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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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On 9/26/2020 at 4:40 PM, kerbiloid said:

It's normal. He's not in space, the helmet is off.

Question: who enjoys droll humor and sarcasm more, the Brits or the Ruskies? 

(FWIW - I think I heard some Yanks getting ready to cancel this thread due to insensitivity - b/c sarcasm isn't well understood in the States) 

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They will try to patch the hole with a 5 mm piece of foam rubber (to make a bubble) and the duct tape.

They have sent a photo of the leaking place where the hole is marked with tea particles from a ripped teabag.
"You can see the tea particles gathered at the scratch place", said Ivan Wagner.


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They tried ultrasonic and infrared detectors, made several sensors themselves.

But only the teabag and the duct tape have solved the problem.


It's very important to stay simple. If they tried it first...

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The ISS food warmer got malfunctioned but now looks self-repaired.


Once they had repaired the Electron-VM system producing oxygen from water, it has problems again.

Now it's out of water cans, they need moar.


The toilet in Zvezda module also has problems.
Probably, an air bubble has appeared inside, so



, and that's what they're doing right now.

According to space center representative's words, the situation with the toilet is very bad.


In Nov, 2019 the American toilet got broken while the Russian one got overflown, so the crew was wearing diapers, until Santa helped.



If this had happened a month ago, they would find the hole in the hull much faster.


Tonight (whatever it means in LEO) they've repaired everything: food warmer, water system, and toilet.

So, now they can easily eat, drink, and vice versa.


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4 hours ago, RCgothic said:

Surprise! Roscosmos didn't like getting mocked online:

If they stop talking about it, maybe everyone will forget about the rocket, and they won’t have to deliver it on time. Or at all. Maybe that’s the plan.

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Roscosmos has posted materials on the lunar lander on the public procurement website. The lander must support manned expeditions for a crew of 4 people with a duration of at least 14 days. It is planned to be used with a super-heavy rocket and a transfer module.

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15 hours ago, sh1pman said:

Another day, another arrest. Head of “Vostochny” Space Center has been arrested on corruption charges. The investigators claim that the damage amounted to 500 million rubles ($6.7M).


At this point it's a Catch 22. Roscosmos is corrupt through and through, but they can't get anything done if they keep cleaning house.

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