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Star Wars Episode VIII (8) the Last Jedi Discussion


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I had the day off so I went to see it earlier this afternoon. My first reaction was that it was enjoyable and certainly better than The Force Awakens. But all you killjoys have made me question that impression... I have said before on this forum that "Star Wars is like and old flame who calls you up every two years saying 'baby I've changed!'. You keep giving it another chance because it was great once, but it only leaves you disappointed yet again." If that is true again this time, then I am certainly less disappointed than I was after The Phantom Menace or The Force Awakens.

P.S. Porg is cuter!

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1 hour ago, PakledHostage said:

I had the day off so I went to see it earlier this afternoon. My first reaction was that it was enjoyable and certainly better than The Force Awakens. But all you killjoys have made me question that impression... I have said before on this forum that "Star Wars is like and old flame who calls you up every two years saying 'baby I've changed!'. You keep giving it another chance because it was great once, but it only leaves you disappointed yet again." If that is true again this time, then I am certainly less disappointed than I was after The Phantom Menace or The Force Awakens.

P.S. Porg is cuter!

Honestly, the more I think about the movie, the more disappointed I become with it. It's not really a movie that wants you to think about it too much.

And, sorry, Baby Groot is way cuter. He dances. Porgs just stand around, stare at you, and bleat like sheep.

5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Because raccoon. 

Oh, no. I like Rocket, but Drax makes that movie. If you pulled Drax out it would be like a Woody Allen film with laser guns. Still amusing, but nowhere near as funny.

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So much hate in this thread. I feel sorry for the lot of you.

What you feel now is how I felt after Episode II. Now I understand why, and I can only hope most of you learn how to relax and enjoy life, and that you’ll eventually realize this is the only Star Wars movie that’s been made since 1983. 


Just remember: In the end it’s not about Jedi vs Sith; it’s about the military-industrial complex sparking a war over Naboo so they can sell weapons to both sides for DECADES. The Jedi and the Sith are just pawns in the real game.

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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4 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

you’ll eventually realize this is the only Star Wars movie that’s been made since 1983. 

No offense, but you'll also eventually realize that there was a Star Wars movie in fact, made in 2015!

About feelings on the film - haven't seen it, don't particularly mind or care about it.

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3 hours ago, cubinator said:

The crystal foxes are cuter than the Porgs.

I have to agree with you there. They were kind of gratuitous, but they were cool. The porgs were kinda gratuitous too, but I cut them some slack because I could imagine them being inspired by the puffins on Skellig Michael. Baby Groot, on the other hand, was so cringe inducing in the Guardians of The Galaxy trailers that it turned me right off ever wanting to see that film.

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10 hours ago, _Augustus_ said:

If you don't like The Last Jedi (like me), consider signing this petition:



 I didn't like this movie because it was a sucky movie. I don't care about the "official canon". I don't care what they throw out or keep in so long as I enjoy watching what winds up on the screen.

 So while I won't be signing this petition, please let me know if somebody starts an "I want my money and 2 1/2 hours of my life back" petition. I'll sign that one.


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I liked the movie, but I have one question regarding the Resistance tactics:

Why didn't they use those cruisers that fell back and were destroyed to ram the Star Destroyers at lightspeed?

After all, they were going to be destroyed anyways (since they had less fuel than the main cruiser), and we also know that ships can jump to lightspeed on their last dregs of fuel, as the main cruiser did - the way I see it, it's maintaining that speed through hyperspace that drains their fuel. Since the crews could (and were) be evacuated, there's no reason that the doomed ships couldn't be used as rams and maybe saved the main cruiser/most of the Resistance.

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I feel that for ramming, at light speed or not, mass is still king. Momentum, and kinetic energy, increase linearly with mass. Even with that huge v2 multiplier, a ship ten times bigger will do ten times as much damage. If small objects could do enough damage at lightspeed, they'd have hyper-driven torpedoes everywhere.

The more I think about it, the less I care for this movie. It was funny and had good action, but there are also some "um, yeah, okay" moments. While Leia demonstrated effective use of the Force in free-fall (finally, somebody!), something in the execution of that scene irked me. Maybe it's because I can't decide if she looked more like the RoboMaid from SpaceBalls, or Alice from The Brady Bunch



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I'm not happy that Rey is this Hyper Powerful person and has no back story. Just this classic nobody becomes hero Disney Charachter.

