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[1.12.5] Knes 1.9.9


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12 hours ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

@Well If possible, could you please consider adding a roll control vernier/ aerodynamic RCS pod for use on a single SRB stack?

i'm not sure i understand what do you want, my SRB first stage have gimbal. do you just want rcs pod ? do you have eventually a picture ksp or real of a part like that.

sorry about that, my english have some limit sometime

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4 minutes ago, Well said:

i'm not sure i understand what do you want, my SRB first stage have gimbal. do you just want rcs pod ? do you have eventually a picture ksp or real of a part like that.

sorry about that, my english have some limit sometime

I understand it has gimbal, but single-nozzle stages, even with gimbal, have no means of controlling roll. Look at the Atlas rocket; after it drops its' booster skirt, leaving a single main engine, it relies on an extra pair of verniers to control its' roll. Similarly the Titan second stage uses a single side-mounted exhaust for this purpose, and again similarly Soyuz 2.1v has a single NK-33 with 4 clustered vernier engines.

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12 minutes ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

I understand it has gimbal, but single-nozzle stages, even with gimbal, have no means of controlling roll. Look at the Atlas rocket; after it drops its' booster skirt, leaving a single main engine, it relies on an extra pair of verniers to control its' roll. Similarly the Titan second stage uses a single side-mounted exhaust for this purpose, and again similarly Soyuz 2.1v has a single NK-33 with 4 clustered vernier engines.

i see now, i've never see something like that in esa/french stuff, i could maybe try to make something, but idk....         "maybe"

European launcher like Vega... use RCS mounted on upper stage to control the roll

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17 minutes ago, Well said:

i see now, i've never see something like that in esa/french stuff, i could maybe try to make something, but idk....         "maybe"

European launcher like Vega... use RCS mounted on upper stage to control the roll

A Vega-style RCS motor would be perfect for this purpose. Atlas II and Ares IX used something similar.

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New RCS Pod 3 way for upper stage control :



a really small for roll control on small rocket and a srf attach monoprop fuel tank.



I've just also take the time to set camera switch for Hermes IVA, and fixed some weird poly :




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On 11/1/2019 at 11:02 PM, Well said:

New RCS Pod 3 way for upper stage control :



a really small for roll control on small rocket and a srf attach monoprop fuel tank.



I've just also take the time to set camera switch for Hermes IVA, and fixed some weird poly :




typo error for SRF not SRB

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Knes 1.5 is online      -        https://github.com/AstroWell/Knes/releases/tag/1.5

Knes 1.5 [2019-11-07]
- New 4 internal camera for Hermes IVA
- Fix mesh of the left windows of Hermes IVA (not aligned)
- Fix of the lightmap of the station iva
- Added new craft files for StarRider and StarWatcher vehicle
- Deleted Ariane 5C craft files
- New model for Monoprop engine 1 2 3
- New srf attach RCS pod for roll control
- New srf attach Monoprop fueltank
- New srf attach RCS pod 3 way for upper stage
- New deployable antenna
- Fixed node on "Zoe" adapter
- Fix emissive on catherine stage
- Balance for StarRider RCS
- Balance for StarWatcher RCS
- Balance for Hermes RCS
- More simple collider for Abort adapter nano
- More simple collider for Abort adapter small
- New flat SolarPanel really small size
- StarRider IVA Fix (seat position)
- StarWatcher IVA Fix (seat position)
- Fix NanoSat Suncatcher
- StarWatcher Texture Update
- Abort Module color adjusted
- Inline decoupler mass balance
- TechTree balance


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10 minutes ago, josselin2196 said:

If thinking about new launcher, i find some old picture of super heavy launcher derivated from Arianne 5. Very sad than ESA does not have a proper budget and ambition. Space X could have had some competition.


i know all of them, only H620 & H920 was unknown for me (those with us booster)

We have already some parts to try to reproduce some of those concept, i don't have planned to add more part for that.

Thanks for the share

Edit: from what i read i think A5 H620 and H920 are probably purpose by Mars society, not really by an industrial, so just probably a "theoric" rocket

Edited by Well
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4 hours ago, Well said:

i know all of them, only H620 & H920 was unknown for me (those with us booster)

We have already some parts to try to reproduce some of those concept, i don't have planned to add more part for that.

Thanks for the share

Edit: from what i read i think A5 H620 and H920 are probably purpose by Mars society, not really by an industrial, so just probably a "theoric" rocket

Mun Mission with Ariane 543C:

Hermes with Fuel extension and a lander ready to take off:






"5,4,3,2,Unité, Allumage et Décollage!"





Not very easy to keep trajectory but manageable:




Booster separation, jeb expect explosion but perfect separation





"Trajectoire nominal"




External Tank Separation ( too close):



Separation of the main tank:




It's a go for the moon: Homman Transfer:





Muun Arrival:



Jettison lander cover and injection tank:




It's just a good bye (hopefully..):





Time to descent:







Perfect Landing, outpost deployed:


Next Time attempt to make a duna mission with a Ariane 5SH



Thanks @Well for this amazing mod, will be difficult to go KSP 2 without this masterpiece.

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7 hours ago, josselin2196 said:


Next Time attempt to make a duna mission with a Ariane 5SH

Thanks @Well for this amazing mod, will be difficult to go KSP 2 without this masterpiece.

Many thanks! That an impressive mission and launcher. I love it

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Time to go Duna with a Ariane 5SH, difficult to design, engine a little low on thrust.


Ready to take off:




Mission Crew:




"5,4,3,2,Unité,Allumage et Décollage"



Thanks Mech jeb, very difficult to keep balance:




Booster Separation:




Trajectoire Nominale



Unlimited Power, Approved by jeb.



Jettison fairing;



Main Stage Separation (Many "test" flight die by vulcain destruction No Kerbal Harmed, Jeb don't count):




Circularisation and Duna transfert burn:




Good bye Kerbin..




240 Day until Arrival, a bit little but Kerbal are not hard to please:




Hello Duna:




First braking, our engineer are proud of our re-ignitable Vulcan.




Thanks Ike for the Help!!! just a few 60m/s of deltaV for Duna entry:




Transfert Stage Separation, end of Knes Part Use



Brace for rentry!!!




Bob, I tell you this heatshield have some problem!!!!!!




Heat Shield Separation:



First Burn:



Parachute Deployment:



Deployment Complete, prepare for final burn:



Final Burn:



Perfect Landing the new 1.8 ground look beautiful:



Bob is happy to be the first Kerbin to walk on duna.



Forgot the rover, next time probably:



Mod Used: Knes by @Well, Duna Direct by @bcink

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