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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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12 hours ago, ErevanGaming said:

Would like to ask if the modified KJR is still needed for "Infernal Robotics - Next" to work with KSP 1.6.1? =">

KJR is not exactly needed to IR to work . I have vessels using IR and the old and faithul AutoStruts and EAS Struts - KJR is a GrandParent AutoStruts with Steroids. :) 

You will need KJR if you build big vessels, using or not Infernal Robotics.

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17 hours ago, Lisias said:

KJR is not exactly needed to IR to work . I have vessels using IR and the old and faithul AutoStruts and EAS Struts - KJR is a GrandParent AutoStruts with Steroids. :) 

You will need KJR if you build big vessels, using or not Infernal Robotics.

But it's necessary to build more advanced machines . Otherwise everything is wobbling and falling apart :( . 

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Sorry for my (bad) english. I’ll try to be as clear as possible
I’m new user of Infernal Robotics Next.

lt's a very fantastic mod, but I have several issue with it.

Install ver: Infernal Robotics v3.0.0 ("Next", beta 3, patch 7)
Ksp ver : 1.6.0

1- Symmetry issue
I make this rover on the SPH. I build it with mirror symmetry
It looks like this when it deployed
IR work perfectly in the VPH

However, when the rover is in orbit it does not deploy correctly.
The leg do that :
Instead of that :


2- Rover was not reloaded correctly
So I remake it without symmetry send it on orbit, save the game all is fine :
But, when I reload the game the rover look like that :

And finally the game hang:


3- Extendatron not up
After several attempts, I land the rover grab the part and… the extendatron doesn’t want to lift it.

If I release the part it work again.
The rover work correctly on the KSP runaway. He can take a part and lift it.

Liste of installed mods :

KSP: 1.6 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.6.2
ClickThroughBlocker -
KSP API Extensions /L -
ToolbarControl -
AutoAsparagus - 2.2.16
Community Category Kit - 4.0
Community Resource Pack - 1.0
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.10.6933.41006
KAS - 1.1.6876.38030
Kerbal Engineer Redux -
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement /L -
HyperEdit - 1.5.8
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.16.6876.37464
KramaxAutoPilotContinued -
KSP-AVC Plugin -
Infernal Robotics - 3.0
Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.8.2
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.6.7
Procedural Fairings -
RCS Build Aid -
SmartStage -
ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5.3
TAC Life Support - 0.13.11
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.10
Waypoint Manager - 2.7.4
World Stabilizer - 0.9.3
[x] Science! - 5.19

Thanks for your help.






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9 hours ago, djedje_zr7 said:

1- Symmetry issue
I make this rover on the SPH. I build it with mirror symmetry

Welcome to KSP forums. This symmetry bug dates several KSP versions ago. Have no true solution, only workaround of this. One option is to inverse rotation on mirrored part in VAB/SPH.
Other option is to break symmetry on purpose. Additional reason why you should do this is if you use stock wheels/legs on moving part of rover, it will autostrut to mirrored part.

So, trick that can help you with this is following:

  1. create one side of moving parts as you already did and place it in symmetry
  2. copy mirrored side of IR parts (ALT + click) and put on side not attached to craft
  3. remove parts that you placed first and remove symmetry option
  4. re-attach first placed IR parts without symmetry
  5. attach mirrored copy on oposite side without symmetry too

Now you can set rotation independently of each other, wheels would not autostrut on mirrored part, only to grandparent/heaviest part on one side of craft. Creating parts in a way that you can place on attached node instead of surface attaching helps a lot to avoid CoM/balancing issues with non-symmetry placed parts.

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4 hours ago, djedje_zr7 said:


Thanks for those advises. I'll use they for next rover.

An idea for issues 2 and 3?



Sorry, don't have much clue for this. Similar issue #2 with loading crafts happened with previous KSP releases and with old IR version too. Happened more often with using time warp. In old IR plugin there was option on IR part right click menu to reset position of IR parts on original positions. It is hard to tell if it is same bug you are have or something new. I have not encountered issue #3, so can't tell much about it.

