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[1.3.1]TextureReplacerReplaced v0.5.4


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ok I have a work-in-progress first New Syntax example:

from the PR @Github


For now I have changed how the paths to "Default" and "EnvMap" folders are defined

here you can find a simple mod example NewSyntaxMMTest.zip and the modifiedTRR itself here GameData.zip  

how does the new syntax work:

Old Syntax

This 3 cfgs would have defined 6 custom folders to be considered as "Default" TR folders
No custom "EnvMap" folders were allowed

    paths = folder1/ folder2/
    paths = folder3/ folder4/ folder5/
    paths = folder6/

New Syntax

This 3 cfgs will define 6 custom folders to be considered as "Default" TRR folders
Custom "EnvMap" folders are now allowed (2 are added in this example)

        Default = folder1/
        Default = folder2/
        EnvMap = CustomEnvMap1/
        Default = folder3/
        Default = folder4/
        Default = folder5/
        Default = folder6/
        EnvMap = CustomEnvMap2/


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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

yes that's what I did :D

the first test is already online :) now I'll start working on the other folders

I've tested and merged your PR, seems nice so far :)


EDIT: I've also changed the copyright an added your name in the new folder.cs :)


Edited by HaArLiNsH
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10 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

could you please suggest a suit pack that uses the most options as possible?

so that I can look at how the current settings work adapt it to my new syntax

Yes , this is why i made the TRR_guide:)  (and I will update it soon with the IVA visor, IVA visor NRM, EVA ground visor NRM, EVA space NRM and the EVA space helmet NRM and also the female version of the 3 suits textures IVA, EVAground ,EVAspace)

edit : I've just seen your PR, the sub folder for the male & female head is a great idea :)


Edited by HaArLiNsH
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Just now, HaArLiNsH said:

@Sigma88 : I'm adding the missing methods/variables for the visors and maybe female suits as mentioned on the previous post and I'll update the TRR_guide suit pack accordingly :)

I'll get a bit more time to look at the suits tonight, I think I'm starting to form a pretty good idea of what I want to do with it, it should be pretty easy to use and allow for max compatibility/customizability :)

of course you'll be free to test everything before deciding if you like my ideas or not :D

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3 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

I'll get a bit more time to look at the suits tonight, I think I'm starting to form a pretty good idea of what I want to do with it, it should be pretty easy to use and allow for max compatibility/customizability :)

of course you'll be free to test everything before deciding if you like my ideas or not :D

I was thinking at the suit while making the missing suit textures and the questions about the gender and exclusiveness made my realise something. 

In Personaliser.cs, if you look in the section :

/* =========================================================================================
        * personal suit options
        * used for each suit texture pack
        * =========================================================================================

You will find a lot of options I'm actually working on to add to the suit sets. My aim is to have 2 type of options, one general for TRR like we have now and one for each suit set. Before my comment frenzy for a better understanding of the mod, I was looking at how do we make a window in ksp/unity :) .

The idea is that the  TRR_EvaModule.toggleEvaSuit() and TRR_EvaModule.Update() handle the different suit states like the general option indicate and then we personalize the output with the option for the suit set.

The aim was to put these options in the same .cfg as we use to move the folder from TRR and if there is nothing use the default ones that you can find in the code. I think this goes in the same direction of your proposal.

I've added these options for the gender,exclusiveness, veterans and badass :

	/// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set is made to be used by the Veteran kerbals?
        /// </summary>
        public bool isMadeforveteran = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set include the veteran version for the suit ?
        /// </summary>
        public bool includeVeteran = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set is made to be used by the Badass(fearless) kerbals  ?
        /// </summary>
        public bool isMadeForBadass = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set include the Badass version for the suit ?
        /// </summary>
        public bool includeBadass = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set include the veteran badass version for the suit ?
        /// </summary>
        public bool includeVeteranBadass = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set use the male version of the suits ? 
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseMaleSuitenabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Do the suit set use the female version of the suits ? 
        /// </summary>
        public bool UseFemaleSuitenabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Is this suit set exclusive to his configured class? 
        /// </summary>
        public bool isSuitExclusive_Class = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Is this suit set exclusive to his configured kerbal? 
        /// </summary>
        public bool isSuitExclusive_Kerbal = false;

This way the full suit set should include the male & female IVA, EVAground, EVAspace suits and their respective normal, veteran, badass(fearless), veteran+badass levelled version of the suits.

Or we can force it by configuration :)

Tell me what do you think of it :)

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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Hey there, thank you for taking this back to life, I couldnt bare playing KSP  with stock forced suits! hooray!