Here is how I view this.

Mace Windu + Yoda are beaten by Darth Sidious. Obi Wan Defeats Vader and loses so it's irrelevant. Vader Defeats Sidious. Luke Defeats Vader. 

So in a Sense Luke is King of the Force Weilder Hill.

here comes Kylo Ren who beats Luke with a minimal Fight.

(Here is the real Problem) 

Nobody Hyper Powerful Rey comes along and defeats the well trained Kylo Ren on Star Killer base WITH NO TRAINING!

I mean Anakin had 20,00 Miticlorians If I remember right The most of any person ever and he is beaten by Luke in Light Saber Combat! 

Anakin Needed TRAINING TOO. I Mean he got bested by The Loser Count Dooku!

He then proceeds to destroy him AFTER TRAINING!

Then Rey comes along and defeats Kylo After hearing the word Force. She doesn't even know how to use the force she doesn't even know what it is until Han Tells here about it. 

Then Disney try's to cover up their failure by saying "Untaimed Power" 

They could have had her been a Nobody and been trained at the Academy but escaped from Kylo Ren. That would have been half believable.

Maby even have her be related to some random Dark Jedi or something.

Disney didn't even try! 

As a guestamit Rey would need atleast maby 60 - 70 THOUSAND Mitoclorians to do that.

They Turn Luke into a Couch Potato Grandpa. I mean just want the Ep. VI Luke convinces Vader to turn back to light and in a sense overthrows the emperor via his father using his fathers emotions. He is standing up to the two people who overthrew the Enitre Galactic Republic and Jedi Order In a matter of days via Order 66 and when His little ACADEMY not even Order but ACADEMY is destroyed he runs off and stops using the force and becomes a farmer on a planet. I mean really. 

He isn't looking for answers at the temple he went their to die as stated it's ridiculous. Without him the Emperor would have directed the Battle of Endor with Vader and not been focused on Luke resulting in a Victory for the Empire. 

If Vader was in his Starfighter no Rebel would have gotten near that reactor core! 

Luke saved the Entire Galaxy! Think about the scale of a Galaxy! And they Destroy that with this nonsense about his being "Depressed" 

Come on! 

Over all the Last Jedi wasn't That bad. I still think Ep. II was worst.



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Saw it yesterday. Gave myself 24 to mull it over. Conclusion: I liked it, didn't love it. I had problems with it but there are like 3 movies in the history of movies that I don't have problems with.

Star Wars hasn't been ruined, nor was it saved. I'm looking forward to both the Solo movie and episode IX, but don't expect either of those to ruin or save the franchise either.

Oh, and Baby Groot is not comparable to those puffin things. He should be compared to BB8.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

I'm not happy that Rey is this Hyper Powerful person and has no back story.

Maybe this would be revealed in season 2.

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Mace Windu + Yoda are beaten by Darth Sidious. Obi Wan Defeats Vader and loses so it's irrelevant. Vader Defeats Sidious. Luke Defeats Vader. 



5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Nobody Hyper Powerful Rey comes along and defeats the well trained Kylo Ren on Star Killer base WITH NO TRAINING!

I mean Anakin had 20,00 Miticlorians If I remember right The most of any person ever and he is beaten by Luke in Light Saber Combat! 

So, the midichlorians are bound to X chromosome, and Rey has a double set of them.
This probably proves that she is Luke's daughter or something like that.

(Also she has three curvy ponytails of unknown nature.
Maybe the whirls of power rise the hair spirals, like crop circles.)

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Then Rey comes along and defeats Kylo After hearing the word Force. She doesn't even know how to use the force she doesn't even know what it is until Han Tells here about it. 

So, she did it by just a brutal female fForce.
Then came Prof. Han and began to tell her the lectures about woman's health Force (i.e. about the things which he knew himself theoretically, from books and stories).

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Then Rey comes along and defeats Kylo After hearing the word Force.

She always hated the school physics. If he said Momentum, he would be murdered at all.

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Anakin Needed TRAINING TOO. I Mean he got bested by The Loser Count Dooku!

He then proceeds to destroy him AFTER TRAINING!

