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[1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x] KW Rocketry Rebalanced


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Did you do this as an upgrade, or as a new install?

I personally don't do the upgrade, I just create a new install and install the mods I want.  I use CKAN, so that makes  it easier, I can install 250 mods in little more than the time it takes to download them, with just a few clicks.

and I've never had the issues you seem to be seeing

My method involves steam. I have an install for steam. When I can be bothered to move to an updated version of KSP I launch steam. Once in I uninstall KSP. Then I install it again. I preform the file check. I zip up this install and call it something like 1.4.5.virgin. I make a new folder in c:\KSP\ called like 1.4.5.source. I put a copy of my virgin in source. I make another folder like 1.4.5.live. Some folders are symlinked, others I recreate and symlink their files. GameData is the big one. I copy in squad, but all the other folders are symlinks. I copy in modulemanager. Then it is play time.

When a mod is updated I dl the zip, unzip, delete the contents of the .source folder, move the contents of the update into the .source folder. Simple. Download, unzip, delete old mod folder contents, move in updated mod folder contents. Delete modulemanager.cache. Run.

I did try CKAN a while ago, but I found it uncomfortable. It seems to want to do things rather than asking. Like auto updating stuff. I did not like the experience.

So I just downloaded CKAN. Ran it against my install. It did not correctly autodetect AD most of my mods. Also when it creates a pop up most of its contents cannot be seen. This used to happen when I programmed in java and did not set the default size of the newly created window properly. These two things alone are enough to tell me that CKAN is not written well.

Edited by Apaseall
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2 hours ago, Apaseall said:

My method involves steam. I have an install for steam. When I can be bothered to move to an updated version of KSP I launch steam. Once in I uninstall KSP. Then I install it again. I preform the file check. I zip up this install and call it something like 1.4.5.virgin. I make a new folder in c:\KSP\ called like 1.4.5.source. I put a copy of my virgin in source. I make another folder like 1.4.5.live. Some folders are symlinked, others I recreate and symlink their files. GameData is the big one. I copy in squad, but all the other folders are symlinks. I copy in modulemanager. Then it is play time.

When a mod is updated I dl the zip, unzip, delete the contents of the .source folder, move the contents of the update into the .source folder. Simple. Download, unzip, delete old mod folder contents, move in updated mod folder contents. Delete modulemanager.cache. Run.

I did try CKAN a while ago, but I found it uncomfortable. It seems to want to do things rather than asking. Like auto updating stuff. I did not like the experience.

So I just downloaded CKAN. Ran it against my install. It did not correctly autodetect AD most of my mods. Also when it creates a pop up most of its contents cannot be seen. This used to happen when I programmed in java and did not set the default size of the newly created window properly. These two things alone are enough to tell me that CKAN is not written well.

Ok, so you have a problem with your process.

When you uninstall the game, Steam DOES NOT delete folders or files which it doesn't know about.  You need to manually delete all the remaining files AFTER doing the uninstall, otherwise you will have files leftover from the previous install.

A better way would be to merely use the Steam folder as a golden image, and copy the game to another location, then install mods in that new copy.  This way you would have the advantage of having the old games available while you work on a new install

Also, CKAN is written in C#, not Java.  Before you criticize, you should think about what you are saying.  CKAN is written and supported by volunteers, just as mods are.  Making a statement like that will only create bad feelings, and additionally is rude.  It's a bug.  That's all it is.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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28 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Ok, so you have a problem with your process.

When you uninstall the game, Steam DOES NOT delete folders or files which it doesn't know about.  You need to manually delete all the remaining files AFTER doing the uninstall, otherwise you will have files leftover from the previous install.

A better way would be to merely use the Steam folder as a golden image, and copy the game to another location, then install mods in that new copy.  This way you would have the advantage of having the old games available while you work on a new install

Also, CKAN is written in C#, not Java.  Before you criticize, you should think about what you are saying.  CKAN is written and supported by volunteers, just as mods are.  Making a statement like that will only create bad feelings, and additionally is rude.  It's a bug.  That's all it is.

The uninstall is done in Steam. then I use Steam to reinstall. Then I do the check local files thing in Steam. Once that is done then as you say Steam becomes my golden image, I personally zip it and use virgin to denote not to mess with it.

Any game play takes place within the .live folders. Looking at it you could say I have 4 versions available. 1 Steam, but not actually used. 2 A zipped version of Steam, not used. 3 A .source folder with a complete install, but not used during play, other than if a mod is being used by 4 via a symlink. 4 A .live folder, any game playing takes place here, symlinks provide access to any mods being used. If for some reason I do not want a mod to be used I delete the symlink in 4, which leaves the actual install of the mod available in 3 but no longer used for play in 4. If later I change my mind and do want to use that mod, all I have to do is drop a symlink into 4 from 3 and boom its good.

I believe I did see a comment about Steam leaving files behind. When I did the update this time, I did go in and make sure the destination was empty. I cannot recall if the folder had been deleted as part of the uninstall or if the folder was merely empty. Either way I do remember checking.

As for the comments about ckan.

It does not matter which language you write a GUI in, the first thing you learn is to make sure that the stuff you want people to see, can be seen, and not hidden because you made the frame/window too small. Sorry but that is really basic stuff. I feel quite happy pointing out such an elementary problem should not have been present in a version of a program presented to the general public.

I will concede that I could and can write more passive comments. Thus the tone is at fault not the point.