BTW I'm writing here for a little bug: the "toggle EVA suit" contextual action doesnt work for me: the kerbals spawn on the surface of kerbin in their IVA suit but I can't make them change suits as in the other versions of TT. Also, when in regular EVA suit I can toggle the helmet, but I cant do that in helmetless IVA suit.

Could it be something wrong with KIS which has a "remove helmet" feature?

I used to LOVE that feature when for example on Laythe where I would send someone to do a mission in his EVA suit while people at the base would relax in their IVA suits



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Linux user here. I tried TRR in KSP 1.3.0, but with reflections enabled, the EVA visor shows as a pink blob, which probably indicates that the shader didn't load.

Linux Mint 17.2, KSP 1.3.0 (64-bit), NVIDIA GTX 960m, driver version 352.79 running OpenGL 4.5.

For comparison, the version of TR updated by Ger_space has working EVA visor reflections in Linux. It seems TR and TRR use different shaders for this - TR has tr_reflective_emissive_alpha.ksp (lowercase, 58.3kB), DirectX.bundle and OpenGL.bundle, whereas TRR has TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha.ksp (CamelCase, 96.0kB) and TRVisor.ksp.

I've switched to TR for now (which may also be more appropriate for the time being, considering existing suit packs), but I can drop TRR back in and provide a log if you want to investigate this.

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11 hours ago, Technologicat said:

Linux user here. I tried TRR in KSP 1.3.0, but with reflections enabled, the EVA visor shows as a pink blob, which probably indicates that the shader didn't load.

Linux Mint 17.2, KSP 1.3.0 (64-bit), NVIDIA GTX 960m, driver version 352.79 running OpenGL 4.5.

For comparison, the version of TR updated by Ger_space has working EVA visor reflections in Linux. It seems TR and TRR use different shaders for this - TR has tr_reflective_emissive_alpha.ksp (lowercase, 58.3kB), DirectX.bundle and OpenGL.bundle, whereas TRR has TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha.ksp (CamelCase, 96.0kB) and TRVisor.ksp.

I've switched to TR for now (which may also be more appropriate for the time being, considering existing suit packs), but I can drop TRR back in and provide a log if you want to investigate this.

Could you please upload the complete ksp log file, or at least the first 10 lines, so I can see which rendering engine layout your setup uses.

Looks like unity doesn't compile the Shaders correctly on Linux but I have no idea why.

(...Linux on a notebook.... Ouch :sticktongue: I only put it on servers and then a lot of them... and all have no display or keyboard)


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43 minutes ago, Alewx said:

How about the Navball, was that working, or is there still a problem.
It didn't look like a clear answer in the previous discussion so far.

I dunno if it's working in TRR, but I believe this still works in 1.3 if you are interested. 


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Alright guys, First know we ( @Sigma88 and I) are working on a revamp of the original system that handle the suits.

We will regroup the veteran state in the same folder than your suit set.

You will also have a brand new badass state and a veteran badass state and a male and female version of these 4 states.  :cool:

This way you only need one suit for one class and it can handle any configuration possible for your kerbal (as long as the suit pack you use have the right texture of course :D

We are also working on the "move from TRR's folder" part. So in the future your texture pack will go on their own folder. This include the configuration needed for the navball, the skyboxes or any custom texture you want to apply to a part. (this is what we call for now the "MM compatibility"). 

We are trying to make it the more compatible with the old suit system from TR but knows that the future suit mod pack will need to be a bit more structured than before and in the worst case, I'll convert the most wanted ones that have no maintainer.

So all of this to announce that a new version of the TRR_guide is under release !   here's a quick explanation : 

The NRM are flat with no relief and are all the same for each element (jetpack,helmet,suit) except the visors that have a lvl 0 to lvl 5 writen on them to normally see the bump of the NRM (there is no squad default visor NRM)

All the texture images are different with all their informations readable on them like :

Lvl 2
EVA space

There is a logic in the colours too, so you can see the differences from afar :

    the 3 states have differents colors,
    the male & female version only change with the name male&female,
    the visor is at 100% transparency at lvl 0 and goes down to 0% transparency at lvl 5
    the veteran version have a orange line,
    the badass version have 2 red lines,
    the veteran+ badass have the orange and red line.

Just for reference, here is the weight of each size for the full set in .dds :

    4096 full : 18Go
    4096: minimal set (the 3 states,no female, no veteran, no badass, no VetBad, with only the level 0&5 and 1 NRM ) : 533Mo
    2048 full : 4.5Go
    1024 full : 1.12Go
    Mixed (suit:4096, helmet&jetpack:2048, visor:1024) : 6.75Go
    Mixed : minimal set : 193Mo

I think the mixed sizes is the mode I will recommand to use to make HD suit packs, full 4k elements is maybe too much :) But the system should be able to load the full 4k, so I made it to test it.

