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Explore Kerbin mission bugged?

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I'm trying to complete the "Explore Kerbin" mission, where I need to rendezvous two vessels close to each other and remove all relative velocity. I did that, so I don't know why the mission doesn't complete.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.


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From that picture the only thing I can think of is you still have 0.1 m/s velocity relative to the target.

Well done on the rendezvous though.

You don't appear to have any RCS thrusters.  They make it easier to manage the relative velocity so you're not having to spin the ship all the time and use the main engines.

If you don't have the tech / science to get to RCS thrusters then for that particular situation try reducing the thrust on the engine to 10% ( just right click on the engine to set the thrust limiter ) and then go back to spinning the ship and using very short bursts of engine to kill that last 0.1

Edited by NewtSoup
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Thank you for your suggestions. The vessels were launched separately. I will definitely try to kill that 0.1, even though I don't think that's it. I recall having seen 0.0 m/s velocity and still not completing the mission. I'll get back to you if I find out why.

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40 minutes ago, Hedam said:


Thank you for your suggestions. The vessels were launched separately. I will definitely try to kill that 0.1, even though I don't think that's it. I recall having seen 0.0 m/s velocity and still not completing the mission. I'll get back to you if I find out why.

The relative velocity and launching both vehicles together were the first things I thought of, as well. Also, did one or both of these ships launch before you accepted the contract? That would definitely negate the contract.

If it's none of those, than the only thing I can think of is this: on my phone, so not a great pic, but these two ships appear to be identical. Do they have the same name? I don't know if that makes any difference whatsoever but, if you've exhausted the other possibilities, why not give it a shot? Try changing the name of one of the ships and quicksave. Then hit F9 and see if the contract completes. Don't know if it'll do any good (or if it's just stupid), but the only idea I'd have left is to launch two different ships and try again. Also, sometimes the quicksave and reload will get contracts to realize that they are completed. Couldn't hurt.

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58 minutes ago, Hedam said:


Thank you for your suggestions. The vessels were launched separately. I will definitely try to kill that 0.1, even though I don't think that's it. I recall having seen 0.0 m/s velocity and still not completing the mission. I'll get back to you if I find out why.

Not sure I can suggest anything that hasn't already been suggested.

If you aren't opposed to a non-gameplay solution; you could always open up the debug menu with Alt-F12 and force the contract to complete. Wouldn't really be cheating as you have obviously done the rendezvous. It could just be a bug. (It's not unheard of in KSP for missions to fail to complete despite being completed.)

Also, welcome to the forums!

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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Hi everyone. And thank you for welcoming to the KSP forum.

I've had a chance to analyze the situation, and It's completely my own fault. Both vessels launched independently and rendezvoused in orbit. Or so I thought. After adjusting the course of both vessels to rendezvous, I managed to put them both on a re-entry trajectory with a Pa of 54.000. As the mission description clearly states, the vessels have to be in orbit.

After retrying the mission, I managed to complete the mission by accident with over 15 km of distance - but this time they were in orbit.

Have a great day or evening or whatever it is where you are :D

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2 hours ago, Hedam said:

After retrying the mission, I managed to complete the mission by accident with over 15 km of distance - but this time they were in orbit.

The contracts are quite generous about what is a rendezvous.  In any case it will be useful to learn doing it well for future missions that may require EVA transfer and/or docking. 

So,  practice,  practice,  practice... 

And if you want a good explanation/reference: 


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