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7 minutes ago, Apaseall said:

t does not matter which language you write a GUI in, the first thing you learn is to make sure that the stuff you want people to see, can be seen, and not hidden because you made the frame/window too small. Sorry but that is really basic stuff. I feel quite happy pointing out such an elementary problem should not have been present in a version of a program presented to the general public.

And sometimes bugs creep into currently working code, and slips by qa.  It happens. It actually happened here, it was working properly in a previous version.

Are you playing on Windows, Macintosh or Linux?

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I wrote a quick apology. I am in windows. But only for this game. Which is sad because that means I stay in windows. At some point I will move home, later this year I hope. When I do I intend to investigate running in Linux. ATM I am not sure if Linux is via something like wine or native. I hope its native. I bet you asked because of my ref. to symlinks. Yes they are symbolic links and not any of the other flavours available. Been playing KSP that way for quite a while. Deffo before this year and likely to be at least mid year last year. Doing it this was makes me happy. I also end up with a lot of dl'd mods, as i store them rather than deleting them. I can take a look in a folder and read the names of all the zips dl'd that I have installed for any version of the game I am playing. As in I have more than one version of KSP available to me, one of which is an install just for you I think called T E S T. :)

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3 hours ago, Apaseall said:

I bet you asked because of my ref. to symlinks. Yes they are symbolic links and not any of the other flavours available

Yup.  Not many windows users know about them. 

The Linux version is native.

8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleTankManager'

Just confirmed this is not in KW, must be from something else.


8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

PartLoader Warning: Variable massOffset not found in Part

Same here.


I loaded KW into an existing game (my test install), booted it up, and neither of these messages appeared in the log.

They must be from a MM patch, but I have no idea where it comes from.


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I found some mods which has the massOffset, they are:

  • MkIVSystem
  • RealismOverhaul
  • Stock-Revamp
  • CryoTanks
  • ColorCodedCans
  • FuelTanksPlus

And the ModuleTankManager, I found id:

  • ConfigurableContainers
  • Mk3Expansion
  • InterstellarFuelSwitch

and others.

I was only searching for the string, but my guess is that you have leftovers from IFS in there somewhere

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Ok so I have decided to do some double checking. I think I found an old version of firespitter in my .live for some reason. Still more to do. Basically unpacking latest downloads and checking my .live is matching.

Re the list of mods - probably easier to mention those that I have not had lol. That would be RealismOverhaul. Not sure if I did once have ColorCodedCans, think I did have FuelTanksPlus but ditched it etc etc. I do have ConfigurableContainers and of course the IFS.

Re the warnings. Yup I was on some kind of mission yesterday popping in and asking if folks could see if they were able to not put stuff in the log, either by fixing the warning or something else. I posted a lot yesterday.

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On 9/19/2018 at 2:53 PM, Apaseall said:

Hello, here is something familiar: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sdzcbltobydaoj/saves for LoadingScreenManager.1.output_log.rar?dl=0

Inside there is this:

  Hide contents

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KWSidetank/KW2Sidetank/KW2Sidetank'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleTankManager'

In fact there is some of that, with the part name changing for each one.

As an effort to clean up the log a bit, would you take at look at this for me please.

Or maybe it is worth taking a look at for other reasons.

There is a bit of this too:

  Hide contents

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KW_Universal_Tanks/KW2mtankL1/KW2mtankL1B'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

PartLoader Warning: Variable LF not found in Part
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

PartLoader Warning: Variable OX not found in Part
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

PartLoader Warning: Variable massOffset not found in Part
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

PartLoader Warning: Variable costOffset not found in Part





It's a patch from CryoTanks (by Nertea).


Found in:

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CryoTanks\Patches\


It requires that you have B9PartSwitch, as well as likely the SimpleBoilOff plugin that comes with the CryoTanks install (as does B9PartSwitch).

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, MikeO89 said:

Does this need to be updated for 1.5?

What happened when you tried to load it? Being a parts pack without any .dll plugins there's unlikely to be any serious issues; this soon after patch day, you'd be doing yourself and others a greater service by trying it for yourself and reporting back on whether or not they work, rather than assuming they need fixing. All the mod maintainers have plenty to do at the moment.

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So I've been playing KSP again, and found myself quite frustrated, when, picking a KW P-fairing for its aesthetic properties -- the frame base, to be precise, makes a very nice component for an Orion workalike -- my rocket, finely tuned with the stock fairing first, wouldn't fly the way I wanted.

Turned out, it's because the fairing bases are way heavier than a stock fairing plus decoupler. And the 1.875 fairing base has the same mass as the 2.5m fairing base too.

Is there any particular reason for it? Or should the masses of these parts be reconsidered?

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1 hour ago, Mihara said:

So I've been playing KSP again, and found myself quite frustrated, when, picking a KW P-fairing for its aesthetic properties -- the frame base, to be precise, makes a very nice component for an Orion workalike -- my rocket, finely tuned with the stock fairing first, wouldn't fly the way I wanted.

Turned out, it's because the fairing bases are way heavier than a stock fairing plus decoupler. And the 1.875 fairing base has the same mass as the 2.5m fairing base too.

Is there any particular reason for it? Or should the masses of these parts be reconsidered?

The masses could be revisited.

But I don't have time now, if you can, take a look at them and submit a PR if you can

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19 hours ago, MikeO89 said:

With version 3.2.6 I still get the version mismatch message at startup with 1.6.1. Tells me to use version 1.4.5


I'll take a look

Edit:  The version is fine, there is a problem in the web check, I'll get it fixed.  Should not need an update

An update will be needed

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  • 4 weeks later...

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