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Constitution Refit


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Some thoughts.

  • With a rescale factor of 1.17 it has a length of 304.9m, which is almost exact the same as the "real" one.
  • I also changed the mass to 210,000t, which the most quoted value.
  • Then I changed the values of engine thrust, gyroscopes and generators to compensate.
  • I also added the line "buoyancy = 0". Now it can sink.
  • The EFFECTS segment doesn't work with ModuleEngines, it only works with ModuleEnginesFX.
  • Two ModuleEngines entries doesn't seem to work. You could try with ModuleEnginesFX, it's a lot more flexible and configurable.
  • The plasma deflection crystal, deflector dish and inside of the warp nacelles should glow blue when not reflecting sunlight, just like the impulse engines are visible in the dark.
  • The CoM and CoT should be somewhere between the impulse engines.


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7 hours ago, STARFLEET1010 said:

Now I am impressed. What version is this compatible with, I am trying to get good models, but this one is impressive enough.


Well call me out dated but I'm running 1.22, have not made the jump to 1.3 anything yet, but I believe they will work in the latest. I have a million star trek models, even some from the fasa board game. We are kinda working on an Indie release where ships do ship to ship combat as well as planetary stuff (sandbox) but for now, I use em here.

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On 1/25/2018 at 5:03 PM, Azimech said:

Some thoughts.

  • With a rescale factor of 1.17 it has a length of 304.9m, which is almost exact the same as the "real" one.
  • I also changed the mass to 210,000t, which the most quoted value.
  • Then I changed the values of engine thrust, gyroscopes and generators to compensate.
  • I also added the line "buoyancy = 0". Now it can sink.
  • The EFFECTS segment doesn't work with ModuleEngines, it only works with ModuleEnginesFX.
  • Two ModuleEngines entries doesn't seem to work. You could try with ModuleEnginesFX, it's a lot more flexible and configurable.
  • The plasma deflection crystal, deflector dish and inside of the warp nacelles should glow blue when not reflecting sunlight, just like the impulse engines are visible in the dark.
  • The CoM and CoT should be somewhere between the impulse engines.



@StinkyAce In addition to these suggestions I'd like to add a few to your plate.

  • Add a VTOL transform animation to the ship model or make the builtin engine VTOL/Hover only and make the Impulse engine a separate part. This will fix your "two ModuleEngines" problem and get you what you want.
  • Raise the thrust of these engines by a few magnitudes to compensate when you raise the total mass from 28.5 tons to ...210,000? (Maybe this should be scaled down a bit? Kerbals aren't real-scale after all. Holding back the mass increase will also ensure ease of deployment through mods like Extraplanetary Launchpads)
  • Raise the engine's Isp by a few magnitudes so it doesn't need to consume...or generate... nearly as much as it does now, and maybe have the engine consume a lot of EC along with a little fuel. The Enterprise is 24th century after all. Starfleet engineers would have broken the 340s upper limit by leaps and bounds thanks to things like the Warp Core.
  • You can have just one ModuleGenerator with all your desired OUTPUT_RESOURCE and rates in it but I understand if and why you would keep them separate.
  • Discrete and OP RCS blocks intended to be clipped and hidden would make great use of the MonoProp generator and help a lot with SAS.

I'm surprised there's no hype train yet for support with the major gameplay mods.

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43 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:


@StinkyAce In addition to these suggestions I'd like to add a few to your plate.

  • Add a VTOL transform animation to the ship model or make the builtin engine VTOL/Hover only and make the Impulse engine a separate part. This will fix your "two ModuleEngines" problem and get you what you want.
  • Raise the thrust of these engines by a few magnitudes to compensate when you raise the total mass from 28.5 tons to ...210,000? (Maybe this should be scaled down a bit? Kerbals aren't real-scale after all. Holding back the mass increase will also ensure ease of deployment through mods like Extraplanetary Launchpads)
  • Raise the engine's Isp by a few magnitudes so it doesn't need to consume...or generate... nearly as much as it does now, and maybe have the engine consume a lot of EC along with a little fuel. The Enterprise is 24th century after all. Starfleet engineers would have broken the 340s upper limit by leaps and bounds thanks to things like the Warp Core.
  • You can have just one ModuleGenerator with all your desired OUTPUT_RESOURCE and rates in it but I understand if and why you would keep them separate.
  • Discrete and OP RCS blocks intended to be clipped and hidden would make great use of the MonoProp generator and help a lot with SAS.

