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[1.3.1] Aviation Lights v3.14 [use MOARdV's version instead!]


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[quote name='linuxgurugamer']Does this mean that adding lights won't affect the framerate?[/QUOTE]

It means that the lights behave like for example the "cubic octagonal struts" of vanilla KSP; their physics calculations are greatly simplified to be able to fit alot of them on a craft, without the physics engine having to calculate the forces on every joint every frame.

They will still affect framerate slightly in very large numbers (as they still need to be rendered), but nowhere near as much as before (as physics calculations every frame are costly).
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[quote name='BigNose']It means that the lights behave like for example the "cubic octagonal struts" of vanilla KSP; their physics calculations are greatly simplified to be able to fit alot of them on a craft, without the physics engine having to calculate the forces on every joint every frame.

They will still affect framerate slightly in very large numbers (as they still need to be rendered), but nowhere near as much as before (as physics calculations every frame are costly).[/QUOTE]

Great! Do you know if Why485 will do the same with his mods? Alas, what about you too "joining efforts"? ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

And we are back in the new forums! Front page and KerbalStuff links have been updated.

Man this took way longer than expected, for some reason my connection is extremly slow right now... >.>

EDIT: Had to do it all over again. Yes, it was because of a 502... \(°0°)/

Edited by BigNose
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  On 11/29/2015 at 4:14 PM, BigNose said:

And we are back in the new forums! Front page and KerbalStuff links have been updated.

Man this took way longer than expected, for some reason my connection is extremly slow right now... >.>


Either the server is a bit unstable or users are accidentally DDoS'ing the site with traffic. A lot of intermittent 502's. With that said, be sure to update your OP, as it seems the migration broke links and formatting. 

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After countless 502's I'm kind of happy with the front page again. At least for now. The sad thing is: I completly lost the changelog for some reason. I submitted a change which didn't even touch the changelog, it 502'ed, and after a reload it was just gone. >.>

Edited by BigNose
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  On 11/30/2015 at 2:06 PM, sashan said:

May I suggest rectacting landing light? Like this one:
-pic snip-
Making it have visible flare when watching from distance would be awesome as well.


There are actually some mods which add retractable lights already, B9 Aerospace for example adds lights which close up into a somewhat aerodynamic form when switched off.

Regarding the the more visible flares from a distance, I would recommend this great upcomming mod from Why485: Surface Nav Lights

Edited by BigNose
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  • 1 month later...

EDIT: Nvm... I fixed it... Just needed to realise Firespitter updated the texture switch module... I'll see about releasing an updated version soon...

So, can someone take a look at THIS: Deadskin's AL Textures, and see if v1.3 can be updated to work in 1.0.5? It has a 4.0 license... :)

I tried tweaking a couple things in the .cfg, but no change... All I get when placing the part in the VAB is the Next/Previous Texture buttons showing in right-click, but nothing happens when switched... & Yes, Firespitter & MM are both latest releases... I didnt bother converting the textures to .dds... I wanted to see if it even worked first, before doing that...

I can say v1.2 worx in 1.0.5... But that just OVERWRITES the original AL textures... No FS switching involved...

I can at least verify the Description Change & Part Icon Fixer .cfgs for Aviation Lights still work in 1.0.5... lol

Edited by Stone Blue
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So, I managed to get a working update for KSP v1.0-v1.0.5 on the DeadSkins textures for Aviation Lights, for anyone who may be interested...

DeadSkins for Aviation Lights Continued

Hope you dont mind me posting this here, @BigNose... (If so, LMK & I'll remove it).. and THANX for the original Aviation Lights mod... I've been using them, exclusively, on everything I build, ever since I first discovered the mod... :thumbsup:


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  On 1/23/2016 at 3:27 PM, Stone Blue said:

So, I managed to get a working update for KSP v1.0-v1.0.5 on the DeadSkins textures for Aviation Lights, for anyone who may be interested...

DeadSkins for Aviation Lights Continued

Hope you dont mind me posting this here, @BigNose... (If so, LMK & I'll remove it).. and THANX for the original Aviation Lights mod... I've been using them, exclusively, on everything I build, ever since I first discovered the mod... :thumbsup:



I've no problem at all with you posting this here. Nice work! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kerbalstuff shut down and the Mediafire link is broken :(. Also, the entry in CKAN would need to be updated since kerbalstuff shut down.


EDIT: Looks like Mediafire is essentially banned from the forum. Time to look at Curse or spacedock.info?

Edited by CobraA1
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Google drive link for aviation lights v 3.8


If you don't trust this file, you can visit Kerbal Stuff and download the torrent file. (Backup of all mods uploaded to Kerbal Stuff)

Torrent file is sorted by uploader's name so search BigNose for Aviation lights.


Edited by kimdy0798
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Here is the working mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w6030axv8byoxq4/Aviation_Lights_v3.8.zip

For some reason in the front page this freakin WYSIWYG editor shows it as a clickable link showing just the word 'Mediafire' like I want it, once I hit save it shows the full link as text... My activity dropped to an all time low, sorry guys, but this forum makes me want to just leave it.

EDIT: Just checked what has been going on, I'm starting to worry. First they ignore KerbalStuff, the clearly best modsite out there for this game, completly, until the guy has to give up before working full time on it due to crazy traffic and almost no gain from it. They make an unnecessary forums change for the worse in my opinion, and now even starting to block other filehosters like mediafire. If they don't stop forcing curse down my throat I'll throw the towel I tell you. I don't feel at home here any longer.

Edited by BigNose
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  • 1 month later...

I've recompiled this mod for KSP 1.1 (build 1196, although I don't think build number matters in this case).  The link is on DropBox.  Per the terms of the license, this is code originally from RPGprayer, edited by BigNose, Why485, GROOV3ST3R, JDP, J.Random, and now MOARdV.  Source is included in the ZIP, same as previous versions.

EDIT: The license (still) is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)

EDIT2: The mod is now on GitHub, so I removed the DropBox link.

Edited by MOARdV
Point at GitHub instead of DropBox
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