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[1.10] Luna multiplayer (LMP) - Beta


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/30/2018 at 4:23 PM, Rangetonbang said:

Hello everyone and hello Dagger , first thing ,thanks you for the good work for the multiplayer.  Its cool and SQUAD have to paid you to buy your code (I hope it will come for you) But its not the point here.

I have found a bug and maybe someone can help me.

The bug in question : When i try to dock any vessel between them ,they literally duplicate himself while i connect the docking port ,and they struggle and, booooom explosion everywhere. I have tried many thing to fix it , like playing in debug version , like playing with no modded game , in space , on the ground , same result , explosion.  How i can fix it ? Is it my fault ? Or its a LunaMultiplayer bug ? 


Thanks and fly safe :D

(apologise for my english translation ,its hard) 




Probably a LMP bug. Have you tried nightly version? You can see how to get it on the wiki

  On 10/31/2018 at 12:58 PM, davidavil said:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

This mod is a great improvement from DMP. I'm testing now career mode and I have one question. Is it possible to refund money when reverting a flight?

Thanks again.


Nope, and probably it won't ever be as that can cause sync issues. P1 reverts and P2 completes a contract and so on...

EDIT: Latest version supports this although with some limitations (check limitations page on the wiki)

Edited by Dagger
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Hi! I'm checking out the mod and we've noticed a small issue: Tourists persist in the roster even after the contract they're assigned to is completed.
We're on the Nightly build 0.16.999.32.

Besides that, I'd like to say thank you for continuing development of multiplayer for KSP. I think you're fulfilling the grand wish of many a player.

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Have the interpolation settings been removed? I don't seem to see the option in settings anymore.

I have issues with our orbits getting way out of wack and i have read that people disable interpolation and re-enable it to resync the orbits correctly.

  On 11/14/2018 at 9:00 PM, Huggleton said:

How do you reset the game world of the server? Do you just have to redownload the server?


You should be able to just delete the Universe folder contained in the Server folder then start the server.

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  On 11/19/2018 at 7:43 PM, jcox08 said:

Have the interpolation settings been removed? I don't seem to see the option in settings anymore.

I have issues with our orbits getting way out of wack and i have read that people disable interpolation and re-enable it to resync the orbits correctly.

You should be able to just delete the Universe folder contained in the Server folder then start the server.


Yes now interpolation is always ON

Regarding the orbit issues, just get the latest nightly version or wait until next version as that will be fixed ;)

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Hello, about two weeks ago i bought my friend KSP and since we have been enoying messing around over calls.

about two days ago we tried LMP, The setup was easy and we were in game together within 5 minutes of downlaoding the mod!

However, my friend launched to orbit so i could rendezvous with him but anytime i got close he seemed to accelerate away, and whenever he synced to me his orbit changed.

He has a very old and slow computer and i can see him lagging, i presume this is the problem but thought i would ask anyway. either way great work on this, and hope to see it fully implemented one day! :)

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  On 11/22/2018 at 12:28 AM, ratchet9868 said:

Hello, about two weeks ago i bought my friend KSP and since we have been enoying messing around over calls.

about two days ago we tried LMP, The setup was easy and we were in game together within 5 minutes of downlaoding the mod!

However, my friend launched to orbit so i could rendezvous with him but anytime i got close he seemed to accelerate away, and whenever he synced to me his orbit changed.

He has a very old and slow computer and i can see him lagging, i presume this is the problem but thought i would ask anyway. either way great work on this, and hope to see it fully implemented one day! :)


Latest version (0.17.0) should fix most of those issues I can't guarantee that is 100% stable but it contains a fix for a nasty bug that existed on LMP since the beginning and may have caused that behaviour

Edited by Dagger
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  On 11/29/2018 at 10:46 PM, Huggleton said:

Using the current version of LMP (0.17.0), rendezvous is impossible! The craft keep pinging ahead in their orbits. Even cheating the craft into rendezvous doesn’t help.


You're probably using mods? I made few tests and it works locally and with another tester

  On 12/2/2018 at 5:35 AM, Blyad Cat said:

I was wondering, is it possible to enable destruction between two crafts owned by two different people?