I'm surprised there's no hype train yet for support with the major gameplay mods.

Hello and that is for the feedback. Actually were going to do away with the hover engines as we have discovered antigrav repulsor generators, after all a ship this large would require ag for planetary operations. I will look over the other items and see about applying them

Keep on trekking


Skunk Works.

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:



  • Raise the thrust of these engines by a few magnitudes to compensate when you raise the total mass from 28.5 tons to ...210,000? (Maybe this should be scaled down a bit? Kerbals aren't real-scale after all. Holding back the mass increase will also ensure ease of deployment through mods like Extraplanetary Launchpads)
  • Raise the engine's Isp by a few magnitudes so it doesn't need to consume...or generate... nearly as much as it does now, and maybe have the engine consume a lot of EC along with a little fuel. The Enterprise is 24th century after all. Starfleet engineers would have broken the 340s upper limit by leaps and bounds thanks to things like the Warp Core.
  • You can have just one ModuleGenerator with all your desired OUTPUT_RESOURCE and rates in it but I understand if and why you would keep them separate.
  • Discrete and OP RCS blocks intended to be clipped and hidden would make great use of the MonoProp generator and help a lot with SAS.

Interesting thought.

The reason I chose the same dimensions and mass is because it's a franchise with people being pretty conscious of what is supposed to be "canon". Plus it's nice to have a reference point. My own experience with this model is that because KSP tends to calculate it's own drag values nowadays, a big ship like this with a low mass does obvious things when it enters the atmosphere, like slowing down like a gigantic parachute. Also the max speed at sea level is a giveaway.

This is my test version, not final:



// --- general parameters ---
name = ConstitutionRefit_Class_Cruiser_Modified
module = Part
author = SkunkWorks

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1.17


// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0
cost = 600
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Constitution Refitted Class Cruiser
manufacturer = Skunk Works
description = Main Fuselage, with built in Reactors and converters for long hauls.

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 210000
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.01
minimum_drag = 0.005
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 9000
maxTemp = 3400
buoyancy = 0

stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE
vesselType = Ship

// --- internal setup ---

vesselType = Ship

CrewCapacity = 8

  name = Enterprise


	name = ModuleWeapon
	shortName = PhotonTorpedo_Mark2
	fireTransformName = firePoint
	hasDeployAnim = false
	hasFireAnimation = false
	fireAnimName = fireAnim
	spinDownAnimation = false
	roundsPerMinute = 20
	maxDeviation = 0.25
	maxTargetingRange = 80000
	maxEffectiveDistance = 180000
	bulletMass = 6.01497
	bulletVelocity = 800
	ammoName = Power
	requestResourceAmount = 100
	cannonShellPower = 100
	cannonShellRadius = 3
	hasRecoil = false
	onlyFireInRange = flase
	bulletDrop = false
	weaponType = cannon	
	projectileColor = 255, 0, 0, 255
	tracerStartWidth = 0.4
	tracerEndWidth = 0.2
	tracerLength = 0
	maxHeat = 3600
	heatPerShot = 60
	heatLoss = 740
	fireSoundPath = Skunk_Works/Sounds/converted/torpedo
	overheatSoundPath = FutureWeapons/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat
	oneShotSound = true
	showReloadMeter = true
	reloadAudioPath = FutureWeapons/Parts/IonCannon/sounds/reload

	name = CannonShells
	amount = 200
	maxAmount = 200

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = Sheilds
		startEventGUIName = Sheilds On 
		endEventGUIName = Sheilds Off 
		actionGUIName = Sheilds

		name = ModuleEngines
		thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform
		exhaustDamage = False
		ignitionThreshold = 0.1
		minThrust = 0
		maxThrust = 9000000
		heatProduction = 50
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		EngineType = LiquidFuel
		exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.56
			name = LiquidFuel
			ratio = 0.9
			DrawGauge = False
			name = Oxidizer
			ratio = 1.1
			key = 0 310
			key = 1 310
			//key = 9 0.001
		name = ModuleGimbal
		gimbalTransformName = ThrustTransform
		gimbalRange = 2
		name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
		animationName = overheat
		responseSpeed = 0.001
		dependOnEngineState = True
		dependOnThrottle = True
		name = ModuleAlternator
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 12.0
		name = ModuleSurfaceFX
		thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
		fxMax = 0.8
		maxDistance = 50
		falloff = 1.8
		thrustTransformName = ThrustTransform
				clip = Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 1.0 1.0
				pitch = 0.0 0.8
				pitch = 1.0 1.0
				loop = true