It might be easier to find out what is going on from log files, but with developer limited free time it will be hard to tell when you can get answer what is going on and how to avoid issues.

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Hi, @Rudolf Meier !

Today, I discovered IR Sequencer when trying Infernal Robotics and saw the mod didn't works well with 1.6. And because I really wanted to play with, I spent my afternoon to fix it on my own. As a result, the mod is fixed and I modified a bit the file tree.

So, what I would like to propose to you, if you agree, is to make a fork of your git repo, and continue the dev and maintenance of IR Sequencer, so that you can allocate more of your time to other mods. If not, I could just push my fix on your repo, still if you want.


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1 hour ago, Valren_Starlord said:

Hi, @Rudolf Meier !

Today, I discovered IR Sequencer when trying Infernal Robotics and saw the mod didn't works well with 1.6. And because I really wanted to play with, I spent my afternoon to fix it on my own. As a result, the mod is fixed and I modified a bit the file tree.

So, what I would like to propose to you, if you agree, is to make a fork of your git repo, and continue the dev and maintenance of IR Sequencer, so that you can allocate more of your time to other mods. If not, I could just push my fix on your repo, still if you want.



That's ok for me... this was never really my project (the sequencer) ... I only did a very poor first port that I guess does not work. I first wanted to finish the other projects.


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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Agustin said:

Hey, why the link to the KJR is dead? How should I get this working with KJR if the link is dead? help please....
I am using KSP 1.3.1

For reasons way off-topic, the maintainer choose to drop his repository for his fork of KJR.

Currently, the only available fork using his (very good) code is this one (please read the fine print - there're some unusual dependencies). This fork's maintainer is doing his very best to keep things up, but he's not MeiruMeiru - give him some slack. :) 

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Just now, Agustin said:

It is your own fork that isn't it?
I have tried it already but I noticed too much lag when decoupling radial boosters. (without your fork there is lag already but it was worse with it) Although I might give it another chance.

(shhh… don't talk that loud!) :P

Let's try this first. I heard of a guy that took the original ferram4's code and deactivated the KSP version check:


I didn't bothered to check for myself, however. You are on uncharted waters (at least, on my router). Try it and see what happens. Perhaps it would fits for you.

I have a hunch that your problem is KJR/RM :) recalculating the joint lists, once your aircraft "misses" some parts. If I'm right, you should experiment "worse" performance on the overall, but a bit less "cranky" decoupling. Well, you can't have the cake and eat it too. :)

Let us know what you find on it. Perhaps, there're still some optimization waiting to be applied - and it's time to give Rudolf something back for what he had done - and he did a lot.

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Does this mod still work on 1.4.2? my last installs made some pistons that are mounted vertically to extend horizontally. Thats why I uninstalled, is the issue fixed? Im trying to make something that will actually refuel a Falcon9 and not just by pressing Recover.

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Well.. I was planning to publish this thing on the weekend, with a video showing it on work.

But I will spoil the "Premiere" (hehe) here, to show you guys the excellence of the work done by Rudolf until the moment. It worths it.

This is a 142 parts vehicle, with Rails, Hydraulics and Hinges working in tandem. There're some glitches, and perhaps some of that glitches are on the IR/Next code (as a Rail that I just can't adjust correctly the speed/acceleration, and a Hinge that doesn't mirror correctly), but  yet, the thing is working where it really matters.

I managed to build this thing without the need of KJR, but fired up my MacPotato :D with KSP 1.6.1 and KJR/L to see what I get. This vehicle was already pushing my potato to its limits, so it's a perfect test case for KJR/L (that is, in essence, KJR/RM :D with some fancy whistles).

I guarantee you, guys, that my MacPotato behave in the very same performance with KJR/L than without it using this vehicle. The same bad performance, to tell you the true. :D 

This video wasn't edited in any way. It's the raw footage of the Performance Test. The KSP.log of that session is on a link on the video, and also here.

