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Certain mods ONLY fetch from KerbalStuff, Which means it can't salvage from GitHub OR SpaceDock. The two I've found so far are:



Kerbal Aircraft Expansion

I'm still looking.

I don't mind if you can't fix it, just pointing it out :wink:

Edited by NotAnAmazingKerbal
Added some more mods :)
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  On 3/3/2016 at 8:13 PM, NotAnAmazingKerbal said:

Certain mods ONLY fetch from KerbalStuff, Which means it can't salvage from GitHub OR SpaceDock. The two I've found so far are:



Kerbal Aircraft Expansion

I'm still looking.

I don't mind if you can't fix it, just pointing it out :wink:


Realchutes and Tweakscale are both on Github, and KAX is on Curse. Why are you posting this question to the Spacedock thread?

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  On 3/3/2016 at 5:25 PM, CyberFoxx said:

Not sure if this is a problem on CKAN's end, or SpaceDock's end, so I'll be posting this in both threads:

$ ./ckan.exe install CustomClusters --verbose
311 [1] INFO CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass (null) - Verbose logging enabled
367 [1] INFO CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass (null) - Using KSP install at /home/cyberfoxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program
2748 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ModuleManager.2.6.20.dll, it belongs to ModuleManager
2748 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering PartIconFixer_1_2 from GameData/PartIconFixer_1_2.dll
2749 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.dll, it belongs to FilterExtensions
2756 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_Toolbar/Toolbar.dll, it belongs to Toolbar
2757 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_USITools/DynamicTanks.dll, it belongs to USITools
2757 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_USITools/USITools.dll, it belongs to USITools
2774 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ASET/ASET_Props/Plugin/ASETPropsIdentifier.dll, it belongs to ASETProps
2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AntennaRange/ARVoidPanel.dll, it belongs to AntennaRange
2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AntennaRange/AntennaRange.dll, it belongs to AntennaRange
2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering AstrotechUtilities from GameData/Astrotech/AstrotechUtilities.dll
2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering CareerLite from GameData/Astrotech/CareerLite/plugins/CareerLite.dll
2777 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AutoRove/AutoRove.dll, it belongs to AutoRove
2777 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/BahaSP/Plugins/BDAnimationModules.dll, it belongs to BDAnimationModules
2778 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/BetterBurnTime/BetterBurnTime.dll, it belongs to BetterBurnTime
2779 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CapCom/CapCom.dll, it belongs to CapCom
2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/CC_RemoteTech.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/ContractConfigurator.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
2784 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/AnomalySurveyor.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor
2786 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/KFiles/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-KFiles
2786 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation
2787 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/Spacetux/UnmannedContracts/UnmannedContracts.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts
2788 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractsWindow/ContractsWindow.dll, it belongs to ContractsWindowPlus
2856 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CryoEngines/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to CryoEngines
2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CryoTanks/Plugins/SimpleBoiloff.dll, it belongs to CryoTanks
2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CustomBarnKit/CustomBarnKit.dll, it belongs to CustomBarnKit
2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DMagicOrbitalScience/Plugins/DMagic.dll, it belongs to DMagicOrbitalScience
2861 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DPSoundFX/Plugins/DockingSounds.dll, it belongs to DockingSounds
2861 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DefaultActionGroups/DefaultActionGroups.dll, it belongs to DefaultActionGroups
2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DeployableEngines/Plugins/DeployableEngines.dll, it belongs to DeployableEngines
2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AGExt/AGExt.dll, it belongs to AGExt
2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AGExt/kOSVoidAction.dll, it belongs to AGExt
2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/ActsEW/ActsEW.dll, it belongs to ActsEW
2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AutoAction/AutoAction.dll, it belongs to AutoAction
2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/LandingHeight/LandingHeight.dll, it belongs to LandingHeight
2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DistantObject/DistantObject.dll, it belongs to DistantObject
2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVAEnhancements/EVAEnhancements.dll, it belongs to EVAEnhancements
2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVAManager/EVAManager.dll, it belongs to EVAManager
2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVA_OK/EVA_OK.dll, it belongs to EVAOK
2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EditorExtensionsRedux/EditorExtensionsRedux.dll, it belongs to EditorExtensionsRedux
2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EditorExtensionsRedux/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to EditorExtensionsRedux
2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EngineLight/EngineLight.dll, it belongs to EngineLighting
2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EngineLight/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to EngineLighting
2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnhancedNavBall/Plugins/EnhancedNavBall.dll, it belongs to EnhancedNavBall
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Atmosphere.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/CelestialShadows.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/CityLights.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/EVEManager.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/PQSManager.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/ShaderLoader.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Terrain.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Utils.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/FieldExperience/FieldExperience.dll, it belongs to FieldExperience
2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll, it belongs to FirespitterCore
2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/FlagRotate/FlagRotate.dll, it belongs to FlagRotate
2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/GCMonitor/GCMonitor.dll, it belongs to GCMonitor
2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/GravityTurn/Plugins/GravityTurn.dll, it belongs to GravityTurn
2867 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HangarGrid/Plugins/HangarGrid.dll, it belongs to HangarGrid
2869 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HeatControl/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to HeatControl
2871 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HideEmptyTechNodes/HideEmptyTechNodes.dll, it belongs to HideEmptyTechNodes
2871 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HotSpot/Plugins/HotSpot.dll, it belongs to HotSpot
2872 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HullCameraVDS/Plugins/HullCamera.dll, it belongs to HullcamVDS
2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/InterstellarFuelSwitch.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
