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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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10 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

which is more powerful in power generation, the thermal generator or charged particle generator?

With that said I am able to increase it to a 322 million delta v, but gonna downscale the fuel tanks to improve the thrust to weight ratio

The potential for direct power generation is of cource a lot higher as 99.75% all effective energy with be charged, but the thermal heat produced in the-antimatter beam core reactor is enough to power everything on your ship, that will allow the charged particles to be used 100% for propulsion.  You might want to consider a secondary reactor during the drifting phase to keep all on board systems powered

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Ok I am a bit confused, the engine doesn't provide me enough power so far, can you specify what exact parts enable this engine to provide me with sufficient power with this system.


And do you know why the time warp thing isn't working or is the latest version of kspie meant to only enable it for the fusion engine





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3 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

I noticed that this engine is more powerful than the kerbstein drive, making it essentially science fiction right?

Technically the Beam Core is lower tech than a Kerbestein, but for balance reason they are put at the same tech level.

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I meant ISP, the ISP is essentially the same, it isn't based on any current hypothetical designs is it?

Does the beam core engine use antimatter to power it and thus require I bring along antimatter? I am definitely confused, built a starship and I don't fully understand how it works lol. I am asking cause now I am testing and something seems very, very off. Like the fuel is going down rapid, and is halfway, which makes no sense cause in the SPH it said that I have 250 million delta v, yet now in space, the delta v value isn't showing, mech jeb says I will be out of fuel in 35 thousand years or so, so it all seems weird. On top of this, the time warp while burning isn't working at all. Is it only available on KSPIE engines and not this beam core one?

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7 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

I meant ISP, the ISP is essentially the same, it isn't based on any current hypothetical designs is it?

The same? no it is potentially a lot higher. The Isp decreases at you increase throtle, but it is always at full power, you just trade in isp for higher thrust. To get maximum isp you should put throttle at 1% that way you will benefit from it max isp, which is about exhaust velocity 2/3c or 20.000.000s, which is 40 times better than Kerbstein at 500.000s.

25 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

And do you know why the time warp thing isn't working or is the latest version of kspie meant to only enable it for the fusion engine

Perhaps you accelerating too fast. You can only enter accelerated timewarp when vessel accleration is less than 2g. Reduce throttle and try again

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5 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

I think you misunderstood me, Epstien isn't based on any real designs, I wanted to know if the beam core was

Yes the beam core is certainly based on real design. A recent engine design document I based the engine can be found here

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I'm having a lot of problems with this new design, it's certainly not as fast. I think my second design is sufficient for any colonization mission, I'm gonna do a few modifications and it will be ready. The colonization mission concept is it is a one way trip, take all you need, and when you arrive, you are there to stay. So it taking 8 thousand years to get there is a non-issue

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Btw @FreeThinker I no longer hope to make an interstellar colony, I made a colony on the mun and decided I don't like colonization in this game, it takes a lot and has little reward. The best a colony can do is make ships and fuel, other than that, it just isn't worth it, I'm a space station guy now, even tho those serve no purpose either. 

I've concluded that the beam core just is too slow and likely there is something I am missing, so I am ruling it out, it can only be used if the time warp as you said is implemented, other than that, I can't make it work. My second ship design will have to do, and I will share it here in a moment

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2 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

Can you tell me the names of each part used in this design please, so I can see what I am missing


At the front you see AntiHydrogen Containment device, which is a key part for a beam core vessel that intends to get any reasonable relative speed. It essentially stores antihydrogen as a floating ball of ice suspended by magnetic fields.

The hydrogen tanks in the middle form the main frame of the vessel and store LqdHydrogen

Radially we have LqdHydrogen tanks, the tanks have better mass ratio and can be ejected when empty, improving overal deltaV potential

Radially we have 4 static large radiators,, which minimize mass cost, shaped in such a way to minimize radiation exposure

At the back we have a beam core antimatter engine, with integrated beam core reactor and magnetic nozzle.


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1 hour ago, The-Doctor said:

@FreeThinkerI made a colony on the mun and decided I don't like colonization in this game, it takes a lot and has little reward.

I agree that stock KSP incentive to space bases it pretty marginal, but KSPIE will add one good reason to build space bases, which is high power beamed power station, which benefit from space bases on the mun in several way. Starting any beamed power station in orbit need to compensate it orbit when ever it beamed power as it effectively act  as a photon engine which especially when it become large need a lot of orbital maintenance. Secondly, it will be able to target long distance target more accurately, thrirdly there is no atmospheric iteferance like on Kerbin/Earth. Forth, building additional power  generation reactors and infrastructure on the mun will be easier than on space stations due to gravity, which improved productivity.

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I do like the beamed power and initially use it as a justification for my base, but kspie is too complex for me for career play, It's more of a ship building for display thing for me, so far one ship is ready and is uploading to kerbal x for share. I recorded a bit and gonna edit.

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Here is the ISV Venture Star, I am sure it will get my ship up to speed, rapidly, if you implement the warping with engines on, the acceleration is a bit slow, and I am sure I made some errors in the design, if you can take a look at it and give me some hints, I am sure my problems entirely surround the reactor and engine, which I don't quite understand for this mod and far future. Total delta v of 229,262,918, or 76.4% the speed of light at full burn, effectively 35% the speed of light, 35% to accelerate, 35% to decelerate, 6.4% to move around a solar system, maneuver and make course corrections IF a laser pushed sail isn't used to assist in acceleration. If a laser sail is used and is effective at getting the ship up to 70%c, then 70% of the fuel will be used to decelerate. 

@FreeThinker @JadeOfMaar https://kerbalx.com/The-Doctor/KSV-Venture-Star

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The Forward into nebula is a great interplanetairy ship, but how do you launch it? Using a massive launch viecle or do you build it in space using the EL mod? Furthermore the spare parts, what are they for? In addition you could use a buzzard scoop to collect interstelar particles to increase dv and slow down. Finaly in kspie there arent any laser light sails but there used to be a solar sail and there is a strange laser pvc thruster.

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You cheat it into orbit or hyperedit, you can use EL if you want a challenge, but you can't separate it and launch and dock, that would produce structural problems etc. The laser sail is not yet available no, but will some day in the future, until then, the ship is meant to use its own power. They both are starships, and I suggest you use tie control or such as  well as hanger extender to make it bearable. Both are stable under maximum physical tie warp.

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The 2 thermal generator will not work  in this way, it need to be connected directly to the beam core antimatter engine to generate power, and you realy need the generated elctric power to mage the magnetic nozzle funtion properly

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5 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

There's a fusion reactor with a generator on board 

Yes but the power is way too little to power the magnetic nozzle


Notice the Beam Core Antimatter engine is powered for only 1%, which cause it to b much less efficient and powerful

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