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Planetary Texturing Guide Repository

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Tangram Heightmapper (https://tangrams.github.io/heightmapper/ ) is a wonderful texturing resource. It's a free, in-browser program that allows users to explore a high-res height map of Earth. By exporting screenshots of various locations and healing them together in photoshop, modders can create detailed height maps with realistic terrain features. 

Is this something that could be added to the Software Links portion of the repository?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would not be the correct person to ask about this, however, I would refer to the stock configs and just replace the mu specified with your own mu as exported through Unity... the same as any model for KSP.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

By Wilbur, is it another software like wilbur imaging? Or something in Gimp?

18 minutes ago, Cyrus Playz said:


If you want a revamped Ike, check out my mod SPUR!!!!

I have more ideas than just Ike, revamping much of the original, adding several asteroids to visit in the asteroid belt, making Gas Planet 2, 3 and Harvest, and maybe even adding Nova Silisko changes (since in the wikis, Nova Silisko regretted that Jool is too green, and there was a link towards other changes as well).

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1 hour ago, Sirius K said:

I have more ideas than just Ike, revamping much of the original, adding several asteroids to visit in the asteroid belt, making Gas Planet 2, 3 and Harvest, and maybe even adding Nova Silisko changes (since in the wikis, Nova Silisko regretted that Jool is too green, and there was a link towards other changes as well).

Yeah your idea seems much more ambitious, and I am not the lead developer of SPUR, WeakPlayer is, and from my interactions with him, he acts a bit like a ten year old so I am not the most keen on developing SPUR. In short, I fully support you ideas! And I can help you out with some of the basics as well.


1 hour ago, Sirius K said:

By Wilbur, is it another software like wilbur imaging? Or something in Gimp?

I personally use Tangram Heightmapper (an online thingy thats very useful for map making) and Photoshop, but you can use gimp

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm using Gimp to make the planet texture, but idk why or how but there's a polar seam always appearing in Gimp when i use Polar Coordinates. At first I thought it was just a bug that if I mark map backwards the map will be fine. However, upon bringing to KSP, the polar seam appeared and idk how to remove such problem

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So I've been getting interested in giving KSRSS's Earth a facelift. From orbit it looks absolutely gobstopping but at the surface it's a bit rough. The terrain is pretty good but I was thinking about retexturing it with JNSQ's Kerbin textures. I read through those guides but nothing clicked. How can I retexture the surface of a planet? Thank you in advanced.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

If anyone around here is using gaseous-giganticus and Hugin or something else to convert the cubemaps to equirectangular, I just added '-E' option to gaseous-giganticus to make it output equirectangular images by itself.  You also have to specify the desired image height, which must be a power of 2.   So, "-E 1024" would produce a 2048x1024 equirectangular image.  Still outputs the cubemap images as well.

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@Poodmund I have been looking for a tutorial on how to make an EVE cloud map for quite some time. EVE runs fine on my computer, but all of my attempts at a cloud map refuse to work. Do you (and other forum members) know of any resources I can check out? Also, could a tutorial be added to this repository? Thanks so much!

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9 hours ago, Cyrus Playz said:

Refuse to work hoe? Be more specific

I make an equirectangular cloud map (transparent background, opaque white pixels for clouds) and try to use it with EVE. When I open KSP, my map doesn’t show up in game. All the default EVE maps work, but not mine. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. And I can’t find good documentation on how to create custom cloud maps for use with EVE or how to implement them properly into the game.

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  • 2 years later...

Question: Does anyone know how I could get wider erosion flows within my maps using Wilbur?

Original heightmap sample with the issue:



If the desire is wider/bigger flowing erosion with more 'realistic' looking terrain with basins... when using Incise Flow, increase your flow exponent value and increase your blurring factors and amount.


If you mean longer flowing erosion, then lower your flow exponent and decrease the effect. Its always worth using incise flow in conjunction with rounds of preciption based erosion. If you get long straight lines when you simulate flow passes, you can introduce, either, some noise into the erosion cycles or layer a very small amount of percentage based noise across the whole elevation range you are working on before simulating erosion/flow.

Here's quick and dirty, before and after to portray the point. As there's not much inland landmass there's not much distance for any flow based erosion before it hits the coast but I think it still works.


But, ultimately, playing around with those values I mentioned above will let you get a starting block to work from. Don't be scared to start with wider more blurred erosion to start with and then do additional passes introducing more fine channels.


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Wilbur: Islands 2

Disclaimer - This is less of a tutorial and more of a 'show what you can do'.

Use splotchy, splat brushes in Photoshop to draw a mountain range/terrain using different shades of grey to simulate the height of the terrain.


Run lots of combinations of erosion and precipitation flow passes with some blurring and height/altitude adjustments and you can get some great looking terrain from rudimentary splat-maps (shown above).





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