The came an elder schoolgirl and bullied them both.

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Then Disney try's to cover up their failure by saying "Untaimed Power" 

Or Disney is going to maintain the idea mentioned above, and make a franchise combining Rey, WonderWoman and SuperGirl in one setting.

SW s01e10: The Kryptonite Jedi.

5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

Luke saved the Entire Galaxy! Think about the scale of a Galaxy!

Unless as Galaxy they mean a tiny populated bubble several tens lightyears in size, as the only populated region in the galaxy known to them.

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On 24/12/2017 at 2:31 AM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Luke saved the Entire Galaxy! Think about the scale of a Galaxy! And they Destroy that with this nonsense about his being "Depressed"

Episode IV.  Had to be persuaded by Force ghost mentor figure to actually use the Force at all. Only avoided getting smeared across the trench by Vader because Han saved him in the nick of time.

Episode V. Utterly failed to sense large carnivorous life form. Escaped by Force pulling his saber so fair play there but then showed all the survival instincts of a stunned womp rat by wandering out into a blizzard. Fortunately Han just happened to be passing by again. Went on to further distinguish himself by ignoring the advice of his Jedi master and going off half-trained (and half-cocked) to confront Vader. Got comprehensively pwned.

Episode VI. Continuing his winning streak of ignoring his training (a Jedi uses the Force for defence and knowledge), manages to rescue Han. Fairish play. Only avoids becoming a crispy Padawan kebab at the Emperor's hands because dear old dad has a last minute change of heart. 

Post Episode VI. Subscribed to the 'Obi-Wan' school of expert Jedi tutelage. Gave his most promising student a hefty shove along the path to the Dark side before watching his other students fall.

Pre-Episode VII. Retires to ancient Jedi temple with raging case of imposter syndrome and a generous side of existential guilt, served with a hearty stew of self-loathing. And this comes as a surprise?

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15 minutes ago, KSK said:

Episode IV.  Had to be persuaded by Force ghost mentor figure to actually use the Force at all. Only avoided getting smeared across the trench by Vader because Han saved him in the nick of time.

Episode V. Utterly failed to sense large carnivorous life form. Escaped by Force pulling his saber so fair play there but then showed all the survival instincts of a stunned womp rat by wandering out into a blizzard. Fortunately Han just happened to be passing by again. Went on to further distinguish himself by ignoring the advice of his Jedi master and going off half-trained (and half-cocked) to confront Vader. Got comprehensively pwned.

Episode VI. Continuing his winning streak of ignoring his training (a Jedi uses the Force for defence and knowledge), manages to rescue Han. Fairish play. Only avoids becoming a crispy Padawan kebab at the Emperor's hands because dear old dad has a last minute change of heart. 

Post Episode VI. Subscribed to the 'Obi-Wan' school of expert Jedi tutelage. Gave his most promising student a hefty shove along the path to the Dark side before watching his other students fall.

Pre-Episode VII. Retires to ancient Jedi temple with raging case of imposter syndrome and a generous side of existential guilt, served with a hearty stew of self-loathing. And this comes as a surprise?

Ok fair enough but then Rey needs NO TRAINING? 

Im not suggesting Luke got no training either.

Rey shouldnt be more powerful... At most she should a equal but so powerful he knocks Luke to the ground. 

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Snarks about Luke aside, I'm not sure that needs to be true. Force training seems to me to be more about learning to consistently tap into the Force than developing strength in it - which is a pretty slippery concept anyway.

Most of Luke's training was about getting past his self-doubt and arguably most of that self doubt was down to Obi-Wan's depiction of the Jedi as this legendary force for good in the  Galaxy. Kind of difficult to see yourself in those size boots unless you have a colossal ego and for all Luke's other flaws, excessive ego wasn't one of them.

Whereas for Rey - and young Anakin for that matter, using the Force didn't come with a lot of preconceptions - so they just did it. If you like, they just did - there was no try.

The Force is also something to guide your actions as well as obey your commands (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Episode IV). I don't have any problem with the notion that the Force itself can be the greatest teacher. After all, the very first Jedi presumably didn't have any other teachers to rely on.

Finally, as we saw with Anakin, the Force also seems to be capable of creating avatars of arbitrary strength when needed.

Or I could be completely wrong. :) 

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