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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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4 hours ago, Xd the great said:

Sorry my mistake. I thought the soyuz, not the proton, used hypergolic fuel.

But does the russian space agency have any plans for the future?

Moonshot by 2030. Moon base. Missions to Mars. Jupiter moon lander probes. Own station in Earth orbit. Bits of the LOP-G. Bits of the Chinese station.

None of those sufficiently funded.

On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 9:29 PM, insert_name said:

Not only is it illegal for trampoline man to work with the U.S., it is illegal for him to even enter. Also there are rumors that there is a merger with a corporation that is illegal to do buisness with


Those are beyond rumours.

But remember when the Foreign Intelligence Service chief just jumped on a redeye to DC to meet with Pompeo? I 'member.

On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 3:08 PM, kerbiloid said:

Khrunichev Center reduces the staff

"Better" news. Khrunichev will shut down the Moscow site entirely after completing its current Proton orders, and try to sell the real estate to plug the hole in its finance. That's it for the Proton, supposedly.

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2 hours ago, DDE said:

Moonshot by 2030. Moon base. Missions to Mars. Jupiter moon lander probes. Own station in Earth orbit. Bits of the LOP-G. Bits of the Chinese station.

 None of those sufficiently funded.

More like fairytales.

Can’t even finish our own ISS half. At this point I don’t expect anything new from Russian space program. 

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20 hours ago, tater said:


July 10 is the planned launch date (for anybody who doesn't speak Russian).

Btw, I always liked the picture on the wall. It's Korolyov, isn't it?

Edited by Wjolcz
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On 7/10/2018 at 3:20 AM, tater said:

Wait are there are two docking at the same time? Is this real?


3 hours ago, insert_name said:

Sounds cool, but to be honest i don't know if 2028 is too late for such launchers.

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12 minutes ago, insert_name said:

anatoly Zak is fairly credible

Does he refer to some source? I can't find.
Currently they declare that they work on Angara family and Soyuz-5 (17 t, considered as a first phase of heavy rocket development).



Сверхтяжелая ракета

В 2016 году на конференции в Москве гендиректор РКК "Энергия" Владимир Солнцев представил проект ракеты- носителя "Энергия-5В" сверхтяжелого класса, предназначенной для отправки пилотируемой миссии на Луну. По его словам, при создании ракеты от "Ангары-А5В" будет взята верхняя водородная ступень, от перспективной ракеты среднего класса "Союз-5" будут использованы первая и вторая ступени.

Позже источник ТАСС в ракетно-космической отрасли сообщил, что корпорацией определен примерный облик двух типов ракет, предлагаемых для реализации, - "Энергия-5В- ПТК" и "Энергия-5ВР-ПТК" со стартовой массой 2368 тонн и 2346 тонн.


Ранее сообщалось, что РКК "Энергия" разработает на космодроме Восточный новый комплекс ракеты-носителя сверхтяжелого класса, испытания которой начнутся с 2028 года. В составе соисполнителей работ - Ракетно-космический центр "Прогресс", ФГУП "Центр эксплуатации наземной космической инфраструктуры".
В то же время, как сообщали ранее в РКК "Энергия", разработка ракеты будет в 1,5 раза дешевле, чем воспроизведение советской ракеты-носителя "Энергия".


In 2016 Gen.Dir. of RKK "Energia" has presented the project of "Energia-5V" superheavy launch vehicle for crewed lunar missions.
He said that for this project they will take:
upper hydrolox stage from Angara-5V
1st and 2nd stages from perspective medium launch vehicle Soyuz-5 currently being created.

Later some person added that RKK "Energia" has defined how should look two launch vehicles to be implemented: Energia-5V-PTK (2368 t) and Energia-5VR-PTK (2346 t).

Earlier they said that RKK "Energia"  will construct a new launch complex at Vostochny for a superheavy rocket.
Test should begin in 2028.

As was said earlier, a new rocket development will cost 1.5 times less than Soviet rocket Energia rebuilding.


Nothing about Energy resurrection at all, except from Zak's words.

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