2876 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins/RasterPropMonitor.dll, it belongs to RasterPropMonitor-Core
2877 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KAS/Plugins/KAS.dll, it belongs to KAS
2877 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KAS/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KAS
2880 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KIS/Plugins/KIS.dll, it belongs to KIS
2880 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KIS/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KIS
2881 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KSP-AVC/KSP-AVC.dll, it belongs to KSP-AVC
2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalAtomics/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KerbalAtomics
2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer.dll, it belongs to KerbalEngineerRedux
2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalEngineer/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KerbalEngineerRedux
2884 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/KerbalJointReinforcement.dll, it belongs to KerbalJointReinforcement
2885 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalKonstructs/KerbalKonstructs.dll, it belongs to KerbalKonstructs
2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalRenamer/plugins/Renamer.dll, it belongs to KerbalRenamer
2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalStats/Plugins/KerbalStats.dll, it belongs to KerbalStats
2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit_1.4.2.dll, it belongs to HyperEdit
2891 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/KerboKatzUtilities.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzUtilities
2891 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/CraftHistory/CraftHistory.dll, it belongs to CraftHistory
2892 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/ForScienceContinued/ForScienceContinued.dll, it belongs to ForScienceContinued
2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/RecoverAll/RecoverAll.dll, it belongs to RecoverAll
2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/AutoBalancingLandingLeg/AutoBalancingLandingLeg.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-AutoBalancingLandingLeg
2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/FillSpotsWithTourists/FillSpotsWithTourists.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FillSpotsWithTourists
2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/PhysicalTimeRatioViewer/PhysicalTimeRatioViewer.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-PhysicalTimeRatioViewer
2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal/Plugins/km_Gimbal.dll, it belongs to KlockheedMartian-Gimbal
2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering KspPlayers from GameData/KspPlayers/KspPlayers.dll
2896 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering MiniAVC from GameData/KspPlayers/MiniAVC.dll
2897 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/LightsOut/LightsOut.dll, it belongs to LightsOut
2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/InfernalRobotics.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
2903 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/MechJeb2.dll, it belongs to MechJeb2
2910 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NRAP/Plugins/NRAP.dll, it belongs to KerbalNRAP
2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/DPAI_RPM.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/DockingPortAlignment.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/ModuleDockingNodeNamed.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
2915 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureConstruction/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureConstruction
2918 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Plugins/NearFutureElectrical.dll, it belongs to NearFutureElectrical-Core
2918 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureElectrical
2929 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
2929 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Plugins/NearFuturePropulsion.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
2930 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
2931 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSolar/Plugins/NearFutureSolar.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSolar-Core
2931 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSolar/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSolar
2933 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSpacecraft/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSpacecraft
2933 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Nereid/FinalFrontier/Plugins/FinalFrontier.dll, it belongs to FinalFrontier
2945 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Nereid/S.A.V.E/Plugins/S.A.V.E.dll, it belongs to SAVE
2947 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PartCommander/PartCommander.dll, it belongs to PartCommander
2948 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to PlanetShine
2948 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/PlanetShine.dll, it belongs to PlanetShine
2954 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetaryBaseInc/Plugins/PlanetarySurfaceStructures.dll, it belongs to KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems
2955 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PortraitStats/PortraitStats.dll, it belongs to PortraitStats
2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PreciseNode/plugins/PreciseNode.dll, it belongs to PreciseNode
2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralFairings/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to ProceduralFairings
2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralFairings/ProceduralFairings.dll, it belongs to ProceduralFairings
2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralParts/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to ProceduralParts
2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralParts/Plugins/ProceduralParts.dll, it belongs to ProceduralParts
2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProgressParser/ProgressParser.dll, it belongs to ProgressParser
2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuantumStrutsContinued/Plugins/QuantumStrutsContinued.dll, it belongs to QuantumStrutsContinued
2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickBrake/Plugins/QuickBrake.dll, it belongs to QuickBrake
2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickExit/Plugins/QuickExit.dll, it belongs to QuickExit
2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickScroll/Plugins/QuickScroll.dll, it belongs to QuickScroll
2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickSearch/Plugins/QuickSearch.dll, it belongs to QuickSearch
2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickSearch/Plugins/QuickSearch2.dll, it belongs to QuickSearch
2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RCSBuildAid/Plugins/RCSBuildAid.dll, it belongs to RCSBuildAid
2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RCSBuildAid/Plugins/RCSBuildAidToolbar.dll, it belongs to RCSBuildAid
2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
2961 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Plugins/AYInterfaces.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
2961 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Plugins/AmpYear.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
2962 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/DFInterface.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/DeepFreeze.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/SMInterface.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
2964 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/KabinKraziness/Plugins/KKInterfaces.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
2969 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RcsSounds/Plugins/RcsSounds.dll, it belongs to RCSSounds
