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Did somebody say... lightsaber?


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6 hours ago, Scotius said:

Well, at least he is hammering his would-be sword on an anvil. And not pouring it molten into the mould - like Hollywood loves to depict swordmaking *shudders*

Sword casting was done frequently in the bronze age.

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guy also has been working on an iron man suit for a year, but despite being cool, using 6 fans that are each 2 feet in diameter makes it basically just a drone with a person hanging onto it.    

Believe it or not, each fan can only lift 5 kilograms!  

So they will need a jetpack and a giant drone they are standing beneath.

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On 10.12.2017 at 5:20 AM, Mayer said:

Sword casting was done frequently in the bronze age.

True, but not steel, note that you want to melt the steel to get rid of the slag, then you have to forge it. 
This is also done today, you get an huge block of steel then you roll it down to an more fitting size who also forge it. 
We was not able to melt steel until around 14-1500 at least not in practical quantities, suddenly swords became much thinner, granted this was also because of guns started making armor more obsolete so you wanted an light cutting sword over an heavy one more suited for dealing with armor. 

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