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[1.9.*, 1.10.*, 1.11.*] DockRotate - lightweight robotics - rotational control on docking ports (plus NodeRotate, make any part rotate)


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Sure, here they are.

KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gl4Z7eKoRG8cILsUO2rUpmvxd_TwP0Am/view?usp=sharing

output_log.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18EKF8wxhPq42NwJIySPM41Tkh3bSzNJr/view?usp=sharing

If you need anything else tell me, this is my first time reporting something mod related so I may not know exactly which logs you want etc.



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@Angel-125 and @sergih123, here you can download a debug dll that can help troubleshooting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glKSAW-pfI-1-BmKkcZRbAqcSZ55tga7/view?usp=sharing

Replace DockRotate.dll with the downloaded file, start KSP and go to the troublesome crafts. Then share the log (the whole log), and let's see if something changes.

Mind that after fixing, a craft reload might be needed (F5/F9, or switch to a distant vessel and back).

Fingers crossed!

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Ok I applied the .dll and after loading into the craft and pressing F5 F9 I was able to skip the (previously eternal) loading screen but the view was glitched and I couldn't move the camera around:


I just saw that the log files are indeed unreachable, sorry here are the new ones with the .dll file you sent!

KSP.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d3eP6KkBEe7DoVAltRxi7cdjQcyKUQfC/view?usp=sharing

output_log.txt https://drive.google.com/file/d/17SAJE3LkctOCAZyp_CoICqXYtv9Mmum6/view?usp=sharing

Ok I've just seen that the output_log.txt hasn't been updated since 2018, I had only included it because I had seen it in a 2017 thread where they discussed what logs you should sen to the modders, I guess ksp has updated and that file is not usefull anymore. However the KSP.log I can confirm is from my most recent test of the game with the new .dll


Again as before, if you need anything else, ask me for it :D




Edited by sergih123
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58 minutes ago, peteletroll said:

@Angel-125 and @sergih123, here you can download a debug dll that can help troubleshooting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glKSAW-pfI-1-BmKkcZRbAqcSZ55tga7/view?usp=sharing

Replace DockRotate.dll with the downloaded file, start KSP and go to the troublesome crafts. Then share the log (the whole log), and let's see if something changes.

Mind that after fixing, a craft reload might be needed (F5/F9, or switch to a distant vessel and back).

Fingers crossed!

Will do, thank you. :)

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After using the .dll, doing the F5/F9 trick and changing between ships you do go back to an unbugged view, but FPS drop a lot, like 15 FPS when I used to get 40-50, and I cannot undock a rover I used to transport the bugged ship with, the docking port has a red silouette, guess it had something to do.

Also it crashed after pressing "return back to launch" with a rover I used to get close to the bugged ship.


Here's the log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nsxXEioeklnPyEolFkDjzIGb3ImYdbsF/view?usp=sharing

Edited by sergih123
explaining myself better
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I did not use this mod the whole session.

In orbit with a BDB Gemini, after the reentry burn with the Service Module, I decoupled the SM with an Action Group key (the only way to do it, not stageable decoupling).

After that the log is spammed with

Module ModuleDockRotate threw during OnUpdate: System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at DockRotate.DynamicReferenceChanges.T (Part p) [0x00000] in <c414fc019a1b4146a90541ff52214df0>:0 
  at DockRotate.JointMotion.dynamicDeltaAngle () [0x00017] in <c414fc019a1b4146a90541ff52214df0>:0 
  at DockRotate.ModuleBaseRotate.dynamicDeltaAngle () [0x0001b] in <c414fc019a1b4146a90541ff52214df0>:0 
  at DockRotate.ModuleBaseRotate.updateStatus (DockRotate.JointMotionObj cr) [0x00067] in <c414fc019a1b4146a90541ff52214df0>:0 
  at DockRotate.ModuleBaseRotate.OnUpdate () [0x000d1] in <c414fc019a1b4146a90541ff52214df0>:0 
  at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x0004a] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)


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12 hours ago, peteletroll said:

@Tonka Crash, are you sure your log is generated with the dll I shared before? It's a debug dll, and the DR log lines should contain a "[DR:d:<frame>]" tag; your log contains "[DR:<frame>]" tags, and the lack of the ":d" part shows it's not a debug dll.

My mistake.  I'd renamed the original file DockRotate,orig.dll instead of DockRotate.dll,orig, so it was being loaded.  All fixed now. 

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1 hour ago, peteletroll said:

Does the new dll fix your problem too?

I was not able to do any docking for two days now - and today suddenly a significant fps drop started to annoy me.
But at least I can tell - docking or not - that there is no log spamming regarding DockRotate.

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Hello! Nice mod.


I have some questions:


1 - When i rotate the dock, my ship bounces and displace a lot of parts, i think is because the autostruts toggle, but i cant find the smart autostruts options (my advanced TW is on)

2 - Have some option to just dont remove the autostruts?

3 - The mod still compatible with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? The post of genovast is outdated.





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6 hours ago, dan1ell1ma said:

When i rotate the dock, my ship bounces and displace a lot of parts, i think is because the autostruts toggle, but i cant find the smart autostruts options (my advanced TW is on)

This shouldn't happen. Can you share more details?

Smart autostruts are enabled by default now, if you want to see the options you have to install the debug dll (rename DockRotate.debugdll to DockRotate.dll).

6 hours ago, dan1ell1ma said:

Have some option to just dont remove the autostruts?

When smart autostruts are enabled, only the autostruts that would prevent rotation are removed. If they weren't removed, the ship would break.

6 hours ago, dan1ell1ma said:

The mod still compatible with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? The post of genovast is outdated.

Which fork of KJR are you using? KJRNext is always compatible, other forks may need the xml configuration in @Geonovast post.

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