2970 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RealChute/Plugins/RealChute.dll, it belongs to RealChute
2980 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SCANsat/Plugins/SCANmechjeb.dll, it belongs to SCANsat
2980 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SCANsat/Plugins/SCANsat.dll, it belongs to SCANsat
2981 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SETIcontracts/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to SETI-Contracts
2981 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SETIrebalance/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to SETI-BalanceMod
2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/CLSInterfaces.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/SMInterface.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/ShipManifest.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SimpleConstruction/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to SimpleConstruction
2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SimpleConstruction/Plugins/Launchpad.dll, it belongs to SimpleConstruction
2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SmartStage/Plugins/SmartStage.dll, it belongs to SmartStage
2987 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SmokeScreen/SmokeScreen.dll, it belongs to SmokeScreen
3027 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering KSPSteamCtrlr from GameData/Squad/Plugins/KSPSteamCtrlr.dll
3027 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering Steamworks from GameData/Squad/Plugins/Steamworks.NET.dll
3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StageRecovery/StageRecovery.dll, it belongs to StageRecovery
3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/StockBugFixPlusController.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/InFlightHighlightOff/InFlightHighlightOff.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleAeroSurfacePlus/ModuleAeroSurfacePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleControlSurfacePlus/ModuleControlSurfacePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleGimbalPlus/ModuleGimbalPlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleParachutePlus/ModuleParachutePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleProceduralFairingFix/ModuleProceduralFairingFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleWheelPlus/ModuleWheelPlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/PilotRSASFix/PilotRSASFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/SymmetryActionFix/SymmetryActionFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockClamshellFairings/StockClamshellFairings.dll, it belongs to StockClamshellFairings
3038 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SurfaceLights/SurfaceLights.dll, it belongs to surfacelights
3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TacFuelBalancer/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to TacFuelBalancer
3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TacFuelBalancer/TacFuelBalancer.dll, it belongs to TacFuelBalancer
3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TakeCommand/TakeCommand.dll, it belongs to TakeCommand
3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TarsierSpaceTech/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies
3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TarsierSpaceTech/TarsierSpaceTech.dll, it belongs to TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies
3041 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TextureReplacer/Plugins/TextureReplacer.dll, it belongs to TextureReplacer
3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/Plugins/ThrottleControlledAvionics.dll, it belongs to ThrottleControlledAvionics
3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ToadicusTools/ToadicusTools.dll, it belongs to ToadicusTools
3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Trajectories/Plugin/Trajectories.dll, it belongs to Trajectories
3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TreeToppler/TreeToppler.dll, it belongs to TreeToppler
3045 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/KSPAlternateResourcePanel/KSPAlternateResourcePanel.dll, it belongs to AlternateResourcePanel
3047 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/KerbalAlarmClock/KerbalAlarmClock.dll, it belongs to KerbalAlarmClock
3049 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/TransferWindowPlanner/TransferWindowPlanner.dll, it belongs to TransferWindowPlanner
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale_Editor.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableControlSurfaces.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableDockingNode.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableEVA.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableFuelPumps.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableGimbals.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableIntakes.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableParachutes.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableReactionWheels.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableSAS.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableSolarPanels.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
3056 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Karbonite.dll, it belongs to Karbonite
3058 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/KarbonitePlus/KarbPlus.dll, it belongs to KarbonitePlus
3059 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kolonization/KolonyTools.dll, it belongs to USI-UKS-Shared
3061 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport/USILifeSupport.dll, it belongs to USI-LS
3063 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/AirbagTools.dll, it belongs to USI-SRV
3063 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/Lifeboat.dll, it belongs to USI-SRV
3065 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/WarpEngine.dll, it belongs to AlcubierreStandalone
3065 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UnmannedBeforeManned/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to UnmannedBeforeManned
3080 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/VesselMover/VesselMover.dll, it belongs to VesselMover
3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WasdEditorCamera/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to WasdEditorCameraContinued
3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WasdEditorCamera/Plugins/WasdEditorCamera.dll, it belongs to WasdEditorCameraContinued
3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WaypointManager/WaypointManager.dll, it belongs to WaypointManager
3082 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WheelSounds/Plugins/WheelSounds.dll, it belongs to RoverWheelSounds
3085 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to WildBlueTools
3085 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Plugins/WildBlueTools.dll, it belongs to WildBlueTools
3089 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering Buffalo from GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Plugins/Buffalo.dll
3094 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Plugins/Pathfinder.dll, it belongs to Pathfinder
3095 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Workshop/Plugins/Workshop.dll, it belongs to Workshop
3096 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/[x] Science!/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to xScience
3096 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/[x] Science!/[x] Science!.dll, it belongs to xScience
3505 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving relationships for CustomClusters
3505 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving dependencies for CustomClusters
3509 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving relationships for CustomClusters
3509 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving dependencies for CustomClusters
About to install...

