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WW2 BAD-T III - BDAc AI Dogfight Tournament

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The Tournament

With @tetryds permission, BAD-T returns with BADT the Third. Like the last two BAD-T tournaments, this will consist of 2v2 dogfights featuring WWII-vintage aircraft battling around and above sites scattered all over Kerbin.
Contestants will submit a craft, which will then be pitted against other submitted craft in a standard tournament ladder format, with fights recorded and posted to Youtube.

Defeat means a craft is out of the running, success means it moves up to the next bracket. Depending on the number of entries, a second-tier ladder may also be run, featuring craft that lost during the first round of fights.

To enter, simply create a WWII themed aircraft. Replicas of real-world craft are permitted, but not required. Craft design, AI configuration and armament are entirely up to you. As long as it follows the rules and looks like it could have been a real WWII-era fighter, it's a valid entry.

The following mods are required:
FAR 0.15.9 "Leibe"
Aviator Arsenal
Due to changes in BDA, AA requires a MM compatibility patch. The one I'm using can be found here.
BDAc 3.0.0
BAD-T Prop pack ,which requires the FireSpitter .dll

Additionally, the following mods are permitted, but optional:
B9 Proc wings
Procedural parts
Take Command (for planes using constructed open cockpits)
Adjustable landing Gear

Tier 1 Tournament Brackets

Lost the first match? No worries; craft that lost the first match move to the second tier

Tier 2 Tournament Brackets

Aircraft Classes:
Entries will fall into one of two categories, Fighters and Heavy Fighters.

Fighters are single engine monoplanes.
They have one engine.
They must have a dry mass of at least 2.5 tons*.
They can use up to 100 points worth of engine and armament.

Heavy fighters are heavy twin engine monoplanes.
They have 2 engines.
They must have a dry mass of at least 5.5 tons*.
They can use up to 150 points worth of engines and armament.

*Dry mass is the empty weight of the craft, wet mass is the loaded weight of the craft with fuel and ammunition. Resources like Oxidizer and Ore which aren't used as fuel or ammo can be used as ballast and count towards dry mass.

Weapons cost their diameter in mm*.

Engines cost twice their static thrust in kN*.

Armor from DCK costs 2 points per 50 kg of armor, rounded up.

Ammo is free, carry as much or as little as desired.

*This includes decimals – 12.7mm MGs cost 12.7 points each, etc.

- Craft must have no more than 60 parts.
-Only Aviator Arsenal weapons permitted, with the exception of the Ball Turret.
-No more than six of any one type of weapon. Multiple different weapons is allowed.
-Only BADT engines allowed (Widshed, Brutus, Gazelle, Wizard, Buzzer, Foxhound, Falcon, & Jaeger).
-No aerospace grade parts allowed; (Ore/RCS tanks allowed as ballast, but not as structural components).
-No reaction wheels. Cockpit reaction wheels must be disabled.
-Craft must have at least 1 Kerbal, either in a cockpit, or a constructed open cockpit using a command seat.
-Constructed cockpits must be safe, something that a sane pilot would want to sit in.
-Part clipping is allowed, within reason. No clipping resource containing parts into other resource containing parts please. Clipping ballast parts into ballast parts is permitted.
-If using P wings, keep wing thickness for main wing pieces at least 0.120.
-FAR wing strength must be above 0.25 and below 1.5.
-Craft must include a visible Communications Antenna – this is AA's combination AI pilot and weapon manager.
-AI min altitude must be at least 500m.
-Craft should have at least 15 minutes of fuel.
-Armor, if used, must follow craft contours. No building an invisible armor bubble around the craft.
-All entrants will be required to shoot down a Test Dummy craft to certify flight-worthiness in FAR – this is basically to ensure your craft can take off and do maneuvers without a RUD.

Craft must be submitted by the deadline, 11:59 PM, Saturday, October 14th.
One entry per person. If something goes wrong during submission, or you realize your craft is not rules compliant and needs some changes, contact me via PM. Otherwise, all submissions are final. To submit, upload your craft to KerbalX or similar, and sent me the download link via PM.
Sharing links to your crafts in the thread is fine, but only craft I've been sent via PM will count as entries.

Can i submit more than one craft?
-No. Entering more than one craft runs the possibility of your entry fighting another of your entries, and the purpose if this tournament is to see how your craft do against other entries, not your own.

I submitted my craft already, but it (accidentally) breaks the rules, what happens now?
-If your craft is an illegal design, I will PM you, and give you the chance to correct the design and re-submit.

I've updated my craft after submitting it, can I resubmit?
-No, simply to keep the logistics of managing entries simple, one submission per person. You can edit your submission's KerbalX upload or similar as long as it retains the same name before the deadline, but no submitting multiple craft.

Can I submit a biplane?
-No. Biplanes were mostly obsolete by 1940, and the spirit of the tournament is modern WWII era designs.

Can I submit a jet?
Yes, as long as it follows the construction rules, you can enter one, but keep in mind precision-tuned prop planes will probably out-perform it.

I'm bad at building craft in FAR, should I still submit something?
-Yes. Sure, there will be some entries that are hyper-competitive, but for the most part, this tournament is aimed at having fun, watching submitted craft fight bravely and die gloriously.

The rules said something about constructed cockpits?
- Take an External Command Seat and use parts to build an open cockpit around the Kerbal. Just make sure it's a cockpit someone other than Jebediah would be comfortable sitting in.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
adding brackets
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  On 9/20/2017 at 3:41 AM, Van Disaster said:

*Tags thread for self* - if the stuff I built too late for the last one still works, I might manage to get one in for this... might even get me to fix my paint mod.