	// {
		// name = ModuleEngines
		// thrustVectorTransformName = HoverTransform
		// exhaustDamage = False
		// ignitionThreshold = 0.1
		// minThrust = 0
		// maxThrust = 30000
		// heatProduction = 100
		// fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		// EngineType = LiquidFuel
		// exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.56
		// {
			// name = LiquidFuel
			// ratio = 0.9
			// DrawGauge = False
		// }
		// {
			// name = Oxidizer
			// ratio = 1.1
		// }
		// atmosphereCurve
		// {
			// key = 0 310
			// key = 1 310
			// key = 9 0.001
		// }
	// }
		name = ModuleGimbal
		gimbalTransformName = HoverTransform
		gimbalRange = 2
		name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
		animationName = overheat
		responseSpeed = 0.001
		dependOnEngineState = True
		dependOnThrottle = True
		name = ModuleAlternator
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 12.0
		name = ModuleSurfaceFX
		thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
		fxMax = 0.8
		maxDistance = 50
		falloff = 1.8
		thrustTransformName = HoverTransform
				clip = Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 1.0 1.0
				pitch = 0.0 0.8
				pitch = 1.0 1.0
				loop = true

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = LandingGears
		startEventGUIName = Gear Up 
		endEventGUIName = Gear Down 
		actionGUIName = Landing Gears

	name = ModuleReactionWheel
	PitchTorque = 200000000
	YawTorque = 100000000
	RollTorque = 100000000
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 200

	name = ModuleCommand
	minimumCrew = 1	

	name = ElectricCharge
	amount = 500000
	maxAmount = 500000
	name = LiquidFuel
	amount = 5000
	maxAmount = 5000
	name = MonoPropellant
	amount = 5000
	maxAmount = 5000
	name = Oxidizer
	amount = 5000
	maxAmount = 5000

		name = ModuleGenerator
		isAlwaysActive = true
		requiresAllinputs = false
		resourceThreshold = 0.01
		activateGUIName = Main Power On
		shutdownGUIName = Main Power Off
		efficiency = 95
			   name = ElectricCharge
			   rate = 100
		name = ModuleGenerator
		isAlwaysActive = true
		requiresAllinputs = false
		resourceThreshold = 0.01
		activateGUIName = Fuel Reactor On
		shutdownGUIName = Fuel Reactor Off
		efficiency = 95
			   name = LiquidFuel
			   rate = 260000

		name = ModuleGenerator
		isAlwaysActive = true
		requiresAllinputs = false
		resourceThreshold = 0.01
		activateGUIName = Cold Fusion On
		shutdownGUIName = Cold Fusion Off
		efficiency = 95
			   name = Oxidizer
			   rate = 260000
		name = ModuleGenerator
		isAlwaysActive = true
		requiresAllinputs = false
		resourceThreshold = 0.01
		activateGUIName = Main Bus On
		shutdownGUIName = Main Bus Off
		efficiency = 950
			   name = MonoPropellant
			   rate = 100.05

		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
		antennaType = DIRECT
		packetInterval = 0.35
		packetSize = 2
		packetResourceCost = 12.0
		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		DeployFxModules = 0
		antennaPower = 2000000000
		antennaCombinable = True

		name = ModuleActiveRadiator
		maxEnergyTransfer = 100000
		overcoolFactor = 0.25
		isCoreRadiator = true
		parentCoolingOnly = true
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 20
CrewCapacity = 8