 * Custom Clusters 0.53.1

Continue? [Y/n] y

Downloading "https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip" (libcurl)
4980 [1] INFO CKAN.Curl (null) - Using curl-ca bundle: (none)
5568 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - Error downloading https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip: CKAN.Kraken: SslPeerCertificate
5569 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - All files finished downloading
Failed to download "https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip" - error: SslPeerCertificate
One or more files failed to download, stopped.

And just as a test, I tried with using curl from the command line:

$ curl -sv https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip -o Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip
*   Trying
* Connected to ckan1.spacedock.info ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [512 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [61 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
{ [3349 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
{ [589 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [4 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [70 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [1 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [16 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [1 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [16 bytes data]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
* 	 subject: C=DE; CN=i.52k.de; emailAddress=postmaster@52k.de
* 	 start date: Mar 24 02:00:07 2015 GMT
* 	 expire date: Mar 23 18:41:38 2016 GMT
* 	 subjectAltName does not match ckan1.spacedock.info
* SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'ckan1.spacedock.info'
* Closing connection 0
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, Client hello (1):
} [2 bytes data]

If I'm reading it right, curl/libcurl is saying that SpaceDock doesn't have a valid SSL cert entry for ckan1.spacedock.info. I had just switched from using OpenSSL to LibreSSL, so it might be a bit more strict on this.

Just thought I'd bring this up and hopefully there is some sort of fix to be had...


I'm still seeing this, to be honest.

No, I'm not. This is what I see:

Downloading "https://spacedock.info/mod/198/Throttle Controlled Avionics/download/" (libcurl)
3220 [1] INFO CKAN.Curl (null) - Using curl-ca bundle: (none)
3551 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - Finished downloading https://spacedock.info/mod/198/Throttle Controlled Avionics/download/
3551 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - All files finished downloading

Installing mod "ThrottleControlledAvionics"
Unhandled Exception:
CKAN.FileNotFoundKraken: Trying to install ThrottleControlledAvionics, but it's not downloaded or download is corrupted

This happens regardless of the mod I'm trying to download from Spaceport. All files from SP end up as zero-byte length. I'll fool around a bit more to see if I get the same from non-SP mods. If so I'll just delete this post.

Edit: it works fine for mods from github. I'm on Mac OS X, if that helps.

Edited by ola
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I am sorry to see that you still have not reached $180 a month necessary to ensure you can handle the same level of usage Kerbal stuff had.  Come on guys we need to make sure this project is a success.  Help them out I am sure they have more than 10,000 users if they all contributed they could even pay themselves a small wage.   Let's not abuse their generosity like we did with Kerbal stuff.

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I want to add that i offered my resources knowing that it would be like most web projects: you sink a lot of money and time into it. So even if i it doesnt pay my expenses and its only a dream to send darklight some cake or a new farmers hat the site wont go away.