The Infernal Robotics Next download is on this Thread OP. The KJR/L is available from this post (link to this forum).



3 hours ago, Agustin said:

And that version works with IR next? isn't it just a 3.3.3 version for ksp 1.5.1 or else?

That video proves that yes. It works with IR/Next on 1.6.1 . :)


2 hours ago, acr_8133 said:

Does this mod still work on 1.4.2? my last installs made some pistons that are mounted vertically to extend horizontally. Thats why I uninstalled, is the issue fixed? Im trying to make something that will actually refuel a Falcon9 and not just by pressing Recover.

KJR/L was tested on every KSP version from 1.2.2 to 1.6.1 (seriously!! I swear!).

I think I installed IR/Next on a 1.4.x KSP, but don't remember using it. But it worths a try, go for it.

Edited by Lisias
yeah. tyops.
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On 2/19/2019 at 2:05 AM, Agustin said:

What is up with your FPS! that's so bad performance. what are your specs??????
Is it because you were recording? I hope so...

MacMini mid 2011. i5 Mobile 2.3GHz, Intel Graphics 3000. The IG3000 is not the problem, Elilte Dangerous works fine on it. The real culprit is the i5 Mobile *and* that nasty memory compression adopted by Apple and made not only the default option, but the only one since El Captain (I miss Mavericks).

However, there's the thing: by making tests on the worst machine I have, I can easily measure differences on code performance. Any single bit of improvement are noticeable, and that's the reason I develop on that MacMini. (that is fast enough on every other task, except running KSP… That thing has 16Gb of memory). And thats the reason I can say for sure that Rudolf's code does not taxes the CPU, while the original does.

(recording the screen does not impacts at all the FPS. The i5 is good enough. The problem is on software)

— — — — — — 

I redid the very same test, using the very same KSP Installment, with the very same Add'Ons (including the ones that I mangled and are throwing Exceptions), but using "Stock" KJR recompiled without the KSP version restrictions, the one I mentioned above.

The differences are noticeable, the performance tax affects even the Toolbar scrolling. The IR/Next parts not working can be easily fixed by adding IR parts to the Exceptions List, where you define what parts should be ignored (If I remember correctly, they came pre-installed on KJR/L).

My verdict? I can't see a single reason to avoid Rudolf's code. It may be some glitches yet, but his code is way faster than "Stock's".

— — — — — — 

And, finally, the same KSP with the same vehicle but without any kind of joint reinforcements (not even auto-struts):


Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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On 2/20/2019 at 2:34 AM, Agustin said:

Hmmm so for what I understand, KJR/RM is only available through Lisias fork of it. Right?

Yep. It's confusing to tell you the true. I got "late" to this thing - on the  last quarter of 2018 more or less, I had the need to use KJR, but I was on the 1.4 series already, and Ferram wasn't interested on migrating KJR to it. So I cloned his repo and started to study the thing to adapt it to 1.4. Later I realized that KJR were working fine from all versions of KSP since 1.2.2 (with a binary that I compiled for 1.5.1), what hinted me that in reality, KJR is a Add'On for Unity. :)

Anyway, i found a branch merging Rudolf's code that was been unmerged or something like that, reapplied the code because it looked pretty good and I even added some bells and whistles until someone found it and tried it and then ask me for some help on it. It was just by then that I had realized that Rudolf opted to withdraw his repository.

There're other forks from KJR available, but apparently mine is the only one with Rudolf's code merged and "maintained" ("kind of" because I intended to use that fork only for my own crazy ideas, since that dependencies). It's not impossible that Rudolf's code can cause some collateral effects on some Add'Ons (I'm not aware of any case - it's a theoretical hypothesis), as there must be a reason to the unrmerge (perhaps Ferram had another idea to solve the performance tax, who knows?).

But now, at this moment, this code is the best KJR available for my needs. For a mile.

In time, I updated my previous post with the test run without any kind of joint reinforcements. Now we have a base line for comparing performances. :)

Edited by Lisias
my grammars get significantly worse by late night… fixed. some….
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