I don't have the time yet but I've been planning for a few years to create a system that more or less functions like the "real" stuff, using stock modules only. Time will tell if I will be able to. Obviously things like an impulse engine would be possible, yet without the subspace bubble (no inertial compensators or modification of the higgs field, there's only so much one can do with stock modules). For the warp engine a modified version of the popular mod would work. Come to think of it, there could be two versions of the warp engine, one acting as impulse engine but limited to <1c.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive seen this in a few of the trek mods. including this mods part cfg.

fireSoundPath = Skunk_Works/Sounds/converted/torpedo
    overheatSoundPath = FutureWeapons/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat


neither the mod itself or the dependencies give the sound files above. or am I missing something... I got BDArm, Future Weapons.


some of the paths point to squad and correct furture weapon sound files. But a few point to these paths, which dont even exist...

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22 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Ive seen this in a few of the trek mods. including this mods part cfg.

fireSoundPath = Skunk_Works/Sounds/converted/torpedo
    overheatSoundPath = FutureWeapons/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat


neither the mod itself or the dependencies give the sound files above. or am I missing something... I got BDArm, Future Weapons.


some of the paths point to squad and correct furture weapon sound files. But a few point to these paths, which dont even exist...

There should be a Sounds folder in the skunk works directory.


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59 minutes ago, StinkyAce said:

There should be a Sounds folder in the skunk works directory.


Right, Im assuming im missing something or something is missing with the download. This doesnt unzip into the skunk dir. and and none of the dependencies that are listed do either. this download is structured like

Zipfile --> constrefit(folder)/startrekweapons(folder)

Constrefit folder contains model files and the cfg for it.

trekweapons contain more folders that are for parts.

no skunk dir, no sounds included

the only mod ive seen with sounds made by skunk works(that I have) is the ktagga cruiser. but they are exclusive to the mod i think.

To help with another issue...ive noticed with the mods I have by skunkworks; the file structure could use a tweak across the board. meening include in the download: GameData/Skunk_Works/Constrefit/... as the file path. so when people download they know A:mod owner/author, B: Mods created by said author/owner(that are installed). and C: where the mod goes and how to install it correctly.


an example of this would be the Ktagga and this mod(ConstRefit) unzipping to its own folder

the starwars pack mods and type F(gallileo7) mod has Skunk_Works as the parent folder, so at least I know where that belongs(GameData folder)

Edited by Jesusthebird
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9 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

Right, Im assuming im missing something or something is missing with the download. This doesnt unzip into the skunk dir. and and none of the dependencies that are listed do either. this download is structured like

Zipfile --> constrefit(folder)/startrekweapons(folder)

Constrefit folder contains model files and the cfg for it.

trekweapons contain more folders that are for parts.

no skunk dir, no sounds included

the only mod ive seen with sounds made by skunk works(that I have) is the ktagga cruiser. but they are exclusive to the mod i think.

To help with another issue...ive noticed with the mods I have by skunkworks; the file structure could use a tweak across the board. meening include in the download: GameData/Skunk_Works/Constrefit/... as the file path. so when people download they know A:mod owner/author, B: Mods created by said author/owner(that are installed). and C: where the mod goes and how to install it correctly.


an example of this would be the Ktagga and this mod(ConstRefit) unzipping to its own folder

the starwars pack mods and type F(gallileo7) mod has Skunk_Works as the parent folder, so at least I know where that belongs(GameData folder)

I see that the error is in fact on my end, the sound folder was not included nor was the parent folder. I shall take steps to correct this. Just in time for an upgrade. (Better weapon sounds for the trek stuff and a few new vessels such as the Galor class Cardassian,  and a few romulan designs. Thanks for the report. Stay tuned.

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6 hours ago, StinkyAce said:

I see that the error is in fact on my end, the sound folder was not included nor was the parent folder. I shall take steps to correct this. Just in time for an upgrade. (Better weapon sounds for the trek stuff and a few new vessels such as the Galor class Cardassian,  and a few romulan designs. Thanks for the report. Stay tuned.

Thanks! Glad I could help! Looking forward to playing with the final product!! It looks great!

Edited by Jesusthebird
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

I see some updated skunkworks mods for 1.4+. Is this one of them?

From what i know (now using 1.4) tbe models work fine, there seems to br an issue with bdarmory causing some models to not load. Not sure why, its a crap shoot. Try.

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