I will upload them in "source mode" and make a release version too (.zip) for the ease of downloading. There is a .png and a .dds version of each size.

So if now if you want to make a full suit set you will be able to make 528 texture files and 528 NRM files for a total of 1056 texture files ! :0.0:

Of course nobody, included me will ever make a full suit set. In a normal suit set you wont make a NRM for each level of each element and I don't think that you will make a level for each part too with male and female version. But I needed to see a full suit set and have it to test our new features, and now suit pack makers will have a pretty big guide and a lot of possibilities :)

Oh and we will have level for the kerbal heads too in the near future ...


Expect the new version of the TRR_guide tomorrow if the upload goes well and a new version of TRR Soon™ when we have a working system to handle this.


On 06/07/2017 at 8:12 PM, PaganoCristo said:

Hey there, thank you for taking this back to life, I couldnt bare playing KSP  with stock forced suits! hooray!

BTW I'm writing here for a little bug: the "toggle EVA suit" contextual action doesnt work for me: the kerbals spawn on the surface of kerbin in their IVA suit but I can't make them change suits as in the other versions of TT. Also, when in regular EVA suit I can toggle the helmet, but I cant do that in helmetless IVA suit.

Could it be something wrong with KIS which has a "remove helmet" feature?

I used to LOVE that feature when for example on Laythe where I would send someone to do a mission in his EVA suit while people at the base would relax in their IVA suits



The helmet and suit switch system seems to be broken in this version sry, this will go as intended next release :) 

22 hours ago, Aerospacer said:

@PaganoCristo, I have the same problem too, when I try to switch from TR to TRR, so I return to TR (new build for 1.3 working good as before).

For now see TR as the last stable build and TRR as an experimental build, Soon™ this will go better.


7 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

When will TRR get an icon file? Actually there is none so the stock tool bar is shown a white square.

I forgot it again in the last release ? You can use the one from TR if you want, just copy paste it in the same folder. It will be back on the next release :)

1 hour ago, Alewx said:

How about the Navball, was that working, or is there still a problem.
It didn't look like a clear answer in the previous discussion so far.

We will make a proper explanation with an example in the TRR_Guide for the NavBall , skyboxes and others custom textures when the new suit system is working.

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8 hours ago, Ger_space said:

Could you please upload the complete ksp log file, or at least the first 10 lines, so I can see which rendering engine layout your setup uses.

Looks like unity doesn't compile the Shaders correctly on Linux but I have no idea why.

(...Linux on a notebook.... Ouch :sticktongue: I only put it on servers and then a lot of them... and all have no display or keyboard)


Why all the textures I made ,I did not had the time to look for the modification for the visor texture. :)



Ah also guys, I will make a proper guide on how to make all these variations of a suit to achieve easily this huge number of different textures files.

And maybe, I say maybe, in the future, we will be able to use decals on our kerbals so we could also show the different states (for example level and badass) with only a decal and don't have to make a full texture. But that's for a hopeful  future :) 

Any of you has already used the decal system ? This could help :)

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23 minutes ago, HaArLiNsH said:

We will make a proper explanation with an example in the TRR_Guide for the NavBall , skyboxes and others custom textures when the new suit system is working.

Awesome, thanks for that.

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9 hours ago, Ger_space said:

Could you please upload the complete ksp log file, or at least the first 10 lines, so I can see which rendering engine layout your setup uses.

Looks like unity doesn't compile the Shaders correctly on Linux but I have no idea why.

(...Linux on a notebook.... Ouch :sticktongue: I only put it on servers and then a lot of them... and all have no display or keyboard)


Complete log, clean 64-bit KSP 1.3.0 (Linux) with only TRR installed.

Startup, load save, jump to a craft (stock AeroEquus on launchpad, crewed by Jeb), EVA, quit to main menu, exit.

While doing this, the clean log helped me notice that the CXXABI in Linux Mint 17.2 was too old to support liblingoona, which broke string substitutions. Fixed the problem (solution posted in this thread) before generating this log.

EVA screenshot.

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You can find the new naming convention in the readme of the TRR_Guide  and some tricks on how to make such a huge number of files.

You can also find there the tools I used to batch convert to .dds and to batch resize/invert. 

I will provide you soon a .bat file to convert the names in your TR suit pack to the new TRR convention. I have one that I used but I need to find a way to make it easily useable by other people.


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