simple fix like downloading a set of textures?

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You may want to install distance object enhancement but I think it looks better without it.  Same thing as any other mod. (May gave to install manually...) 

I don't reccomed KSPCR or whatever. SVT is pretty good and even the stock 1.8 textures are cool as well. 

Edited by Arco123
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  On 12/9/2019 at 8:39 AM, Laie said:

And another first world problem: against the new backdrop, my ships now look clunky. Is there a simple fix like downloading a set of textures?


Try ReStock ??

or maybe Ven's Stock Revamp ??

(but not both together... at least not to start with... vOv)

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 12/9/2019 at 9:04 PM, Jebihean Kerman said:

Is there anything wrong on how i download the mod?


Not with the download but the install step is not quite correct.

After you extract the zip file look inside the AVP.v.3.83 (1) folder. You should find a GameData sub folder and then inside that an AstronomersVisualPack folder. Only the latter folder should be copied into you KSP gamedata folder.

Looking at the picture of your gamedata folder it looks like scatterer may also have the same problem (nested gamedata).

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Yuo don't have to install that part. Also, dont do it. Bad things happen when you use 1.8 for koperious. Let the modders have some time buddy.

I'll give you a step by step picture guide for you so you know how to install it tomorrow. Master you may want to post a link on there soon for this since some people don't know how to do it. I had the same problems... Not the same ones... 

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  On 12/10/2019 at 3:23 AM, Arco123 said:

Bad things happen when you use 1.8 for koperious. Let the modders have some time buddy.


Kopernicus has been locked to KSP minor versions for a long time.  Its nature is just that it needs to be checked and recompiled for each one.  And the nature of the KSP changes from 1.7.3 to 1.8.x mean things are worse than usual.

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ADORO LAS TEXTURAS DE EVE, de hecho en la vida real se veria asi,ya que la densa atmosfera llena de quimicos que hacen una coloración morada

y la profundidad hace que la superficie no se vea,de la misma manera que venus,asi que te aseguraste de que fuera muy realista,en cuanto a minmus,tienes que ponerles texturas de hielo

y cristales en las partes planas,porque esoso son mares congelados,y debes de tener ese aspecto de hielo verde,que no sea rugoso cono las otras,

en jool,bueno todo fue realista,con excepción de que las auroras moradas no deverian de verse como ''venas atravesando el cuerpo del planeta'',sino como unas lineas altas en su atmosferas

que sean suaves,en laithe todo perfecto,solo maaaaas nubes,talves te preguntes,porque si no se veria la superficie?,bueno te lo explico;en planetas

de agua las tasas de evaporacion son altisimas,lo que deberia de justificar eso,y ademas laythe es muy actico volcanicamente,deberias de ponerle algo asi como

eventos de lava en las superficies,solo para realismo,y ademas debe de ser un planeta muy tormentoso,por las mareas de jool.

espero que lo veas y lo tomes en cuenta,y por favor optimisalo lo mas que puedas y trata de quitar las dependencias,menos kopernicus,ya que claro es un plugin necesario...

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I'll post this for people too lazy to translate.

I LOVE EVE TEXTURES, in fact in real life it would look like this, since the dense atmosphere full of chemicals that make a purple color
and the depth does that the surface does not look, in the same way as venus, so you made sure that it was very realistic, as for minmus, you have to put ice textures on them
and crystals in the flat parts, because they are frozen seas, and you must have that aspect of green ice, which is not rough as the others,
in jool, well everything was realistic, with the exception that the purple auroras should not look like `` veins going through the body of the planet '', but as high lines in their atmospheres
That they are soft, in laithe everything perfect, only maaaaas clouds, you may wonder, because if the surface would not be seen ?, well I explain it to you; on planets
of water the evaporation rates are very high, which should justify that, and in addition laythe is very volcanically active, you should put something like
lava events on the surfaces, just for realism, and also must be a very stormy planet, by the tides of jool.
I hope you see it and take it into account, and please optimize it as much as you can and try to remove the dependencies, less kopernicus, since of course it is a necessary plugin ...
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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like the thread here is updated to KSP 1.8.0, but the version files tied to AVP weren't updated to reflect it.  Both the one online and the one included in the latest package have 1.7.3 as the max KSP version, so anyone running it on 1.8 gets the incompatible version error message from miniAVC.  For the time being, I changed the max version in my local file to 1.8.99 and removed the link to the online one, but I'd love to be able to go back to automatically checking for updates.  Any chance someone can correct the version files in the current release?

Edited by RedTyro
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  • 2 weeks later...

In the trailer you see little flashes on Minmus.
What are they and why don't I seem to get them :p?

Since I installed AVP my EVE citylights are always on, even during the day which makes Kerbin look really weird. Can I fix this?

Edited by Folkhoer
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Ok ,

I have a question.

Can I somehow override AVP's scatterer settings ?  Scatterer  is not using my settings from scatterer but the AVP's ones.

EDIT: Hmm looks like to remove the AVP scatterer config is a bad idea. Have quite nasty artifacts in game :D 

Ok so what I need to disable to get rid of them but to keep my scatterer config ?     


Or looks like AVP is not possible to use some scatterer feature maybe Shadows for terrain ? 

Edited by Jovzin
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