DCK was just revamped to allow for easy addition of texture packs and I plan on having a WW2 themed camo pack ready before the start of competition ... I am currently looking for camo patterns for the BADT3 camo pack so if you see a pattern you like then let me know and perhaps I will include it

Also, the armor has been balanced against itself so that an armor plate half the size of another armor plate is half the mass ... If you do use the armor, be sure to not block your weapons :wink:

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  On 9/20/2017 at 5:02 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

DCK was just revamped to allow for easy addition of texture packs and I plan on having a WW2 themed camo pack ready before the start of competition ... I am currently looking for camo patterns for the BADT3 camo pack so if you see a pattern you like then let me know and perhaps I will include it

Also, the armor has been balanced against itself so that an armor plate half the size of another armor plate is half the mass ... If you do use the armor, be sure to not block your weapons :wink:


If all you're doing is texture switching then they'd probably be complimentary - I haven't actually done a proper 1.3 build ( or even 1.2 ) mostly because I've been uninterested in fixing things for newer game versions so I'm way out of touch - because all I do is tint existing textures in the shader. Anyway that is way off topic on post 5!

Might want to check some places like IL-2 skin repositories - given the age of the game & it's popularity they're in the thousands, & you can probably find any pattern you like there.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 5:50 AM, Van Disaster said:

If all you're doing is texture switching then they'd probably be complimentary


DCK does texture switching for stock and a bunch of mods (changes all parts in one click) as well as having transparent-invisible aircraft armor that is not seen by both stock and FAR aero calculations (does not affect flight characteristics ... just adds weight and armor) all contained within  a stand alone package ... only module manager required

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I'm entering WWII Fighter 1: https://kerbalx.com/53miner53/WWII-Fighter-1

Edit: forgot pics: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmNzZIa2ZiSHQ5alk

I forgot to grab pics of the dogfight itself, but it ended up being mostly WWII Fighter 1 being chased unsuccessfully by the Dummy fighter until my fighter turned around and fought again, finally destroying the Dummy plane

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  On 9/20/2017 at 7:32 PM, tetryds said:

I just remembered that due to personal issues the previous BAD-T was never finished.

But I may still have the whole environment on my computer, if @SuicidalInsanity is into finishing it for us.

Again, sorry for that.


Yes, we're still waiting to see if Ferram's monster eats everything... I hope you're recovered, btw.

All the flavour vids I posted in the last thread after missing the deadline should still be there also.

Edit: actually why not dig one up just to get into the swing of things, a short fight with an amusing & not altogether brilliant aircraft...

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@Tetryds: If you've still got the craft files and who was to fight who, yeah, I can see about getting the last few battles of BAD-T 2 done.

@dundun92: Correct. You can choose one or the other, but not both.


Edit: I've discovered that the D-32 Gazelle had an incorrect thrust value in the BADT pack I redistributed. It's been corrected and a fixed version of the BADT Props pack has been re-uploaded.


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  On 9/21/2017 at 12:43 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Tetryds: If you've still got the craft files and who was to fight who, yeah, I can see about getting the last few battles of BAD-T 2 done.


Yep, got it!

Sending it to your inbox.

It's also good so you get a hang on setting up and running the battles before people make their crafts and this one starts.

Some of the BAD-T 2 videos show how the flights start, but it's simple:

  1. Spawn the craft on its runway, hold brakes, throttle to zero and start its engine.
  2. Repeat that for every craft.
  3. Quicksave (you never know).
  4. Use the team control to switch one team to team b.
  5. Create a custom quicksave (ALT+F5) naming the crafts that battle, in case you need to run it again.
  6. Toggle AIs.
  7. If I didn't forget any step they will take off and fight.
  8. Watch them kill each other
  9. Load the custom quicksave and run it again, but start the AIs on a different order.
  10. ...
  11. profit


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Can I have permission to use this challenge as a template for a different one?

We are building turboprop fighters using stock parts, with the recent discoveries it's possible to build them with a decent size, part count and mass, comparable with normal KSP planes. They are however much slower, bleed more energy and burn a lot more fuel.

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Ok so i'm back to KSP... i am entering this Friday or Saturday.

  On 9/21/2017 at 8:33 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

Hi all, just a quick update concerning DCK :)



i dont like consonantly having to delete the old one and getting a new one. why do updates have to come out daily?   

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  On 9/21/2017 at 10:40 PM, Azimech said:

Can I have permission to use this challenge as a template for a different one?

We are building turboprop fighters using stock parts, with the recent discoveries it's possible to build them with a decent size, part count and mass, comparable with normal KSP planes. They are however much slower, bleed more energy and burn a lot more fuel.


Yes of course you can.

It took a lot of effort to come up with the rules and everything, feel free to reuse them at will.

I just cannot guarantee it's going to scale well with these limitations, but that is not up to me.

Edit: the status of the previous battles: http://challonge.com/BADTsecond

My bets are final BT-211 vs Tytonid, BT wins.

Edited by tetryds
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@dundun93 The one error with AA I know of is the JerichoTrumpet part is incompatible with KSP 1.3.X, but the Aviator Arsenal MM patch linked in the OP fixes that issue - are you using the MM patch, and or have you tried removing the Jerry Trumpet - GameData/AviatorArsenal/Utilities/JerryTrumpet?

Also, the final three matches of BADT2 have been recorded, so you can begin wildly speculating who won and what was the final score. Vids will be up probably tomorrow.


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