Working on that but it will take some time


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/20/2018 at 8:15 PM, HLSA30 said:

please actualize to 1.6


I understand that you are eager for this, but you are posting in a thread for a mod that is in active development, which means the author is of course going to make it for 1.6 when it is ready. 1.6 came out just hours ago, so it is unrealistic to think that mods will be ready right away, especially as the modders aren't paid for what they do. If it takes weeks or months, maybe then would be the time to politely ask if there are any plans for mods to be updated. Until then, please be patient with our kindhearted modders :)

I had to remove some posts. Lets all move on and talk about the mod, instead

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Patiently awaiting a stable release! every time I want to buy ksp for a friend i think of this mod. Im happy to see things are still running smoothly over here. Cant wait to see what becomes of this! You guys are really putting in a labor of love here. Must be one of the biggest feats to achieve in the modding community and one of the most desirable mods out there. Even if it takes to ksp 2.0 it will be worth the wait!

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Hi guys,

all my pilots lose experience once we log back in. Server has been running the whole time without restarting. Any ideas?


Also we lose reputation constantly, just for a revert. Why? Can we fix this? Really messes up career mode.

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  On 12/27/2018 at 6:31 AM, OmniTitan said:


Hi guys, All my pilots lose experience once we return to log in. The server has been running all the time without restarting. Any ideas? We also lose reputation constantly, only to reverse. Why? Can we fix this? It really messes up the race mode.



I do not know how to help you, I created a local server and I was playing with 1 friend 1 day before 1.6 and it worked perfectly, then the game was updated and the multiplayer mode works.


Edited by Vanamonde
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Just when I thought KSP Gaming couldn't get any better here comes Luna Multiplayer! My first few experiences have been FUN, MORE FUN AND REALLY FUN!! Hats off to you that are doing the Development for this wonderful Mod. All the hard work is much appreciated!

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  On 12/30/2018 at 1:50 PM, Darkex said:

Does anyone know if Kerbal Joint Reinforcement works, or would work/not work with this mod? My friend and I are currently playing a stable career game, but with bigger goals mean bigger rockets, and they've started to noodle.


No reason it shouldn't. Also, autostrutting (enable advanced tweakables in settings) pretty much makes it unnecessary ever since 1.2.

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The latest update broke timewarping. Every time I try and time warp it kicks me out of my ship and back to the space station. After that, I can't do anything in the game. Can't click on anything. My ship either gets deleted or is placed back on the launch pad. I have to exit the game by pressing Alt-F4 because I can't use anything in the game, not even the escape menu.

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Big shout out to Dagger and contributors to the mod. This is frickin' incredible! It's my wildest dreams come true.

I'm chiming in to report I'm experiencing the same issue that firepaly is: time warp in map view is affecting the flight path in odd ways, such as killing the inertia and resetting it to 200m/s. When I try to revert I'm locked out and can't click anything. Have to alt+f4 quit the game and restart. KSP 1.6.1 and LMP

Incredible job on this mod, exciting times for KSP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! This mod was pretty amazing to play but how do you sync time with other players? When we tried building a space station, for instance, my friend put the hub into space, but when I went in to dock he still had his fairing on which got us both confused, so he jumped into the ship via the tracking station which caused the Kraken to attack and only when he calmed down did the issue fix itself. This made us think that it had to do with him time-warping more than me but that didn't really fix anything for us. In the end, we just disabled timewarp on the server which was (to be expected) a bit of a pain.

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@dagger thanks for all your efforts to make this mod for everybody to enjoy. I know how hard you worked on this mod especially when it came to all the hair-pulling maths involved when dev'ing the interpolation and positioning system. Your tireless efforts (i have seen this guy on discord @ 2-3 o'clock in the morning multiple times his time zone trying to fix bugs) are well appreciated. Would also like to thank GoDarklight (DMP) and JR,Remote,Sladernimo, all the beta testers. Robin for his role on discord. It is a great community and I am happy to be a part of it. Thanks to all you guys and those i may have forgot to mention for giving us all a great entertainment experience. And if you have enjoyed it as much as i have please consider a donation. I wanted to say this because I see Soooo many posts and questions asked "How do I do this?" "Hey, I have a problem" etc... and you and others tirelessly answering(the same) questions,helping people, over and over again...but you dont always hear the good positive things. So I wanted this post to be "That" positive post.  

Edited by Redneck
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