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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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The heating issue that I overcame with DRE is now present with the stock heat model (it's similar to DRE apparently, so not a big surprise). Very hard to keep the TTJ and TR from exploding now. My fix for changing maxheat from 2750 to 8000 in the part config does NOT work with stock heating (DRE is currently not working in 1.0.4). It still says 2750 (why?) and you have to be very careful to not overheat esp. once you switch from Atmospheric to an internally-carried fuel.

Do you still have the DRE folder in GameData? You might have a MM patch somewhere that is changing maxtemps - those usually have NEEDS[DeadlyReentry] or something, and that foldername being present will trigger them (that happened to me at first, figured that out by happenstance).

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It's really a shame about the incompatibility with deadly reentry, because I really like the added challenge, and I have been using it since quite a while back.

I know that stock does have a better heat management, but the mod suits my tastes better.

On the other hand, KSPI is a great mod that adds a lot of fun things, especially for people like me that like to send stupid payloads to various stations.

It also does couple really nicely with Remote Tech, with beamed power and communication on the same small-ish stations.

For now, I'll keep with deadly reentry, and if I feel that I miss KSPI too much, I might change things around.

Anyway, it's nice to see this mod resurfacing every now and then, even after the author stopped working on it, so thanks a lot to all of the people that put hours into making it into this updated version.

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This never seemed to get an answer, might I second it?

Can't seem to make head nor tail of the refineries.

KSPI is a huge mod and you cannot expect Freethinker who caught the falling banner of supporting it to handle everything at once.

@Freethinker, thank you for your work! I can perfectly understand the immensity of the task you are doing so we are going to wait as long as it takes.

Still, proper documentation/manual might help both you and us to get things right sooner.

A better answer would be yes. There is documentation. Although it is a work in progress. The main introduction page can be found at https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki . Some important information about refineries is found on this page of the Wiki. https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Isru-Refinery

Although not yet complete it can start you off in the right direction. Hope that helps.

Edited by nobodyhasthis
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@ExEvolution for the most part the two work fine together (densities are correct for both); the difference between the two is modularity; IFS (Interstellar Fuel Switch) allows for on-the-fly swapping of fuels in tanks that support it whereas realfuels tanks are static (can only support the fuel type that it started as). Otherwise no difference observed from usage of both.

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Odd things happens with overheating: rescaled to 1.25 Thermal Nozzle overheats in a moment and explodes both in atmo and vacuum. Spotted after TweakScale update to 1.0.4, not tested with other engines. If not scaled - kinda works fine

No DR present, and never been.

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Odd things happens with overheating: rescaled to 1.25 Thermal Nozzle overheats in a moment and explodes both in atmo and vacuum. Spotted after TweakScale update to 1.0.4, not tested with other engines. If not scaled - kinda works fine

No DR present, and never been.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with tweakscale but everything with KSP heating model which has been changed again. I'm working on it to find a solution

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as always, thank you for fast response =)

One more bug spotted: Interstellar fuel tank filled with Hydrazine (maybe all fuels excluding LH). When launching from VAB - all goes normal, I have full of hydrazine tank. But when I revert flight or load quicksave - things goes wrong

Interstellar fuel tank in this case has Hydrazine as it has to, in addition it has same amount of Liquid Hydrogen, it gets additional mass (mass of LH I guess) and activates LH cooling. So in few words, it acts like LH tank and Hydrazine tank simultaneously.

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[h=2]Version 1.2.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4[/h] Released on 2015-06-28

  • Removed engine overheating mechanism on Thermal Engine and Vista Engine
  • Vista Engine Inertial Fusion no longer function in atmosphere
  • compiled with Tweak-scale Version v2.2.1
  • updated Module Manager to 2.6.6
  • updated IFS to 1.14 which fixes initialization after reload

- - - Updated - - -

FreeThinker, is there a way you could make it so that the microwave transmitter will send any power made and not just KSPI reactors and solar power?

It's on my todo list. the main problem is that it's difficult to determine how much power is produced.

- - - Updated - - -

It's really a shame about the incompatibility with deadly reentry, because I really like the added challenge, and I have been using it since quite a while back.

With the overheating meachanism removed, it should now be compatible with Deadly Reentry

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Hi, when I right click on a solar panel (OX-4L 1x6), it prints endless lines of "Heat Production: 0.00 KW". Anyone else has the same issue?