In fact im pretty amazed by the amount of money beeing donated (and i hate some beeing lost because of patreon/wirening/taxes).

But money isnt everything we also can always need men hours. It starts with as little as ansering support mails, answering questions in social media and here and doesnt end at coding and some advanced server stuff. In my opinion no matter whats your interrest or your profession you will have traits that can benifit this project. All thats needed is teamwork and grownup behaviour.

If youre interrested in helping or have any question join us in irc.esper.net #spacedock or post here.

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because of the hype around 1.1 I want to write some words of thanks to all that helped to build SpaceDock in the short amount of time and of course SirCmpwn for his great KerbalStuff and the decision to make it open source.

So thanks to all (including all moders) that make Kerbal the great experience it is!




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I couldn't agree more.

When I first saw the open letter on KerbalStuff I nearly shed a tear; I thought I'd have to go to Curse for that which CKAN CKAN't provide. I'm incredibly glad to see that the community isn't just going to let a great site like that die.  

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updated OP to weekly status. i've started a new job, so my op updates are weekly at best for most likely the rest of this month. ping me if anything specific needed. as always send email to support@spacedock.info for support requests!

Edited by inigma
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  On 3/8/2016 at 3:06 AM, daniel l. said:

Is it possible to add a like/dislike button as well as the option to change the name of a mod?


Ohh, I think rating mods like that is a dangerous idea, since what makes a "good mod" is hard to pin down and varies from player to player.  A favorite/follow system might work better.

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  On 3/8/2016 at 4:03 AM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Ohh, I think rating mods like that is a dangerous idea, since what makes a "good mod" is hard to pin down and varies from player to player.  A favorite/follow system might work better.


What about neing able to change the name? Modders might want to rename their mods without losing followers or download counts.

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there was some heated discussion some pages back about rating and "social" stuff. my opinion is: if we would add a rating system then it has to be more like a thums up or down but has to come with a reason and/or have to be more granular. for now were focusing on other things than this touchy topic. mostly things you wont see like cdn and backend code.

Renaming mods is problematic:

the files are saved with a specific name thats tied to the url.
And changing the mod name would change the url which also makes all links useless.
My solution would be to tie the followers to the author/team and not to the mod itself (which in turn poses the problem if someone makes multiple mods).

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  On 3/8/2016 at 9:20 AM, VITAS said:

there was some heated discussion some pages back about rating and "social" stuff. my opinion is: if we would add a rating system then it has to be more like a thums up or down but has to come with a reason and/or have to be more granular. for now were focusing on other things than this touchy topic. mostly things you wont see like cdn and backend code.

Renaming mods is problematic:

the files are saved with a specific name thats tied to the url.
And changing the mod name would change the url which also makes all links useless.
My solution would be to tie the followers to the author/team and not to the mod itself (which in turn poses the problem if someone makes multiple mods).


Ultimately, being able to change the mod name means the unique key can't be the mod name, AND none of the uris can have the mod name in them.  I think it's easier to just put a comment in saying you're changing the name, create a new mod, and hope followers switch over.  It's pretty much what happens with all the author changes for the collection of "blah continued" mods out there.

Yes, it'd be nice if there was an easy way to rename, but I think the logistics of it aren't worth it when you can bypass by using human brains reading comments.  I know my solution is far from perfect.  But there's other, better areas spacedock can work on improving first.

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  On 3/8/2016 at 9:20 AM, VITAS said:

there was some heated discussion some pages back about rating and "social" stuff. my opinion is: if we would add a rating system then it has to be more like a thums up or down but has to come with a reason and/or have to be more granular. for now were focusing on other things than this touchy topic. mostly things you wont see like cdn and backend code.

Renaming mods is problematic:

the files are saved with a specific name thats tied to the url.
And changing the mod name would change the url which also makes all links useless.
My solution would be to tie the followers to the author/team and not to the mod itself (which in turn poses the problem if someone makes multiple mods).



Yeah, I think this is a bit of a design flaw in how it was set up on KerbalStuff. The URLs could probably be redesigned to only care about the mod's UID, and ignore the name portion of the URI. Renaming the files could be an issue. I think it would be better to instead have a tracking table that maps version numbers to filenames, so that older files retain the older names, but can still be retrieved when the user wants a specific version of the mod, which is kinda how CKAN asks for the files currently.


The ID number really should be the unique identifier that is unchanging, and the name just a string associated with it, that nothing else relies on. It's probably a bit of a rewrite to make that work cleanly without breaking anything that interacts with the site currently, but not impossible.

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