Sorry, I cannot seem to reproduce the problem, could you post a screen dump ad tell how to reproduce the problem?

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First off: FreeThinker - I LOVE YOUR MOD! :confused: KSP without it - unthinkable!

Now, if you read this FreeThinker, there is another mod called Civilian Population (https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/620/Civilian%20Population) by MichealHester07 and rabidninjawombat. I tried combining Interstellar Extended mod with the latter but it doesn't seem to work. There were a lot of files that would have to be replaced (e.g. the resource and asteroid files,...). I don't know how to mod, but if you welcome this idea, combining these two mods would be HUGE!!!

It would extend your mod to a totally new field of depth. The idea of having some colonies that actually produce something (like funds) seems very promising. As far as I have understood, Civilian Population mod does this. The CP mod gives KSP a strategical component that gives an incentive to contine crazy projects even after having researched everything and having been to every planet. I would have it installed already, but I don't want to miss your features! ...the code is there, it just has to be combined (but i don't know how >_<)

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I am encountering a little problem with the mod. First of all when I load up a vessel the game runs at 5 frames every 4 seconds, the radiators turn cyan and the KSP.log spams the following:

[LOG 15:42:09.713] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

[LOG 15:42:11.997] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

[LOG 15:42:14.253] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

[LOG 15:42:16.512] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

[LOG 15:42:18.762] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

[LOG 15:42:21.002] Double.IsNaN detected, attepting to reinistialise Radiator. Report if this is called repeatedly

As the interstellar radiators are the only ones in the scene I would think it has something to do with this mod.


Picture of the cyan radiators.

btw the mod installaton was runnig fine before the 1.04 update. As long there are no radiators in the scene everything is running nice past the 1.04 update.

best regards.

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First off: FreeThinker - I LOVE YOUR MOD! :confused: KSP without it - unthinkable!

Now, if you read this FreeThinker, there is another mod called Civilian Population (https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/620/Civilian%20Population) by MichealHester07 and rabidninjawombat. I tried combining Interstellar Extended mod with the latter but it doesn't seem to work. There were a lot of files that would have to be replaced (e.g. the resource and asteroid files,...). I don't know how to mod, but if you welcome this idea, combining these two mods would be HUGE!!!

It would extend your mod to a totally new field of depth. The idea of having some colonies that actually produce something (like funds) seems very promising. As far as I have understood, Civilian Population mod does this. The CP mod gives KSP a strategical component that gives an incentive to contine crazy projects even after having researched everything and having been to every planet. I would have it installed already, but I don't want to miss your features! ...the code is there, it just has to be combined (but i don't know how >_<)

exactly what do you try/want to achieve?

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exactly what do you try/want to achieve?

With the Civilian Population mod you can send civilians to a space station to live there. They use up food, oxigen and so forth so it's necessary to build facilities to provide these resources to the civilians. As it seems they pay rent for living in space too!

What I mean is, wouldn't it be cool to have this feature in your mod?

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I am encountering a little problem with the mod. First of all when I load up a vessel the game runs at 5 frames every 4 seconds, the radiators turn cyan and the KSP.log spams the following:

As the interstellar radiators are the only ones in the scene I would think it has something to do with this mod.


Picture of the cyan radiators.

btw the mod installaton was runnig fine before the 1.04 update. As long there are no radiators in the scene everything is running nice past the 1.04 update.

best regards.

Is there any way you can reproduce this bug from the VAB?

- - - Updated - - -

DT vista engine dont work at all.

It won't work in the atmosphere, it will work in space if you have enough power, fuel and propellant

- - - Updated - - -

Hi, when I right click on a solar panel (OX-4L 1x6), it prints endless lines of "Heat Production: 0.00 KW". Anyone else has the same issue?
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exactly what do you try/want to achieve?

Never mind! I got it to work, the two mods are actually compatible with each other. I checked and all the files in the CommunityResourcePack folder are identical except for the Ore.cfg file (the other mod doesn't have it).

For anyone who wants to install these two mods, just install KSPI first and Civilian Population second and it should work.

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Why can't I set maneuver nodes in the updated version? The option is simply not there when i hover the mouse over the orbit line in map view. Does anyone have the same problem?

That a KSP problem, not of Interstellar Extended. If you downloaded KSP from Steam, try to verify your files.

@FreeThinker: while this is a complete and almost stable release, what do you think to open a related thread in Addon Release?

Edited by Nansuchao
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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